Doomsday Wonderland

Chapter 442 - The Real Blind Alley

Translator: BinBin92  Editor: EllisBLV13

In the greenhouse, armed attacks were forbidden.

“What kind of rule was that?”  chided Lin Sanjiu before she turned to Baldhead, “I hope you don’t mind. I just want to keep you under control.”

As she spoke, she coiled the [Female Slave Bondage Rope] around Baldhead’s left wrist. The [Female Slave Bondage] was no doubt a convenient weapon. It didn’t fail its name as the product of technology from the Garden of Eden as it automatically formed a tight knot when the two ends of the rope met one another, “If I use too much force, it will be considered an armed attack; if I use too little, you will run away.”

Baldhead lowered his gaze to scrutinize the rope. He tried to turn his wrist a bit, but the rope instead bit deeper into his skin. He raised his head and said, “Don’t worry! Say it, what do you want to know? I will tell you everything.”

Though he made it looks like he had nothing to hide, the way he reclined the right side of his body toward the back suggested otherwise. It seemed as if he was trying to increase the distance between his right hand from Lin Sanjiu. He had buried his right hand deep inside his pocket, but such a maneuver was nothing more than just to comfort himself. According to Harry, they would still die after being touched even if they wore gloves on their right hand, so what could a flimsy layer of trouser fabric do?

Lin Sanjiu paid no mind to such a trivial action.

“We can’t talk here,” she smiled to Baldhead and picked up Fatty’s left hand and turned it into a card, “Your members must know you laid a trap here. It will be a huge mess for me if they arrive later. Follow me; I know a nice cozy spot where we can continue our conversation comfortably.”

She had come across a path before she arrived at her current zone. After walking there for a couple of hours, she saw nobody. Hence, she thought that might be the perfect spot for an interrogation.

Baldhead openly expressed his unwillingness when he heard Lin Sanjiu wanted to shift venue, but the circumstance at hand left him with no other alternative but to follow her. He mumbled something under his breath after Lin Sanjiu tugged at the rope and dragged him forward. Soon, both of the figures disappeared into the dense layers of leaves and branches.

After a short while of walking, Lin Sanjiu had her eyes set on a hanging vine. The vine was suspended in the air, hence the perfect location to block any onlookers and she could take note of anyone who approached immediately. She climbed up to a tender leaf behind the vine, patted at the spot beside her and said, “Come, have a seat here. You can place your right hand underneath you if you don’t feel secure enough.”

“Oh, you’re right,” Baldhead contemplated the practicability of Lin Sanjiu’s suggestion for a brief second. Right after he had sat firmly on top of his hand, he sighed, “What do you want to know, gal?”

“I’m from cluster 5,” Lin Sanjiu narrowed her eyes and threw Baldhead a smile, “There are so many things I want to know. Hmm, why don’t you begin with your cluster? Which cluster are you in?”

“I’m from cluster 2,” Baldhead said as he blinked, “… Since our cluster came in earlier, I have more of a low-down than you about the other clusters.”

“He is from cluster 2?”

Lin Sanjiu frowned slightly.

The earlier a cluster came, the more time they had to find the indigo flower—

“Go on, tell me everything you know. Tell me chapter and verse. Don’t force me to go harsh on you.”

“Erm, there are eight members in my cluster. We all thrived through both seed and germination phase as one, and we arrived at the greenhouse for the last maturation stage without losing anyone,” Suddenly, Baldhead paused. A shadow of darkness crawled upon his face, and his voice deepened, “… At least nobody died the moment we arrived in the greenhouse.”


“By the time Harry finished his briefing, we all have a quick discussion among ourself. All of my members unanimously agreed that we should look for the indigo flower. This is because even though we won’t actively harm the other clusters, would the others do the same and not harm us?” Baldhead sighed, “Hence, we dispersed throughout the greenhouse and started looking for the indigo flower. All just to save our necks should any adversaries came trying to kill us.

“Before we could see any clue regarding the location of the flower, cluster 3 arrived, and Harry repeated the same instruction. By the way, don’t you think that he should be bored after repeating the same thing again and again? At that time, we already knew the instruction, so we didn’t bother him and continued to look for the flower. And, that’s when something bad happened. About five minutes after Harry finished his briefing, somebody died. Whenever a person dies, Harry makes an announcement. That was the first announcement, and truly, it stunned me.”

“Was the casualty from cluster 3?” Lin Sanjiu queried.

“Yes, their cluster only had five members,” Baldhead cleared his throat and continued, “At that time, we still didn’t have any flowers yet, so I think it had to have been cluster 1 who committed such an atrocity.”

Lin Sanjiu looked at him, and she sighed inwardly.

This baldie kept beating around the bushes, giving Lin Sanjiu some intel that he self-proclaimed as unworthy, but little did he know that the deets were what actually Lin Sanjiu went after.

“So who attacked us?”

“I guess cluster 4 was the culprit. The death from cluster 3 thrust us all into chaos,” Baldhead smacked his thigh and grimaced, “Everybody was so busy dashing around looking for the flower. And then we lost one of us, and cluster 4 lost another one in the twinkling of an eye. I think they must be desperate, so they attacked your cluster when you guys knew nothing about how things work in here.”

“That means right now only cluster 1 has a perfect score?” Lin Sanjiu asked sternly, “Have you seen any from cluster 1?”

“Nope, not even a single one,” Baldhead shook his head, “They were the first to arrive here, so they had the advantages of exploration. God knows where they are hiding.”

Lin Sanjiu nodded. She didn’t have to worry about if Baldhead would lie to her as Harry announced every time a person was dead. She just needed to confirm with Harry after everything was over.

“So let’s see,” She parted her lips slowly as she tried to put her thoughts into words, “According to the rules, there are two requirements that we need to fulfill if we wish to leave Harry’s Farm unscathed after we have matured. The first requirement is we must avoid death from happening to our own cluster member. Once we can warrant this requirement, then comes the second requirement: we have to increase the death count in other clusters.

“Right as of this moment, cluster 1 has no casualties while the other three clusters have contributed one each to the death count. So that makes them the first while all of us are tied at the second?” Lin Sanjiu furrowed when she reached this point. “So like this…”

“No, that’s not right, gal.”

Raising his head, Baldhead interrupted Lin Sanjiu, and his face was filled with question, “You still haven’t grasped the whole concept yet?”

Lin Sanjiu was stunned, she returned, “What? What concept?”

“The starting point, of course!” Baldhead pursed his lips. His broad face was a mixture of sympathy and alertness, “The clusters that come in later have bigger disadvantages. Now, your cluster is ranked the last.”

“Why?” Lin Sanjiu sat as stiff as a ramrod, “What makes you say that?”

“Gee, how should I put this. This is so hard to say,” Baldhead scratched his forehead, his face circled through a few complicated expressions, “Come nearer, let me show you how to do the math.

“Let say, our default nutrient absorption rate is 1x,” As Baldhead said, he bent over and scribbled something on the surface of the leaf with his left hand while struggling to maintain his right hand underneath him, “The nutrient absorption rate of cluster 1 is 1x, that’s the same for us cluster 2 when we arrived.

“Then cluster 3 is here, and likewise, their rate starts at 1x as well, but one of them is dead. Now, think back what Harry had said earlier, the nutrient absorption rate of cluster 3 would become 1.5x while the rate for cluster 1 and 2 doubled to 2.”

Lin Sanjiu suddenly saw the light as she understood everything—

“Since cluster 4 was not here when the guy from cluster 3 has died, they began their rate at 1x. After that, each of our clusters lost one member. In other words, the ranking for the nutrient absorption rate should look something like this.

“The nutrient absorption rate for cluster 1 is 5x while our cluster and cluster 3 tied at 4.5x. Next to the last is cluster 4 that has a 3.5x and the tailender, that’s your cluster, cluster 5 has a rate of only 1.5x.”

Lin Sanjiu’s face turned ugly, and she frowned even deeper.

“You cluster 5 just arrived not long ago, so it’s normal that you guys didn’t know about that. However, for those who have arrived at the greenhouse earlier, we have already figured it all out,” Baldhead studied Lin Sanjiu’s expression as he raised his guard. He inched his body away from her and said, “Calm down gal, don’t do anything rash.”

Lin Sanjiu gave him a sidelong glance and she was thankful for the rules that forbade them from employing any armed attack. If weren’t for the rule, Baldhead would never tell her so much intel. He had to secure his own life first before he poured everything out to Lin Sanjiu.

However, looking from another angle, it seemed like the idea that cluster 5 was a goner had rooted deep in Baldhead’s heart. That might also be the other explanation for why he would nonchalantly tell Lin Sanjiu everything.

But, that was strange, wasn’t it?

“It’s true that we are at rock-bottom position now, and we might need to put in extra effort, but it’s not over until the fat lady sings,” Lin Sanjiu had an inkling that Baldhead had not finished talking, so she tried to goad him to tell her more, feigning as an ignorant girl before asking, “As long as we vanquish the all the five members from cluster 4, they would become the last…”

“The cluster 4 has only five members,” Baldhead interjected. He threw Lin Sanjiu an apologetic gaze as if he was looking at a patient whose feet was one step away from the grave, “… Nothing will change even if you eliminated the entire cluster 4 and your absorption rate increases. Your cluster is still in the last place.”

Lin Sanjiu did the math in her heart and beads of sweats starting to form on her forehead.

Since cluster 5 was lagging far behind the other clusters, dispersing their remaining members to hunt down the member of the other clusters was not a wise approach. In order to ensure their survivability, what cluster 5 should do right now was focused their firepower on killing every member from the cluster that had the closest absorption rate and brought them down to the bottom, granted that she was willing to commit such a holocaust. However, when she looked at the total members of each cluster, she found out that the number was not enough for them to raise themselves to the penultimate.

Hence, either they would remain the last in the line, or they dragged some of the clusters down to join them in their rank.

“Gal, do you understand now?” Baldhead sighed as if he felt sorry for Lin Sanjiu, “The trap I had set up earlier is to maintain the ranking of my cluster. Killing one more or one less won’t tilt the entire situation to anybody favor. Although I don’t understand why Harry has to do this, the fact that your cluster is the last to arrive here means that the fate of your cluster has already been decided.”

Lin Sanjiu turned a deaf ear to his speech as she was too into her brain into forming the best strategy to help her cluster to beat this game of death. She did the calculation over and over and over again, yet she couldn’t come up with a solution that could increase the nutrient absorption rate of her cluster into the second last in place.

Although she fully knew what kind of answer Harry would give, she still raised her head and asked, with a dread-laden voice, “Harry, what would happen if two clusters are tied at the last place?”

“Both of the clusters would stay, of course,” Harry replied very quickly. His voice was filled with exuberant, “Even if it is three or four clusters, the answer is the same.”

“Was the situation really like how this baldie has said?” Lin Sanjiu refused to believe the truth; hence she needed a confirmation from Harry, “That my cluster is at the end in the ranking?”

“Yes, it’s true. Your cluster has the least absorption rate. Each of you has only 150 micrograms.”

“So doesn’t that means that our cluster 5 has no chance at all? No matter what we do we would be the one destined to stay behind?” Lin Sanjiu roared and Baldhead shuddered at the intensity of her anger. Just when Baldhead thought Lin Sanjiu might want to throw a tantrum, he saw her took a deep breath and forced herself to return to her sangfroid self. It was just that her countenance was still very pale.

“Nope, you’re wrong. If one cluster eliminated all the other clusters, the last standing cluster could leave my farm,” Harry replied indifferently, “… Of course, there is another less bloody path. As long as all the clusters have the same absorption rate, you can leave my farm altogether. See? As I said, I’m very considerate.”

The two ways suggested by Harry, one was more difficult than the last.

Harry’s dispassionate attitude choked Lin Sanjiu and she didn’t know how to comment. When Harry was no longer talking, Baldhead, who was sitting beside her spoke and pulled Lin Sanjiu out of her thought.

“Gal,” He looked likes some wrongdoing child, “I have already told you a lot of bad news today. The next thing I’m telling you is the last one, I promise.”

Lin Sanjiu was at lost what to reply. A ridiculous thought suddenly occupied her brain,  “Is there anything else that’s worse than my current condition?”

After she recomposed herself, she said, wheezing, “Go on.”

“My cluster is superior in number, so we have covered a larger area during our search for the indigo flower compared to other clusters. We’ve found out something. But, of course, this is only our conjecture. You don’t have to believe me anyway,” Baldhead lowered down his eyes, and the words the passed through his lips were more than a whisper, “The indigo flower seems to have only four spawning points. After one is plucked, it spawns again, in the same location. All you need is wait. So, so…”

As if a slow-motion camera, Lin Sanjiu turned her head to face Baldhead. Nobody could tell her expression from her amber eyes.

“Each of us has claimed a spawning point, so there are no indigo flowers in the greenhouse anymore.”

After Baldhead finished speaking, he peered at Lin Sanjiu with his blinking eyes, fearing that she would suddenly go berserk.

“Gal? Are you okay? Since I have told you everything I know, can you let me go now?”

Lin Sanjiu closed her eyes and let out a sighed. At the same time, she waved her hand in the air and the [Female Slave Bondage Rope] unwinded itself from Baldhead’s wrist.

“You can go now,” she said as she waved her hand, too beaten to cast a glance at Baldhead.

The leaf she was sitting trembled for a few minutes and when she no longer could sense Baldhead, she opened her eyes.

She didn’t even think about following Baldhead to the spawning point of the indigo flower. One was Baldhead wasn’t a knucklehead and two, the attack-forbidden rule was still in effect, so even if she followed him, she couldn’t snatch it. Pessimistically speaking, nothing would change even if they have one thousand indigo flower in their hands. After all, all of them were not dummies and nobody would stand obediently like a bump on the log waiting for her to kill them.

Besides, there were many lives. She couldn’t see any way out of this predicament.

Raising her head, Lin Sanjiu looked into the wild profusion of vegetation and murmured,

“… Ten more days,”

Ever since the extreme heat descended on her original living world, she knew that she had to fight for her life through earning, but she doubted would she able to survive in the next ten days.

Such bad luck ? Lin Sanjiu can never have it easy

Come on LS think of something. I don’t even know what to suggest. argh.


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When the first ray of dawn shone through the windows of the greenhouse, the murky, dark green surroundings turned a lighter tint. The greenhouse grew brighter and the plants regained their emerald glow as the pale morning light touched them.

The ceiling lights flickered before they switched off, yet the greenhouse gradually grew brighter. The dew on the tip of the leaves reflected the sun rays created an illusion of diamonds hanging from mid-air. They gleamed with an intensity that made it difficult for everyone to open their eyes. As the temperature of the outside air rose, the stuffy greenhouse became warmer. When Number 46 climbed to the designated meeting point on a leaf, the first person he saw was Lin Sanjiu. She was lying casually on the leaf, chewing a stalk of grass (from who knew where). Beside her was an indigo flower bigger than a human.

“When did you come back?” Number 46 asked, rather astonished, as he massaged his aching thighs. He thought that he was early. “Where did you find that flower? I searched for the whole night, but I couldn’t find one.”

“I came back before dawn,” Lin Sanjiu replied. She took the grass out of her mouth and sat up. Just when Number 46 was about to ask her more questions, he saw her expression and he quickly frowned, “What happened?”

Lin Sanjiu looked at him and tap on the spot beside, “Come sit down, I’ll tell you more.”

Number 46’s expression grew serious. His fringe seemed longer. When he lowered his head, it covered half his face. However, from his pursed lips, it was obvious that he was guarded.

“Before I tell you anything, I have a question. What did you discover last night?”

“Nothing. It is strange,” Number 46 sighed dispiritedly. “I covered many places, but I didn’t see a single person, let alone a single flower. This doesn’t make sense.”

“What are your thoughts?”

“There’s something wrong, ” Number 46’s voice naturally became calmer as he processed his thoughts. “While I searched, I also analyzed the situation. There are two possibilities. The first possibility is that there is a limited number of indigo flowers. The previous clusters have already collected all the flowers so no one else would find the flowers. The second possibility is that the other clusters are controlling the growth of the flowers. Otherwise, I see no other explanation for our circumstances.”

Lin Sanjiu nodded, “What else did you find?”

“There is another strange point,” Number 46 tilted his head and narrowed his eyes. As he spoke, it was as if he was trying to hold back the thoughts in his head. Then, he said softly, “No one tried to attack me.”

The situation Number 46 described matched what Baldhead said.

“Well, that is because they don’t have any reason to do so…” Lin Sanjiu laughed dryly.

“What do you mean?”

Lin Sanjiu sighed. She tried her best to perk herself up as she recounted everything that had happened and her conversation with Baldhead to Number 46. Number 46 turned ghastly pale after he heard what Lin Sanjiu said. Unexpectedly, he didn’t look too surprised. After some time, he let out a deep sigh.

“If that is the case, I can connect everything now,” he said quietly.

“What do you think about this? Is there really no way out?”

“That’s impossible,” Number 46 retorted without even thinking. “On the surface, it does seem as though our cluster is at a large disadvantage, but Harry is definitely hiding something from us. The only problem is that we haven’t figured that out for now. I have been through so many apocalyptic worlds, I’ve never heard of a pocket dimension that leads to a true stalemate. In the worst case scenario, we could kill everyone else—”

“Harry! I need to verify something with you,” Number 46 called out abruptly after he paused for a second.

“Go ahead.”

“First, I want to verify what Baldhead said regarding the number of members in each cluster and our rankings. Is it true?”

Lin Sanjiu had already verified that information. But, apparently, Number 46 had to hear it directly from Harry.

“I can’t tell you the number of members in each cluster. However, the nutrient absorption rate rankings are correct.”

Number 46 had already prepared himself for that answer, but he froze for a moment as if it was difficult for him to accept those words.

“The rankings for the nutrient absorption rate isn’t based on the overall total but by per capita?”

“Oh, let me give you an example,” Harry replied earnestly, “At the moment, each of you in cluster 5 is absorbing 150mg per day. The ranking is based on the per capita real-time absorption rate. It could change five minutes later, two hours later or even tomorrow. It doesn’t matter. Most importantly, the time point that will determine your fate will be on the tenth day at seven pm sharp. If the ranking is based on the total absorption, it would be unfair to the clusters with fewer members.”

“How dare he talk about fairness?” Lin Sanjiu could feel the veins on her forehead pulsing, she immediately questioned, “So, you’re saying that this situation is fair to us as the fifth cluster?”

“Of course,” Harry answered without any hesitation. “I planned the order in which you guys enter the greenhouse after considering the situation in each cluster.”

“Everyone in cluster 5 will die unless we kill all the other people from the other clusters,” Lin Sanjiu couldn’t hold herself back any longer.

“You call this fair?” she laughed dryly.

“Well, judging the whole situation, it is definitely fair but you probably haven’t noticed,” Harry even sounded aggrieved, “Why do all of you assume that I’m so evil. In every phase, there is always a choice to prevent everyone from dying… but you people refuse to take that path.”

Lin Sanjiu’s face immediately turned red. Just when she was about to say something, the leaf shook a little. Soon, she felt footsteps approaching her.

Lin Sanjiu and Number 46 looked over at the same time. They noticed Number 45 and a panting Number 47 climbing up the leaf. They seemed to have met each other near the meeting point. They greeted each other with a nod and Number 45 asked, “What happened? I heard some of your conversations on my way here. What did you ask Harry? Why do all of you look so glum?”

Lin Sanjiu looked at their backs and saw that they weren’t carrying any flowers. She couldn’t help feeling a little disappointed. Baldhead’s words seemed to be true.

“Oh! You found an indigo flower!” Number 45 exclaimed when she saw the flower on Lin Sanjiu’s back. She took a few steps towards Lin Sanjiu when Number 46 held her back. Number 45 shot a sidelong glance at Number 46 before stopping with a disgruntled look on her face.

“Number 49 got news that all the four respawn point of the indigo flower had been controlled,” Number 46 looked at both Number 45 and Number 47 grimly and asked, “What did both of you discover during your search?”

“Re-respawn point?” Number 47 asked urgently just as Number 45 shook her head, “Judging from what you said… I-I get it now!”

This immediately caught both Lin Sanjiu’s and Number 46’s attention.

Number 47 coughed, probably because he was still feeling weak, before he looked back at their anxious faces, “I am too weak now. Even though I rested a while, I couldn’t really move much even when I went out to search for the indigo flower. I limped and struggled for a while but I was just too exhausted. In the end, I had to sit on a leaf to rest. Just to be safe, I climbed to the topmost leaf on a plant.”

“After resting for some time, I doze off unintentionally. When I woke up, I realized that I couldn’t get down from the leaf. There was a person standing below. I didn’t know when he or she got there. The person was sitting with his or her back facing me. I can’t tell if that person was male or female as the person was wearing a baggy hoodie.

“I didn’t have any strength and I didn’t have an indigo flower. I would be courting death if I went down, so no matter how anxious I was, I decided to wait for the person to leave. However, the person didn’t even move an inch all the way until dawn. I came back late because I had to wait until about an hour ago. I didn’t know what to do. Just when I decided that I would take a risk, the person stood up suddenly and bent over.”

Lin Sanjiu was puzzled why Number 47 would even include such a small detail but she gasped when she realized the implication of his statement.

Eyeing her, Number 47 nodded, “You got it, right? The person pulled an indigo flower from the ground.”

“When I first reached, there was nothing on the ground. It was obvious that the person knew when the indigo flower would respawn so that person went there early to wait for it!” Number 47’s face flushed, “At first, I just thought that it was strange. After what you’d said, I understand it now. That must be a respawn point. I still remember the way. We can head there anytime!”

“We found one of the respawn points!” Lin Sanjiu’s heart skipped a beat. She suddenly felt a little more positive. “In spite of everything, at least our circumstances have improved a little, ” she thought to herself. However, when she intuitively turned to Number 46, his face was ashen with dismay. He looked even worse than when Lin Sanjiu told him about their dire situation. Lin Sanjiu was stunned by his reaction. Subsequently, Number 45 and Number 47 also noticed the suffocating atmosphere. They turned to Number 46 with puzzled faces.

“What’s wrong? Isn’t this good news?”

Number 46 opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something. His lips trembled a little but he said nothing. It took a while before he wiped his face and suddenly asked a question which seemed to come out of nowhere.

“Harry, what time is it now?”

“It is 10am.” Harry immediately replied.

“That is to say, the indigo flower respawns at around 9am. Our cluster probably came into the greenhouse at about 5 to 6pm. Based on this, the members from the first cluster would have arrived around 9am or even before that…” Number 46 mumbled softly to himself. His voice was so soft that Lin Sanjiu could barely hear what he was saying.

“What’s wrong?” Lin Sanjiu asked, puzzled.

Number 46 did not respond to her question, it was as if he didn’t hear what she said. He took several deep breaths before he spoke in a way which almost seemed as if he wanted some assurance, “Even if the indigo flowers respawn at a fixed timing, it shouldn’t take long for another one to appear right? I mean, this is a pocket dimension. It will definitely leave us with a way to survive, right?”

After he said that, his expression was so grim that the rest couldn’t help feeling worried.

“Well,” Harry spoke briskly, “An indigo flower will respawn every 24 hours at the respawn point. You will have to find these respawn locations yourselves. I can’t reveal the exact locations to you.”


Number 46 sat heavily on the midrib of the leaf they were on. He stared at his feet in a daze.

“We’re done. My guess was right…” He turned to Lin Sanjiu, “You know what that implies, right?”

Lin Sanjiu froze for a moment and her face turned pale.

“Even if we wait at that one respawn point, only nine indigo flowers will appear before the last day. In the best scenario, we can only kill nine people. As the flowers would respawn at the same time, we can’t get the indigo flowers at the same time even if we find all the spots because we don’t have enough people to directly fend off people from the other clusters. That means the option to kill everyone else is no longer valid,” Number 46 muttered with a bitter smile.

“But… why do we have to kill everyone else?” Number 47 couldn’t help asking. Both Number 45 and he were unsure of the full situation as they were late. The two people in front of them looked distraught as if a calamity was about to befall on them. Naturally, no one could answer him immediately.

“Why don’t you say something—” Number 45 urged, but before she could finish her sentence, a shadow loomed over her. Before she could look up, the shadow lunged toward her and Number 47.

Number 45 let out a yelp. She wanted to dodge but she felt a gust of wind from behind. Due to the chaos, she couldn’t see what was happening around her. She felt herself kicking something away—

She rolled and scrambled to the other end of the leaf. When she turned around, she was taken aback.

“Hey little fella, your ability is pretty good.”

All of them recognized that voice. The man who was now standing at the edge of their leaf was wearing a military singlet. He was the same person who killed Number 48 the moment they arrived at the greenhouse. There were four other strangers standing behind him. Each of them had a rope around their waist that extended above and disappeared into the leaves above them.

That was probably the reason why these people could ambush cluster 5 without anyone noticing. However, for some reasons, the other four people in cluster 4 did not have any indigo flowers with them. A smile appeared on the squarish face of the man leading them.

“That’s right. There is no way you can turn your situation around given the circumstances. We’re here only for an additional assurance. With this, we will make sure that you people from cluster 5 stay at the bottom of the rank.”

After he said that, he shook Number 47’s collar. At some point during the chaos, he caught Number 47.

“It would be troublesome for us if all of you committed suicide or got killed by members from the other clusters.”

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