Doomsday: I manage a zombie cemetery

Chapter 86: Tooth for tooth (1)

Qin Feng raised his hand and fired directly. Seeing this, the other three rolled away.

He didn't hit him.

Qin Feng sighed and pinched the man's neck.

He said, "You still care about your brother."

"Just wait and see," the man said, "my brother will beat you into a hornet's nest, and then crush you and eat you bit by bit."

The four of them have been working together to resist the doomsday since the outbreak of the virus.

They have crossed the mountains and obstacles together, and walked through countless cities together.

They have played with the same woman together, and have eaten the same corpse together.

He didn't believe that his brothers would leave him alone.

Qin Feng's shooting skills are not bad, not inaccurate. But when he fired just now, this person ignored the risk of Qin Feng crushing his neck.

He forcibly interfered with Qin Feng's shooting angle, which was ridiculously off, and he couldn't hit anyone at such a close distance.

"You will regret it." Qin Feng said softly.

They all rolled back to the car, or behind the iron cans they took down, and they were very experienced.

Seeing this, Qin Feng moved back.

He had chosen to restrain this man because this man was fatter than him, and Qin Feng could hide himself completely by hiding behind him.

Sure enough, the next second, those who hid behind the obstacles poked their heads out and shot directly at this side.

A big meat dumpling was blocking in front of him, and Qin Feng was fearless.

He pinched the man's neck with his backhand, listening to the sound of bullets piercing the flesh behind him, and the screams of this big meat dumpling who didn't have time to utter a word.

The single syllable "Ah~~" drowned in the blood surge, and the big meat dumpling behind him was bleeding and was beaten into a hornet's nest by his brothers.

"You you guys" The big meat dumpling didn't expect that after his other three partners hid in a safe place, they would shoot at this side without hesitation.

Completely ignoring that he was still in this person's hand.

"What did I say?" Qin Feng sneered, "You will regret it."

The big meat dumpling loosened his hand and the gun in his hand fell down.

Qin Feng turned around and caught the falling gun with his backhand.

The big chubby guy knelt down with a thud, and fell into a pool of blood with a plop.

In an instant, the willow trees outside began to grow rapidly again, and the red sea of ​​flowers began to stir.

The three men didn't notice these things at all, and continued to shoot at Qin Feng without any emotional fluctuations.

Qin Feng was not wearing protective clothing at this time. His body was flesh and blood, although his functions were much higher than those of ordinary people.

However, it was still possible for the bullet to penetrate the flesh.

Qin Feng ran to the side, and his speed increased to about 40% of his full speed.

Although he didn't use his full strength, in the eyes of these people, he was an object that moved so fast that he couldn't be fully aimed.

Da da da da da.

Da da da da da.

Several people finished a round of bullets and turned back to reload.

However, none of them could hit Qin Feng, and Qin Feng was instead circling around and didn't know where.

They turned around, with cold sweat on their foreheads, and their eyes were flooded with fear and deep doubts.

It was like playing PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, they were shooting normally, but suddenly encountered a speed-up cheat.

However, this was a real person.

Qin Feng also had a gun, he would definitely kill them!

"What should we do?"

"Keep it down, we have something blocking us now, he can't possibly get in front of us!"

"Did this guy use a speed-up cheat?"

"Do you think this is a game? He's a weird guy."

Several people held guns and loaded bullets.

With their backs against the car or the iron can, in front of them was the red flower sea that they had crushed.

And the dense jungle around the cemetery.

Against the dark background, in the depths of these jungles, it seemed as if countless green eyes were constantly flashing.

Although Qin Feng didn't know where he ran to now, they couldn't find Qin Feng's figure, and couldn't catch a trace of him.

However, they felt that Qin Feng's eyes were following them like a shadow.

It seemed to be far away in the sky, but it was as close as before.

"Let's rush out!"

"But, where is he?"

"Who cares where he is? We have to fight him anyway, so why not fight him?"

"He's just like the cheater in the game. No matter how well you hide, you'll still get beaten."

"Yes, let's go out and beat him up."

"I don't believe that the three of us can't beat him alone. You go over there, you go in the middle, and I go over this side."

The three of them looked in three different directions, forming a triangle posture, leaving their backs to each other.


The sound of footsteps on the muddy ground came from the air, very fast.

Because the previous gunshots were gone, the footsteps were so clear that everyone of them was terrified.

Where is Qin Feng?

It's impossible. Their three angles almost cover every place outside the cemetery.

It's impossible to miss.

Is this person using the invisibility cheat?

It's impossible for them not to find him.

As long as they find Qin Feng, they will shoot him to death, beat him into a hornet's nest and hang him on the tree!

"Where on earth is he?"

"Come out, come out! A man should fight head-on!"


The men kept looking around, but it was still empty, and Qin Feng's figure still did not appear.

However, just as they were wondering if Qin Feng had really run away, and what they heard just now was an illusion.

Someone shot directly from the woods.

It was accurate, hitting the shoulder of one of the three of them.

"Ah!!" The man screamed.

The huge impact broke his shoulder blade, and blood was dripping.

Then the gun fired again, this time two shots in a row.

It hit the knee of the man just now accurately.

The knee was broken, but the man was not dead. He fell to the ground with a cry of pain.

The remaining two people were like frightened birds, and they were so scared that they almost flew up, and they looked around.

It must be Qin Feng who was shooting.

But they clearly heard the sound, but why couldn't they find Qin Feng?

Just when the two were wandering and terrified.

Qin Feng raised his gun and shot without hesitation.

If he didn't kill them, he would aim at their knees, feet, and arms.

After firing continuously, after a few bangs, the three people here all fell in a pool of blood.

Screaming in pain and struggling continuously.

Qin Feng took the gun at this time and slowly walked out of the woods in front of them.

Blood seeped into the ground, and the red sea of ​​flowers grew wildly.

Those that had been crushed by the heavy truck and had no life suddenly grew again, and those under the tires even directly lifted up the entire heavy truck.

The car swayed back and forth, and such a heavy car could not resist the growth of flowers.

The three people lay on the ground, their eyes full of fear.

What kind of place is this!

Qin Feng walked in front of them, squatted down and asked: "Does it hurt?"

The man in the front spat out a mouthful of blood foam and said: "Little beast, if you have the guts, just shoot us. You can't kill us, but you can only maim us. Is your shooting skill not good enough?"

Qin Feng smiled and said: "I just didn't kill you on purpose. I want to play slowly."

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