Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1207: Super big bang

"I want to see, you are already very close to this step. How close is it? How long can it be supported in my hands?

Even if you are only a clone, you are already the strongest in civilization! If you are defeated by me here, then wait obediently in your homeland and be taken away by me! "Tang San's ontology appeared directly behind Cheng Ying.

The terrible position enveloped Cheng Ying, and his body was about to be disassembled. However, in the next instant, an extremely large mental force slammed into his brain, which was even more exaggerated than the first sudden attack. Tang San just felt like his brain was about to explode, and suddenly fell to the ground.

If it was said that Chengying was still more difficult to hit with mental power when the distance was relatively far, now at this distance, even if he wants to miss it.

"You may have overlooked a problem, and that is on certain levels. There are indeed more people, more power. Because our souls are all the same, and we will not become more noble because of our individual strength.

My mental power is just a lever for beating the power of my soul, although it can only be done to the extent that my soul is equal to you, but this is enough. Imagine the impact just now. If you turn it over hundreds of billions of times, will you lose your soul in an instant?

And what do you think civilization is? Is it that you can go extinct if you want to extinction? You can fly faster than the speed of light, but can you fly in multiple directions at the same time? Even if you can be cloned, how much power does your clone have for you? Tulips have countless spacecraft that can travel at a warp speed.

If we are really defeated, then everyone can evacuate to other planets. The universe is vast and vast, even if it is a habitable planet, it is easy to transform with our current technological capabilities.

Even in the dark starfield with nothing, it is not so difficult to survive. How can you do it and kill it all. How can you be sure that none of the people who leave will achieve a technological explosion and crush you in the opposite direction?

Will you use two-way foil? Are you capable of sweeping our entire civilization in one go? Even if you say there is me, you will not believe it, after all, at your current level. Want to create an explosion that destroys the galaxy. I don't know how long it takes to plan. How could it really kill my people at once! Don't you say it? "

Mouth-cannons are often the most time-consuming. Tang San was so dazed by the shock that he heard Cheng Ying beating him there when he got up, his whole mentality exploded.

"Stop playing around here! Die to the Lord! I'll just grab you and hit it by yourself!" Tang San forcefully condensed a sword of strong interaction force, seeming to have understood a brand new trick. Li, a crescent-like flash was cut out by him.

The speed of the light blade is not fast, but it seems that the distance between it and the shadow is locked. No matter how fast the shadow moves, the distance between the two decreases at a constant speed.

"This is troublesome! Hits by this level of force field will be transformed into iron bumps!" Cheng Ying no longer dodges, but violently condenses into a chaotic mass in front of him, and then violently throws it in. Among the light blades.

In an instant, the violent explosion engulfed the two of them, and the tens of thousands of tons of iron in the center of the explosion was instantly evaporated into steam. For the two of them, the explosion was just like a breeze blowing across their faces.

"The attack that can lock the distance and keep getting closer is indeed very strong, but the kind of attack that is achieved by transforming my body's atoms is completely unintelligent and too demented. Any amount of matter can stimulate your attack. If you transform, even if I keep running, the air will be consumed by your attacks."

Tang San finally thought of how to do a must-attack, and when he was about to watch Cheng Ying's desperate struggle that he couldn't avoid it, he saw that the other party had cracked it with such a simple method, and his whole person was almost torn apart. .

"Die to me!" Tang San prepared to attack again, but Cheng Ying no longer avoided, but raised his head to look at the sun.

"Time, it's almost..." Chengying looked at the sun and narrowed her eyes.

Tang San didn't know why, but he still looked up at the sun.

In the next scene, Tang San's eyes widened. The sun was no longer round, and was squashed forcibly, as if a balloon was punched fiercely, and countless material torrents were thrown out, Douluo Xing. The electronic equipment on the Internet is notified to be obsolete.

The deformed sun suddenly became brighter, and then began to grow rapidly. The brightness of the surrounding circle was relatively low, but the rate of increase was ridiculously high.

Cheng Ying looked at Tang San: "Are you ready? Supernova explosion?"

Tang San stared at Cheng Ying with an ugly expression: "You lunatic! In order to kill me, you sacrificed an entire galaxy! You actually wanted to kill the entire planet!"

"No, no, no innocent people will die. Except you, the souls of all intelligent creatures on this star have been extracted. They will be resurrected on another habitable planet, and here, they die. It's just a shell." Cheng Ying said indifferently.

"You lunatic!" Tang San gritted his teeth and the supernova exploded. Of course, he knew that the solid planet closest to the star had no chance of being spared. There is absolutely no possibility of surviving, the only way is to start to escape now, and strive to accelerate into a state of warp speed.

But how could Chengying allow him to escape?

"Don't want to run! I really can't beat you, but if I can't even hold you back, I won't have to be the master of this civilization!"


The earth Countless creation hands stretched out, grabbing Tang San like a quagmire. Although the force field generated by each creation hand could hardly restrain Tang San, there were too many. , Cheng Ying carried a terrible amount of them, and the restraints created by stacking up one by one, even if Tang San crushed a level of technology, it would be difficult to break free.

"Quickly let go! You lunatic!" Tang San roared, frantically attacking Cheng Ying.

"Do you think that the attack must be from me?" Chengying showed a weird expression. Chengying's body was riddled with holes under the attack, but countless hands of creation still held Tang San and prevented him from running away. .

"Have you heard of Chaos Theory? You can kill me, but even if I die, these attacks will not stop.

Remember, always remain in awe of science, because you never know how high a civilization can be achieved in a certain technology that is difficult to continue to improve in technical level. "

[To be continued]

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