80Chapter:Cold Ice Field! (1/5 request for self-order!)

On the other hand, the frost dragon also unleashed its most powerful ability at the same time.


Its wings made of frost stirred at high speed, as if a perfect dancer, slowly dancing in the air.

Although different from the human body, however, even before the end of the world, the greatest dancers, seeing this scene, will be ashamed of themselves.

Its head is raised high, the sound of the dragon roar resounded through the world, so that the entire space tremendously shaken up, countless cold ice, issued from its body, around his surroundings, forming a cold absolute – field!

In that moment, in this field of ice, all the heat, all dissipated, the molecules stopped moving, the field of cold wind, as if the witch’s wailing – beak, harsh and high.

This is divine authority!

In this field, Kidola is like the sun in the universe, a constant source of heat, to resist this extreme and cold.


The next moment, the gravitational rays emanated from the three dragon mouths of Kidora, whistling towards the Frost Dragon!

Frost Dragon’s huge body, there is no way to dodge, the gravitational ray instantly blasted a frosty hole in the right eye of the Frost Dragon.

There is black and red blood, from this head of frost flowed down, the other eye also lost the color, the dance of the dragon body also slightly trembled, the movement suddenly stalled.

However, this does not stop the frost dragon from dancing!

The ultimate magnificent and solemn dance, with a huge body, showing the human simply can not imagine the beautiful movement!

“It’s not actually cold ice? Instead, it’s an outflowing blood system, scan it, what is it doing?”

Chu Tian instinctively felt that something was wrong.

The results of the system scan soon appeared.

“Ding! Host, the Frost Dragon, is casting its absolute field!”

“Once the field is successfully implemented, in a certain range, the temperature will be reduced to the extreme, the general projection results for the entire Fengquan District, and even half of Su City, will become a new Antarctic Circle! An …Antarctic circle located in the subtropics!”

Chu Tian’s pupils snapped shut.

The system’s voice continues to ring: at the same time “, the extreme cold, will flow with the atmosphere, sweeping the world…. this cold field, the most grand power of a time, causing the Cambrian destroyed a prehistoric civilization!”

At the same time.

On the ground not far from the Phoenix Spring area.

The cold stream has invaded the area, countless mutant creatures, is fleeing in the direction away from the Phoenix Spring area.

However, at this time, there is a line of people, against the cold wind and up.

“Phew, this distance….

The old man with white hair in the lead, asked a middle-aged man next to him, “Did you detect anything?”

If Chu Tian was here, he would have recognized that this middle-aged man was his former boss,

It’s also Liu Xin Yue’s father, Liu Xing!

“Elder Bai, no, the cold wind blocked a large range of my psychic abilities…”

Liu Xing shook his head, “We still have to continue to walk a distance!

“Still going?”

Another middle-aged man next to him was stunned: “This fucking thing we’re facing is not a zombie! Nor is it a mutant creature! But two city-level beasts! A little carelessness…”

“All right!”

The old man known as White Old Man gave a deep breath and said, “Keep going!”

After a few minutes,

With the pace of the three people, the surrounding temperature is getting colder and colder, even the two middle-aged people, can not help but shiver.

Liu Xing’s body, a violent tremor.

Against the direction of the wind and snow blocked in front, trembling voice: “Two head of the …dragon, fight!”

“A fight? Luckily ….”

White old man sighed with relief,

Ponder for a moment, said: “The strength of the two of you, not enough to continue to go ….back down!

“Elder White? You’re going alone?”

Liu Xing was stunned and said: “You are the backbone of the base city, you can not risk..

Another middle-aged man also said: “Yes, Bai Lao, this is originally the responsibility of their Liu family, to go should also be his Liu Xing to

“All right!”

White old man said in a strict voice: “This is an order!”

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Flower request

The other side.

The battle between Ghidorah and the Frost Dragon is at a standstill.

Kidola kept releasing gravitational rays, each time, the frost dragon’s body made of ice, piercing a large hole, from which flowed black-red liquid.

However, this does not stop the frost dragon from dancing.


Although the frost dragon is in pain, but hard to continue their dance!

Once its dance is complete and the frost field is fully released, then it will be greatly enhanced in this field!

Its body is made of ice, but it is extremely hard, even if the attack of nuclear weapons, may not be able to hurt the slightest.

Although the formation of the field of cold ice for an extremely long time, but no creature, can defeat him, interrupting the implementation of the field of cold ice!

So this is also its field of ice, cast again and again, in the earth

“But now, it’s different….

Chu Tian roared in his heart.

Kidola’s ability to hurt, or even seriously injure him, then, can interrupt it!

“Kidola, lend me a weapon!”

Upon Chu Tian’s command, a steel feather fell off of Kidola’s back and into Chu Tian’s hand, forming a giant steel sword.

This sword, enough to break through the frost dragon’s hard body!

“Kidola, cover me!”

Chu Tian’s eyes shone with a brilliant light.

Since the frost dragon shed black blood, it proves that under the hard body of ice, there is no difference with other creatures.

The head, again, is his pivot! It is his weak point!

If you break its head, you will be able to end the battle!

But Kidola’s target is too big, and the frost dragon’s head, at this time covered with a large circle of hard ice, even the gravitational ray, can not easily break open.

So Chu Tian decided to go on his own!

At this point, Chu Tian’s movements suddenly stalled and he turned his head to look down.

ps: this battle scene, is really difficult to write, the author’s first attempt at this kind of partial blood style, the war between the behemoths, as it should be! child.

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