Doomsday: I can draw unlimited cards for bonuses

Chapter 61: Fight for Survival! (Please read on!)

Chapter 61 Fight for survival!

"Compatriots at the Survivor Base, I am Fu Kaiyi, commander of the 465th Infantry Division of the Third Survivor Base in Demon City. I am here to announce a piece of news to you: Our front in the central city collapsed 36 hours ago, and the Baka in each area The Tanzanians began to gather 27 hours ago, and they are launching attacks on the survivor bases in various regions. The ninth survivor base in our East City District, Xinxing Square Survivor Base, has become the command of the Baktan army in our area. Guan Bakayun’s goal.

“The Barkatan army and militants are massing towards Emerging Square and they have issued an ultimatum to our compatriots in Emerging Square.

“They declared to the entire east city area of ​​the Magic City that they would capture the Xingxing Plaza Survivor Base within three days and massacre all 778,321 humans including the Xingxing Plaza Survivor Base garrison.

“This is the Bakatan’s contempt for humanity, this is the Bakatan’s arrogant barking.

“As a garrison in the Magic City, as a soldier in the Federal China Region, and as a human being, I will never sit back and watch the Xinxing Square survivor base be destroyed.

"Yu Qing, for the blood and dignity of our humanity; Yu Li, the three major survivor bases in Dongcheng District are at the horns of each other. If the Xinxing Plaza survivor base is destroyed, we will be next, and the fall of a survivor base will inevitably This will greatly weaken the human strength of the entire eastern city. By then, we will be even less able to face the legions of the Bakatan civilization.

“Therefore, I am here to issue a call and urgent mobilization to the survivors of the entire third survivor base.

“We hope that you can join the army and join our fight to support the Sunshine Plaza military base.

"Jean Bakatan's army was defeated at the Sunshine Plaza military base within three days.

"The lips are dead and the teeth are cold. This is a battle for survival for each of us, a battle for the survival of the magical city, and a battle for human civilization.

"We will set up recruitment points on each floor. If you have the ability to fight, we hope you can come and join us.

"We cannot guarantee that you will come back alive, but what we can guarantee is that if we take the initiative to fight and assist them now, in the future, we will not have to face the entire Bakatan civilization alone——

"For our civilization, for our relatives and friends who were massacred by the Barkatans, and for ourselves!!"

Fu Kaiyi's voice was rich and powerful, echoing throughout the Sixth Prison Survivor Base through the radio.

In the survivor base, those who were lying or sitting stood up one after another. They raised their heads, listening to the voice and the bloody anger in the sonorous words, and people's eyes suddenly lit up.

Lin Qun walked through the crowd.

He suddenly realized that today he was no longer passing by people lying on the ground in a panic.

He passed by the people who were standing.

At his sight, it seemed as if everyone in the survivor base puffed up their chests.

In this way he returned to his residence.

Li Xinghe, Li Jie, Zhao Wen, and Qian Yingying were all waiting for him.

Li Jie said: "Brother, we..."

They were waiting for Lin Qun's answer.

What should they do.

Lin Qun looked at everyone with a smile and replied softly: "The Bakatan people are shrinking. It seems that we can't hide anymore. No matter how developed we are, it's time to come out and shoot!"

He turned his head and looked at the people standing in the prison.

Lips are dead and teeth are cold.

This is everyone's war.

It's a war in the entire Magic City.

Everyone has only two choices.

Wait to die, or draw your sword and fight!


It was also his promise to Jiang Bin.

He will stand up when it's time for him to stand up.

Lin Qun lowered his eyes.

One day, he will kill Bakayun with his own hands.

Moreover, the number of Bakatan armed personnel outside has dropped sharply, and there are no Bakatans in the forest to hunt and kill. If they are called to join the war, they will undoubtedly be able to harvest a large amount of energy!

——He is now different from when he first arrived at the survivor base.

His strength is also the reason why he dares to join the battle group.

After all, Lin Qun is not the kind of passionate person.

The radio is still playing in a loop, and outside, many people are rushing forward, inspired and gearing up.

However, there are still many people who have not taken action, are waiting and watching, or simply do not want to participate in such a dangerous action.

Lin Qun has already made a decision.

Li Xinghe, Li Jie and others have the same attitude as him. These days, they and Lin Qun have been hunting Bakatan people. They know that in this kind of civilized battle, the more you kill, the stronger you will be and the better your chance of survival will be. Gao, hiding is equivalent to putting your chance of survival on others.

Lin Qun and others discussed it and finally decided that for the time being, he, Li Xinghe, Li Jie, and Zhao Wen would sign up for the call, while Qian Yingying would stay first.

Firstly, Qian Yingying's ability can hardly help, and secondly, they still have something here. Now the survivor base has people from all walks of life. If they all go out and turn around, they will most likely be killed by Jiu. Occupy the magpie's nest.

But this time, I am afraid that they will be fighting against the Bakatan regular army. Lin Qun does not dare to be careless and prepares all the troops to come forward. Li Xinghe can be the wet nurse. Li Jie's recent increase in strength can help Lin Qun deal with some things that he cannot deal with on his own. situation, and Zhao Wen can provide vision.

This combination is Lin Qun's most ideal lineup now.

Lin Qun said: "This time it may be more dangerous than before. After all, it is a head-on confrontation with the regular army of Bakatan. If you want to withdraw, it is still in time and I will not stop you."

Li Jie and others looked at each other, and none of them had any intention of withdrawing.

Zhao Wen smiled and said: "I will go too. My ability can help a lot when necessary, right? However, I hope you will consider what I told you last time."

Zhao Wen said, of course, sitting on Lin Qun and shaking...

Lin Qun pretended not to hear, waved his hand, and said: "Okay, then we will set off now. When we come back this time, I will treat you to beef!"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes were attracted, and even Zhao Wen showed an obvious expression of interest.

"Brother, did I hear you right?" Li Jie's eyes widened. "Beef? You can get beef at this time?"

"Of course, wait, we'll go together and come back together... As for where I got the beef, you'll know when the time comes!"

Listening to Lin Qun's words, several people's eyes lit up. If someone else said this, they would definitely not believe it. At this time, it was not certain whether the division commander could eat beef, but along the way, they had seen Lin Qun's strength and were somewhat certain.

Lin Qun just smiled and said nothing more.

He knew that this time, only his combat power could absolutely match the front battlefield. Li Jie and the others were very dangerous to follow, and the majority of the contribution points would definitely go into Lin Qun's account. In this case, they were willing to follow him, and Lin Qun would not be stingy to not share any beef.

There will definitely be more and better supply cards in the future!

Lin Qun took the lead, and they went straight to the recruitment point on their floor mentioned in the broadcast.

At the recruitment point, the military soldiers and the managers of the survivors on this floor set up several tables and were registering people.

There were already a large crowd of people in front, and Lin Qun and his team felt the feeling of being crowded in the subway again, which they had not felt for a long time, and were caught in the crowd.

"It seems that the situation is urgent, and it seems that they will be assigned after registration..." Lin Qun noticed that, except for a small number of survivors who were rejected due to their poor strength, the rest were immediately taken away by military soldiers and directly assigned to the team.

A man in front of him turned his head and said, "Of course, the battle ahead is a race against time. The survivors recruited by the military will be pulled out to fight immediately after registration here and division into teams downstairs. You see those people standing in front of the soldiers, they are all team leaders selected from the survivors - they are all powerful survivors who chose to join the military before!

"We all have to merge into these survivor teams, and then follow a military unit, so that a team is formed and we can go out to perform tasks. However, I heard that we will not go to Xinxing Square to fight. At most, we will mess up behind the Bakatan army. The risk factor is not that high."

"Yes, we are not regular troops, a group of rabble. If we really go to the front battlefield, won't it mess up the military? "

Lin Qun replied, and found that it was true. Those team leaders were also selecting people.

This is a two-way selection process. Most of the survivors who responded to the call were full of enthusiasm and wanted to join a strong team, and those team leaders also hoped to choose strong companions.

There are a few top 30 who are even more sought after. Lin Qun took a look and found that none of them had a physical fitness of more than 52.

Happy Qixi Festival to all readers, and then ask for all kinds of support

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