214Chapter Three Way Talks

214Chapter Three Way Talks

Soon, night fell in the villa area of the Lu family, the villa area slowly dyed black, the villa area soon fell into a darkness, but the villa area street lights and villa lights are on, the villa area illuminated like the day, very bright.

Lu Tian Fang slowly walked out from his small villa and walked towards Lu Jiu Ling’s big villa, he pressed his breath so lightly that the police force had no way to notice him, he walked through the shadows by the roadside, no one could notice him at all.

He came to the bottom of the villa, along the villa wall slowly climbed up, and soon climbed to the second floor window, that is exactly Lu Jiuling’s office, all the Lu family know Lu Jiuling’s office recently completely banned from entering, Lu Tianfang also learned about this matter only today, so he felt even more fishy about this matter.

The windows of Lu Jiu Ling’s office were completely covered by creepers, as long as they entered through the windows, they would naturally be discovered the next day, but Lu Tian Fang was not afraid of this, so he took out the tools to cut the glass, which is a common tool of the adventure team, they entered the abandoned building, but the entrance of that building and a large number of zombies blocked the way, they would use this way to enter the building.

Lu Tianfang cut a round hole in the glass of the window, and then tore off all the creepers inside the window, and then entered the villa and entered Lu Jiuling’s office.

Lu Jiuling’s office has now returned to its previous appearance, furnished with a variety of collections, Lu Tianfang turned on the office lights, and then slowly searched the office, trying to search for the emerald.

Since the traces of coming in have been left, it is natural not to worry about leaving traces, so Lu Tianfang is also let go of looking, but he is still very careful, did not make a little sound, there are still a lot of underlings downstairs, was found then Lu Tianfang but will be very embarrassed.

Lu Tian Fang carefully searched every corner, but did not find, he went through almost everything in this office, but did not find the emerald that he was familiar with.

At this time, Lu Tianfang also found the switch of the secret room under the desk, the switch is not so obvious, but to Lu Tianfang’s degree of care, or easy to find.

He gently pressed the switch, the shelves in the office moved away as before, and the door of the secret room was revealed, the whole exposed in front of Lu Tian Fang.

Lu Tian Fang opened his eyes wide and looked at the door in front of him, the door there is a dim, this is something he had never seen before, he did not know that Lu Tian Fang’s office had such a large secret room, which made Lu Tian Fang very surprised, he even had a bad feeling, Lu Jiuling may have a bigger secret did not let him know.

He gently pushed open the door, the door is not locked, so a gentle push can be pushed open, pushed open to see the door of no bright lights, only a dark piece.

Lu Tian Fang touched the wall, trying to find the light switch, but he found that the wall is not smooth, even like there is ash like feeling, he fumbled to find the light switch, open the light, more shocking things happened to him in front of his eyes.

In front of him is, an empty, but seems to have been burned by fire room, all the walls of this chamber are covered with black ash, but from the shelf next to the room that black iron operating table can be seen, this must have been a place to visit something, as for what exactly is put, Lu Tian Fang temporarily no clue.

He quietly looked at the dark room after a while, turned away from here, he increasingly feel that the Lu family has a lot of things that he does not understand, but also increasingly feel that the Lu family is like a bottomless pit, so he shuddered.

Soon, the next day’s sunshine sprinkled every base city house, everyone woke up in peace, are safe enough to see the next day’s sun in the last days is also a very happy thing.

This day, Chu Tian still has nothing to do, he sat on the sofa and watched the discs bored, the new discs are recently watched a few times, for Chu Tian is no longer interesting.

So he is very bored at this time, recently his flying ability has been well exercised, so there is nothing to practice again, recently he also did not go out, naturally did not get anything new can be studied, he is naturally bored today, can only be a waste on the sofa.

At this time Su Yu’s voice came over, ” Chu Tian, the people of the divine Eagle looking for you!”

Chu Tian, who was already drowsy, immediately came to life, the divine eagle looking for him, it means that the Lu family or the base city has something else, which is interesting for Chu Tian, something to do is better than nothing to do fun!

So he quickly came to the divine Eagle’s residence, Su Yu did not follow him this time, Su Yu recently to be busy with a lot of things, so there is no leisure time.

He walked up to the familiar second floor, a place he had been to many times, naturally he was slowly getting acquainted.

He knocked on the door, after pushing open the door of the office of the god eagle, but different from usual, this time the office is not only sitting in the god eagle, there is a clear-eyed young man, the young man’s skin is not white temporary, but the eyebrows with a trace of tough and upright feeling, so that the first impression is very good, which makes Chu Tian to the young man has somehow good


Chu Tian brother is here!” God Eagle waved his hand and greeted.

“God should senior, this is?” Chu Tian looked strangely at the young man in front of him, the divine eagle and he talked but never took the flight of others.

This “is the third son of the Lu family, Lu Tianfang, today (of Wang Zhao) is he came to me to say things.” Divine Eagle introduced.

“Hello, Lu Tianfang. “Lu Tianfang smiled and stood up, extending his hand, wanting to shake hands with Chu Tian.

“Su family Chu Tian.” Chu Tian also stretched out his hand, smiled and shook Lu Tian Fang’s hand together, but put it down a little later, this time without the test of strength, which allowed Chu Tian to see that Lu Tian Fang is a very straight person.

After that, the three of them sat down and started the day’s conversation.

“I wonder what matters Mr. Lu wants to talk to us about today?” Divine Eagle took the lead and asked to Lu Tian Fang.

“Today to find you two, because I understand, a few days ago when the zombies siege the city, you are the main force to defend the city. “Lu Tianfang narrates, not slow and not fast.

“And I, for the cause of the zombie siege, have some clue, this is not an ordinary wave of corpses!” He stood up with a firm look in his eyes and looked at the two men and said.

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