Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 194: :meet again

Before leaving, he said to Xiang Jing, "I don't care how you came in, but please leave here as soon as possible, or hide it so that no one can find you."

After speaking, she closed the door with her backhand, and she could still hear her hurriedly leaving the room.

Xiang Jing shrugged, unhurriedly opened the door and followed.

Xiang Jing followed Princess Yilin, watching her walk out of her residence, through a wide garden, and then into a huge banquet hall.

The banquet hall is brightly lit, and it seems that some banquet is being held. Outside, there are all dignified officials and nobles, and celebrities and celebrities are entering and leaving.

Xiang Jing walked around to the back kitchen, knocked out a servant, changed his clothes, and walked into the banquet hall calmly with the dinner plate.

Walking into the banquet hall, Xiang Jing saw the glamorous Fourth Prince on the high platform directly in front of him.

At this time, people were all around him, all flattering and trying to please him.

But the country lord, who was the protagonist of this banquet, is nowhere to be seen.

Xiang Jing took a glance and withdrew his gaze, and put the dinner plate in his hand in front of Princess Irene with a smirk.

Princess Irene looked at the servant subconsciously, and when she saw Xiang Jing, she shook her heart, and hurriedly winked at him.

Xiang Jing seemed to have not seen it, bowed back and left the banquet hall.

Seeing Xiang Jing walking out of the banquet hall, Princess Irene was relieved.


A well-dressed nobleman came over with a wine glass, "Would you like to have a drink together?"

Princess Irene retracted her gaze, looked at the person coming, frowned slightly and said, "Hill, sorry, I'm not feeling well and I don't want to drink."

The visitor was Hill Burton, the son of Grand Duke Lake Burton, one of the main characters in yesterday's scandal.

Hill Burton didn't seem to hear the refusal in the princess's words. He looked nervous and asked, "Princess, what's wrong with you, what's wrong with you, do you want me to see you."

Princess Irene clenched her fists, and said, "No, thank you for your kindness, Carlo, it's a bit boring here. Come out with me for a walk."

Princess Irene said and couldn't help but pulled aside. Carlo, who was picking up food, walked towards the outside of the banquet hall.

Seeing Princess Irene's departure, Hill's complexion turned sour, and he gritted his teeth secretly, "Yilin, you will be mine sooner or later, I promise, I will let you kneel and beg me for mercy. "

Walking out of the banquet hall, Princess Irene took a long and deep breath, which made her feel much better.

"Ilin, what's the matter with you? Isn't that guy that Hill bullied you? I'll beat him up for you." Carlo ate the food in his hands while waving his small fist vigorously.

Princess Irene shook her head, opened her mouth to say something, and finally could only helplessly shook her head and smiled bitterly.

For some reason, Xiang Jing actually appeared in her mind at this time.

"Carol, walk with me."

Carlo saw that Princess Irene was in a bad mood, silently ate the things in his hand, and took Princess Irene's hand and walked towards the side of the woods.

The clamor of the banquet hall in the back faded away, and my ears became much quieter.

"Princess, meet again."

Suddenly, a voice suddenly came from the bushes in front, and then a figure appeared in front of them.


Carlo guarded the princess behind him for the first time. He didn't know when he had already held a small particle gun in his hand and pointed it at Xiang Jing vigilantly.

Xiang Jing's figure flashed, bullied herself and took off the gun in her hand, and then covered her mouth.

With such a fast speed and skill, when Carlo reacted, he was already under the control of Xiang Jing.


Xiang Jingbi made a silent gesture, and said to her, "I know the princess, there is no malice, and I hope you will not attract the guards, okay?"

Carlo glanced at the princess on the side, and saw that her expression was complicated, but there was no other movement. He looked at Xiang Jing and nodded.

Xiang Jing let go of Carlo, looked at the princess and said, "Princess, this is the third time we have met."

Princess Irene looked at Xiang Jing, "I am not in the mood to listen to your story. If you don't want to be caught in prison, just leave as soon as possible."

Xiang Jing raised his eyebrows and said, "I don't want to risk my life to come here at night, but if I just leave, you may not see the sun tomorrow, and your father, the lord of the country, will not survive. tonight."

"Bold, dare to speak rudely to the Lord and Princess!"

Carlo stared at Xiang Jing and was about to tear him up.

Xiang Jing didn't pay attention to her at all. He looked at the princess and said, "Princess, you know your current situation best in your heart, and now only I can help you."

Princess Irene looked complicated. After tangling for a while, she looked at Xiang Jing and said, "How do I believe you?"

Xiang Jing spread his hands, and the rogue said like "I can't make you believe me, but you have no choice but to believe in me."

"Grand Duke Lake Burton went to meet your mother today, don't you want to know what they talked about?"

Princess Irene asked tightly, "What did they talk about?"

"About your wedding to Hill Burton."

Xiang Jing's words were like a blockbuster, and the bombed Princess Yilin was dizzy and almost fainted.

Carlo quickly helped her and said, "Princess, don't listen to him nonsense. How could the conversation between the grand prince and the lady of the country be known to a commoner."

Xiang Jing smiled and said, "I still said that. I can't make you believe me, but you have no choice but to believe in me."

Princess Irene shook her head and said, "I believe you."

She stretched out her hand to hold the expensive necklace hanging on her chest and said, "This is a gift from Grand Duke Lake Burton who asked me to bring me to the banquet today."

Xiang Jing folded his arms and said, "Believe it now. If you believe it, go and pack up your things. I will take you away."

"go away?"

Princess Irene was taken aback. She thought Xiang Jing had some way, but now she actually said to take her away.

"Why, don't you believe me?" Xiang Jing said confidently, "I can enter here without anyone else, and I will be able to take you away safe and sound."

Princess Irene thought for a while and said, "What about my father and mother?"

Xiang Jing buttoned his nose, "You can even take them away, but I have one condition."

Princess Irene quickly asked "What conditions?"

Xiang Jing said, "I haven't thought about this yet, I owe it first, and then I will cash it out when I think about it in the future. Can you agree?"

"I promise" Princess Irene did not hesitate, and agreed directly.

Carol next to the "Princess" took her hand and said with tears, "You have to go and take me with you."

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