Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 321 The Confusion of the Silver Dragon King

The timing of revealing Dragon God's bloodline is very important.

If this thing is not used properly, it may instantly intensify the conflict between him and the Silver Dragon King.

But if used properly, it can be a comeback weapon and can help him take the absolute initiative in the subsequent development of the situation.

In the previous tug-of-war, it seemed that Su Cheng was at a loss, and in the end he had to reveal his trump card.

But in reality, the situation was always within his control.

The first step was to arrange the evidence, state the reasons, clarify the intention of her trip, and break through her calmness and coldness.

Immediately afterwards, he raised his head and struck high, painting an almost impossible picture for the Silver Dragon King.

Doesn't he know the possible consequences of doing so?

The Silver Dragon King has been dormant and silent for hundreds of thousands of years. How could this mentality be easily shaken by his few words.

If the wording is a little more realistic and step-by-step, the other party will not reject it directly.

But what he said was so tempting and beautiful, almost false, that the Silver Dragon King did not dare to respond.

During this process, Su Cheng gave her the highest expectations and hopes, using incredibly exaggerated rhetoric to make her hesitate and long for her.

He continued to force her, bit by bit touching the deepest fantasies behind her defenses.

Until the end, when this layer of hope was shattered and her sanity was about to come back, she was dealt the most fatal blow!

Dragon God bloodline!

This is the most direct and powerful evidence!

It proved that what he said was true. To a certain extent, he really understood the power of the Dragon God better than the Silver Dragon King himself!

"...Why do you have the power of Dragon God's bloodline in your body? How did you do it?"

The Silver Dragon King looked at Su Cheng with blank eyes, looking at this human boy who was completely difficult for her to understand.

The balance between reason and temptation, which had been constantly shaking, completely tipped over the moment she sensed this trace of Dragon God's bloodline.

"That's obviously just the energy core condensed by the remaining will of the Dragon God..."

There was a smile in Su Cheng's eyes.

If there had been no previous exchange, what the Silver Dragon King was thinking about at this moment might be how to seize his bloodline and use it to replenish himself.

He even went a step further and tried every means to discover more secrets about him.

But after the foreshadowing just now, the other party should not have any similar thoughts.

Just kidding, the Silver Dragon King is not a fool. If there is a way to understand the power of the Dragon God, what does a mere trace of blood mean?

Invisibly, the initiative to cooperate with each other was deflected.

Su Cheng, who originally proposed the alliance, should have been relatively weak, but after the previous pull, the Silver Dragon King's emotions were completely moved by him.

With her mood ups and downs, and worrying about gains and losses, she finally realized what her deepest desires were.

The pursuit of stability and dormancy in the past were just symptoms of helplessness.

What she really wanted, what she could possibly get, was far more than she initially expected.

Perhaps the Silver Dragon King himself, as the person involved, was not aware of this change in mentality, but Su Cheng saw it more clearly.

He whispered: "Can you talk to me now?"

"So, this is your confidence..."

The Silver Dragon King looked at Su Cheng, who was standing on top of the dragon bone in the distance, with extremely complicated eyes.

At this moment, she didn't have half of the cold determination she had before. She didn't even know what words to use to express her feelings at this moment.

The scene fell silent for a moment.

"I was just lucky enough to understand some of the secrets of Dragon God's bloodline. I'm sorry."

Looking at the Silver Dragon King who was awkwardly on the spot, Su Cheng did not embarrass her and took the initiative to give her a step up.

With that said, he jumped off the keel and walked to the other party.

"Do you want it? I can give it to you."

"Send it to me?" The Silver Dragon King was a little surprised, "This is the power of the original Dragon God, which is even higher than the power of the God King."

"That sounds good." Su Cheng smiled, "But you need this more, don't you? Take it as my sincerity."

As he spoke, he raised his right hand, and a scar appeared silently.

The next moment, a small blood ball floated above his palm, and then he threw it forward, "Catch it."

The Silver Dragon King quickly raised his claws, his movements actually showing a bit of panic.

This blood ball, enveloped by the huge dragon claw, was as small as a wisp of dust.

But her expression was extremely solemn and solemn, as if this drop of blood weighed more than the mountain.

"By the way," Su Chengzhuangruo said casually at this time, "It seems like you don't mind that I have the blood of the Dragon God?"

"..." The Silver Dragon King seemed stunned by this question and asked, "Why do you mind?"

"I'm human, does that matter?"

Only then did she react, shook her head and said calmly: "The Dragon Clan doesn't have such a view. Our racial concepts are different from yours. There are many ways to pass on blood, and they are far less narrow-minded than you humans.

"When the Dragon God opened up the realm and created people, his original intention was not to develop dependents, but to cultivate them as relatives. Even the complete bloodline of the Dragon God has never been cherished.

"It's a pity that the ordinary dragon clan cannot contain the blood of the Dragon God at all. Even the nine dragon kings of the first generation can only carry part of the Dragon God's blood."

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but glance at Su Cheng again.

No matter how this human reproduces the Dragon God's bloodline, it is very incredible that he can integrate it into his body.

Is this because he is special, or is the human race really so different?

"Wait, you just said, create people?" Su Cheng frowned subconsciously, feeling a little hard to understand.

"Yes." The Silver Dragon King nodded, "So to me, the soul beasts, which is what I told you before, the many creatures that have been affected by the dragon's aura and have mutated, are also regarded as my tribesmen. .”

"..." Su Cheng was speechless.

Is this the point? Don't answer questions you don't understand.

However, he did not continue to ask further questions.

It is estimated that the Silver Dragon King cannot answer this kind of question.

This person is obviously an unlearned master, and the question he just asked was undoubtedly a bit over the top.

Putting those deeper questions behind him for the time being, he asked jokingly: "In this case, aren't we considered the same race?"

"This..." The Silver Dragon King looked at Su Cheng after hearing this, his eyes slightly surprised and hesitant, "Are you willing?"

Su Cheng smiled, did not answer, and said instead: "Tell me about your situation in detail, well, and the situation in the outside world. Regarding what you said before, human beings can break through bottlenecks and improve their realm through your power. What exactly happened?"

Seeing him change the topic, the Silver Dragon King's eyes flashed slightly.

But he no longer dwelled on the answer to the question, and began to talk about that period of history and the current situation of Douluo Star.

Yes, humans are the protagonists under this starry sky and the darlings of the world.

In comparison, the status of the Dragon Clan is really not an honor.

"This is the world I live in, roughly what it's like now."

After saying everything, the Silver Dragon King's tone seemed to become a little lighter.

Over the years, even though she spent most of her time sleeping and healing, with her level of spiritual awareness, she could still easily perceive everything happening in the outside world.

Including the rise of human beings, the decline of soul beasts, the rise of Wuhun Palace, the rise of new gods and other major events, he is even more familiar with it.

However, no matter what she was thinking during this period, she could not find anyone to talk to and communicate with, and there was no need to communicate.

Including Di Tian, ​​those powerful ferocious beasts were all her subordinates, and they were in awe of her.

She also always keeps her identity and mission in mind. She is the heart support of the ethnic group and the hope for the future.

If she was worried, what would others think?

Meaningless venting of emotions will only further weaken the already sluggish confidence in the hearts of the people.

She has suppressed many thoughts in her heart for many years.

"I have a few questions to ask you." After thinking for a moment, Su Cheng spoke again, "Does the source of human martial arts essentially come from your dragon clan?"

The Silver Dragon King looked at him and nodded, "It stands to reason."

"So, according to your logic, humans, at least the humans on this planet, should be considered your tribe, just like the soul beasts? But why do you treat humans differently from the soul beast tribe? of?"

"You are wrong." There was a look in Silver Dragon King's eyes that was either mocking or self-deprecating. "Humans don't regard us as the same race... do you?"

The Silver Dragon King didn't look at him, silently staring at the tiny blood drop like dust suspended in his claws.

Su Cheng shook his head, "I'm human."


"Don't get me wrong. I say I am a human being just because I am indeed a human being. It has nothing to do with other factors. I remember telling you before, right? I have no so-called 'racial position.'" He took a few steps forward and raised his head. He looked up at the huge silvery elegant beast in front of him.

"To be precise, I will not be coerced by the narrow stance you introduced. Everyone has their own free will, the right to choose their own path, and the right to choose a stance."

Having said this, he paused for a moment, then stared at the purple dragon eyes, "Silver Dragon King, let me ask you a question. When the Dragon Clan was at the pinnacle of all races, did they ever enslave other races?"

"Of course not." The Silver Dragon King looked back at him calmly, "The Dragon Realm at that time allowed the outstanding people in the major star systems to become gods in the Dragon Realm. All creatures who have inherited the blood of the Dragon Clan are our clansmen. The Dragon God always treats everyone equally."

"That's it." Su Cheng looked at her with a smile, "Although I don't think I'm the same race you mentioned, it doesn't mean that I should stand on the side of the God Realm. This is just a choice of some humans, isn't it? Humans Internal disagreements have never stopped, and people's emotions and desires are much more complex and stronger than yours."

"Well, I know that you are a person who advocates absolute freedom. But your choice is actually not wise. I hope you will not regret this decision in the future."

"You don't need to remind me, I will be responsible for my decision. From now on, you no longer need to insist on alone, we can fight side by side."

The Silver Dragon King nodded slowly, his eyes as calm as water, completely covering up the emotional fluctuations in his heart.

She understood that this was the other party's promise.

She wanted to believe this, but deep down in her heart, she found it hard to believe it.

However, even if the other party only talks about it, it is already precious to her.

"Although I'm not your clansman, I can still be considered a friend now, right? At least a comrade-in-arms?"


Silver Dragon King did not answer, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.


Su Cheng had said something similar before, about "many friends, many paths", but she didn't take it to heart at all at that time.

For the Silver Dragon King, this is an extremely special relationship, and one that she cannot understand.

Because she has no friends.

I never thought about making any friends.

Her background meant that it was difficult for her to interact with others normally.

This is even more true for creatures of other races.

This has nothing to do with her personality, nor is it due to arrogance.

Because she is a unique existence.

Just like a human being, he may feel affection for cats and dogs, or even have compassion for insects and ants.

But no matter what, they will never be regarded as the same kind.

There is a huge gap between them that is difficult to bridge.

Even Di Tian and others were just subordinates in the past, and they were also far from the level of "friends".

Noticing the hesitation in the other person's eyes, Su Cheng raised his eyebrows and said casually: "What, did I offend you by saying this?"


After a moment of silence, the Silver Dragon King muttered in a low voice: "Friends... what kind of relationship is this?"

She was not illiterate and certainly knew what "friend" literally meant.

In human society, it probably refers to two people who have a good relationship.

She just couldn't understand the specifics of the relationship.

What kind of two people can be called "friends".


Su Cheng was also silenced by her question.

He lowered his head and thought carefully for a while, but found that he didn't seem to understand.

He had no choice but to say: "Forget it, let's talk about these things later. It's not important anyway."

"Oh." The Silver Dragon King opened his mouth hesitantly, but in the end he didn't say anything more and his eyes were a little dazed.

"Then comes the second question."

Su Cheng quickly ignored the matter and continued to ask: "You just mentioned that when those soul beasts grow to a certain level, they can turn into human forms? Can you be more specific about this? "


Su Cheng, who didn't hear the answer for a while, looked up in confusion.

But he saw that the other party seemed to be in a daze, as if he was in a daze.

"Silver Dragon King?"

"Huh?" The Silver Dragon King finally came back to his senses, looked at Su Cheng and said calmly: "What's wrong?"

Su Cheng frowned when he saw this and had to repeat the question just now.

Then he emphasized: "This matter is very important, and it is very likely to be related to how you improve your strength in the future, so you'd better keep your attitude correct."

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