Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 476 Who wants to kill me?

"We... have another evolver?"

"That's Chu... Oh my god, she has been promoted to an evolver?"

When Chu Youwei rose from the battlefield and instantly pulled the two top experts from the Ice Energy Clan into her alien space, the humans were equally surprised.

Even the people in the survey-class strategic cruiser were extremely surprised.

Chu Youwei had been fighting with the battleship since they rushed to the frozen planet 8-2. They had seen him more or less and knew who he was.

They knew that Chu Youwei was also a strong human being, but they never thought that she was already an evolved person!

Only a few people are very calm about it.

For example, Captain Xu Jie is at the front.

She remained calm, no exception to this scene.

In this battle, Chu Youwei is the trump card and the biggest trump card unknown to mankind!

Mr. Lin has left. Who said there are no strong people in the human advance base?

Here, there is a true evolver!

Xu Jie ordered: "Our Evolvers have taken action. The entire fleet is moving forward at full speed. The deflector shield power is turned on to the maximum. Our goal is to leave at least one fleet of the opponent behind today!"

At this moment, the human fleet, the survey-class strategic cruiser, moved brazenly, firing its cannons, and took the initiative to fight the Ice Energy Tribe's second fleet heading forward!

The second fleet of the Ice Energy Clan has just advanced to cooperate with the two outer fleets and their two top experts in an attempt to take down the human aerial battle group in one fell swoop. But who would have thought that at this moment, humans would appear directly. A completely unexpected evolver, their approach has actually made their own situation precarious!

"Damn, these humans are so crazy. They are so tolerant that they even hid an Evolver! Fall back immediately. Our two top experts are simply unable to compete with the Evolvers. Once their top combat power is defeated, their If the evolved ones come out, we are looking for death!"

The commander of the Second Fleet anxiously issued the order.

Almost at the same time, Xing's order came, asking them to quickly distance themselves again.

To fight against the Evolved, when one's own side does not have a high-powered person of the same level, sufficient distance is necessary.

Xing said: "Don't be too panicked. This evolver has just made a move, and his aura is not too strong. He should have just been promoted to an evolver not long ago. Our two evolvers are encircling and suppressing another human evolver. We just need to hold on. Reduce the losses, and when they get back, this human evolver will be nothing more than a small obstacle, and they won’t be able to survive for long!”

If a civilization on the third-level civilized battlefield faces an evolver and has no evolvers on its side, it can only retreat at this time. However, the Ice Energy Tribe is a true participating civilization on the second-level civilized battlefield. Their battleships and weapons are all starry sky level. If you really want to tangle with the Evolutionaries, you can still tangle with them.

In the sky and on the earth, the battle is going on in both battlefields.

In the alien space, Chu Youwei was raising her head.

In fact, it had been less than twenty minutes since she successfully refined the Blood Coagulation Five Elements Pill.

Many days have passed since she took it and started refining it. According to the time, she should have succeeded in refining it. Failure to do so would mean failure.

Fortunately, she succeeded, and it went very smoothly. It was almost as Lin Qun had guessed. Her original strength, coupled with the bonus of the Blood-Coagulated Five Elements Pill, directly lifted her to the realm of the evolver.

Her panel attributes were directly raised to an exaggerated 999, which directly penetrated the panel!

This made Chu Youwei, who had always been calm, a rare surprise and joy.

However, Chu Youwei is a measured person. After she achieved the evil elixir, she didn't even have time to familiarize herself with her evil elixir and the introverted dark energy, so she immediately contacted Chen Weiang, and soon, the scene just happened.

This alien space was something Chu Youwei had just studied and understood. Now that she was using it, she was actually stunned for a moment before she realized that the alien space she was in at the moment was her own alien space.

This is a relatively small world.

The world is chaotic, except for a huge ice platform in the center——

When the alien space unfolded, this huge ice platform rose domineeringly from the ground, as if it was pulled from the material world to the sky by some force. However, the surrounding world was quickly filled with chaos, and in the blink of an eye it formed like A giant arena-like place.

The area of ​​this platform is not small, but it seems a bit small compared to the alien spaces displayed by other evolvers.

Chu Youwei once thought that she had not yet mastered this ability, because the scale of her alien space was much different from the alien spaces she had seen, Lin Qun, and other evolvers she had talked about.

But she stood here, closed her eyes, remained silent for a moment, and then she understood.

The alien space is the power that comes with her evolution.

It can indeed change with the improvement of the evolver's strength, but her alien space is relatively small.

Because the alien space of each evolver is different, and its specific situation is only relevant to the evolver himself.

And this alien space was derived from Chu Youwei's innate ability.

This is her battlefield.

This is her arena.

Chu Youwei took a step forward. She clearly felt that the entire world was connected to her by blood. In her world, she could get unprecedented bonuses, and all opponents who entered her alien space would not be able to survive as long as they had no strength. Those who are far beyond her, to the point where she has no influence at all, will be forced to pull down.

The weak will be even weaker.

The strong will be weakened directly to below Chu Youwei's level!

This will be her arena!

At this moment, Chu Youwei raised her head.

In front, the two top evolvers of the Ice Energy Clan were no longer as arrogant as before, and they were all trembling at this time.

They thought that this time they would be harvested and slaughtered, but they never expected that what was waiting for them was actually a human evolver!

Moreover, now that they were pulled into this alien space, they were horrified to find that their panel attributes were rapidly declining, and they all decayed to more than 700 points!

They were not the opponents of the evolvers, so in this case, wouldn't they be dead?

Chu Youwei was still in a daze because of her first attack, but they were already scared from the bottom of their hearts. After being pulled in, they turned around and ran, trying to hide in the chaos around them, but the strange thing was that this arena seemed to have the ability to draw a line on the ground as a prison.

Those chaos seemed unfathomable and seemed to be a good place to hide, but as long as they entered it, they would be forcibly teleported back to the ice platform in the next second!

There is no way to escape!

They can only face Chu Youwei here.

They were all terrified.

Such a situation was something they had never dreamed of before they took action.

In the near distance, Chu Youwei had already raised her head with Thor's hammer in her hand. Her eyes were filled with lightning and showed a faint blue color. She jumped high, and the terrifying power burst out from her. In an instant, countless lightning flashes were like wild snakes, spreading all over the ice platform, completely drowning the two top ice energy tribesmen!

They will face the anger from the human evolutionists!


Half a minute ago.

On the battlefield 300 kilometers away from the human forward base.

The explosion of the fuel-air bomb flickered and extinguished "awkwardly".

Lin Qun attacked at this moment.

Shenyou Yuwai was activated, and the sword of victory in Lin Qun's hand was directly switched to the broken sword of Zhuxian. The sword energy was 200 meters long and wide, and the arrogant ice energy tribe evolutionist was directly forced to fly back.

The arrogant Ice Energy Evolver felt the amazing breath close at hand and retreated frantically in one second. With the terrifying speed of the Evolver, its retreat speed directly accelerated to Mach 12.

But the sword in Lin Qun's hand was just as fast.

Lin Qun's soul was out of his body, and his speed was incomparable. What's more, he used the Qingyuan Sword Technique to control the sword and urged the sword energy of the Zhuxian Canjian, which was incredibly fast-

Lin Qun had been waiting for a long time, waiting for this moment, and he would kill it as soon as he made a move, and he must not give it any chance!

The shocking change at this moment exceeded the expectations of the two Ice Energy Evolvers.

From the situation just now, they have determined that this human has been affected by the molecular freezing weapon, because it is impossible to pretend.

But no one expected that at this moment, Lin Qun turned from defense to offense, with an incredibly fast speed, and the sword energy was surging, which was almost the same as if he was not affected!

The cautious Ice Energy Clan life who was originally defending Lin Qun's escape quickly turned from defense to offense and immediately blocked Lin Qun.

But soon it was horrified to find that its interception was meaningless. The sword energy of Lin Qun's Zhuxian Canjian was extremely domineering and murderous. Its hasty interception was useless and was directly shot through. It penetrated all the way and directly hit the arrogant Ice Energy Evolver.

The power of Zhuxian Canjian was at the level of killing for the evolvers.

The arrogant Ice Energy Evolver was completely arrogant this time. He gathered his strength to resist this sword energy, but he soon found in horror that the power he had fully mobilized was completely vulnerable to the sword energy of the opponent's Zhuxian Canjian!

In the blink of an eye, it had already retreated to the sky above the ice layer. Its speed was not slow, but it was fast, Lin Qun was also fast, and Lin Qun's sword energy was even faster, like a broken bamboo, smashing its defensive power in one go and killing it directly!

At this moment, the arrogant Ice Energy Evolver almost lost his soul. He didn't even have time to open his own space. As a top-level strongman, his intuition clearly told him that if he was hit by this sword, he would definitely die!

At this moment, less than a second had passed since Lin Qun drew his sword. In a flash, the situation of the battle had reversed 180 degrees. The Ice Energy Evolver who had just wanted to kill Lin Qun was now forced into a dead end by Lin Qun!

It forcibly blew up its body, broke into pieces in mid-air, and turned into countless water mist and droplets, flying in all directions to escape.

And the sword energy was like a death urge, stirring wildly, wanting to kill it here!

However, they did have two evolvers.

In front of the cautious Ice Energy Evolver, Lin Qun stabbed the sky with a sword, and its interception was directly penetrated. Its reaction was also very fast. In a second, Lin Qun was still chasing the kill, but it had turned its gun, abandoned its companions, gathered strength, and attacked Lin Qun's main body including four clones below!

This move of cutting off the firewood from under the cauldron was truly effective for Lin Qun.

In the state of wandering in the outer world, there was an inevitable flaw, that is, his main body could not move. If someone attacked his main body, he would be finished!

Lin Qun's four clones all rose up, no longer dodging, and took the initiative to collide with the opponent's attack, blocking time. In the air, Lin Qun had already smashed the flying structure of the icy fluid life, and the soul was quickly pulled back.

Returned to the position in the shortest time.

The central main body suddenly opened his eyes.

At this moment, the cautious Ice Energy Evolver had already torn apart Lin Qun's four clones, and his terrifying power had already reached Lin Qun!

It was a close call.

The two figures disappeared on the spot.

That was the desperate situation of reincarnation!

At that moment, the entire battlefield seemed to be quiet.

Only the arsenal with its damaged foundation was further disintegrated.

The arrogant Ice Energy Evolver who had just fled also disappeared.

I don't know if he was strangled by the sword energy or turned into a small structure and ran away.

It all happened too fast.

In the corner, Li Jie's face was covered in blood, leaning on the edge of the ruins, and he just reacted now.

Huo Yan was almost the same.

A casual blow from the Evolver could take away half of his life.

But at this moment, there was no fear or pain on his face. On the contrary, his face was full of excitement and surging.

The battle that lasted less than two seconds just now involved too many details, which made his blood boil.

Mr. Lin turned from defense to offense, killing Tianye and killing the Ice Energy Evolver, who was so frightened that he lost his balance. Such a battle was extremely exciting and made Huo Yan admire him very much.

However, this tranquility did not last too long.

Only four seconds passed.

Lin Qunfu appeared again.

But this time, the sword in his hand was gone, and he was holding a sheep in his hand.

The sheep looked a little strange, and its hair showed a water-like color. If it was placed on the former Blue Star, such a sheep would definitely be considered a rare mutant species.

But its eyes were full of fear, and it struggled desperately.

But unfortunately, Lin Qun grabbed it with one hand, took it to the top of the ice layer, stood on a messy and collapsed ice layer, looked around, and said coldly: "Let me see who wants to kill me?"

His voice was not loud, but it shook all directions!

Lin Qun knew that the arrogant evolver was not dead. The attack launched by the cautious evolver on his body saved his life, so that Lin Qun's sword energy could not completely wipe out the arrogant evolver.

There was still some liquid left.

But its method was very concealed. It was not killed just now, and now there is no trace. It can only be confirmed through the ranking list that it is still alive and in this area.

Therefore, Lin Qun's words were said to it.

He grabbed an evolver who was turned into a sheep by him, and stood above the collapsed Ice Energy Clan underground city. He was domineering and tough, even more arrogant than the arrogant evolver just now: "Don't you want to kill me? Where are the people? Come on - I'm here, why don't you dare to show up? Didn't you say that I overestimated my own ability? Why don't you dare to come out? If you don't come out, I will kill your companions in front of you!"



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