Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1159: Apply special effects

Tang San didn't care who had cultivated the immortal cultivation technique he compiled, as long as there were enough cultivators.

Anyway, all the cultivators were working for him, and the magic weapon they worked so hard was broken in the thunder robbery. They all made him a wedding dress. They meditated cross-legged every day, trying to realize their enlightenment, and giving him computing power for nothing. Of course, the more such fat sheep, the better.

But in the eyes of different people, Tang San's behavior was different, such as occasionally glancing at his shadow.

"Look, let me just say it! The secret of soul power unlocking falls in Tang San's hands, and it is safer than it is in anyone's hands. I can't think of such an outrageous way to deceive computing power." Cheng Ying closed it for the time being. The nanorobot production line was dropped.

The mass production of one-nanometer robots failed again, and he was not in a hurry. At least this time, he is one step closer to successful mass production. In this case, the idea is probably right, and only not much improvement is needed.

"I really made you right! Fortunately, I am still worried about the explosion of their technology. If they practice this technique for cultivating immortals, let alone the explosion of technology, the scientific thinking that has been established with difficulty, I am afraid that it will be alive and well. After the expiration, everyone is afraid that it is not all thinking about emptying the brain, and feeling that it is natural to gain the power of white picking." The ice emperor's expression is painful.

After all, it was the first time she had seen anyone who could retrogress a civilization with a huge potential technology.

"It's not as serious as you said! Comprehension is also a civilized development route. If Tang San doesn't understand the work of stealing calculations, this kind of civilized development method may not be impossible, and it will be a big deal. After the limit of soul power, it is possible to reversely analyze the structure and principle of soul power.” Chengying threw the task of redesigning the nano robot to the research institute, and he didn’t want to move when he sat on the sofa and tested the new nano machine. It consumes too much computing power, and he feels that his brain on the moon is about to shrink.

"Then do you think the cultivation civilization is more correct, or the mechanical civilization is more correct?" The Ice Emperor asked with interest.

"It depends on the situation! It's hard to say which is more correct in areas like ours where spirit power already exists, but if they start from scratch and cannot rely on external forces, there is no doubt that mechanical technology is more reasonable. "

"Huh? How can you be so sure?" Bingdi wondered: "Didn't you just say that you're going to the same destination by different routes?"

Chengying shook her head and said, "One goes in a straight line and the other goes a long way. It is also the same by different routes. I will give you a simple example and you will understand.

An ordinary person without any extraordinary ability, he wants to lift a 500-jin boulder. Is it easy to build a set of pulleys, or to exercise or make physical modifications to make it easy to lift the boulder?

The answer is undoubtedly, not to mention whether you can exercise so strongly, even if you can, it will consume a lot of time and energy. Let alone physical modification, the technology required is higher than that of the pulley. I don’t know where it is. .

The human body does have great potential, but if you want to rely solely on these potentials to promote the development of civilization, that's a joke.

The same crane, made into the form of a crane, and integrated into the human body, gives people the power of a crane. The technical difficulty is worlds apart. The practice can indeed be passed, but if they all start from scratch, the latter is undoubtedly It is a thousand times more difficult. "

Bingdi scratched his head: "It seems to make sense! That's right, Douluo people are too easy to cultivate, after all, they have spirit power! If they don't, I'm afraid that just to achieve physical flight, I don't know how much energy I put into optimizing genes. "

"Anyway, let Tang San toss! The more he tossed, the harder it is to explode on Douluo Continent. Hmm... I suddenly thought of an interesting question. After Tang San throws out the exercises, will the gods? Will try to cultivate immortals too? After all, immortals are better than gods!"

Hearing this, Bingdi fell into thinking: "It seems... it's really possible! Then if the gods find that they have been fooled, don't they punch out Tang San's shit?"

"Then I don't know, or maybe I can't find it at all? After all, the energetic brains and thinking logic of the gods are more or less problematic. Maybe they will really be fooled for nothing."


At the same time, Tang San sneaked into the lower level of the ruins alone. After so many years, the base’s energy system is still operating normally, and the defense system can be activated normally. If someone else enters in such a reckless manner, he can use it as a shower by lifting it out and plugging in the faucet. .

But Tang Santianke, an organ controlled by computing power, at least these old-fashioned electronic computers were controlled by him. He could directly prevent the sending of attack commands from the physical level, so he could enter the ruins unimpeded.

"Just put it here!" Tang San looked at the containment table in front of him, inside which was constrained by a group of squirming liquid with magnetic force. He analyzed it with his spirit power and figured out what it was.

This is a group of controllable magnetic fluid. It can be regarded as a semi-finished product in the development of liquid metal, and it can also be regarded as one of the failures. This thing can be controlled by neural connections, and it can be changed into various forms like T1000, but the disadvantages are also obvious, because The body is a magnetic fluid, as long as it is demagnetized under high temperature conditions, it is basically a pile of waste.

This thing is obviously far from the adventure in Lyon’s fantasy, but it is also reasonable that the scientific research products displayed in the research institute are normal conditions, and it is a special event that can strengthen the adventurer.

Tang San chose this thing not because of how strong he is, but because his magnetic levitation containment station looks the most He put his old nano-level cultivation technique on the table. On, turn on the electromagnetic restraint, and increase the power by the way, so that a sphere formed by a visible arc appears on the surface of the exercise method. People who don’t know will see this scene, and they will definitely think that something very awesome is sealed on this table.

"Hmm... I feel that something is still missing! What are the shortcomings?" Tang San pondered for a moment, then slapped his head: "Lack of special effects!"

The treasure was born, it must be Xia Guang Wan Dao, Rui Cai Qian Tiao, if it was a mediocre book, it would seem too ordinary, thinking of this, Tang San immediately started to add special effects to the cultivation technique.

He is very good at this, such as the heavenly beasts, the golden lotus from the earth, the sudden changes in the wind and thunder, all are sealed in the secret book, as long as this thing is removed, the special effects will be moved, and it will be absolutely shocking at that time.

At the same time, Lyon and his party also encountered the first danger they came to explore. A huge cockroach blocked their way...

[To be continued]

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