Doomsday: Upgrade The Doomsday Chariot Starting From Broken Three Rounds

116: Corpse Poison Leak, Meteorite Impact Research Institute!

On the Fushu Plain, the vast plain is covered with goose feathers covered with snow.

Extremely cold weather of minus 35 degrees.

There are no living things to be seen on the plain, not even zombies.

at this time.

An earthquake suddenly occurred in the ancient capital of the province, all the buildings began to tremble, and snow fell from the awning.

at the same time.

A mysterious gas, emanating from the ground, spreads rapidly in the air with the cold wind.

Lizard base.

A group of high-level executives looked at this masterpiece happily.

"Haha, the second corpse poison has finally been released, this time it will definitely kill the now-becoming person."

"The chemical reaction between the corpse poison and the air will spread to the whole world within two days at most."

"What if the commanding land expeditionary force also releases the evolutionary mist?"

"do not be afraid."

"Is there more zombies, or more survivors?"

The answer is clear at a glance.

Even if it is also the second "797", the number of zombies far exceeds that of survivors. Even if survivors have the advantage of crushing IQ, they cannot compete with the large number of zombies.

"Everyone, don't forget."

"The root cause of our second injection of corpse poison is to allow the second-evolution zombie to kill the current person. As long as he dies, everything will be fine."

the other side.

In the command room of the commanding expeditionary force, Amira received a report from the adjutant.

"Your Excellency, Legion Commander, just now there was an earthquake in the Fushu Plain, and the lizard people's research institute leaked corpse poison.


Amira's eyes turned cold, and she changed her usual easy-going style, exuding a terrifying aura all over her body.

"They dare to break the agreement!"

The adjutant explained: "This time it is the leakage of corpse poison caused by the earthquake."

Amira sneered, "It's just an excuse!"

"With the scientific and technological power of the Lizardmen, if there is an earthquake in Fushu Plain, they should have detected it long ago."

"Even if no earthquake is detected.

"As a federation member of a super civilization, will the Lizardman's research institute be unable to withstand an earthquake?"

"They did it on purpose!"

"Get me connected to the Lizard People's Communication Department, I want to talk to the old brown-haired lizard!"


The avatar of the Lizardman Warden appeared on the call screen.

"Your Excellency, Supervisor, don't think that an earthquake can be an excuse for you to deliberately release corpse poison. I don't accept this excuse!"

Amira doesn't beat around the bush either.

He directly revealed the opponent's conspiracy when he opened his mouth, but the lizardman guard guard was very good at pretending.

"Your Excellency, Legion Commander, this is indeed not what we released on purpose."

"The Ancient Capital Research Institute has just been established, and the safety facilities have not yet been perfected. The earthquake came too suddenly."

"The release of corpse poison is not our original intention."

"I sincerely apologize for the impact this has caused.

Depend on!

If it wasn't for her identity, Amira would swear directly, and apologize to your sister!

"Your Excellency, Supervisor and Guard Officer, do you mean that the leakage of the corpse poison was an accident, so let's just forget about it?"


The guard said affirmatively, "Of course not."

That's about the same.

The anger in Amira's heart has finally dissipated, as long as you admit that you can't, just let it go and things will be easy.

"Your Excellency, Legion Commander, next we will improve the defense facilities of each research institute, and strive to prevent the leakage of corpse poison."

I....go to Nima!

"Old lizard, are you just prevaricating me like this?"

Amira couldn't bear it anymore, perfected each research institute, and tried to stop leaking corpse poison, this is not nonsense.

Meaning this leak is over.

"Your Excellency, Legion Commander, please pay attention to your identity. Are all the high-level leaders of the Expeditionary Army in command as rude as you?"

"And you're still a woman!"


Amira let out a long breath, and the anger on her face was forcibly suppressed.

"very good!"

"Your Excellency, Supervisor, I have nothing to say."


Amira directly cut off the communication.

"Sister, what do you want to do?"

"Call me Commander!"

Amira's heart is still simmering, and my sister knows that her tone of voice means that there will be a very important decision in the future!

"Adjutant, don't we also have bases in Province S?"

"Smash me!"

"Let the evolution medicine mist leak out, the sooner the better!"


The adjutant didn't react for a while.


Amira didn't answer immediately, but slid her finger, and a three-dimensional map of the solar system appeared in front of her eyes.

She flicked her fingers.

There are many meteorites on the screen, and the volume and mass are marked.

Amira locks onto one of the meteorites.

"It's this meteorite!"

"Launch gravitational traction and let this meteorite hit our research institute.

The adjutant's eyes lit up.

The volume and mass of this meteorite, after entering the atmosphere of the blue star, after burning, the diameter is about ten meters...

From the point of view of quality analysis.

It can instantly destroy the research institute of the expeditionary force in province S.

"Your Excellency, Legion Commander, I understand. Since the Lizardmen use earthquakes to make excuses for the leakage of corpse poison, we will use meteorite impacts to make excuses."

"It seems that you are not too stupid."

"Go and execute it!"


the other side.

In the base area of ​​Tianfeng Mountain, the mountain gradually calmed down after shaking for a while.


"Captain, there was an earthquake just now.

"Why is the captain missing?"

"Simeng is gone too."

"Looks like they're wrestling in a theater.

"In broad daylight, really..."

"Okay, okay, let's continue playing mahjong."

At this moment Chu Xiao was lying on the sofa with Simeng in his arms. The magnitude of the earthquake just now was too small, not as big as the earthquake made by Chu Dao.

So naturally I didn't feel it.

However, Tianyi discovered important information.

"Master, just now there was an earthquake in the ancient capital, the epicenter was magnitude 6, but Tianfeng Mountain was only magnitude 3, obviously it was a man-made earthquake.

Man-made earthquakes?

Chu Xiao sat up from the sofa and slowly got dressed.

"Before the end of the world, it is very difficult to artificially cause earthquakes, and under the current conditions, no one should be able to create earthquakes.

"Looks like it's either the Lizardmen or the Expeditionary Army.

Tianyi continued:

"Not only the earthquake, Tianyi also discovered that after the earthquake, there was a green gas emanating from the ancient capital.

Chu Xiao frowned.

"Green gas?"

"Could it be corpse poison?" 3.7 Tianyi: "I don't know, if it's corpse poison, then it would be great.

Chu Xiao nodded.

He hoped that it was corpse poison, so that he might have a chance to gain evolutionary energy after killing zombies.

Simeng was a little scared when she heard the corpse poison.

"Captain, if it's corpse poison, will we turn into zombies?"


Chu Xiao tapped Simeng's forehead.

"You didn't turn into a zombie last time, which means you have antibodies in your body, and it won't happen this time."

That's what it says.

Just in case, Chu Xiao went back to the bedroom, exhaled the system, and then made five corpse poison immunity potions.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

It is safer to give the players immune agents first.

It was almost noon, and the mahjong player had already gone to cook. After a while, he quietly poured the immune agent of corpse poison into everyone's drink. .

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