Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 872: The discovery of the moon by the gods

Although the Golden Dragon Spear is not a genuine product, it is just a fake of faith, but the effect is still extremely powerful.

The dragon spear turned into a giant golden dragon and swallowed it towards the thunderball. In the parallel world, Rui Wenwen was the golden dragon girl, with a sharp shot and unparalleled power. Although the cultivation base finally stayed at the level of the soul sage, her talent was not. Also on top of the three-eyed golden 猊.

The attack of Rui Wenwen, who borrowed part of the power of the parallel world, may not be stronger than Yu Yongxin's thunder and lightning, but in essence it has exceeded too much.

The result of the collision of two seemingly evenly matched attacks was instantly clear. The golden dragon swallowed the blue thunderball in one bite, the electric light collapsed, and the devastating impact washed over Yu Yongxin's body, but it washed his body in an instant. The ashes disappeared.

The self-discipline robot rushed to the scene the first time, the energy annihilation force field was released, and the huge golden dragon was instantly decomposed. After the attack subsided, the emergency robot began to reorganize his body according to Yu Yongxin's body data.

The reorganization process is very fast. After all, it is Tulip's military-grade equipment. Tulip's standard soldier combat effectiveness is much stronger than Yu Yongxin, and the natural reorganization is extremely smooth.

The high-level people in the audience are all in this resurrection, their expressions are getting more and more solemn. The attack just now has the power of a demigod. Under such an attack, they are beaten to fly ashes, and they can still be resurrected. This is beyond their cognition.

The golden dragon tore apart not only Yu Yongxin’s body, but also his soul. Under such an attack, even the tough soul of a demigod might suffer irreversible and serious trauma. Yu Yongxin But as if it was a okay person, it was not affected at all.

This is not the strength of the vitality field. Tulip’s technology and equipment are temporarily unable to achieve this level, but the technology equipment cannot achieve this level, which does not mean that other channels cannot.

Chengying's external brain has always been hung in the moon's core! Douluo Xing has always been shrouded by his spiritual power, and all the attacks on the spiritual level that occurred here would have been impossible to take effect without his permission.

Only because he had adapted to the envelope of his mental power, and even regarded it as a normal natural phenomenon, no one found the problem.

Spirit world……

The gods monitoring the game all showed solemn expressions. The attack just now can hurt or even kill the lower gods. It contains a blow from the power of the Golden Dragon King, and even has a certain restraint effect on the gods of the gods. Even so, It still failed to cause casualties in the arena.

"What do you think? This is beyond the scope of resuscitating the body. We have already concluded that the remnants of the tulip possess a very sophisticated body repair ability.

They can repair and reorganize a person from the most basic components, but this does not explain how they can also repair the trauma of the soul.

If they can only repair the wounds of the body, it is not enough to be afraid. Our spirits are definitely not something they can fight against, but even the wounds of the soul can be healed, which is too incomprehensible. "

The **** of goodness asks questions at the meeting.

The goddess of life frowned: "The complexity of the soul is far from that of the body. It is almost impossible to repair an annihilated soul, even if the soul itself has the strength of the soul.

If they can do it, then the strength they show may have far surpassed ours, and may even make us unresistible. Although we don’t know much about Tulips, we can be sure that they are from Douluo. The forces that were born experienced an extinction-level disaster in the middle of the period. Even if some ancient relics were unearthed, they could not develop so fast.

At least I don't think they can be so powerful that they can easily destroy us. I think they are more likely to avoid irreversible damage to their souls by trickery. "

As the authority on life, the goddess of life is still very important, and the gods immediately used this as a clue to analyze the previous situation.

"Across the time barrier of the God Realm, our observation is not very clear, but there are indeed signs that the contestant's soul is protected before it is attacked.

In the arena, there seems to be a free spirit energy protecting the spirit of every contestant. I have some records on this. "The **** of destruction suddenly intervened in the conversation:

"It's not just that this game has similar situations in other games. I thought it was a natural phenomenon at first, but after a series of investigations and this, there was also a conjecture about the goddess of life.

I found that this might be man-made interference. Compared with the situation of Douluo 60 years ago, it is not difficult to find that there was no such free mental energy at that time.

He is regarded as a natural phenomenon only because he covers the entire planet. The coverage is too large, unlike what humans can do. But in light of today's situation, this is probably not a simple natural phenomenon.

I just analyzed the intensity of the mental energy in different directions on this planet. Although the intensity is almost the same, there are still subtle differences between the two hemispheres.

You can look at this picture. This is the distribution law of spiritual energy that I summarized. The more the color is red, the stronger the spiritual energy. The more blue it is, the weaker the mental energy.

I adjusted my perception to the strongest, only then I discovered the subtle difference. "

The God of Destruction released a translucent projection of Douluo Star, and then, different colors began to appear on the spherical projection.

It can be seen at a glance on the side of the sphere. The color is reddish, and the other side is bluish. And this bias does not change with the rotation of the planet. In other words, the speed of his change is much slower than the rotation of the planet.

The look of the **** of kindness changed slightly: "In this case, the entire planet may be enveloped in a spiritual field. The difference in color means that they are different from the spirit in the long term. If we distribute the spiritual energy in the weakest area, the most A strong area connection. And make an extension line. It should be possible to find the source of spiritual energy on this extension line."

The good god's speculation was reasonable and well-founded, so the whole model began to expand. Although the God Realm's exploration of space is limited, it still knows that there is a huge satellite next to Douluo Star. And they also call this satellite the moon.

After incorporating the Earth-Moon system into the scope of the model, the gods all discovered an incredible phenomenon in astonishment. The end of the extension line just passed through the core of the moon.

[To be continued]

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