Zhao Yin immediately recognized that it was the sound of human footsteps and looked back.

Song Xiaodao was already asleep, and the little monkey and the old cow opened their eyes, all with alertness.

"Old cow, you stay in the tent, monkey, come with me to see."

Zhao Yin finished communicating with the little monkey and walked out of the invisible tent with the little monkey.


Thunder sounded in the sky, and heavy rain soaked Zhao Yin in an instant.

The little monkey's armor was shining with water.

Zhao Yin squinted and looked forward. In the dark night, four figures were running wildly, about three or four hundred meters away from Zhao Yin.

Two men and two women, all looked young, the two women were empty-handed, and the two men, one holding a shovel and the other holding a crowbar.

They looked panicked, and from time to time someone was tripped by vines and immediately helped up by their companions.

The direction they were running towards was exactly where Zhao Yin was.

"There are zombies ahead!"

As several people approached, a girl with disheveled hair and black-framed glasses pointed at Zhao Yin and the little monkey and shouted.

"Hurry up and take a detour!" Another short-haired girl said in a panic.

"No, the road is too slippery. Only this section of the road is flat. Otherwise, when Captain Wang and the others can't hold on... we can't outrun those damn rats!"

After a tall young man finished speaking, he anxiously said to another young man with a flat head: "Xiao Hong, let's go kill these two zombies!"

"Kill... kill zombies?" The young man with a flat head asked in a trembling voice.

"It's too late, hurry up!" The girl with glasses urged: "Hong Xiaotian, are you still a man? Didn't you say you would protect us?"

The young man with a flat head gritted his teeth when he heard it, and the expression on his face was no longer hesitant.

He picked up a shovel and followed the tall young man, and the two quickly ran towards Zhao Yin.

As the two approached, Zhao Yin gradually saw that the faces of the two young men were gradually pale.

Their clothes were tattered, but they were washed clean by the rain and stuck to their bodies wetly.


The little monkey seemed to feel threatened and suddenly became manic. Zhao Yin raised his hand and patted its head: "Don't worry."

The two young men were stunned and stopped.

"You...are you a human?" The flat-headed young man asked.

In the dark rainy night, they couldn't see Zhao Yin's face clearly.

"What scares you so much, a zombie?" Zhao Yin asked.

They were sure that Zhao Yin was not a zombie, and they all seemed to be relieved. Hong Xiaotian put down the shovel in his hand and said anxiously: "Brother, run quickly, a group of rats are chasing us!"

"Rats?" Zhao Yin's eyes lit up.

"Brother, that's not an ordinary rat, it's bigger than a dog...!"

Before Hong Xiaotian finished speaking, there was a roar behind him, even covering the sound of rain, like thousands of troops galloping.

"Xiao Hong, stop talking, run!" The tall young man on the side pulled Hong Xiaotian, and the two girls behind him had already passed them and ran to the front.

The few people did not find Zhao Yin's invisible tent. After running more than ten meters, Hong Xiaotian looked back and saw that the man was still standing there, with the "child" in strange clothes behind him.

At this time, Zhao Yin used his eyesight to see the group of rats clearly.

There were about three or four hundred of them, each of them was the size of a medium-sized dog. All the weeds and vines were trampled flat along the way.

"Brother, run quickly, why are you standing there stupidly?" Hong Xiaotian had already run a few hundred meters away and turned back to shout loudly to Zhao Yin.

"Who cares what he does? Who can he blame if he wants to die?" said the girl with glasses.

"Captain Wang and the others are probably dead. If no one holds back the rats for us, it's impossible to escape back to the shelter. Let him delay for a while." said the tall young man.

The short-haired girl on the side frowned and said nothing, but she quickened her pace a bit with the three people.

Soon, the four disappeared in the rain.

[Rat: Grade F, Strength 25, Agility 36, Stamina 12, Spirit 2, mutated by zombie virus infection]

[Rat: Grade F, Strength 24, Agility 35, Stamina 13, Spirit 1, mutated by zombie virus infection]

[Rat: Grade F...]

Zhao Yin opened the Eye of True Vision and found that it was indeed a group of pseudo-mutated beasts.

The difference between pseudo-mutated beasts and mutant beasts is that mutant beasts are naturally mutated and have superpowers, while pseudo-mutated beasts mutate from zombie viruses and have no superpowers!

Pseudo-mutated beasts are also living beings, and Zhao Yin can also contract them.

Zhao Yin immediately rushed into the invisible tent and picked up Song Xiaodao who was sleeping soundly.

"Zhao Yin, what are you doing?" Song Xiaodao asked.

The next moment, Zhao Yin rushed out of the invisible tent, and the rain instantly woke Song Xiaodao up.

Lao Niu also followed out and looked up at the rat group opposite.

At this time, the rat group was less than 300 meters away from Zhao Yin.

Song Xiaodao and Lao Niu were both shocked.

"Master, do you want to... run?" Lao Niu's voice was actually cowardly.

These are hundreds of F-level pseudo-mutated beasts, not hundreds of zombies!

They are not much different from mutant beasts except that they have no superpowers.

Zhao Yin didn't say anything, and directly took out all the chestnut thorn balls in the space ring, and ordered loudly: "Let's work together and spread the thorn balls."

Song Xiaodao immediately understood Zhao Yin's idea: "Set a trap?"


A machete appeared in Zhao Yin's hand. With a powerful swing, the blade pushed through the pile of thorn balls, and countless thorn balls flew out immediately and landed on the path that the rats had to pass.

When the little monkey was picking chestnuts, he accidentally touched it and was stabbed by the thorn balls. This shows the power of this mutant plant, otherwise Zhao Yin would not let them occupy his space.

Song Xiaodao also took out his Tang sword and imitated Zhao Yin to slap the thorn balls beside him.

But the fastest one was the little monkey. After it activated its giant power, every time it swung its mace, hundreds of kilograms of thorn balls were spread out.

The old cow used its horns and hooves, and its hide was stabbed by the thorn balls. It was so painful that it gasped...

Ten seconds later, Zhao Yin shouted: "Retreat!"

All the thorn balls were spread out, and the rats arrived.

Zhao Yin led Song Xiaodao and the two beasts to retreat to the invisible tent.

Three or four hundred rats the size of dogs were everywhere in the mountains and plains, all with bloodshot eyes, and they rushed forward with their sharp claws trampling the mud with madness.


The first rat in front instantly stepped on the thorn ball arranged by Zhao Yin, screamed in pain, and subconsciously jumped high to avoid it, but the next moment, its body fell on several other thorn balls, and its whole body twitched.

Then, all the rats in front stepped on the thorn balls, and the scene just now was repeated...

For a while, the chirping sound was endless, piercing Zhao Yin's eardrums.

"Get ready, after the rats rush through the trap, try to knock them out for me, and kill them if you can't!" Zhao Yin stood in the rain and ordered loudly.

Thousands of kilograms of thorn balls, almost every rat can hang a few on it.

Although not fatal, their agility was greatly reduced, and their speed gradually slowed down.

Finally, the first rat rushed out of the trap, with more than a dozen thorn balls all over its body, bleeding, and rushing towards Zhao Yin's team with red eyes.

Then, the second one, the third one...

It seemed that they also knew that the thorn balls were set up by the guys in front of them.

With hatred in his bloodshot eyes,

Zhao Yin took out his compound bow and shot an arrow.


The nearest mouse was immediately pierced through one of its hind legs by an arrow. Its body tilted, and it continued to rush towards this side with a limp. It was met with Zhao Yin's second arrow.

The other hind leg of the mouse was also pierced by an arrow in an instant, and it no longer posed a threat to Zhao Yin's team.

Zhao Yin ignored it and aimed at another mouse. Whoosh whoosh whoosh...arrows were shot out like beads. In the blink of an eye, four or five mice crawled on the ground with difficulty on their two front legs.

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