Douluo: Humans are peerless, fake gods

Chapter 436 Ran Yuming: Who is your cousin? [4k subscription required! 】

Chapter 436 Ran Yuming: Who is your cousin...? [4k subscription required! 】


Hearing this, Ma Xiaotao's lips parted slightly.

But seeing Zhang Lexuan's gloomy expression, she didn't continue to persuade her.

Unlike her voluntary departure from the academy, although Zhang Lexuan still has lingering fears about that power. But because of the mistakes he made during the period of being controlled, he still felt guilty towards Shrek Academy.

Especially Babe's death.

She blamed most of the problems on herself.

Don't look at Zhang Lexuan, who doesn't seem to have changed much now, but Ma Xiaotao, who has been together day and night for many days, can tell that Zhang Lexuan has never stepped out of that shadow.

Big sister, Zhang Lexuan...

This matter had too much influence on her.


After a long silence, Ma Xiaotao sighed softly.

"Then you Sister Lexuan from now on?"


Zhang Lexuan nodded lightly.

The sad look flashed away from his eyes.

If it weren't for the fact that once he returned to Shrek Academy, he would be affected by that filthy force and make actions that would endanger the academy. She was afraid that she would return to the academy long after she woke up, willing to accept the investigation and trial.


Immediately, Ma Xiaotao stopped mentioning Shrek Academy.

Zhang Lexuan also tacitly skipped the previous topic.

The two of them embarked on the journey talking and laughing as before. It's just that the mood of the two is not the same. The haze that enveloped Zhang Lexuan's heart never dissipated.

It can only be pinned on time...

I hope it can be changed or resolved.



Meanwhile, the other side.

Su Luoheng and Xuedi have successfully entered the territory of Sun Moon and sent back news to Jing Hongchen. Without the threat brought by that filthy force, Su Luoheng's nervousness was relieved a lot.

The screen changed.

"What is this...?"

At this moment, facing the five spirit rings rising from under his feet and circling around his body non-stop, all of them are the representative color of ten-year spirit rings: white.

But upon careful observation, the whiteness of these five soul rings is different, it is pure snow white without any impurities, as crystal clear as white jade. There are still faint snowflake-like lines on it, constantly exuding a soft luster.

Seeing this scene, Su Luoheng's brain crashed on the spot.

White... Soul ring?

Did you make a mistake?

I've heard that soul rings can change color, but people's color changes are all over the years: like yellow turning purple, black turning red and so on. How can there be someone who has completely changed like himself?

Why did you just slap it to the end and it turned into white?


Time went back to five minutes ago.

Su Luoheng felt that the condition of the meridians in his body had almost recovered. In addition, I haven't learned swordsmanship for a while, so when I feel that my body is almost in good shape, my hands are itchy and I am ready to learn.


Su Luoheng was planning to project a sword for sparring, but when he waved his hand to release his soul skills, five bright white soul rings appeared so abruptly, which shocked him on the spot.

But soon, Su Luoheng calmed down.

After examining the spirit rings, it was found that these five spirit rings were not ordinary ten-year spirit rings, but originated from the 700,000-year-old Snow Emperor projected last time!

This discoloration incident was just a false alarm.

As for the reason why the soul ring suddenly changed color?

After Su Luoheng's speculation, he roughly figured out the reason for the sudden change of color of the soul ring: In order to resist the shadow's self-destruction attack, the first blazing sky-covering seven-fold ring that the soul ring transformed into was completely shattered.

That erosive force not only acted on the shield but also affected the spirit ring. So after the blazing sky covering seven-fold ring was broken, Su Luoheng's own soul ring was also affected and could not be maintained.

And it so happened that Su Luoheng projected nine 700,000,000-year spirit rings again through the power provided by the Snow Emperor. Among them, five snow-white spirit rings took the place of the original spirit rings on the Wuhun.

In fact, when the Snow Emperor's spirit ring was being projected, five of the spirit rings rising from under his feet had already foreshadowed the replacement of the spirit ring. It's just that Su Luoheng's attention was focused on the explosion crisis at that time, and he didn't notice the change in this aspect.

And after the explosion crisis was over, it was temporarily inconvenient for Su Luoheng to use his soul power because of the damage to his meridians. That's why it wasn't until today that he finally discovered the change in the spirit ring.

Five soul rings, 700,000-year soul rings.

The defensive strength of the blazing seven-fold ring is linked to the age of the soul ring of the evolution shield. Su Luoheng has always been troubled by the problem that the age of the soul ring is too low to affect the strength of the defense.

But now, with the increase in the age of the soul ring, this problem is easily solved.

Of course, the benefits brought by the increase in the age of the soul ring don't stop there.

The strength of the soul skill is also closely related to the age of the soul ring.

Now the age of the soul ring has been greatly increased, and the four soul skills of analysis, projection, fantasy collapse, strengthening, and projection loading have also been enhanced!

for example:

As long as Su Luoheng can see the sword-type soul guides of level six and below, they can be analyzed instantly.

The projection speed of advanced soul guides has been improved.

Strengthened soul skills can already be used on any object...


Suddenly, Su Luoheng's expression became strange.

Why... so much like Huo Yuhao's script!

Huo Yuhao is a million-year soul ring, like a ten-year soul ring.

This is a 700,000-year soul ring for myself, and it also looks like a ten-year soul ring.


The color of this soul ring is also a problem.

Although the age of the soul ring has been increased, all the white soul rings are too conspicuous. You can guess without thinking, when you release yourself, you will definitely become the focus of the audience.

When I think about the time to face the discussion, I feel dizzy.

Really troublesome...

When I go back to school, I have my own explanation~

Sometimes the soul ring is too strong, but it is also a trouble!

Thinking of this, Su Luoheng sighed, half happy and half sad.

"What are you sighing for?"

"Is there a problem with the soul skill?"

While speaking, Xue Di was already standing beside her.


Su Luoheng shook his head, changed the subject, and said, "By the way, Sister Xue, I just discovered some changes in the soul skills, so I just showed you something good~"


Snow Emperor raised his eyebrows.

"You'll know after reading it."

Su Luoheng made a fool of himself.

After all, a projection soul guide sword appeared in his palm.

Immediately after, under Xuedi's curious gaze, Su Luoheng raised his hand and projected the Soul Guidance Sword to shoot out, directly sinking into a thick tree trunk not far away.

Xuedi glanced suspiciously.


"Don't worry, the fun has just begun."

Su Luoheng smiled mysteriously.

While speaking, light blue light paths suddenly lit up on the projected soul guide sword. At the same time, with it as the center, these light paths spread rapidly to the surroundings, covering the entire ancient tree in an instant.

"Sister Xue, watch it!"

As soon as the words fell, the third soul ring shone with light.

The third soul skill, Fantasy Collapse, is triggered accordingly!


The next moment, at the same time as the explosion sounded.

The ancient tree covered by the light path exploded from the inside out!

Turned into ashes all over the sky, flying in all directions.

There is only a deep pit left on the ground, which proves that it once existed.

"Sister Xue, did you find anything?"

After doing all this, Su Luoheng smiled lightly.


After pondering for a moment, Xuedi's eyes flickered slightly.

"This tree was not detonated by Fantasia Honkai."

"It's rather... under the cover of those light paths, it was also assimilated into a part of the weapon, and it launched the fantasy collapse together. Right?"

"As expected of Sister Xue, you can see the truth at a glance."

Saying that, Su Luoheng gave a thumbs up.

Seeing this, Xue Di glanced at him, and the corners of his lips curved slightly.

"This is the new ability of the soul skill?"


Su Luoheng nodded and explained.

This attack can be regarded as the extended ability of Fantasy Collapse and Projection: it can use the projection arm as the center, assimilate the surrounding objects, and turn them into projection arm.

It was just like when Dai Yueheng was shot by an arrow in the Soul Fighting Contest back then, and his body was assimilated to trigger Fantasy Collapse. But now this ability can be controlled independently.


Silence for a while.

Xue Di turned his eyes, and suddenly thought of something.

"Then your future soul ring..."

"I think, as long as my soul power is sufficient and I have information about high-level soul rings, my soul ring should be constantly replaceable. It's like replacing with your 700,000-year-old soul ring this time, Sister Xue."

"In this way, we don't have to worry about the low defense strength of the blazing sky covering seven rings in the future."

"Sister Xue, your spirit ring is more than enough for me. And as far as it is concerned, it may be difficult to find a spirit ring with a higher age than this in the entire continent."

With that said, Su Luoheng waved his hand.

Five snow-white soul rings emerged and danced around his body.


Feeling the familiar breath from the soul ring, Xue Di always had an indescribable strange feeling, and turned her head silently.



How to deal with the evil soul master Tang Ya.

This matter is still a matter of great concern to the public.

Now that Tang Ya was dead, it was meaningless for Shrek Academy to continue to delay. So after all the internal and external issues were settled, the news of her death was also announced.

Once the news spread, there was an uproar.

No one would be able to realize that the incident of the evil soul master Tang Ya, which has received much attention, would end in such a dramatic way.

Many soul masters who paid attention to this matter were confused by the several reversals of the situation. I really don't know what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd of Shrek Academy.

If they wanted to kill, why did they try to protect Tang Ya?

If he didn't want to kill, why did he suddenly die in prison?

It was said to be suicide, but not many people believed in this reason: it is difficult not to think of Shrek Academy's help behind the death at this time.

For a while, the discussion about whether Shrek wanted to kill Tang Ya or not became a hot topic in the soul master world, and they were discussed after dinner.

Although Tang Ya is dead.

But there has been a lot of discussion and clamor.

There was an uproar in the entire soul master world.



Time flies.

After Su Luoheng entered the territory of Sun and Moon to send back the news, he was not as anxious as before. Stopping and stopping along the way, finally returned to the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy a week later.

Looking at the familiar gate of the college, a long-lost kindness rose in my heart.

The Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy has its own fetters and memories.

The home that he grew up in, because of the stupid operation of the Sky Soul Empire, he couldn't go back at all. So Su Luoheng has already regarded the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy as his second hometown.

A harbor where the soul lives.

For Su Luoheng, the meaning was different.


As soon as he returned to the academy, all kinds of news had already poured in.

As early as ten days before returning, Jing Hongchen had already led a large army back to the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy.

At the same time, the Shrek exchange students headed by Huo Yuhao, He Caitou, and Jiang Nannan were also expelled by the academy on the grounds that "Shrek violated the agreement and threatened the lives of our students" after they returned.

Because Sun Moon Academy issued a statement first to dominate public opinion, and because Shrek had frequent problems recently, they could only admit this loss and take the students away in despair.

During the study period of the exchange students, Huo Yuhao didn't get much benefit because of Su Luoheng's advance notice on the Sun and Moon side, which was far less than the gain in the original book.

On the other hand, because of the appearance of Su Luoheng, Sun Moon Academy gained both fame and fortune in this student exchange program. Su Luoheng even became famous for challenging the Shrek Inner Court to finish with a complete victory!



Still a familiar laboratory.

Su Luoheng and Ran Yuming, master and apprentice, sat opposite each other.

Ran Yuming asked with a smile.

"Luo Heng, I heard that you had a good time in Shrek?"

"Teacher, I can earn enough face for the college this time!"

"Below Contra in the Shrek inner courtyard, no one is my opponent!"


With that said, Su Luoheng began to talk about the experience of this exchange student, especially the one who challenged the entire Shrek Inner Court's soul-fighting competition, like a junior who is asking for credit in front of his elders.

"Well, not bad~"

"Very well, that's how it should be."


Ran Yuming listened cheerfully the whole time, sometimes agreeing.

His eyes were full of gratification and praise for his disciples.

After half an hour.

After Su Luoheng finished talking about the trip to Shrek, and the master and apprentice chatted for a while, Ran Yuming finally got to the point.

"Luoheng, that cousin of yours..."

"The teacher wants to ask about Sister Xue's identity?"

Obviously, Su Luoheng had expected this.

Sister Xue's strength has been exposed, and it is impossible for the academy to remain indifferent. And if you want to ask about your identity without causing negative effects, you can only start with your teacher.


Ran Yuming was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "The college attaches great importance to this matter. So I want to find out the identity of this senior and his attitude towards the college by being a teacher."

"I understand the academy's concerns."

Su Luoheng nodded in understanding, and said: "I believe the academy should have done enough investigations in the past few days. In the past hundred years, there has never been a limit Douluo with the attribute of extreme ice on the mainland."

"So... there is only one possibility left."

After a short pause, Su Luoheng smiled calmly.

"Sister Xue is the Snow Emperor of the Far North."

"Um... um, huh?!"

Ran Yuming stood up abruptly, his eyes widening in disbelief.

"Snow Emperor?"

"Is it that Snow Empress from the Far North?"


Su Luoheng nodded, and said: "She is the Snow Emperor. She ranks first among the three heavenly kings of the Extreme North, and is the only ruler of the Extreme North Ice Field. This is her true identity."

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