
At the command of Rat Six, all the giant rats chased after the escaping evolvers...

"Sister, where is Gao Feng? Why didn't I see him?" Dandan found something and couldn't help asking. Wingdings: ♦︎♦︎⬧︎♦︎◆︎⌧︎♦︎♦︎□︎❍︎

"He ran away a long time ago. Do you think he will really listen to Big Head Brother's orders?" Sister Li said.

At this time, the two sisters suddenly felt a chill on their backs. Looking back, a giant rat was rushing towards them.

"Not good!" Sister Li's face turned ugly.

She grabbed her sister's hand and stepped forward desperately.


After the giant rats chased the evolvers away from the cave, five figures walked out of a nearby grove.

It was Gao Feng and the four evolvers in the camp.

"Beasts are beasts, they have no brains!" Gao Feng laughed.

"The most brainless one is the idiot Big Head Brother. He dared to seize the cave without understanding the situation, which created an opportunity for us!"

"Brother Feng is still far-sighted. He sent people to keep an eye on the cave."

When Wu Xuegui and others returned today, they were escorted by Rat Six and Rat Five, and were seen by the people Gao Feng had arranged to spy outside the cave.

At that time, Gao Feng got the news that there were mutant beasts here, and guessed that it might be a group of rats.

He didn't expect everything to go so smoothly, and everything was completed as expected.

"Big Head Brother is dead, and the leaders of other camps will not survive. Lily and Dandan, those two bitches, will sooner or later rely on you, Brother Feng. By then, the entire Dawei Mountains will be Brother Feng's world!"

Gao Feng was not overwhelmed by the surprise, and stared at the cave: "Hurry in, take all the supplies before the giant rats come back!"

After speaking, he pulled out the butterfly knife at his waist and led his subordinates to quickly run to the stone wall.

Wu Xuegui led more than 500 survivors to wait behind the stone wall. After seeing that group of people were defeated by the rats, everyone smiled.

But before they could cheer, they saw Gao Feng and his group.

The smile on Wu Xuegui's face froze, and then he shouted loudly: "Close the door, close the door quickly!"

However, it was too late!

Gao Feng flashed and went inside the door. He swung his butterfly knife and cut the throat of an old lady who was about to close the door.

Her wrinkled face was distorted, her eyes widened, and she looked back at Wu Xuehui, as if she wanted to reach out for help. Before she raised her hand, she lost her strength and fell down softly.

Panic screams came from the crowd in an instant.

Anger flashed across Wu Xuegui's face, but it was quickly replaced by a flattering smile. He bent his knees and knelt down and kowtowed: "Brother, please don't kill people. There are old and young people here. No one can pose a threat to you. Please, please!"


Gao Feng slapped Wu Xuegui in the face: "Did I f*cking ask you to speak?"

The huge force of the evolver knocked Wu Xuegui to the ground, and his cheek swelled up instantly. He didn't care about the pain and continued to get up and kowtow: "Brother, as long as you stop killing people, everything is fine!"

Faced with Wu Xuegui's humility, Gao Feng suddenly couldn't kill him.

"I just want supplies, not kill people!" Gao Feng scolded: "Where are the supplies in the cave?"

Everyone was relieved when they heard it, and immediately an aunt said flatteringly: "Boss, I know where it is, there are several thousand kilograms of dried meat, tens of thousands of kilograms of dried fish, and crispy ear vegetables!"

Gao Feng was stunned, and the four evolvers behind him also opened their mouths wide.

They didn't expect that there were so many supplies in the cave!

They couldn't take them away!

"Move them all to my camp. Whoever moves more, I will leave a place for her in the camp. Those who don't move will be killed!" Gao Feng pointed at the hundreds of survivors and ordered loudly.

A group of about a hundred aunts immediately turned around and walked into the cave.

Zhao Yin's supplies were in the back hall of the cave, and the giant rats usually guarded them.

"Stop right there!"

Wu Xuegui was immediately anxious: "If we lose those supplies, the boss will not let us go, so stop right there!"


Gao Feng kicked him to the ground: "You are afraid of the boss, but not me?"

Wu Xuegui rolled over and stood up with difficulty. Suddenly, he took out a pistol from his back and pointed it at Gao Feng: "The boss's strength is beyond your imagination. Even if you bring the supplies back to the camp, it will only be a disaster for you. I advise you to leave immediately. This matter can still be discussed!"

His previous humility was just to save more people.

Wu Xuegui was tough at this time because he understood that if he lost those supplies, no one here would have a chance to survive.

The pistol could only kill one evolver at most, and he would not have another chance. Wu Xuegui only hoped that these people would be cautious.

"Do you know the valley in Xishan? There are tens of thousands of zombies. The boss can kill them all. How many people are there in your camp? Can the strongest one catch up with those powerful zombies?" Wu Xuegui trembled and scolded.

Everyone was in a trance. Wu Xuegui at this moment was completely different from before.

Gao Feng's heart skipped a beat, and then he laughed: "I've seen boasters, but I've never seen someone as boastful as you!"

He suddenly put his head close to Wu Xuegui's gun: "Shoot, do you have the guts? Kill me, and then my subordinates will kill everyone here!"

Wu Xuegui's hands trembled, and for a moment, he didn't have the courage to pull the trigger.

The next moment, his hand was empty, and the pistol was taken away, bang!

Gao Feng shot Wu Xuegui in the chest directly, and the bullet passed through, and a large amount of blood came out.

"Don't hurt Uncle Wu!"

At this moment, an eleven or twelve-year-old girl rushed out and protected Wu Xuegui with her body: "Please don't hurt Uncle Wu!"

Wang Xiaolei's hands firmly pressed Wu Xuegui's wound to stop the flow of blood, and her face was full of tears.

Now, Uncle Wu is her last relative and support.

"Fuck me!"

Gao Feng was angered by the girl's actions and hit her head with the butt of his gun. The next moment, a white shadow flashed, and Gao Feng felt severe pain in his hand.

A large piece of flesh was torn off his hand and the pistol fell to the ground.

A skinny little cat, covered in hair, was standing on Wang Xiaolei's shoulder, baring its teeth and grinning, staring at Gao Feng fiercely.

Gao Feng covered the back of his bloody hand and stared at the cat in disbelief.

He is an evolver and is only one step away from evolving to level E. How could he be hurt by a kitten?

But this kitten doesn’t look like a mutant beast!

"Catch that cat!" Gao Feng ordered loudly, "Don't kill it!"

The four evolvers immediately surrounded the little white cat, and eight palms approached the little white cat. However, the next moment, the white cat's figure flashed, and instantly jumped on the face of an evolver. It flashed past, bringing with it a series of blood beads. Sway.

"Ahhh...my eyes, Brother Feng, save me...!"

Only then did everyone see clearly that one of the evolver's eyes was broken, and the black and red liquid inside flowed out, and the flesh and blood were blurred.

Inside the down on the little white cat's back, a pair of palm-sized fleshy wings slowly retracted and landed on Wang Xiaolei's shoulders at some point, as if they had never moved.

It continued to grin, trying its best to look ferocious, but it still had a milky air!

Wang Xiaolei had long been frightened and sat on the ground at a loss.

She knew that Xiaobai was different from other animals, but she never thought that it could be so powerful.

The remaining three people all backed away in horror, no longer daring to catch the white cat with their bare hands. The evolved person who lost his eyes stumbled and howled indiscriminately. He hugged an aunt and broke her neck... …

"Brother Feng, Lao Ji's eyes are blind and it's hard to catch him. If the delay continues, the giant rats will come back. What should we do with the supplies?" someone asked Feng Feng.

Gao Feng gritted his teeth. Although he coveted the white cat's abilities, the situation at this time obviously made it impossible for him to get the cat.

"Kill it for me!"

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