Douluo: Humans are peerless, fake gods

Chapter 419: As a natural sword! ! [The battle is over, please subscribe]

"let's start……"

Withdrawing her eyes from staring ahead, Su Luoheng took a deep breath. Clenching the golden dragon gun tightly with the arm, the transformation ability is activated: the body of the gun begins to shrink little by little, gradually approaching the shape of an arrow!



At the same time, the frontal battlefield.


The Fourth Elder, who had been maintaining his defense, suddenly felt something.

"It's... the breath of the soul king imp!"

At the same time that Su Luoheng projected the Golden Dragon Spear, the perception at the Title Douluo level discovered Su Luoheng's location through the rippling soul power fluctuations during the projection!

"It's him!!"

The peace of mind of the Fourth Elder was affected.

His hatred for Su Luoheng was much higher than Ma Xiaotao's!

It can even be said to be above everything else!

But because he couldn't find his position before, this was the only way to give up.

But now that he regained his position, the flame of anger ignited from his heart again, and soon swept through his entire brain, completely occupied by the anger towards Su Luoheng!

Now, he can no longer keep calm!

Anger overcame reason, and the Fourth Elder immediately let out a loud shout, knocking Ma Xiaotao back with a palm, and at the same time, his figure ran towards Su Luoheng's direction like electricity.

As for the delaying plan originally made?

At this moment, it has been completely forgotten by him.

Does killing Su Luoheng care about a plan or not?

This is an opportunity that cannot be missed, and it will never come again!


The four elders turned into an afterimage and quickly rushed towards Su Luoheng.


"Your opponent is me!!"

And how could Ma Xiaotao, who stood in front of her, let her pass easily? Although she didn't know why Su Luoheng suddenly revealed her breath, it must be closely related to the prepared blow.

With half a minute left before the agreed three minutes, I must not let the evil soul master disturb Su Luoheng's critical moment of preparation.

"Go away!"

The Fourth Elder shouted violently, and several streams of Nether Sword Qi poured down.

Ma Xiaotao showed no fear, as the phoenix's wings flapped, the flaming phoenix came out through the clouds, carrying raging fire, and met the overwhelming ghostly sword energy of the Fourth Elder.


The two meet and explode in the air.

There were bursts of thunder and loud noises!

Ma Xiaotao was so shaken that she flew upside down, falling hard for more than ten meters. The Fourth Elder at the Title Douluo level also stepped back several steps in a row, and finally stabilized his figure.

And now it is halfway to the last minute.

Ma Xiaotao, who had just stabilized her figure, flew forward again. Although the replacement flame on her body had faded away, it might go out at any time. But still tall and straight, with firm eyes!

She wants to help Su Luoheng drag it until the last quarter of an hour!

Carrying firm belief, the phoenix wings rolled up again.

"court death!"

Facing Ma Xiaotao who was blocking him, the fourth elder was furious, but at the same time he knew very well that he would not be able to kill the little ghost over there unless he resolved the words of the soul sage in front of him.

"You asked for this!!"

The fourth elder's eyes were flickering with crazy bloodthirsty!

At the same time, two yellow, three purple, four black, nine soul rings climbed up.

A thick black mist emerged from his body, and the black mist wrapped like a substance, surrounding the four elders in a circle, and the more it extended outward, the size of the black mist doubled.

In just an instant, it has expanded several kilometers.

The second and third soul rings lit up at the same time.

[Second Soul Skill: Nether Power]

[Third Soul Skill: Nether Thousand Blades]

In an instant, the dark green light in the entire mist surged. At the same time, the Nether Sword that the Fourth Elder held with one hand suddenly enlarged and disintegrated in an instant, capturing countless small and sharp blades alive, flying straight towards Ma Xiaotao's position like a flying leaf!

In an instant, the entire night sky was soaked into a green ocean, as if this endless blade was going to destroy the entire space together.

And this is the strength of the Title Douluo level. Although the fourth elder's strength has been weakened a lot, he is still a title Douluo level soul master after all. Once he makes a full-strength attack, the explosive power is still extremely terrifying!

Seeing this, Ma Xiaotao looked serious.

The Titled Douluo on the opposite side was serious.

Reason told her that she couldn't take this blow. But she knew better that if she avoided it, Su Luoheng would definitely suffer a blow. And they will miss the only chance!


Ma Xiaotao clenched her teeth, her eyes determined.

Immediately, without any hesitation, he poured all the remaining soul power in his body into his wings, and with the blazing flames of the phoenix, he charged into the blade storm again without hesitation!


There was a violent rubbing sound.

The flames on the phoenix's wings decreased rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The wings were already dripping with blood and covered with scars. Not only the wings, but also her chest was punctured in many places.

However, as if she hadn't heard of it, she continued to use up all the spiritual energy in her body to stimulate the phoenix wings and the last trace of soul power in her body, still blocking the path of the evil soul master.



at the same time.

"hold head high--"

Amidst a burst of dragon chant, under Su Luoheng's transformation, the Golden Dragon Spear finally completed its form transformation, and the radiant golden light turned into dragon patterns, all gathered on the sharp arrows.

Immediately afterwards, Su Luoheng's eyes flickered.

The war bow · Obsidian's Hope slowly pulled away, and put the golden dragon arrow, which was almost poured into it, on the bowstring.

At the same time, with the activation of the fifth soul skill projection loading, Su Luoheng's body also changed. The golden light flowed along the light path to the whole body, and the eyes turned golden, majestic and majestic.

The jet-black long hair started from the roots, and gradually turned into a dazzling golden color. At the same time, streaks of golden light appeared on the surface of the skin, and a complete golden dragon pattern was condensed between the eyebrows!

Suddenly, a powerful coercion centered on Su Luoheng and spread to the surroundings! There is a strong and domineering royal coercion that makes countless soul beasts pay homage to him.

"This coercion..."

Xue Di's eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but look sideways.

This coercion is no less than the intensity of when he was the king of soul beasts in the extreme north. If the soul powers were all at the same level, this coercion would probably be far greater than myself!

"Is this the coercion of the Golden Dragon King..."

Su Luoheng once explained the origin of this long spear, and now under the pressure brought by the projection loading, she was able to catch a glimpse of the master of the long spear, the legendary Golden Dragon King!

Snow Empress was shocked at the same time.

With a crisp sound of "click", a sudden change occurred!

There is no problem with the projection, but there is a problem with the bow and arrow.

I saw that the battle bow, Obsidian's Hope, which had already experienced many battles, kept shaking after carrying the golden dragon arrow. As the bow string was pulled apart, cracks appeared on the bow body, and continued to spread upwards and downwards!

In an instant, it has densely covered the entire war bow.

Su Luoheng's power, coupled with the Golden Dragon Arrow, the strength of the two has far exceeded the limit that the seventh-level soul guide - Obsidian's Hope can carry, and the bow is already overwhelmed.

This is why after the bowstring is pulled, the war bow tends to explode.


Seeing this, Su Luoheng frowned slightly.

If you continue to use Obsidian's Hope to forcibly shoot an arrow, you may be able to complete it. But in this way, this war bow will also completely collapse and cease to exist.

It was specially cast by the dyer who spent a lot of time and effort. Although he was gradually unable to keep up with his own strength, Su Luoheng didn't want to leave the stage embarrassingly in a damaged way.

And the Obsidian's Hope is the one with the highest level and strength among his bow-type soul guides. If even it can't bear the Golden Dragon Arrow, then other war bows are even less likely to do so.


Strengthening soul skills plus strengthening magic runes...

This kind of strength should be enough, right?


Su Luoheng took a deep breath, his eyes flickered slightly.

At the same time, the fourth soul ring was flickering with light, and the strengthened light started from Su Luoheng's left hand and gradually spread to Obsidian's Eye, until it completely covered the entire war bow.

In an instant, Obsidian's outlook changed.

The war bow, which was originally pitch black, is now as white and translucent as jade, with a faint fluorescence, releasing a soft halo.

The original broken cracks disappeared, replaced by mysterious lines, and this is naturally the effect of magic runes.

At the same time, the length of the bow of Obsidian's Hope has been extended to nearly two meters under the enhancement of this strengthening light. The strength has reached the point where even the Soul Sage cannot easily pull it away.

This moment.

Warbow Obsidian Hope has been given a new look!

After the enhancement was completed, Su Luoheng picked up the arrow and drew the bow again.

Although the strength of Obsidian's Hope had been increased, for Su Luoheng, who projected and reloaded the skills of the Golden Dragon King, this increase in strength was harmless. Can still easily stretch the bowstring.

But this time, as the bowstring was drawn, the magic runes on the bow lit up, and the white luster lingered on the bow, making it look even more sacred, like shining stars.


This time, Obsidian Hope withstood the pressure.

The bowstring unfolded slowly, and there was no sign of collapse!

And at the same time.

Su Luoheng fell into that mysterious feeling again.

As if everything in the world, the universe was completely silent at this moment, and there was only one person left in the whole world, one arrow and one bow. Everything else just disappeared.

Essence, Qi, and God.

All three converge on the arrow!

The next moment, Su Luoheng opened his eyes.

The golden light is shining like the sun and the moon in the sky!

At this moment, a special force enveloped Su Luoheng and he spoke slowly, and then he uttered a strange syllable.

"As... a sword made by nature!"

Accompanied by the incantation-like syllables, the arrow burst into a bright light instantly.

"hold head high--"

A loud dragon chant pierced the sky.

The light on the arrow became brighter and more dazzling.

Circles of golden light started from the tip of the arrow, rippling like ripples, and the surroundings were already soaked in this golden light, and the mighty dragon's power spread rapidly to the surroundings.


"It seems that I have completely mastered it..."

Xue Di murmured, his eyes flickered.

Using Illusion Honkai to explode the projection of the Golden Dragon Spear integrated into [Position], the power of this blow is hard to predict even the Snow Empress, and I'm afraid it may not be able to end enemies of the Title Douluo level.

Thinking back to the time of the Soul Fighting Competition, Su Luoheng entered into a state of ecstasy and etherealness by chance. It happened to fuse one's own energy and spirit together to arouse one's own [Position].

But now, he has mastered it proficiently.



At the same time, the frontal battlefield.

Under the stormy attack of the Fourth Elder, Ma Xiaotao was already dwarfed by comparison, the phoenix flame was dimmed, and the soul power in her body was basically exhausted.

Now she no longer has any means of containment.

But the evil soul master on the opposite side came aggressively!

Regarding this, although Ma Xiaotao's complexion was pale, and his body was covered with wounds of various sizes, he looked miserable. But he didn't show any panic, instead he showed a provocative smile to the fourth elder.

Because, three minutes is up.

My mission has been successfully completed, the rest is up to Su Luoheng!


The fourth elder snorted angrily, and wanted to understand.

However, before the Nether Sword fell down in his hand, Su Luoheng's aura suddenly rose in the distance. That kind of coercion, even stronger than the Title Douluo level four elders, was targeted by this strong threat of death!

"How can it be?!"

For a moment, the complexion of the four elders changed suddenly!

At the same time that Su Luoheng opened his eyes, he was completely locked in by that [momentum]. Under the majestic dragon's might, his legs seemed to be filled with lead, and he could not move at all.

"Golden Dragon Victory!"

Su Luoheng's right arm suddenly let go of the bowstring!

The next moment, a terrifying sound of dragon chant resounded through the sky.

Under the night sky, an incomparably bright golden light suddenly lit up, just like the rising sun in the east, and its brilliance bloomed in an instant. The whole sky was dyed brilliant gold!

At the same time as the arrow shot out, the ground under Su Luoheng's feet had been completely shattered by this force. The whole person kneeled directly on the ground, and the Obsidian Hope in his hand became dull and full of cracks.

However, with the blessing of the inscription, it was not broken.

It can be repaired when you go back.

In comparison, Su Luoheng's state was even worse. With his energy and energy poured into one blow, he was so weak that even an ordinary soul master could finish him off.

【Ma Xiaotao, get out of there. 】

[Don't look back, activate the defensive soul guide. 】


Ma Xiaotao didn't dare to be careless, and ran away as quickly as possible.

Although that coercion was not released against him, the residual power it spread was enough to explain the horror of Su Luoheng's blow.

at the same time.

The golden light that soared into the sky has bloomed in the air, like a real golden dragon, a deafening dragon roar erupted, the whole sky was dyed red gold, and blasted towards the fourth elder with great power!

Seeing this scene, Ma Xiaotao immediately opened the invincibility shield.

But the fourth elder who was locked by [Position] couldn't dodge, suppressing the fear in his heart. Facing such a massive blow, he can only block it if he uses all his trump cards!

Immediately, the Fourth Elder raised the Nether Sword.

At the same time, the remaining seventh soul ring shone with light, and the figures of the four elders turned into a gloomy light and merged into the Nether Sword.

Immediately afterwards, the dark green light on the Nether Sword rose sharply, and a shrill scream sounded from the blade, and the light and shadow of the last human figure could be faintly seen from the outline shattering instantly.

And the radiance of the Nether Sword also became strange. Under the refraction of the green sword glow, another purple Nether Sword appeared, parallel to the green Nether Sword, as if from two parallel worlds.


A clear dragon chant sounded in the air!

At the same time that the Nether Sword and the Golden Dragon Arrow collided, the entire space vibrated violently, and countless fine and deep cracks appeared as if torn apart.


The golden dragon arrow pierced between the two Nether swords, but at this moment, the two Nether swords suddenly merged into one, and a layer of strong silver light burst out from each other.


The arrow trembled violently, but at this moment, the body of the arrow that had pierced more than half of it was blocked by the fusion of the two ghost swords, and failed to penetrate the fourth elder's chest.

Nether space, this is the last resort of the Fourth Elder.

The opening of the space can help him absorb a certain amount of damage, but the premise is that the attack strength cannot exceed the upper limit, otherwise it will cause the backlash caused by the collapse of the space.

However, the Golden Dragon Arrow's attack was not over yet.

The next fantasy collapse is the highlight!


Before the Fourth Elder could heave a sigh of relief, the Golden Dragon Arrow suddenly burst into bright golden light, and a terrifying aura erupted suddenly!

"not good!"

The fourth elder's pupils shrank suddenly, and he also thought of Su Luoheng's ability to detonate weapons. Back then, he shattered the stored soul again and opened the Nether Space to try to absorb this energy.

However, he underestimated the huge energy contained in the Golden Dragon Arrow!

When the Fourth Elder just opened the Nether Space, the majestic power released by the False Honkai suddenly poured into it crazily! At this moment, the originally solid Nether Space began to crack inch by inch and was about to collapse!

"Bang bang - rumble!!!"

With a loud bombing sound, the purple sword shadow represented by Nether Space shattered directly. The backlash of space shattering and the remaining power of fantasy collapse all crushed towards it!


The fourth elder spewed out a mouthful of blood, and under the backlash, he directly exited the spirit avatar state. But in the current situation, with his current state, what awaits him is his fall...


He widened his eyes and screamed in despair.

Until now, he never thought that he would die under the joint efforts of a soul king and a soul sage. At this moment, he regretted his original carelessness.

Arrogance comes with a price.

And now he will pay with his own life.

next moment.


In the explosion, a golden mushroom cloud rose up.

And the figure of the Fourth Elder has been completely annihilated.



ps: Today's battle is all over.

Xianyu himself felt very satisfied with this battle, and wrote everything I wanted to show. The title Douluo, the evil soul master, also showed his due strength.

In this way, everyone shouldn't always say that the combat power has collapsed, right?

So, please vote for support~~

o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

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