Dou Po: I married my wife Xun Er, but she refused to consummate the marriage!

Chapter 98 No need to steal, someone will respect you!

This is a desolate plain, and the vast land is full of earthy colors.

Occasionally, there will be some green shades, releasing a little bit of vitality and vitality.

On this plain, occasionally some small monsters would burst out, bringing up a wisp of yellow smoke, and then disappear into the distance.

The silence of the desolate plain lasted for a while, and the void space suddenly squirmed.

Immediately afterwards, two figures, one tall and one short, flashed out of the space.

The two figures that flew out of the space were naturally Gu Fei and Zi Yan.

"Is this the Dan Realm..."

Gu Fei's figure was suspended in the air, and he glanced around, just enough to see the outline of some mountains at the end of the plain.

He found that the energy here was much richer than that in the outside world, but it was full of a violent factor that was not conducive to human beings absorbing it.

Next to Gu Fei, Zi Yan was looking around with curious eyes.

"Zi Yan, it's up to you to perform next!" Gu Fei winked at Zi Yan.


Zi Yan smiled, then closed her eyes and began to sense. For some spiritual creatures in the world, her ability to sense them was far beyond that of ordinary people.

This is also the most important reason why Gu Fei wants to take her to the Dan Realm to hunt for treasures.

"I sensed six places, and the elixirs in those places should be pretty good!"

After a while, Zi Yan opened her eyes and pointed out a few special places to Gu Fei.

With Gu Fei's current speed, it wouldn't take long to travel through the entire Dan Realm. Finding the six nearby places would naturally not be a hassle.

An hour later, Gu Fei took Zi Yan to the sixth place where she had sensed that there might be treasures of heaven and earth.

"It's strange. There isn't even a single green leaf here. Could it be that it grows underground?"

Arriving here, Zi Yan was filled with some doubts as she slowly flew against the ground.


As soon as Gu Fei arrived here, he sensed something strange and quickly reminded Zi Yan.

At this moment, on what looked like a sand dune, a huge python of more than ten feet sprang out like lightning. With its ferocious mouth, it bit Zi Yan's head directly.

"court death!"

Seeing this scene, Gu Fei grasped the huge python with his palm, and the python's head exploded as if being squeezed by a huge force, and then the whole body fell to the ground.

"Damn it, that ugly, legless creature actually wants to bite me!"

Zi Yan angrily kicked the remaining headless body of the giant python with her foot.

She was very strong, and with a single kick, she directly kicked the giant python's huge body away.

At the same time that Zi Yan said those words, Gu Fei suddenly felt some strange movements from the colorful snake in his sleeve.

"It seems that Zi Yan's words have offended Queen Medusa invisibly!"

Gu Fei suppressed a smile and said nothing.

And as the giant python flew away, a sunken pit suddenly appeared under the sand dune.

In the pit, there is a dark yellow rhizome the size of a child's head.

"It's indeed hidden underground!"

"This thing seems to be Rehmannia glutinosa, and it should be of a high age..."

Putting away the dark yellow root-like thing the size of a human head, Zi Yan murmured.

Although she has not seriously learned any knowledge about medicinal materials, she has eaten so many medicinal materials, and she is more or less familiar with them.

"Zi Yan, get out of the way first!"

Gu Fei signaled Zi Yan to leave the place.

Although the Millennium Polygonatum Essence is precious, it is not enough to make De Gufei interested. What he is really interested in is something deeper.

Things like Rehmannia glutinosa are created by condensing the steady and heavy power of the pure earth, but this statement also has its limitations.

If any Rehmannia glutinosa grows for a hundred years, it will no longer grow in size due to energy saturation. It is precisely because of this that Rehmannia glutinosa that is over a hundred years old is so rare.

It is recorded in ancient books that if Di Huang Jing can survive far beyond a hundred years, then what nourishes its growth will definitely not be the power of the earth, but other heaven and earth spiritual beings!

Therefore, this thousand-year-old Rehmannia glutinosa essence must have a rare treasure underneath.

"It can't be wrong!"

After Zi Yan walked away, Gu Fei's palm suddenly pointed at the pit, and a huge suction force emerged, sucking out the soil.

Soon, a deep hole tens of meters deep was sucked out of the ground below, and a square of snow-white jade gradually appeared.

"What is this?"

Looking at the piece of snow-white jade that Gu Fei sucked out of the ground, Zi Yan's eyes lit up and she quickly came over to ask.

"This thing is not for eating!"

Gu Fei beat Zi Yan.

The thing he is holding in his hand is the Earth-centered Jade Mother, a magical jade that was formed by the power of the earth for countless years.

When practicing or refining elixirs, having a seat cushion made of the Earth's Core Jade Mother will have a great suppressive effect on the violent energy in the body, making it less likely to go crazy.

“The portion is quite big...”

Gu Fei looked at the jade stone. It was about half a foot high and an arm's length wide.

Such an area of ​​the Earth's Core Jade Mother is almost difficult to see in the outside world.

The next moment, Gu Fei's attention was focused on the viscous liquid seeping out from the edge of the jade.

"Brother Gu Fei, what are these liquids? They should be edible, right?"

Zi Yan also noticed this. In her opinion, the crystal clear viscous liquid flowing out must be very delicious.

"I want to eat medicinal materials. I'll let you eat enough later. Have you seen the mountains over there? There are countless medicinal materials in them. Most of them have been packaged and collected by an eighth-level magic beast. You don't even have to look for them... …”


Gu Fei helplessly pointed to the majestic mountains in the distance. At the same time, a fire blade condensed by strange fire appeared in his hand.

The fire blade lightly cut across the surface of the jade mother in the center of the earth, and a piece of jade about the thickness of a thumb fell off, revealing a walnut-sized hole in it.

Within the hole, faint white mist seeped out. Gu Fei took a deep breath and suddenly felt a silent moan of relief resounding deep in his soul.

laugh! laugh!

Next, Gu Fei turned his hand into a fire knife and danced as fast as lightning to cut the jade pieces.

After about half of the jade mother in the center of the earth was cut off, a jade pit about the size of his head finally appeared in Gu Fei's sight.

And at this moment, his eyes were fixed on the white liquid that was less than half a finger deep in the jade pit.

"It is indeed the soul essence of the earth's core!"

Looking at the viscous white liquid, Gu Fei had a smile on his face. After working for such a long time, he finally found it.

The Earth Core Soul Marrow is an extremely rare treasure in the world because it can forge the soul!

Even for Gu Fei's spiritual soul, it can have a very good soul-forging effect.

"Brother Gu Fei, when are we going to steal the medicinal materials library of the eighth-level monster?"

Zi Yan focused all her attention on what Gu Fei said just now, because the other party was an eighth-level monster, and she didn't dare to go alone.

"Don't worry, you don't need to be sneaky this time. When you get there, the eighth-level monster will take the initiative to honor you!"

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