Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1210: A world without soul power

After the adjustment of the starry sky is done, the last person who needs to be reshaped and resurrected is Douluo's people. This is the most difficult of all the steps. It doesn't matter if there are some errors in other steps, but the resurrection of the human body can hardly be wrong with an atom. Otherwise, the soul may not recognize this body.

Fortunately, before the destruction of Douluo, this aspect of the data was the most perfect collection, and there was no particular difficulty in resurrection. As long as there were no major mistakes and proceeded step by step, the resurrection could be completed smoothly.

The location of everyone's resurrection is the same as the location of their consciousness fragments, so when they wake up, they will at most feel a little trance, which is probably similar to the feeling of just sneezing.

The world will not change in any way. People who buy things in convenience stores still have to continue to pay. Those who sleep at home will still have to fight painfully with sleepiness the next day in the sound of the alarm clock. The fugitives still have to Continue to think about how to avoid official tracking, and the fighters must think about how to survive the next battle.

Nothing seems to have changed, but everything is different again. As everyone's bodies were rebuilt, the resurrection began.

Everyone in Douluo opened his eyes, and the world he saw has not changed, but the change has already happened quietly. The person paying at the convenience store patted his cell phone suspiciously: "What's going on today? Why is this phone broken? Boss, do you accept cash?"

"Your phone is broken? The cashier computer here is also broken. Let's use cash!"



The sleeping social animal turned over consciously, not knowing that he was sleeping more heavily than before. The most important thing is that his alarm clock is broken. He will be late tomorrow anyway, but he doesn’t need to worry about it. , Because many people will be late with him tomorrow. Their reason will be that the alarm clock is broken.


A burst of black smoke suddenly appeared from the flight bag behind the fugitive who was evading chase. The dream fell in the sky.

"Gan! So immortal, it was broken at this time!" the fugitive cursed frantically. He fell from a height of several hundred meters, but he did not panic. If you look down at this height, most people are afraid of heights. But if it was a fall, not many Douluo people would be afraid, because most of them could fly and fly, as long as they had the cultivation base of the Soul Sage.

Just when he was preparing to fly. But I found that I couldn't fly anymore, and there was an altitude of hundreds of meters below my feet. If you can't fly. If he smashed it abruptly, even he would die on the spot.

After several unbelieving attempts to fly, he finally realized the fact that he could not fly, and then shouted in horror, waving his limbs in the air, but to no avail. No one would save him, even the policemen who were chasing him, at this time found that they couldn't fly anymore. Falling in horror.

Fortunately, not everything has lost its effect, and the parachutes they were packed opened smoothly. At the same time, they finally realized an important problem. The soul power that was originally thought to be ubiquitous has now completely disappeared. No one knows what happened. All the equipment that needs to be used is scrapped on the spot. Only normal mechanical equipment such as parachutes is not affected by this.

Some people panic, some wonder, some are happy, some are sad, and life is different. The disappearance of spirit power on this day, in such a sudden form, everyone in Douluo had to accept it.

No one would have thought of disappearing, but it was not soul power, they just moved a galaxy to a planet without soul power.

The power of soul power didn't completely disappear. Now Tulip's laboratory has stored a large number of soul power samples, but almost not much soul power is being put into normal production.

After smashing Douluo's protagonist's halo, his spirit power became dangerous for Tulip. If the protagonist's Halo and Douluo Xing are truly meaningful to the creator of spirit power, then Tulip will destroy both of them, and undoubtedly offend the other party severely.

If you continue to use spirit power at this time, it is likely to be targeted. When the time comes, the tulip looks like a powerful weapon and fleet, and I am afraid it will be like it is now. The spirit power equipment is the same, and the collective is paralyzed.

It is considered for similar reasons. Douluo's spirit power has not been restored, everyone has to adapt to this brand-new, dysfunctional world.

To say that the most chaotic is the two empires. Needless to say, the Tiandou empire. Many equipment need to rely on soul power to operate. After losing soul power, these equipment collectively strike, and I almost suffer from social production. When the devastating blow came, property losses and casualties were countless. The most important thing was that even their communication equipment was disturbed. It was almost impossible to rescue disasters and restore the rule of the empire in a short period of time.

The Star Luo Empire is even more miserable even though they are not technically backward. Quite a lot of industries still remain in manual production, but they rely more on soul power. The powerhouses who were once incomparable fell into the mortal world in an instant. Not to mention the disappearance of the cultivation base that used to reach the sky. Even if they want to continue to maintain their lives, it is very difficult to do. The problem.

Their bodies are too strong, so strong that they rely on their own strength to breathe, and it is almost difficult to maintain the functioning of their too strong Before, they used soul power to protect and nourish, but they are barely okay now. No, these super strong guys just slumped there.

Ordinary soul masters are not the worst, and the soul master who chooses to cultivate immortals is the worst. Although Tang San's cultivation technique is deceptive, it can indeed increase his strength quickly. It's just that their strength is almost entirely supported by spirit power, and spirit power disappears. These guys who have been eating and drinking all day are due to the imbalance of nutrition in their bodies. The body has long been malnourished. After the spirit power disappeared, he quickly became thin and skinny, let alone strong strength, and even survival was a problem. The more powerful, the more serious the problems faced.

As the world’s number one player, Dai Huanyu went directly to the intensive care unit. Although most medical equipment can no longer be used, it can still be used with infusion methods. These functions do not require the use of soul power. It was also the simplest mechanical principle, and it barely took Dai Huanyu's life.

To some extent, as long as he wakes up, he will still be the strongest on the mainland. Because no one on this continent has a stronger body than him, he can beat most people to death with one punch, but the oxygen content of this planet is simply not enough to support his such a strong body.

[To be continued]

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