"Get out! Get out of here, get out of here, get out of here... Uh-huh... Uh-huh!"

"Have you said enough?"

An iron pliers inserted into Zhao Yin's mouth and pulled out his tongue forcefully.


With a click, Zhao Yin's tongue was cut off by his adopted son Zhang Dongliang. He could no longer say a word. His bloodshot eyes did not look at the adopted son Zhang Dongliang who cruelly abused him, but still stared at the opposite side. three women.

Those three women are the stupid women that Zhao Yin has been scolding!

I didn't even look at them, and I didn't expect that in the end, they would risk their lives to save themselves from death.

They were all looking at Zhao Yin with tears at this time.

Behind them is the portal that Zhao Yin arranged in advance just in case.

As long as they step into it, they will be able to survive, but the three women have not moved a step.

"Brother Yin, where can we go after we leave?" Ning Yue had a sad smile on her face.

She changed from her usual cold and arrogant attitude, and now had a rare tenderness.

"If it weren't for Brother Yin's protection, I, Jiang Xin'er, would have become a plaything of superpowers. Since Brother Yin can't leave, Xin'er won't leave either!" Jiang Xin'er also smiled miserably.

"Brother Yin, I will accompany you to death!"

The youngest girl, her name was Xiaodao, was crying, but her tone was extremely calm.

At this time, Zhao Yin was tied up with five flowers, wearing a magic-forbidden collar around his neck, lost his tongue, and the white clothes on his chest were stained with blood.

He didn't expect that the Paradise Base would be breached so quickly!

He did not expect that his most trusted adopted son Zhang Dongliang would betray him, get him drunk, tie him up and surrender to the enemy!

Zhao Yin never expected that the people in the base would die, betray and escape!

In the end it will be these three women who will stay and fight to save him.

In the seven years of the last days, Zhao Yin had countless women, and they were only three of them.

If he hadn't entered a desperate situation, he might never know who the people around him were.

How many people are dogs!

But, it was too late.

Obviously those three women who didn't even have super powers couldn't save him.

"No one can leave tonight!"

At this time, a tall and handsome man walked out.

"Zhao Yin, I didn't expect you to hand over Tianri Lei to these three women. In order to save you, they killed nearly ten thousand of my subordinates. This debt must be settled with you!"

Zhao Yin finally turned his eyes and looked at the person.

It was Lin Tianfeng, the best brother ever.

Today’s contract lord!

He is also one of the most powerful people in the apocalypse!

Zhao Yin and he met at the beginning of the end of the world, when Lin Tianfeng had no power to tie a chicken, but Zhao Yin saved his life, and the latter worshiped Zhao Yin as his eldest brother.

The two shared life and death countless times.

Unlike Zhao Yin who only awakened B-level powers and relied on intelligent means to survive in the end of the world.

What Lin Tianfeng awakened was an SSS-level power...the soul of the contract!

Two years ago, the two had a falling out over a trivial matter. In fact, Zhao Yin knew that even without that trivial matter, Lin Tianfeng had already planned to drive him away.

As Lin Tianfeng's strength increased, Zhao Yin could no longer keep up with him.

In the eyes of outsiders, it was simply a shame for Lin Tianfeng that Zhao Yin, a B-level superpower, had the owner of the contract call him "big brother".

Two years ago, Zhao Yin led a group of people to leave the base he and Lin Tianfeng created together and established a new base alone.

He thought that in this life, he and Lin Tianfeng would be on the same page.

Unexpectedly, Lin Tianfeng had already incited his adopted son to rebel, and he wanted to kill him all like this!

"Zhao Yin, the owner of the contract has always been kind and righteous. I just made him my adoptive father!" Zhang Dongliang said.

The iron pliers in his hand were still holding half of Zhao Yin's tongue, dripping with blood.

Zhao Yin smiled miserably, looking at the adopted son who had knelt before him in the past, and the good brother he had cultivated with his own hands.

In this fucking apocalypse, are there still words for benevolence and righteousness?

Lin Tianfeng's reputation for benevolence and righteousness was earned by Zhao Yin himself, and it was Zhao Yin who planned the world for him.

Otherwise, with Lin Tianfeng's pig brain, he would not be able to survive and grow up.

In the first few years after the end of the world, it was Zhao Yin who protected the contract lord!

It's just a pity that no matter how smart your brain is, it will be completely like a joke when faced with the grown-up SSS-level superpowers.

The grown-up Lin Tianfeng cannot be shaken by any conspiracy at all!

Zhang Dongliang came to Lin Tianfeng, raised half of Zhao Yin's tongue, and said, "Father, you promised to spare Zhao Yin's life as long as he handed over the base, but he made you die so many of his attributes." Next, I took it upon myself to cut off his tongue!”

"To deal with three useless women, I actually have to take action myself. What use do I have for your adopted son?" Lin Tianfeng said indifferently.

Zhang Dongliang's expression changed when he heard this. Just when he was about to explain, a man behind him suddenly drew his sword, poof!

The blade of the knife penetrated Zhang Dongliang's back and exposed his chest. His eyes widened and he lowered his head in disbelief, looking at the tip of the knife that pierced his heart.

I thought that after betraying Zhao Yin, my adoptive father who was so kind to him, he would live a more prosperous life from now on.

He didn't expect that he would end up like this.

"Lin Tianfeng...!" Before Zhang Dongliang died, he wanted to ask, but the blade in his body suddenly pulled away, a large mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, and his body fell softly.

When he landed, he had more air coming out and less air coming back.

At this moment, Zhao Yin felt no joy in his heart.

The cunning rabbit dies and the lackey is cooked!

This is true for Zhang Dongliang, and so is Zhao Yin.

Now, the Lord of the Contract has the power of life and death, and is above all others!

He only needs to express a little dissatisfaction, and his subordinates will kill him. Those who obey me will prosper, and those who disobey me will perish!

Who dares to say no?

At this moment, Zhao Yin has never been so eager. He, Zhao Yin, can also get more powerful superpowers!

Even if it is only A-level, how could it fall to this point today?

At this time, Lin Tianfeng raised his hand slightly, and a terrible beast fell from the sky!

That was the top mutant beast of the contract, the flying white tiger, which Zhao Yin had racked his brains to set a trap for Lin Tianfeng to capture.

The flying white tiger landed in front of the teleportation gate, blocking the three women's retreat, and easily caught them in front of Lin Tianfeng.

This beast, which has now grown to the point that it can make the entire doomsday world tremble, left the three women behind, and slowly crawled at Lin Tianfeng's feet like a dog.

"Zhao Yin, you said I was ungrateful, I'll show you the fate of being loyal to you!" Lin Tianfeng smiled indifferently.

It was as if he was just playing a trivial game with Zhao Yin.

Zhao Yin was furious, and could only make a sound of "uh ah" from his mouth, and couldn't even move a finger.

He could only watch as Lin Tianfeng waved his hand gently, and several men came forward.

Draw the sword and swing it down!

Puff, puff, puff!

After three sounds, the heads of the three women rolled down!

They were valued by Zhao Yin among millions of people. They were all stunning beauties before the end of the world, but now they have become three headless corpses!

From beginning to end, they didn't say a word, so calm.

Ning Yue's head rolled in front of Zhao Yin, her eyes were still open, looking at Zhao Yin, very gently...

Zhao Yin was stunned, at this moment, as if he had become a wooden man kneeling there.

"Hahaha..." Lin Tianfeng's subordinates laughed out loud.

There was laughter all around, as if they were playing an interesting game.

Zhao Yin, who had always been as hard as stone, felt heartbroken. In the midst of hatred, he also had his first regret in the end of the world.

"Ning Yue, Xin'er, Xiaodao, have a good journey. If I could do it again, I would definitely treat you well!"

"Lin Tianfeng, if I could do it again, I, Zhao Yin, would definitely tear you into pieces with my own hands, no, I would grind your bones and scatter your ashes!"

"If I could do it again, I, Zhao Yin, would definitely get a more powerful superpower as soon as possible!"


But, what ifs?

Lin Tianfeng said indifferently: "Brother Zhao, you taught me to root out the grass, so don't blame me. If you want to blame, just blame me for knowing too much of my black history. I will be remembered in history, so how can I keep you in this end of the world!"


The flying white tiger stepped forward and smashed Zhao Yin's head with one claw...


"Don't move!"

Zhao Yin's consciousness gradually returned, and a lazy female voice came to his ears, murmuring like a spoiled child: "Little rascal, don't move, let your sister sleep a little longer."

Zhao Yin felt a suffocation on his chest, and something was pressing on him.

He instinctively raised his hand to touch it, and suddenly felt a warm and soft feeling. He suddenly woke up and found that there was a woman on him.

She looked very strange, but also faintly familiar.

The woman was twenty-four or twenty-five, with fair skin, and long wavy hair scattered on Zhao Yin's chest, exuding a scent of perfume.

The bed sheets were white, and there was a dressing table in the room with a box of opened condoms on it.

The ground was full of scattered tissues.

In an instant, Zhao Yin remembered something.

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