The red lips were slightly opened, as if he wanted to say something, but was blocked in his throat by this huge shock.

Her fiery red hair seemed to tremble slightly due to the shock, and the tips of her hair swayed gently in the wind.

The beads of sweat on her forehead slid down her cheeks and dripped to the ground, as if they were the embodiment of the waves in her heart.

Ma Xiaotao clenched her hands tightly, her knuckles turning white from the exertion.

Her body trembled slightly, and her heart felt like it was overturning:

"This guy Tang Lan is so decisive and fearless."

"Faced with such terrifying threats as the Holy Spirit Cult and the Four Great Empires, he was not afraid and was so heroic."

"What kind of courage and confidence is this! But it's too risky, what if?"

She didn't dare to think any more, she just stared at Tang Lan with complicated eyes, and her heart was full of mixed feelings.

The students and instructors at Shrek Academy were all shocked when they heard Tang Lan's bold words.

The students' expressions of curiosity or anticipation froze instantly, and the young faces were filled with astonishment.

Some students' mouths were wide enough to fit an egg in, and their throats seemed to be choked by something, making them unable to make a single sound;

Some students' eyes were as wide as bells, almost falling out of their eyes, and their faces were full of disbelief;

Some students had items in their hands falling to the ground with a "clack" sound, but they didn't even notice it.

He just looked at Tang Lan dreamingly, as if he was looking at an incredible mythical figure.

The instructors also stood blankly on the spot, their sophisticated faces unable to remain calm at this moment.

An elderly instructor's hand stroking his beard stopped in mid-air. His beard was pulled so painfully that he didn't notice it.

His eyes were full of surprise, and he thought to himself:

"Is this kid young and frivolous, or is he really so courageous?"

Another female instructor covered her chest, as if this could calm her violently beating heart.

Her lips trembled slightly and she murmured:

"This kid Tang Lan is really unexpected."

Some instructors frowned, their eyes full of worry and confusion, and they kept thinking in their hearts:

"How can he be so confident in the face of such a huge crisis? Does he have any hidden cards?"

The entire college fell into shocked silence,

It's as if even the air has stopped flowing,

Only Tang Lan's firm and fearless voice still echoed in everyone's ears, impacting everyone's heart.

The wind quietly stopped, and the leaves no longer rustled. It seemed that nature was infected by this shock and fell into a brief silence.

When Yan Shaozhe heard Tang Lan's unhesitating refusal and fearless declaration,

The shock in my heart is like a turbulent wave stirring up a storm on a calm lake,

His original calmness and calmness were instantly shattered.

His face, which had always been calm and calm, as if he could control everything, now lost its former composure.

His eyes were wide open, as if they were about to pop out of his eyes. The originally deep and wise gaze, which seemed to be able to see through everything, was now filled with shock and disbelief.

The corners of his mouth, which were usually slightly raised with confidence and dignity, were unconsciously drooping at this moment, trembling slightly.

Yan Shaozhe's lips trembled slightly, wanting to say something, but he was so shocked by Tang Lan's determined attitude that he didn't know where to start.

His breathing became rapid, his chest heaved violently, and every breath seemed like he was trying to suppress the turmoil in his heart.

I was thinking to myself:

"How could Tang Lan be so decisive? Doesn't he understand the stakes involved?"

"Or does he have deeper considerations? This is a matter of life and death. How could he be so rash?"

His hands clenched subconsciously, his knuckles turning white from exertion, and his slightly trembling hands betrayed his inner unrest.

The veins on my forehead also bulged at this moment,

Like a meandering earthworm, it jumps and jumps, showing the violent fluctuations of his inner emotions.

Yan Shaozhe, who has always been known for his calmness and rationality,

At this time, he was actually disturbed by Tang Lan's decision and his thoughts were confused.

Seeing this, Tang Lan explained: "I just want people from the Holy Spirit Cult and the Four Empires to kill me!"

As soon as these words came out, the shock of everyone present reached its peak.

Yan Shaozhe's originally widened eyes were almost split open now, and the muscles on his face were twitching uncontrollably.

It was as if I heard the craziest words in the world.

His tall and straight body could not help but sway, and his usually calm breath became chaotic.

As soon as these words came out, the shock of everyone present reached its peak.

" is this possible? Is Tang Lan crazy? This is simply pushing himself towards death!"

"That's right, this is simply life-threatening! What a terrifying existence the Holy Spirit Sect and the Four Great Empires are. How can Tang Lan despise them so much?"

"How could he have such a crazy idea? Don't you know what it means? It is an endless pursuit and fatal danger. If you are not careful, you will be in catastrophe!"

One of Shrek's instructors also widened his eyes and shouted in disbelief:

"Tang Lan, don't act recklessly, this is no joke! The Holy Spirit Sect is cunning and cunning, and the four empires are powerful. You are trying to kill an egg with a stone!"

Another one also said anxiously: "Child, you are kidding with your own life!"

"Entering the Sea God Pavilion can obviously protect you, why do you choose this thorny road so impulsively?"

"Hey, Tang Lan, what are you thinking? This is not the time to show off your courage. You have to think about your future and the academy!"

"Tang Lan can't do this, it's too dangerous! We don't want to see you get into trouble."

"This is simply courting death. Is Tang Lan confused? Such a decision is too unwise!"

"Nonsense, it's simply nonsense! How many people will worry about you with such a decision, and how much trouble will it bring to the academy? Think about it carefully!"

For a while, Shrek Academy was filled with various voices of shock and worry. Everyone was shocked by Tang Lan's bold decision and didn't know what to do. The scene fell into chaos and panic.

After hearing Tang Lan's earth-shattering words, Jiang Nannan was struck by lightning and stood there in an instant.

Her originally lively eyes were now round, and her eyeballs seemed to be about to pop out of her sockets.

Her small mouth opened wide, forming a perfect "O" shape, big enough to fit a duck egg.

Her face turned pale instantly, without a trace of blood, as fragile and transparent as a piece of white paper.

Jiang Nannan's slender fingers tightly covered her mouth, trying to suppress the exclamation that was about to come out,

but the slightly trembling fingers betrayed her extreme fear. (End of this chapter)

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