Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1193: Forced to be involved

The battleships with the Klein effect will squeeze each other. Turned into a very weird giant iron lump, you can imagine the fate of the people inside.

The most troublesome thing is that these crashed into a pile of scrap iron. The vast majority of battleships can still maintain their shields open. Because the shield generator is often the most heavily defended area inside a battleship, it often has a high-strength spherical defensive armor layer of tens of centimeters, and there is no way to break the defense with ordinary attacks, even if the battleship is squeezed into a ball. The shield generator with independent energy can still run for a long time.

This caused these warships that crashed into scrap iron to become the most dangerous thing, and they ignored the defense of some warship shields. Bumped violently in the whirlpool. It really caught people off guard.

Many warships had to risk closing their shields in the water and reopening them to avoid the devastating blow caused by this collision.

However, closing the shield also involves huge risks. The water pressure in the whirlpool is terrible. Even hiding in the airtight cabin. The hull may also be torn apart by the current, and it is likely that the shield generator will not be able to restart at all. The battleship has been torn to pieces.

This is not the most dangerous. The most dangerous is actually the other teammates who have turned on the shield. The shield covering the hull, compared to the hull that has not been enchanted and strengthened, is simply indestructible, as long as it hits the shields of friendly forces. That can basically be declared. Died.

Destroyed battleship. How can it be turned into many wrecks, so that this vortex is filled with more dangerous fragments, making it more difficult for those warships who want to switch shield mode to succeed.

Adams discovered the danger in time and started to escape early. There was enough time to open the shields of the sailors, plus they already had the ability to sail underwater. The speed is much faster than other warships, and it is relatively free in this huge vortex.

Although it was eventually sucked into the whirlpool. But the position is relatively high. Compared with those warships whose shield capacity has dropped crazily, they are still much stronger.

But if it continues, the disadvantage of their shield capacity will be exposed. After multiple collisions, there is a high probability that the shield will be damaged.

Even if they can sail underwater. In such a complex water environment in front of us. It is almost impossible to leave intact.

"This is a lot of trouble. We must first find the source of the release of these bubbles. Otherwise, the spiral nest will not stop at all. These warships have learned the lesson just now, and now they dare not use firepower. But if this is the case, it is often the case. It means that they will still ambush the enemy. This is to kill them all." Adams said solemnly: "Prepare to dive. I don't think the enemy of this fleet will choose to let us go at this time?

If we want to survive, we can only rely on ourselves. Now continue down. We need to find the source of these bubbles. Bring cooling equipment with you. If possible, it is best to freeze the surrounding sea water. Prevent these gases from continuing to release. "

Those who set sail, of course, want to leave the matter alone and go straight away. However, it turns out that they can no longer escape. The strong attraction of the vortex makes it impossible for them to be separated from normal means at all, with the capacity of other battleship bottle shields. They definitely die first. This time. Breaking into the bottom of the sea first, solving the problem is the most likely escape solution.

What is most disturbing? The range of the bubble just covers all the warships in this area. It seemed as if it had been premeditated. if it is like this. The enemy is probably not a simple natural phenomenon.

The Voyager suddenly turned on its engine and pushed it down. This vortex originally swept the warship underwater. They accelerated downwards. Instead, he moved in the direction of the vortex, and the speed was abnormally fast all the way.

Just see the baroreceptors on the surface of the cabin. Crazy report, the pressure increased too fast, although such pressure can not destroy the spacecraft structure, but the high-speed pressure changes will still cause a huge load on the hull. If not, most of their records are renewable biomaterials, and the surface is relatively soft and elastic. Diving at such a high speed caused them to split.

The depth of the vortex is much deeper than they thought. After diving to a certain depth, the surroundings became much quieter, and there were no more collisions and explosions.

Looking down from here, we can see fairly clear traces of manual excavation. It may not be made by humans, but it is definitely not a natural landscape.

"It looks like we are going to encounter an enemy this time." Adams started the broadcast: "Attention everyone, beware of sneak attacks! Our enemies are by no means ordinary natural disasters. They are likely to attack suddenly when we are not paying attention."

I don't know if he is a crow's mouth or what, he just finished talking. A strange current suddenly rushed out of the seabed. A closer look reveals that this is not actually a current, but the sharpness of many octahedrons.

The speed of these sharp cones is very fast, driving the speed of the water flow. A high-speed rushing torrent formed underwater.

But compared to the power they showed on land. Besides, they are much weaker. When Tang San designed them, he didn't design water warfare. It's them. The enemy was discovered through Gestalt consciousness and tactics were developed.

Excavate combustible ice under the enemy's water, and then release a large amount of gas, forming a vortex, involving the warship.

At this time they are going to rise to the surface to harvest the final results, which also means that this is their most vulnerable moment. Under water, although their speed is fast. But that is also relative to the speed of the warship in the water. The bullet went into the water and couldn't break the skin ten meters away Even if they fly faster than bullets, they have continuous power. It is also difficult to exert much power underwater.

Under this circumstance, relying on the impact, they could not break through the shields of the most ordinary warships. It is quite difficult to even consume the energy of the shield.

They didn't need to worry about fighting underwater. Because there were no submarines among the warships they were dealing with, after sinking into the whirlpool, these warships would not have the ability to resist.

However, they happened to meet a freak like overseas. The flexibility after diving is even higher than on the surface.

Adams and the crew saw these little things moving fast. Think and know with your toes. The natural disaster that just happened is definitely related to these little things.

Just by looking at how fast they are underwater, you know that if you let them go ashore, it is definitely not easy to deal with.

Adams made a decisive decision: "Fire!"

[To be continued]

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