"Cough..." He suddenly coughed up a mouthful of blood, several pieces of internal organs involuntarily sprayed out along his throat, he looked down.

I saw a burst of blood red in the chest, the pale sternum was deeply sunken, the lungs and heart organs were completely broken, and turned into a pile of rotten meat in the chest cavity.

The difficult breathing situation made Chu Xiao's complexion turn pale slightly, controlling every link of the body's muscles, Chu Xiao quickly corrected the broken sternum, and at the same time "657" repaired several broken organs in the body.

It only took about a breath, and just as Chu Xiao finished processing his body, he saw a black shadow strike again like a ghost from the corner of his eye, vaguely a thin and small black shadow.

The whole body seemed to be hiding in the darkness, and even Chu Dao's visual ability was difficult to capture the specific appearance of the other party. The only distinctive feature was that the other party was galloping on the black shadow in the air.

One side is still stuffing a forearm into the sharp mouth, the skin on the surface of the forearm is pale and thin, and the bright red blood is still flowing slowly at the fracture.

A bit familiar, this arm belongs to Zhao Siya.

alienated zombie

data unknown

What appeared in Chu Xiao's sight was a strange data. This was the first time he saw the words "unknown data" on a zombie.

What kind of monster is this? Seeing the words on the opponent's head, Chu Xiao was a little dazed for a moment. It was the first time he had seen such a zombie, and the data was blurred. With his current ability, he would hardly encounter such a situation.

The system has hardly moved since the last downtime, coupled with his control over the divine power, some system permissions can also be manipulated, such as the display data on the head

No matter who it is, as long as he wants to observe clearly, any data can be clearly and clearly displayed. It has been a long time since he has encountered data that is confused like this.

Obviously, this was an extremely difficult zombie to deal with, and Chu Xiao got serious just by glancing at it before.

Nibbling on his weak pale arm, the scarlet blood almost dripped all over his body and face, and flew out from the ground to appear in front of Chu Xiao, it was only for a moment, and the next moment the other party rushed towards Chu Xiao again.

This time, Chu Xiao, who was prepared, was fully prepared, and his spiritual power was blazing, forming several barriers in front of him, protecting them layer by layer...

The invisible air is distorted, and there is a faint divine force connecting them together, making these spiritual barriers even stronger.

bang bang bang...

The invisible mental shock shook Chu Dao's mind continuously, and he saw that the alienated zombie seemed to ignore Chu Dao's mental barrier.

He appeared in front of him almost unimpeded along the way, and slapped him in the face with a slap.

I'm going! So strong!

Before, it was considered unintentional and intentional, and it was fine to be smashed once, but this time the defense after taking precautions was directly destroyed by the opponent.

This is simply unbelievable, such a scene 0.9 Chu Xiao hasn't seen it in a long time.

"I don't believe it, how can a mere zombie be so strong."

Chu Xiao gritted his teeth, summoned up all his strength, and patted the other party in the same way.


The two phases collided, and a terrifying roar spread throughout the city. Countless people were thrown to the ground by the shock, and a large number of high-rise buildings were directly shattered under the impact. .

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