Doomsday: PUBG System

Chapter 458: : "Tianxuan Holy Spirit Decision"

This simply subverted his understanding of the concept of alchemy, can alchemy still be practiced like this? A hodgepodge can also produce Dan.

Han Muyi stepped forward without believing in evil and looked at the freshly-baked pill in Xiang Jing's hand.

The whole body is mellow, the color is bright, and the size is the size of a longan. Such a pill is top-grade regardless of its grade.

This phenomenon made Han Muyi almost fainted. If this kind of pill was still ordinary, most alchemists in this world would get angry.

Xiang Jing's operation completely subverted Han Muyi's understanding of alchemy.

Xiang Jing patted him on the shoulder and said, "Work hard. In time, this seat can teach you this alchemy technique."

Han Muyi nodded in a daze, looking at Xiang Jing's back.

Back in the hall, Shen Wei and his son had already connected their relationship, Xiang Jing took out a Dingyan Pill and Buyang Pill to Shen Wei and said, "Brother Shen, the red one is Buyang Pill, and the white one is Dingyan Pill. , You can take these two pill back and try it. The remaining pill will take some time to refine."

Xiang Jing originally wanted to keep Shen Wei and the others here for one night, and they will have it tomorrow, but Shen Wei said that this matter could not be delayed, and left for Huanong City in the afternoon.

Xiang Jing simply asked him to bring a batch of medicinal materials back next time he came.

One Dingyan Pill and one Buyang Pill are samples and trial products, and Xiang Jing believes that the pill will not live up to its name.

When Shen Wei comes again next time, he will pull back all the refined medicines and open the market as the first batch, and the follow-up will be much easier.

After sending Shen Wei away, Xiang Jing began to practice meticulously to improve his realm, quietly waiting for the blood evil sect to come to find trouble and send him a side mission.

Xiang Jing then integrated the collected ten sect skills.

"Ding, the integration is successful. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Heavenly Rank High-Quality Cultivation Technique "Tian Xuan Holy Spirit Decision".

"Fuck, so hanging."

The products produced by this system must be exquisite, and the Zongmen technique is directly the high-grade technique of the heavenly ranks, directly reaching the ceiling of the ancient world.

Heavenly rank, this is the watershed and ceiling of the ancient world, representing the highest rank in the ancient world.

The top grade of the heavenly ranks is even the top of the top, looking at the entire ancient world, it is estimated that only the few heavenly sect forces that see the dragons without seeing the end have things of this rank.

Unexpectedly, Xiang Jing directly synthesized a book.

"Ding, the Zongmen exercise "Tianxuan Shengsheng Jue" has been automatically placed in the Tianshu Pavilion, and the Zongmen exercise can be automatically copied in the minds of disciples. Do you copy it?"

Xiang Jing said, "Yes, first copy it to Yu Wenyu separately."

"Ding, start copying, the copy is successful."

Yu Wenyu, who was practicing in the martial arts field, suddenly had a golden book in his mind. Just as he was stunned, Xiang Jing called him over.

Xiang Jing called Yu Wenyu to tell him that the Zongmen exercises had been directly among his boys, and asked him to go back to practice with great concentration and strive to break through the realm of foundation building as soon as possible.

Yu Wenyu nodded excitedly, repented of his residence, and began to comprehend the exercises.

The strongest realm, top-notch techniques, and Xiang Jingjing that can be given are given to them, and where they can break through depends on their own abilities.

A few days later, the blood evil sect came and the side mission was released, but the result was beyond Xiang Jing's expectations.

"Ding, the side mission is released: defeat the blood evil sect master, blood is impermanent."

"Mission completed: reward energy crystal × 10, strongest realm transformation fluid × 1, random sect building × 1."

"Ding, the elite mission is released: defeat the elders of the Blood Demon Sect, note: (early Jin Dan)."

"Mission completed: reward energy crystal × 20, strongest realm transformation fluid × 2, random mysterious order × 1."

"What? What??"

When Xiang Jing saw this elite mission, there was a black question mark on his face. How could it be so good that there was a blood demon sect, and he also came directly to the Jin Dan stage.

What a fuck, I'm only building the base now. You're here to build Dzogchen and give yourself a long experience. How can you jump directly? Just come to the golden period, how to play this.

Xiang Jing took a deep breath and began to wonder how to deal with the elder of the Blood Demon Sect, thinking about it, wanting to touch it, but if it doesn't work, he will take it to the ladder and seal his spiritual power before hammering him.

After thinking about the countermeasures, Xiang Jing went straight down the mountain, and from a distance, he saw a group of people killing him.

Xiang Jing took out his chair and sat under the mountain gate, tilted Erlang's legs, lit a cigarette, and waited for them to come.

After a while, hundreds of people were killed under the gate of Xiaoyao Zongshan, in front of Xiang Jing.

The blood evil sect elder was still in it, besides that, there was also a middle-aged man wearing a blood-colored robe with his hair falling backwards, and a black skull island old man on the blood-colored robe.

Needless to think about it, the Big Back Head is the Sect Master of the Blood Fiend Sect, and the old man is the elder of that Blood Demon Sect, that is, the powerhouse of the Golden Core Stage.

In fact, as soon as he arrived in front of him, Xiang Jing felt the pressure from the old man.

However, the pressure on Xiang Jing from this product was far inferior to that of the three Golden Core powers that Huanong City had seen at the beginning, so Xiang Jing felt that he still had a fight.

"Sect Master, Elder Jiang, he is Xiang Jing, who killed the Deputy Sect Master."

As soon as he saw Xiang Jing, the elder of the Blood Fiend Sect pointed at Xiang Jing excitedly, as if there was some deep hatred.

It is also true that Xiang Jing killed their deputy suzerain, which is indeed a grudge.

But this old guy probably hasn't figured out the situation yet, if it wasn't for a side mission, he was the first to die.

Elder Jiang of the Blood Demon Sect squinted at Xiang Jing and said with a smile, "Building the pinnacle of the foundation, being able to kill people of the same level in a second, is terrifying afterlife."

Xiang Jing smoked a cigarette and said, "If you have something to say, let it go quickly. If you have nothing to do, I will go back and study the pill.

The word Danfang was tantamount to touching the sensitive nerves of Elder Jiang. He looked at Xiang Jing with his hand and said, "Junior, I see that you have a good talent and a willingness to cherish talents. Give you a chance to hand over the Danfang and join in. My Blood Demon Sect can save you from death."

Xiang Jing smiled disdainfully and said, "Don't you just want the pill, just just say no, all these vain heads."

Elder Jiang said, "If so, then disband your Xiaoyao Sect and join my Blood Demon Sect."

"Hold on" Xiang Jing raised his legs, leaned back in his chair and looked at them and said, "When did I say I would join your Blood Demon Sect?"

"Didn't you just say..."

"I just didn't say anything like joining the Blood Demon Sect and handing over the Dan Fang," Xiang Jing interrupted Elder Jiang directly.

What are you kidding about, hand over the pill and join the Blood Demon Sect? Although you are ugly, but you want to be beautiful.

"Toast, not eat or drink fine wine!" Elder Jiang stopped pretending, snorted coldly, and reached out to grab Xiang Jing.

The palm of his hand turned into a blood-red claw, and he came straight towards Xiang Jing's door, very fast.

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