Douluo: I’m Really not Strong

Chapter 271: Spoilers from the protagonist!

Chapter 271 spoilers from the protagonist!

You and Cher! !

Hearing Bibi Dong's question, the first excuse that Su Xian flashed in his mind was this sentence.

As the mantra of the saint who is the most desperate for Bilian, the phrase "being destined to my Buddhism" is simply the most shamelessly plundered saying.

But they are powerful, and others can't stand him.

But, using this excuse myself, the result...

One, being scolded to death by Bibi Dong, two, being beaten to death by Bibi Dong, and three, being stared to death by Bibi Dong. In short, one cannot escape the word "death".

Su Xian also began to ponder and began to organize his own thoughts.

Not only must he be able to explain Jean Bibi Dong’s pregnancy, instead of saving her directly, but also he must be able to explain why, as his teacher, he likes Cher?

Among them, the most critical one is the following questions:

I implanted the blood of angels into Bibi Dong's body, allowing her to nurture Qian Renxue, which looks more like today.

At the beginning, I seemed to have seen the future, so I did this deliberately.

[The above is Su Xian's plan for crossing, but I haven't done it yet]

With Bibi Dong's IQ, she realized that Su Xian did these things to save her, but also to ensure Xue'er's existence.

So that now, he can marry her as his wife.

So, causality is involved here!

And this is also the most difficult to explain, unless Su Xian said that he had traveled through the past and changed his destiny for Bibi Dong, otherwise it would be difficult to explain the current state.


With a long sigh, Su Xian felt a headache. He really didn't know how to explain it. This was a dead end.

With the current plan, it seems that I can only confess!

Su Xian sighed deeply, "Actually, as a teacher, I already knew your future destiny and my destiny, so I never wanted to accept you as a disciple."

"My destiny?" Bibi Dong's pupils shrank and looked at Su Xian in astonishment.

"Because of that night, you completely went astray, cultivated as a Rakshasa god, and wanted to destroy the entire continent, especially the Wuhun Temple, but in the end you ended up with a dead end."

"And I, met Xue Qinghe before I died, replaced him with a major repair to live again, and finally got entangled with Xueer."

"This is the fate of you and me. I had already anticipated it back then, so I didn't want to accept you as a disciple."

"After all, our relationship..."

Seeing that Bibi Dong was completely trapped, Su Xian didn't continue speaking. If she still didn't understand, then she wouldn't be Bibi Dong.

In the bedroom, the scene was surprisingly silent, Bibi Dong was dumbfounded, his eyes lost, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Su Xian was right. She did want to destroy the Spirit Hall before, and only recently let go of some hatred.

Therefore, what he said is very likely to be true. Will he really be that fate?

After a while, Bibi Dong finally calmed down...

Bibi Dong looked complicated, "So, in order to save me, you can only think of this way?"

Su Xian nodded, "You are also a pitiful person. When you and I meet, I have a relationship between master and apprentice. I can't just sit back and watch."

"I just wronged you. After so many years, it ruined your innocence."

Touching Bibi Dong's head, Su Xian's eyes were full of kindness and apology, as if he couldn't help it.

[Author: The Story of self, purely flicker]

"Compared with death and death, I am very satisfied with the results now, at least I haven't succeeded by that animal."

While Su Xian was allowed to touch his head, Bibi Dong did not resist, but at the end of the day, a deep color of hatred flashed in his eyes.

She would never forget that person, even if he didn't succeed, he ruined her eighteen years of life.

However, then he laughed again, she and Qian Renxue were not related, they were only pregnant with her.

In this way, her innocence is still there, but she has passed the addiction of being a mother after she was pregnant in October.

"I knew it was this way, I shouldn't have gone around looking for a teacher, or I wouldn't have a conflict with Chihiro Ji..." Bibi Dong regretted it.

As soon as he spoke, Bibi Dong suddenly realized something, and quickly changed his words:

"But if there is no such thing, Xueer will not appear if she wants to come, everything seems to be doomed."

"Why are you looking for me? Didn't I tell you that I will fall asleep?" Su Xian forced with a dazed face.


With a somewhat unnatural face, Bibi Dong waved his hand quickly and explained embarrassingly.

Su Xian:.......

Intuition tells him that something is wrong!

Su Xian reminded him sincerely, "Although Xueer was born to you, but not your daughter, nothing happened. You should let go of the obsessions in your heart.

"It's better to live happily than anything, isn't it?"


Bibi Dong nodded involuntarily, feeling the resentment in his heart vanished in an instant, and the whole person became relaxed.

Seeing this, Su Xian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, he finally passed away!

However, I have to speed up the time to go there again and realize what I just said, otherwise it will be delayed for a long time and accidents will easily happen.

At the bedroom door, seeing Su Xian and Bibi Dong have been in for so long, Qian Renxue couldn't help getting anxious, and the thought of sinking came again.

The two of them won't really...

Thinking of this, Qian Renxue's face also paled.

He is hers, no one can grab him, especially if she is still a mother.

After a while, the bedroom door opened, and seeing Bibi Dong's mouth with a sweet smile, Su Xian was also refreshed and very knowledgeable...

Qian Renxue's heart trembled suddenly, and she quickly stepped forward and grabbed Su Xian's arm, swearing her sovereignty.

Seeing Qian Renxue's behavior, Bibi Dong raised his brows, and his expression immediately converged as if nothing had happened.

Su Xian:.......

Why does this weird cold wind give me the feeling that I am about to fight?

"Husband, I'm looking for something to do with you, you come in with me."

Pulling Su Xian, Qian Renxue plunged into the bedroom and closed the door, except that the role outside the door changed to a different person.

Qian Renxue said with a small face, a little unhappy, "To be honest, what were you doing just now?"

Su Xian replied calmly, "As a teacher, I have to explain clearly to her, otherwise, how can my mother-in-law be able to understand?"

"Then how did you tell her, honestly, you can't miss a word!" Qian Renxue forced.

"Oh~ Why do I feel a little sour? Which vinegar bottle was overturned?" Su Xian joked with a smile.

"Are you going to tell me?" Qian Renxue grinned and put her jade hand on Su Xian's waist, threateningly.

"Naturally, I mean, why don't you change the place and tell you slowly?"

With that said, Su Xian glanced at the direction of the soft bed and said deeply.

"Bah! Want to be beautiful, just say it here!" Qian Renxue said angrily.

"Okay~ right here, I must be honest~"

(End of this chapter)

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