Douluo: Humans are peerless, fake gods

Chapter 472 Ninth-Level Soul Tutor Ran Yuming, The Court Begins! [4k subscription required! 】

There is nothing wrong with the old emperor's body.

Unexpectedly, news of Xu Tianran's serious illness frequently spread during this period of time in the Prince's Mansion. And because Xu Tianran never showed up to respond, the rumors intensified.

It has even spread to the Sun and Moon Court, and the ruling and opposition parties are talking about it. However, because they didn't know whether it was true or not, everyone kept a wait-and-see attitude, waiting for the situation to change.

And this news caught Su Luoheng's attention.

If there was no future picture observed by the Eye of Destiny, Su Luoheng would have suspected that the news of serious illness was a smoke bomb deliberately released by Xu Tianran. Used to confuse other factions.

But now, Su Luoheng felt that it was very likely to be the real situation.

Because from the analysis of the future picture, it takes time for the poison of faith to erode from the beginning to the complete outbreak.

If not, it is impossible for Xu Tianran to have problems in the court.

It is even more impossible for Xu Tianran to be the only one in the court to undergo a mutation. The entire Sun Moon Empire, and even the entire Douluo Continent will erupt in an all-round way, instead of only some human beings undergoing mutations.


Before the poison of faith erupts completely, under the influence of this force, the corroded individual will definitely have some precursor reactions in his body. Similar to being irritable, or seriously ill.

As for the length of the outbreak, it is related to the eroded individual.

But the specific factors, this reason is still unclear.

However, Xu Tianran's sudden illness caught Su Luoheng's attention.

Although Xu Tianran has been in poor physical condition since his legs became disabled. But remember that before he left Mingdu, he didn't show any signs.

So is this sudden illness related to the outbreak of the poison of belief?

And one more step: Could it be that Xu Tianran was most severely eroded by the poison of belief because of his own limb incompleteness, and finally mutated under the stimulation of everyone.


Continuing to speculate boldly: Maybe the reason why the Sun Moon Empire suffered from the poison of faith the most among the four great empires is also related to the physique of its citizens?

You know, because the Sun Moon Empire has always been biased towards the development of soul tools and the improvement of pills. As a result, the physical fitness of the domestic people is generally weaker than that of Douluo Three Kingdoms.

Su Luoheng's suspicion was not without grounds. If you want to talk about it according to your physique, this reason can also stand up to scrutiny.


Thinking of this, Su Luoheng's eyes moved slightly.

But in the end, this is just a conjecture of my own. Although it is felt that there is a certain possibility, there is no conclusive evidence that can conclude this idea.

Therefore, it can only be listed as one of the possibilities.



After returning to Mingdu.

Through Xu Jinyu, Su Luoheng has been paying close attention to the movements in the court of the Sun Moon Empire and collecting intelligence. Since King Heng recovered, he has also returned to the political center.

Other investigations were handed over to Zhen Enxin for collection.

Although he really doesn't have much talent in soul tools, he is absolutely one-on-one in terms of interpersonal relationships. In the shopping malls, it was even more prosperous, helping Su Luoheng accumulate a lot of wealth.

It can be said that [Chaldea] can develop to where it is today, and Zhen Enthusiasm definitely owes the most to it. His current contacts have expanded from Sun Moon College to the business circle of Mingdu.

Merchants have traveled all over the world and have a good understanding of what is happening in various countries on the mainland, which is most suitable for inquiring about news.

As for Ma Xiaotao, Zhang Lexuan, and Ye Guyi, they were arranged by Su Luoheng to be part of Xu Jinyu's secret training soul mentor army. With the strength of the three of them coupled with the soul guide, the strength displayed can be imagined.

Although Xu Tianran probably won't live for long, but without him there are other princes who are also fighting for the throne, so make preparations in advance to ensure nothing goes wrong.

And even if it is not used when fighting for the throne, it will still come in handy when the ancient golden tree erupts completely to deal with the monsters generated by the poison of faith.

No matter how you calculate it, this soul guide army will not be wasted.

As for the fact that Xu Tianran would be eroded by the poison of faith, Su Luoheng didn't tell anyone except Xuedi. After all, this matter is of great importance, and it is not appropriate to let too many people know in advance.

There were still a few days between the time when the old emperor was seriously ill and when he ordered the prince to supervise the country. At that time, after the old emperor confirmed that he was seriously ill, it would be too late to prepare.

Su Luoheng's move was also selfish.

If Xu Tianran died, it would be a huge profit for him.

Because if he died under the poison of faith, it would undoubtedly save Xu Jinyu a lot of trouble for the next battle for the throne. So this result is in the best interest of our side.

Moreover, the problem of the poison of belief cannot be solved by itself. Even if I wanted to save Xu Tianran, there was nothing I could do. Still think carefully about how to receive his inheritance.

After Xu Tianran died, the party under his command had no leader. If he can successfully accept this part of the forces, it will be the best time for Xu Jinyu to move from behind the scenes to the front of the stage.



In addition, after returning to the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy, Su Luoheng began to distribute the large amount of fairy grass harvested in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi this time.

And the candidates who got the fairy grass this time were Ji Juechen, Meng Hongchen, Xiao Hongchen, Nana, Ran Yuming, Ran Ruobing and other soul masters with good relationships and extraordinary talents.

Nana was originally under Su Luoheng's command.

And my own teachers and senior sisters don't need much.

As for Ji Juechen, Meng Hongchen, and Xiao Hongchen, they got the fairy grass on the same terms as Ma Xiaotao and the others, and they all joined Su Luoheng's forces.

In this regard, they agreed without any hesitation.

First of all, they trusted Su Luoheng.

Secondly, no soul master can refuse the fairy grass that can not only improve the soul power, but also improve the talent without any side effects.


The celestial herb that Su Luoheng prepared for Ji Juechen was the eight-petal celestial orchid that was used to strengthen the foundation and cultivate the vitality.

Although Ji Juechen is talented in swordsmanship, but his own innate soul power is too low, and the progress of soul power cultivation is slow. If there is no special opportunity, breaking through Contra in this life is already the limit.

This eight-petal fairy orchid just made up for his shortcomings.

And after getting this fairy grass, Ji Juechen really lived up to his expectations, his soul power directly broke through five levels, and he was only one step away from breaking through to the soul sage. The shackles of talent no longer exist.

The fairy grass that Nana got was the cold spirit ghost flower, and after absorbing it, her soul power also successfully broke through to the soul emperor realm.

The fairy grass prepared for Meng Hongchen is a Snow Jade Ice Ganoderma lucidum, which fits perfectly with her ice attribute soul power. After refining it, the soul power broke through to the sixty-sixth level in one fell swoop.

Xiao Hongchen also absorbed a metallic jelly herb whose attributes matched his martial spirit. The soul power has broken through to level sixty-eight in one fell swoop, which is also one step away from the soul sage.

Nana, Meng Hongchen, and Xiao Hongchen are all confirmed main players of the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy's next Soul Fighting Competition. Coupled with Su Luoheng and Gu Qianqiu, a total of five Soul Emperors sitting in command, the lineup of Sun Moon Academy this year can be described as unprecedentedly strong.

With a high probability, the defending champion of the Soul Fighting Competition.

Closer to home, the fairy herbs that Su Luoheng prepared for his teachers and senior sisters were the purple orchid horse chestnut that repairs mental trauma, and the narcissus jade that nourishes the muscles and bones.

Ran Yuming was very nervous when he learned that there was hope of recovery from his mental trauma.

Ran Yuming has tried too many methods since his mental power was injured. He was afraid that the result this time would be another joy in vain, wasting his disciple's efforts.

Fortunately, the result this time did not disappoint him again!

Under the nourishment of the purple orchid horse chestnut, Ran Yuming felt that his broken spiritual sea began to repair. The originally weak mental strength also became solidified and tough, and the exhausted spiritual ocean began to gradually recover.

Mental strength began to recover!

At this moment, Ran Yuming's whole body trembled with excitement.

Even if he has accepted the fact that he is stuck at the seventh-level soul engineer, he will not be able to break through the reality of Title Douluo for life. However, when the spiritual power really began to recover, the degree of surprise was unmatched by anything.

Finally, finally see hope!

Ran Yuming tried his best to suppress the turbulent waves in his heart and continued refining.

While the mental power was recovering, the soul power shackles that had been stuck in the eighty-nine-level Contra for many years due to mental power began to slowly increase, and the soul core condensed and formed.

So, under the nourishment of immortal herbs, Ran Yuming condensed the first soul core so simply, and officially broke through to the title Douluo level. If it wasn't for the problem of the sea of ​​spirits, he would have been able to condense the soul core long ago.


Ran Yuming was so excited that it was indescribable, he burst out laughing.

He thought that he would be trapped in this for the rest of his life, but when he had given up, his apprentice brought him a pleasant surprise.

At this moment, he was glad that he accepted Su Luoheng.

Seeing this scene, Su Luoheng laughed.


Don't forget, Ran Yuming's main job is a soul mentor. If it wasn't for the limitation of his soul power, he would have already reached the ninth level soul engineer.

Now that there is no restriction on soul power, making an eighth-level soul tool is easy for him. As for the ninth-level soul guide, it won't take long with his soul guide level.

He has mastered the theoretical knowledge with a high degree of proficiency, and what is needed now is a process of practice.

So after hearing that Su Luoheng needed a ninth-level soul guide sword, Ran Yuming took the initiative to stop the job, and made this soul guide sword his first work after becoming a ninth-level soul guide.

In this regard, Su Luoheng was naturally happy to see the results.

There is no need to question the ability of my teacher on the soul tool.


Just like that, time flies.

In the blink of an eye, it has been more than five months since Su Luoheng returned to Mingdu.

During this period of time, besides practicing, he was always paying attention to the situation.

During this period, although Xu Tianran appeared in the imperial court, there were no interruptions about his long-term illness. Moreover, according to people familiar with the matter in the government, Xu Tianran's mood became more and more violent.

Besides, he finally got the most important news!

The old emperor suddenly fell ill and was unable to preside over the court meeting.

"It's finally about to start..."

Su Luoheng murmured, with a dignified expression.

He knew that the future scene was about to be staged, and it was time for him to start preparing.

Thinking of this, Su Luoheng left the academy.

The first stop of the visit is Prince Heng's Mansion!



two days later.

Mingdu, the Sun and Moon Palace, above the imperial court.

Officials at all levels are listed on the left and right sides of the main hall.

After a short wait, Xu Tianran, surrounded by his attendants, was dressed in the sun-moon crown-pattern brocade robe of the highest standard of the Sun-Moon Imperial Family, and stood on the Sun-Moon Court Hall with a nine-level soul guide prosthesis.

He strode forward and stood in front of the throne.

Looking at the Sun and Moon Throne so close at hand, a fiery look flashed in his eyes. Although his face was slightly pale, it did not conceal his ambitious and sharp eyes at all.

Soon, soon!

Immediately, he will be able to occupy this position!

Xu Tianran took a deep breath, then sat down on a smaller chair next to him, condescendingly looking down at the civil and military officials below.

"His Royal Highness is here."

"His Royal Highness, thousand years old, thousand years old."

Everyone knelt down on the ground to salute.

"Everyone, please be safe."

Xu Tianran raised his arm to give it a hand, and a strange and unpredictable red light appeared in the bottom of his majestic and indifferent eyes.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness."

All the ministers stood up and stood in two rows according to their official ranks.

"Father is in poor health, for the sake of the stability of our empire. Father intends to let this palace take charge of the country during this period of time. I don't know if you have any objections?"

There was a gentle smile on Xu Tianran's face, but his sharp eyes scanned the crowd, giving them invisible pressure. But under this seemingly gentle appearance, there is a touch of cruelty hidden.


"If you have no objection, then this Palace—"

"His Royal Highness, I have objections!"

Suddenly a minister stepped forward with his arms folded, and said loudly: "Your Majesty is seriously ill now, and I have heard that you are ill. If it is confirmed, I am afraid that the matter of supervising the country will need to be discussed again..."

"The minister also seconded the proposal. His Royal Highness is my Sun and Moon Crown Prince, who is responsible for the future of our Sun and Moon Empire. Please also ensure your health. The responsibility of supervising the country should be left to other people!"


Xu Tianran still kept a humble and kind smile on his face, but there was a chill in his eyes.

"What? Are you all opposed to my palace supervising the country?"

"His Royal Highness forgives the crime. The ministers are not against it. They just think that you have just recovered, so it is better to rest quietly for a few days."

"Yes, as the crown prince, Your Highness should put your body first!"

"Your Highness, the minister seconded the proposal."


All of a sudden, there was a sound of echoing.

The people present are all good people, and everyone knows that Xu Tianran wants to consolidate his position as the prince through the position of supervising the country.

Once this decree is issued at that time, people from the other prince's parties will be counted one by one, and they will definitely be liquidated from the court.

But they don't want to end their chances of fighting for the throne like this, as long as he doesn't supervise the other princes of the country, he still has a chance. So they are all trying to make it impossible to supervise the country.

So for a while, no matter which party the ministers are, they are unprecedentedly united at the moment, and they just don't want Xu Tianran to sit firmly in the position of supervisor of the country. Although Xu Tianran controls most of the court, it is still difficult to deal with it at the moment.



[Countdown: 08:44:21, March 23, 1 year]

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