Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 898: Mech upgrade

"See you in Douluo for a long time (

Rui Wenwen looked at the renewed mecha with small stars in her eyes. She had been driving this mecha for many years. She wanted to upgrade for a long time, but now she finally got what she wanted.

The new mecha bedding was replaced with a smoother and smoother coating. A lot of optimizations have been made in the details. The lines that originally seemed to lack smoothness have become extremely coordinated at this time.

The operation and transformation of machinery, the color and the display look like art. In a sense, this thing is indeed an exquisite work of art for Chengying.

The ability to freely switch between the human form and the animal nature is actually a maintenance of the improvement of combat effectiveness. It is better to add a few more turrets to increase the actuality of the equivalent. , Then it means that your equivalent is not enough.

Of course, even if this thing now appears to be nothing more than a work of art. But his combat effectiveness cannot be ignored. The disease did not install a particularly large-yield weapon, and Cheng Ying still installed an anti-matter grenade on this mecha with cheap hands.

A small amount of antimatter is confined inside the grenade. The binding force field will be lifted after throwing it out. What followed was a groundbreaking explosion, and the range of this thing was determined by the strength of the arm. And referring to the arm strength of most creatures on this continent, the range of this thing is definitely less than the explosion range.

But the enemy who was blown up close to his face must be injured more severely than himself. Regarding this, Rui Wenwen is accustomed to this, who isn't an exquisite big bomber anymore?

Other changes can only be experienced when you enter the cockpit. Rui Wenwen was not polite to Chengying either, and crawled towards the cockpit in threes or twos.

"Wait! I have developed a new feature after upgrading for you. In the future, you don't need to climb the cockpit when you use the mech! You only need to call out the name of the phantom god, and you can directly enter the cockpit! I set it up With voiceprint recognition, only you can drive."

Rui Wenwen heard the words and tried it curiously. As she called out the name of the fairy god, the huge mecha shook, her eyes lit up with the light after activation, Rui Wenwen felt an invisible force field Lift her up until it is level with the chest of the mecha.

Then the surface of the mecha turned into a wave of water. She blended in easily. When the career became clear again, he was already in the cockpit.

Chengying has always felt that there is no such a magical transformation process for the starter, and it is almost so interesting.

Rui Wenwen touched the cockpit curiously, and found that the wall was still hard, just like the water wave, as if it were an illusion. After the technology has developed to a certain level, it seems to be no different from magic, and she can't even understand what type of technology it was just now.

In fact, it is not a particularly advanced technology. It is just an application of space technology. It has been modified by Chengying to use it. In essence, it is still space transmission. The principle of use is similar to the Klein bottle, except that ordinary transmission is almost instantaneous. Yes, Chengying prolonged this process by taking off his pants and farting, so that people could see the middle process.

Reflected at the macro level, it is like a cockpit that people have never given up and penetrates directly to the inside. It doesn't make much sense except being handsome, but whether it is strong or not is a question of version, and whether it is handsome or not is a lifetime question.

Rui Wenwen was very satisfied with her new mecha, and after a simple movement of her body, she found that this new set of mecha was smoother than she had imagined. This mech can be controlled even if the neural interaction operation is not activated.

The control method is also very simple, just like the automatic move in the game. The console is the keyboard, you can customize the shortcut keys. The system itself has a set of templates, WASD control direction, J key attack, K key jump, which are several skills that have been entered into the system. Of course, you can also customize skills for entry.

Basically it is a foolish operation. The attack will be fine-tuned in different situations under the adjustment of artificial intelligence to avoid empty space as much as possible.

Although this set of simple foolish operations is very easy to get started, Rui Wenwen always feels that something is not right. Intuition tells her that this thing is the evil taste of Chengying.

Chengying said that of course it is his evil taste. This thing also has an online mode. Two people use a keyboard, and the other can use up, down, left and right to control the direction. The keypad 1 is for attack, 2 is for jumping, and 3456 is for skill. Why do you need a secondary engine? Does Cheng Ying say that remote-control driving is not fragrant? There is one more pilot inside, controlling an outside mech to assist in the battle. It is perfect... in line with the style of the 4399 mini-game, Cheng Ying said that this is definitely not his obsession with dreaming of playing the Westward Journey too much.

Rui Wenwen doesn't pay much attention to this strange function. Most of the time, she uses neural connections to manipulate just like manipulating her own body. The old model of the last version is still a bit lagging in handling. It feels like a game delay. The new mecha in front of me has no problems in this aspect at all, just like changing the graphics card...

The transformation between these two forms is much smoother than before. The process of this picture is also much more gorgeous than the previous one. If the original transformation is basically equivalent to the picture in Lolo's Adventures, the current one is exactly the same level as in the Transformers movie.

Thousands of parts are densely packed in various precise mechanical movements. It feels like this is really a living robotic creature.

"Okay, you're almost done here. I have to upgrade other machines. You should adapt first, and then check his combat effectiveness in actual combat.

I patronized you to upgrade this thing just now, but I forgot that you still have a combination skill. Now it takes a lot of work to make your mecha models that can fit perfectly. "After Cheng Ying finished speaking, she went to Di Tian to upgrade the Dragon God of War. From the various forms of the Super Beast God, it is not difficult to see that these two are always in the C position.

Rui Wenwen took a look at the next schedule, so she saw her opponent in the next round and couldn't help but blink. Somewhat surprised.

"By the way, this old guy can still participate in the competition! I thought this guy would have been out of the world for a long time!"

Rui Wenwen’s opponent in the next game is unexpectedly an acquaintance. Qian Daoliu, who hasn’t shown up for a long time. At the first All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Contest, the two sides were still opponents of the same session, but they didn’t really meet. , This time seems to have a chance.

[To be continued]

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