Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1168: Peerless Genius

Listening to the introduction of the instructor, Tang San laughed secretly, what kind of cultivation queen, what attributes, and what kind of cultivation speed? That can be changed with a single thought. These are designed to divide the classes of practitioners and transfer contradictions to themselves.

Facing the test of his talent, Tang San smiled without saying a word, and followed Xiao Liu to the test equipment. Although there are already many immortal cultivators in the mainland, technology is still the mainstream for the time being. Need to wait for the cultivation of the immortal cultivator to further improve. It is possible to completely replace the current technology system.

Therefore, the machine for testing talent looks quite sci-fi. The two huge circles move up and down to scan, and in a short while, the aptitude of the person in front is scanned.

"Fire attribute spirit root! Profound level, very good talent! I haven't made a newcomer to the Profound level for several days. Go to the next place to test your cultivation speed! If the aptitude is also good, I am afraid that many big sects are willing to ask for it. You." The person in charge of the testing equipment encouraged the child who was testing.

Xiao Liu explained to Tang San: "Under normal circumstances, the practitioners who are tested have only one spiritual root attribute. The fire attribute is a very good attribute. It is quite advanced in terms of combat ability and can also be used as a minor in pill cultivation. At this stage, it is quite good. Popular attributes.

Profound level is already considered a good talent. It's pretty good to have one out of ten people. So that kid was considered half a genius just now. "

Tang San asked with great interest: "Then what kind of talent does a true genius have?"

Xiao Liu showed a fascinating look: "On the Jialing Pass, a real genius appeared some time ago, with the three spiritual roots of fire, earth and wind, who can use the infinite dust to decompose them into the smallest particles.

And it is the legendary heavenly root! Each of the three attributes is extremely powerful when separated, and the combination of the three is even more ridiculous. The cultivation speed is also B-level, and there are no more than his cultivation speed on the whole continent. People out.

Such a genius is willing to even defeat his opponent at both levels. As long as one or two years pass, he might already become a big figure on the famous move. "

Tang San heard the words and smiled: "Guess what talent I am?"

Xiao Liu shook his head: "I can't guess! Your strength is strong. I am afraid the cultivation speed is quite fast. I really can't guess the spiritual root attribute. But as long as you have any two attributes, you are already considered a genius. If you can combine the two attributes, you will be a genius among geniuses.

I don't know who started it. Regardless of this ability to manipulate the fusion of two attributes at the same time, it is called Blood Succession Limit! The immortal cultivator who possesses the limit of blood succession, in the battle of the same level, almost no one can defeat it. "

"Let's test it!" Tang San walked up to the instrument and stood on it unhurriedly, feeling the invisible fluctuations, swiping across his body, the corners of his mouth were slightly curved.


After scanning him, the machine issued a rapid alarm: "Multiple spiritual roots detected, analysis is in progress! Analysis is in progress!"

At the same time as the alarm was called, various fireworks-like celebration special effects appeared inside the Immortal Cultivator's Guild. As long as a genius is born, similar special effects will appear and the attributes of the genius will be announced.

Countless practitioners hope that they can experience the joy of this moment, and the degree of surprise is more than that of the title on the gold list.

Following the analysis of the instrument, Tang San's attributes were listed on the public screen one by one. The first item is the fire attribute that Xiao Liu just mentioned.

Practitioners in the guild. Seeing the attribute that was tested first, I kept whispering: "It's a very good attribute! There is another attribute to assist in learning alchemy in the future, and the achievement will definitely not be low."

"Yes, yes! And fire attributes and other attributes also have a lot of blood inheritance limits. Whatever you want to melt away, boiling escape are very powerful blood inheritors!"

"The fire attribute is good, but it's a pity that it's not those rare attributes. If it is space, spirit and other attributes, as long as there is one of them, the blood inheritance limit of duality fusion can be set! But this way! There are not a few geniuses in the practice world.

I remember that there was a wind attribute plus space attribute genius, although there is no blood inheritance, but now it is also a big figure on the famous side, even stronger than those blood inheritance geniuses! "

When everyone was talking about it, Tang San's second attribute also came out, it was the earth attribute!

At this time, everyone began to talk again, discussing whether he could use his attribute and how to use hemorrhage to continue.

And sometimes the blood inheritance can also be developed by itself, just as everyone thought at first that the combination of ice attributes and wind attributes would not give birth to the blood inheritance, but ice escape was created by people.

Just when everyone thought that a new genius had been born, and he could know his spiritual root level. It was discovered that the system is still continuing to detect the attributes and the test is not over.

Then the brand-new attribute was exploded again. This time it was the wind attribute. Now everyone was boiling, and the three attributes were again a three-attribute genius. If his three attributes can also be integrated into the dust, wouldn't he be another peerless genius, another robbery Linghu Ye!

However, this is not over yet. Immediately afterwards, the machine was like an explosive bean. It crackled and exploded its attributes, such as lightning attributes, water attributes, metallic attributes, light attributes, and various attributes. At first, everyone was still surprised. But soon. Everyone thinks that the instrument may be broken. Because even the spatial attributes and spiritual attributes pop out. This is really unbelievable. Someone can have such a The test result of the machine is ultimately all attributes, how is this possible? No one wants to believe this result. All-attribute heavenly roots? This shouldn't be a talent that humans should have.

However, their doubts were soon dispelled. Because Tang San really condensed the power of various attributes in his palm. And merged these forces in his palm, turning into a white light group.

It is actually possible to merge the power of all attributes into one. This is much more exaggerated than the Blood Succession Boundary, doesn't it mean that he can use any kind of Blood Succession Boundary!

Such power has only appeared in fantasy. Known as the Snare of the Blood Succession! In terms of Linggen's talent, it is no longer possible to be stronger than this. It's not just these people who are in the Immortal Cultivator's Guild now. Those who are not here have seen the situation here through the Internet.

All were caught in a shock that could not be calmed for a long time, in front of such a genius, the so-called Blood Succession Boundary. The so-called three attributes. The so-called special attributes. It's not worth mentioning.

[To be continued]

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