448Chapter Separate

448Chapter Separate

“I know, but what do you want me to do? I can’t easily meet someone I like, but also have to give up for no reason for nothing, right?” Liu Qing asked.

He does not know what to do, if possible, someone can give him an instruction how good, but not now, everything depends on themselves, after all, he also knows that emotional things can not let others intervene, feelings are a very strange thing,

Hearing such a touching confession, in fact, Yan Yu themselves do not know how to do it, after all, she has not been subjected to this kind of thing, the original themselves thought that men are just some stinky men, they play with women’s feelings or now do not know why meet also did not see a few times themselves, they feel that they should believe the man in front of them.

“I thought about it, we both should need to calm down, after all, this matter is really difficult to choose, but now we are within such a good atmosphere, should not talk about this matter, come to eat.” Yan Yu smiled.

She this I just surface performance is very strong, in fact, their own hearts have a little panic, for this matter, after all, there is no experience, and do not know what to do.

Perhaps the old flower often said that if things do not know how to do, then first calm down, they are in an environment away from this thing, so you may think more clearly.

Liu Qing acted nodded and said: “Good, I also think so, since we have reached the civil service, then after dinner we each play their own bar.

In fact, he did not even think so, but Yan Yu has said it, and they can not be low again has been pestering him, so it is so good to say, maybe this may really be a good way to do it.

Two people then quietly ate a meal, after eating and did not have too much to say on their own left, in fact, two people in each other’s hearts or a little bit of reluctance, but no one said out.

“What’s wrong? Look at you this look is again rejected? “Su Chusheng saw Liu Qing that look, no ripples inside asked, in fact, the heart already has the answer, after all, after so many times, he is also aware of some of this matter.

……… request flowers …………

Liu Qing looked at him, coldly said: “Since you already know, why do you have to ask so you are not deliberately hurt me?”

This man is really his own good brother, in the critical time also do not forget to sprinkle salt, he has been this way also deliberately asked himself, this kind of fact is not in the understanding of the words? What is there to ask?


PS: newcomers, the new book for care and support, you guys move your rich little hands point collection, more subscriptions! Subscriptions! Ask for flowers! Request for evaluation!!!!

It’s up,

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