"Xiaodao...!" Song Xiaojian was shocked: "Brother Wang, what are you going to do? Let Xiaodao go!"

"Brother, I have no choice. I'm sorry. If you don't go, we will all die. This is the only way!" Wang Quan said viciously. '6''9''s''h''u''x''.''c''o''m'

On weekdays, although Wang Quan speaks domineeringly, he is the lifesaver of the two brothers and sisters after all.

They never thought that the other party would do such a thing.

"Brother Wang, let me go!" Song Xiaodao struggled violently: "I can't let my brother go again. I can run faster than him now. Besides, your legs are fine, brother Wang, why don't you go?"


Wang Quan slapped Song Xiaodao in the face.

The little girl's tender cheeks swelled up instantly, and blood flowed from the corners of her mouth.

"I didn't fucking tell you to talk!" Wang Quan glared fiercely.

Song Xiaodao was stunned for a moment, and seemed to be a little confused. How could people turn against each other so quickly?

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96𝙨𝙝π™ͺ.π™£π™šπ™©

Roar! Roar! Roar!

Several zombies not far away were startled by the slap and quickly ran over here.

Wang Quan did not expect that he would attract the attention of the zombies. His face suddenly changed drastically, and he shouted in a trembling voice: "Song Xiaojian, if you don't go, your sister and I will die here. It's either you or both of you. Think about it!"

Song Xiaojian's face turned pale in an instant, and he had almost no choice.

"Brother, you can't go!" Song Xiaodao said with tears.

Song Xiaojian smiled miserably, and suddenly didn't know what to say to his sister.

He had too many words in his heart, so many that he couldn't finish them in his lifetime, and he didn't know which one to say first.

"Before my parents died, I promised them that I would protect you as long as I had a breath left." Song Xiaojian said.

After saying that, Song Xiaojian didn't dare to look into his sister's eyes, staring at Wang Quan and said, "Brother Wang, I hope you can be nicer to my sister, otherwise, even if I become a zombie, I will never let you go!"

"Go with peace of mind, Xiaodao is still a child, what can I do to her?" Wang Quan said with a smile.

From the corner of his eye, he saw the approaching zombies and urged, "Go!"

Song Xiaojian no longer hesitated and turned around to rush out of the bunker.

"Brother...!" Song Xiaodao wanted to shout loudly, but Wang Quan covered her mouth tightly.

She struggled desperately, but could only watch the last relative in the end of the world leave without looking back.


When the zombies saw Song Xiaojian, they all went crazy and took stiff steps to chase him quickly.

Song Xiaojian ran among the uneven ruins, his steps staggering. He just wanted to lead the zombies farther away, farther away...

Only in this way can his sister survive.

In fact, Song Xiaojian knew that as long as Wang Quan encountered danger, he would let Song Xiaodao die first.

Behind Song Xiaojian, more and more zombies gathered, and the nearby zombies were attracted. As the noise became louder and louder, zombies farther away also heard the sound and rushed over...

At this time, Wang Quan saw Song Xiaojian going away, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He finally let go of Song Xiaodao: "Don't worry, I won't let you die. When I take you to a safe place, I will sell you for a good price."

Song Xiaodao didn't shout, looking at the direction where her brother disappeared, silently shedding tears.

She understood that if she attracted more zombies, her brother would die in vain.

She would definitely live well and live for her brother.

She would live longer than anyone else.

"Let's go, go in and find something to eat."

Wang Quan patted his butt and stood up, walking towards the gate of the shooting range that had collapsed for the most part.

Song Xiaodao turned back and stared at Wang Quan's back. At this moment, the twelve-year-old girl only had hatred in her eyes.

She followed without saying a word.


Zhao Yin saw a dark tide of corpses from a distance. There were more than those in the school before. There were at least five or six thousand of them, chasing a teenager.

"Nest!" Zhao Yin couldn't help but swear.

In his previous life, no one told him that there would be a tide of corpses at the shooting range. He hurriedly took the little monkey to avoid it. As for saving the boy, Zhao Yin didn't even think about it.

"What bad luck!" Zhao Yin cursed in his heart. He didn't understand how an ordinary boy who was not even an evolver could attract so many corpses.

Zhao Yin and the little monkey walked away from it. When the boy led the corpses away, they took a detour to the outside of the shooting range.

At this time, there was no zombie nearby. It seemed that the boy intended to take all the zombies away.

Zhao Yin became more and more confused. Was the boy crazy?

Soon Zhao Yin stopped thinking about it. There were all kinds of people in the end of the world.

Maybe he was tired of living and wanted to have an exciting experience at the end of his life.

Zhao Yin went directly into the shooting range. The buildings that had not collapsed were full of cracks and were in danger. He took the little monkey directly to the old office site.

According to the information obtained in the previous life, the owner of the shooting range usually lived in the shooting range and kept a secretary in the office lounge.

When the end of the world came, the office building was collapsed by a meteorite. The sniper rifle was in the basement at the bottom of the office building, which was also the place where the boss kept his mistress during his lifetime.

Zhao Yin quickly found the entrance to the basement.

Under a piece of concrete weighing about three or four tons, a corner of the metal door was exposed, which was similar to the description of the man in the previous life.

If it were an ordinary person, it might take a lot of effort, but Zhao Yin just activated the space ring, and the huge concrete block disappeared instantly. Then Zhao Yin took out a butterfly knife, bang!

He suddenly stabbed into the electronic lock and twisted it hard to cut off the lock spring.

"Go, open the door." Zhao Yin pulled out the butterfly knife and ordered.

The little monkey immediately stepped forward, and his body expanded rapidly. The terrifying giant with golden hair appeared in front of him again, with a figure like a mountain, spreading a huge pressure.

The little monkey grabbed the door handle with his huge palm and slowly exerted force.

Creak, creak...!

The harsh metal friction sound sounded, and then the deformed metal door was pulled down by it.


At this time, a black shadow came out of the door and pounced on the little monkey.

Zhao Yin saw that it was a middle-aged male zombie who had not evolved yet. He should be the owner of this shooting range in terms of his dress.

The little monkey stretched out a huge palm like a palm leaf fan and slapped it downwards. The zombie's head immediately shrank into its chest, but its hands were still grasping the thick fur of the little monkey, but it didn't even pull off a few hairs.

The little monkey seemed to be humiliated, raised the huge metal door in his hand, and smashed it down suddenly.


The dark brown blood plasma flowed all over the floor, and the basement, which was originally just a little moldy, instantly smelled fishy.

When the door panel was picked up, the zombie was smashed into a meat pie.

"Look at what the room has become?" Zhao Yin glared at it.

The little monkey also knew that he had used too much force, and scratched his head embarrassedly.

Zhao Yin pinched his nose and walked in. Suddenly, another zombie ran out of the inner room.

It looked like a young girl in her early twenties, wearing only a pair of shorts.

Even if it became a zombie, it can be seen that it was definitely a beauty in life.

"Mantou, two big mantou, with red dates." The little monkey drooled instantly, completely forgetting the lesson from last time.

Zhao Yin waved the butterfly knife in his hand and directly split the head of the beautiful zombie in half, turning back and saying: "It's not mantou."

He bent down and poked the brains of the two zombies with the butterfly knife, but did not find the corpse crystal. Just as he was about to move forward, he suddenly saw the little monkey still drooling at the dead beautiful zombie.

Zhao Yin sensed its inner voice: "So big, two, it would be great if it was mantou."

"Don't look at it, wait until you find the mutant wheat, I will steam a pot of mantou for you every day, let's go!" Zhao Yin sighed.

I don't know why he has grown so big, look at how greedy the child is.

The little monkey followed Zhao Yin reluctantly and walked into the inner room. A foul smell hit his nose. The ground was full of feces and urine, used condoms, toilet paper, food packaging...

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