Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1198: Poseidon and the fairy king

"Why are my followers scattered across a whole continent? Shouldn't these people live on Poseidon Island obediently?" Poseidon felt the sporadic power of faith, and his mentality exploded.

When he first got along with the residents on Poseidon Island, he had already told them not to leave his island lightly. In this case, the power of faith can be concentrated and transmitted to him more efficiently. Less loss.

The most important thing is that when you need it, you can directly harvest it as long as you come to the vicinity of Seagod Island, and you don't need to fly around the entire planet to slowly collect it.

These people are now scattered across an entire continent. Want to gather their power of faith. It's coming slowly, even he can't be impatient yet. In the case of being unable to escape from the tulip chase. Try not to make a big noise as much as possible.

After all, the source is a protected area of ​​civilization, and there are relevant regulations for tourism. It is not allowed to make a major change in the progress of civilization. If he demonstrates his various powerful abilities, he will definitely violate the rules for the first time, and then be taken away by the local guards.

Douluo Xing seemed to have no one's attention, but in the space station in space, there were two tulip special soldiers guarding there. Although only two fighters, they rely on various powerful military weapons in the space station. It can be traded completely, suppressing all kinds of supernatural forces on the entire continent.

In the last resort, all intelligent creatures on the planet can be packaged and taken away, and then the entire planet can be transformed into mass and energy, and all the substances of the planet can be turned into weapons for attack.

If Poseidon dared to act rashly here, he would immediately understand what is meant by the huge gap between military weapons and civilian weapons. The eight hundred trident he has the strongest in hand can only be regarded as a toy under the opponent's standard weapon. If he wants to rely on the technology of Tulips, he can do it here, which is purely a long life.

Just wanting to find other believers is not an easy task. Human beings are not a kind of belief, what a steadfast race. When faced with a crisis of survival and Poseidon was indifferent. The faith of most of the people of the Sea God began to waver.

The frustrations and blows of life will gradually turn their eyes on faith. Transferred to the daily life of diesel, rice, oil and salt. Poseidon has gradually become a pure spiritual sustenance in their impressions. In the final analysis, life is still a matter of life. God is gone, so you can't die with it.

As a result, the belief in Poseidon became thinner and thinner. Originally, Poseidon thought that this planet would gradually become a planet with sluggish beliefs. However, he soon realized that he was wrong. After he entered the atmosphere, he discovered , There are countless beliefs on this planet, converging towards many sources.

It just made him feel strange. The source of most beliefs. None of them are particularly strong. If it is simply to be calculated with combat power. Compared to the former Douluo people, they are still very strong. Generally possess the strength above the soul sage. But now this Douluo is really not as good as a dog as a soul sage, Douluo walks all over the place. These people who have gathered a lot of faith now seem too weak.

However, Poseidon can guess how many people, these people are probably legendary idols. When he was a star in Tulip, he also received a similar power of faith. It is not pure, but the number is extremely large. This is why his strength has been greatly improved, and he can control more aerospace weapons.

It's just that in addition to these idols, more powers of faith have gathered in the empty space. These powers of faith seem to have no purpose. But they have formed a single concept body, which seems to be in the process of gestation. This phenomenon has also been heard by Poseidon, and it usually appears in purely fantasy gods.

Just how do you see the shape of the power of these beliefs? They don’t look like gods, all of them are cute girls, wearing cute little skirts, witch costumes and the like, some have guns in their hands, some have a fort floating around them, and some have this non-human feature. It's not like a **** at all, because it should be solemn and majestic.

Poseidon probably never thought in his life that the characters behind the mobile game could be believed to become gods, and even have the possibility to condense entities. If he knew this, he would not know the gods who painstakingly collected beliefs. Can't cry out angrily?

Although Poseidon was very succumbed to his own believers, scattered everywhere, and each of them was not very religious, but as long as they were collected in a low-key manner. It is not difficult to gather the faith to return to the gods.

It's just that he wants to be low-key, but not everyone wants him to be low-key. After all, his energy intensity is still too high. When he was in Tulip, he just wanted to make himself stronger. Using various transformation methods to strengthen his half-energy body, his body strength now almost catches up with the Supreme God, and the super-high energy intensity released by him makes it difficult for him to shield his breath.

All other people can perceive is that there is a super strong passing by. Anyway, they are stronger than them, and there is not much difference in perception.

However, some people are indeed different, and Dai Huanyu can easily perceive that his strength has far surpassed himself, and he is an outrageously strong superpower.

It was just because the other party came to the Sun Moon Continent, so I chose not to ask for trouble. Maybe he felt that the strength of Seagod was super strong, and he was not the only one.

He was cultivating on the Sun Moon Continent, and Tang San, who was preparing for a breakthrough, could also feel that the Seagod's aura was almost stronger than him, not just the energy in his body. It is also the nanomachines released from the body.

That kind of power at least immediately at the same level made Tang San feel it easily. Facing an opponent who is definitely not weaker than himself. Under this circumstance, how could Tang San allow the other party to approach his continent?

At their level of strength, the scope of a continent could be considered very close.

Poseidon didn't feel Tang San's existence, after all, the opponent's energy intensity was actually not particularly high. The soul power and micro-machines in the body are different from those of Tulips, and it is not easy to perceive them by signal recognition. Therefore, when a golden figure stops him to apply, he is stunned.

"You shouldn't come! Gods." Tang San stopped Seagod, and said: "This world doesn't need gods."

Poseidon: "..."

He wants to scold people very much now. He came to this planet to find his believers. He didn't recruit anyone or provoke anyone, but he was stopped by others. Tell him that he shouldn't come. Isn't this a scenic spot? I bought the tickets myself. He didn't let me in, can I complain?

[To be continued]

Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket~

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