This time, Gu Yuan really felt ashamed because of Xun'er's unreasonable behavior.

He felt a little numb when he recalled what Xun'er had done and how he had defended Xun'er and forced Gu Fei not to divorce for the time being.

Because of Xun'er, how many wrong things did he do?

Gu Yuan shook his head helplessly, not wanting to try to persuade the two of them to reconcile.

He told Xun'er all the evidence he personally found and the conversation he had with the ancient demon that day.

Xun'er blushed a little, realizing that she might have wrongly blamed Gu Fei.

But she was always tough-talking, and of course she couldn't admit her mistakes.

He just snorted in dissatisfaction and walked away.

But at the entrance of the main hall, he happened to run into Gu Fei, who was rushing over.

When the former couple met now, one was dissatisfied and the other didn't care at all.

Xun'er stopped and bit her lower lip to speak.

Gu Fei, however, passed her by without looking back, as if he hadn't seen Xun'er at all.

Of course Gu Yuan noticed the movement at the door. He sighed and took a sip of tea.

Gu Fei stood tall and tall, standing under the main hall with firm features on his face.

He didn't say much. Gu Yuan shook his head, sighing that Xun'er and him were not destined to be together.

He solemnly asked again: "Do you really want to break up with Xun'er?"

Gu Fei nodded: "That's right."

Gu Yuan wanted to try one last time, so he asked: "Will you never regret it?"

Gu Fei pondered for a moment.

[Xun'er has an emotion of expectation, and her mood value increases by 50]

It turned out that Xun'er didn't know why, despite being ignored by Gu Fei, she stood stubbornly at the door and never left.

Gu Fei turned his back to her and fell into a brief silence.

Xun'er felt a little strange emotion in her heart.

Is Gu Fei going to regret it?

She is not a plaything that can come and go at a moment's notice, but if Gu Fei wants to go back on his word, she can reluctantly accept it.

Xun'er crossed her arms and thought angrily.

But he heard Gu Fei's cold words.

"I will never regret it."

Xun'er's beautiful eyes widened and she looked at Gu Fei's back in disbelief.

Just as Gu Yuan was about to speak, he was interrupted by Xun'er.

She rushed forward in a few steps and stood in front of Gu Fei.

" you really want to break up with me?"

Only then did Gu Fei give her his first look of the day.

He lowered his head and looked down at Xun'er, his eyes no longer retaining the tenderness and love they once had.

"if not."

Xun'er was stunned for a moment, feeling regret for the first time.

[Xun'er feels regretful, and her emotional value increases by 10]

Gu Fei turned around to leave, but she grabbed his sleeve.

He turned around to look without emotion, only to see Xun'er shed tears in front of him for the first time.

She didn't seem to understand where her tears came from, so she wiped the tears from her eyes in confusion.

The beauty looks at you with moist eyes, the ends of her eyes are red, and any man would be soft-hearted.

Gu Fei didn't, he pulled off his sleeves distantly and waited politely for Xun'er to speak.

"I...I won't see brother Xiao Yan anymore. Can you please not separate from me? Gu Fei."

Gu Fei's expression was a little subtle.

How long has it been since Xun'er called him brother? For the first time in a long time, I begged him not to break up.

Gu Fei's last remaining affection for Xun'er was crushed cleanly by her own hands.

"No, Xun'er, you have to understand that this matter never originated from me."

Gu Fei turned his head and walked towards the door slowly.

A sentence came from afar.

"You don't have to beg me anymore."

Gu Fei's figure was obviously so close to Xun'er, but she felt like she could no longer catch him.

[Xun'er feels regretful, and her mood value increases by 200]

[Xun'er feels sad, and her mood value increases by 200]

Xun'er slumped down on the quaint wooden chair, with clearly visible sadness in her eyes.

"Dad, did I really do something wrong?"

Gu Yuan looked at her deeply and walked away without saying a word.

And what happened in the main hall today spread quickly.

Xun'er's willfulness has been spurned by many younger generations of the ancient tribe.

And the affectionate person who endured humiliation and heavy burdens was even more distressed by them.

Brother Gu Fei, such an outstanding man, was actually heartbroken by Xun'er.

However, many ancient women reacted.

Since Gu Fei has separated from Xun'er, doesn't it mean that they will have a chance?

What girl has never fantasized about such a handsome and unrestrained genius late at night.

In the next few days, whenever Gu Fei came out of the mountain peak, he would be surrounded by many women.

There was a pretty elder granddaughter who sent him flowers, and Qingmei, who he had grown up with since childhood, traveled with him.

There were even many women who were a little older than Gu Fei.

They found various reasons to get close to Gu Fei.

[Gu Yan has feelings of admiration, and her mood value increases by 1]

[Guting has feelings of admiration, and his mood value increases by 1]

Emotional values ​​like this have been pouring in continuously these days.

There was even one day when Gu Fei was practicing in the mountain peak, and several old antiques came to visit him personally.

Behind them were two or three petite and exquisite women, hiding shyly behind them.

From time to time they poked their heads out and looked at him with bright eyes.

No matter how slow Gu Fei was, he still realized it. This was probably not a matchmaker for him.

An elder patted the back of his hand affectionately and said some personal words, but he also praised his granddaughter for her exquisite appearance and strong strength.

Gu Fei had never been afraid of anything, but the eyes of the elders and girls in front of him were all focused on him.

The burning eyes that saw the rare treasures made Gu Fei feel a little restless.

After finally sending them away, Gu Fei let out a long sigh.

Although they all have good intentions, Gu Fei can't stand it.

There are so many beauties, and Gu Fei is not afraid of being overwhelmed.

After struggling for several days, he finally understood that these people were all interested in him.

However, under such a dense "siege", Gu Fei never promised anyone from beginning to end.

Now, he just wants to work hard to become stronger.

But the ancient world has always been too stable. Except for Xun'er, there are no people with high luck to provide emotional value to the system.

In other words, it seems that it is not easy for Gu Fei to become stronger in the ancient world.

If he wants to cultivate steadily, he can naturally do so. There are abundant cultivation resources in the ancient world, and his grandfather Gu Lie is a highly respected person in the ancient clan.

As long as he can devote himself to hard training, his future achievements will definitely be high.

But Gu Fei, who has the system in hand and has experienced the power of the system, is willing to stay in a place like this and practice hard.

He yearned to become stronger quickly and to have power that could rival the top warriors.

This requires relying on his opportunities.

In other words, it is like a god, a system that can do anything as long as it has emotional values.

Gu Fei thought about it and finally decided to go to the northwest continent.

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