Although the town the two entered was remote and located on the edge of the Tiandou Empire, the town was not small in size and the scene was much livelier than imagined.

Except for the lack of city walls and martial arts halls, it looks like a small city. There are many shops on both sides of the street, and there is an endless stream of pedestrians coming and going. There are all kinds of shops.

Compared to the silence deep in the Star Dou Forest and the dullness along the way, although this place is smaller in layout, it is full of people everywhere.

Countless noisy cries, shouts, arguments and discussions came and went, constantly reaching the ears of the two of them.

Su Cheng was okay and was not greatly affected.

He has seen many city scenes that are countless times more prosperous than this one.

But the Silver Dragon King had never experienced such a scene in the past. He moved his eyes slightly and immediately listened and received various messages:

Among them are adventure teams composed of soul masters, who are exchanging subsequent battle plans and future soul ring choices; there are also ordinary traders bargaining with passing travelers, talking about the number of gold soul coins and silver soul coins; and there are even quarrels between lovers. And the voice of me scolding my son...

"Why do you want to take my last name? What, do you want to be my daughter?"

Su Cheng looked around at the surrounding scene while walking, and joked casually.

But this is just a joke. It seems that the dragon clan has no idea that its descendants should take their father's surname.

"I'm your father."


Su Cheng suddenly stopped, lowered his head in shock, and looked at the petite girl next to him who had now turned into black hair and eyes.

Even though she followed Su Cheng's suggestion and turned her short silver hair and purple eyes into a relatively ordinary black, her young cheeks were still as delicate as porcelain, with an otherworldly beauty.

But it doesn't matter.

The key is, how can such words be said in her mouth!

"What did you just say?!" Su Cheng asked in disbelief.

"I'm your father."

"...Where did you learn this?"

"That's what he just said."

With that said, Su Yue pointed to the middle-aged man not far away who was scolding his son.

Su Cheng looked in the direction she pointed, still saying something like "I am your father, it is only natural that you listen to me."

Su Cheng twitched the corner of his mouth slightly.


I haven't officially started teaching here yet, and this child has already started to learn bad things.

"Don't talk nonsense like this. Do you understand civilized language? Besides, they are biological father and son. Is this the same situation as yours?!"


Su Yue nodded without refuting, and turned her dark eyes to look around.


Su Cheng's lips moved slightly when he saw this, but he didn't know what to say, so he could only continue walking into the town speechlessly.

But as he walked, the more he thought about it, the more something was wrong.

Even though this Silver Dragon King has never entered human society in the past, he has lived for many years. He has always communicated with Ditian and other soul beasts, and has also met some humans. He is not really six years old as he appears. of young children.

Regardless of memory or thinking, they are obviously adults, and it is impossible for anything like "childish talk" to really happen.

"...You just scolded me on purpose, right?"

This time Su Yue didn't respond, and just continued to look at the scene in the town silently.

Her eyes were focused more on the shops selling tools, as if she was thinking about something.

Su Cheng shook his head helplessly and scanned the town with her.

"The situation of the soul beasts is really not optimistic." Looking at it, he sighed casually, "In other words, the soul beasts themselves are almost like domestic animals raised by humans. They can be used as they please, almost like complete The supply chain is the same.”


Su Yue looked calm when she heard this.

In fact, she was thinking about similar questions just now.

Although there are many shops in this border town, except for those catering and accommodation related to livelihood, the main business scope of most shops is almost related to soul masters, or to hunting soul beasts.

Weapons, armor, poisons, recovery potions, and various special clothing for the adventure team.

If that's all, it can be said that it may be related to the internal struggle between soul masters, but those weapons or armors basically have special attack or special defense effects, such as anti-virus protective clothing against insect attacks, and fire-type defense against plant-based defenses. Weapons and so on.

In this case, there is a high probability that it is targeting the soul beast.

Because low-level soul masters mostly fight as a team and pay attention to coordination and complementarity, and rarely specialize in building equipment with special attributes.

However, there are very few conventional equipment sold here, which explains the problem.

"Next, we will stay here for a while to help you adapt to the environment of human society. In addition, I want to verify some things here."

"What to verify?" Su Yue glanced at him, "Aren't you from outside the world and know nothing about this world?"

"Although the worlds are different, there will always be similarities in the nature of their operation. Since there are auspicious beasts in your soul beast clan, there is a high probability that there are also unique people with good luck in the human world."

"Oh." Su Yue nodded, a little confused, "How do you know that you can see that kind of character when you wait here?"

"So I said it needs to be verified. Wait for a while and see. If we really encounter it, it won't be too late to wait until then."

Just over a month after Su Cheng and the two entered this remote town outside the Star Forest, many soul masters have settled here one after another.

As for their ultimate goal, they obviously all go to the vast forest to hunt soul beasts and improve their realm.

On this day, Zhao Wuji, the vice-president of Shrek Academy, also walked into this town with seven students, four men and three women, from his college.

Looking at the scene in the small town, Oscar couldn't help but sigh, "It's said that you rely on the mountains to eat the mountains, and you rely on the water to eat the water. This town relies on the Star Forest, and the construction is quite decent. There are probably not a few similar towns nearby. ."

Tang San, who was walking aside, was a little surprised when he heard this, "Isn't it still nearly a hundred kilometers away from the Star Dou Forest?"

Oscar smiled and said: "You must have gotten used to it by going to the forest where the country keeps soul beasts in captivity. Most of the captive soul beasts have relatively mild habits and rarely attack humans on their own initiative. It is different in a place where wild soul beasts like the Star Dou Forest live. Not only are the beasts extremely ferocious, but some of the surrounding spirit beasts will often go out of the forest and may attack humans."

At this time, Zhao Wuji pointed to a two-story hotel in front that had food and accommodation, and said: "Let's stay here. Rest for one night and set off early tomorrow morning. You are responsible for the cost of accommodation and meals."

After saying that, he led everyone in, opened a single room for himself, and went directly upstairs.

Several students found a table in the corner and sat down and started ordering.

However, no one, including Zhao Wuji, the soul saint, noticed that there were two figures following behind them, walking into the hotel with them, and sitting in another empty space not far away from them. Beside the table.

"Are you waiting for these people?"

Su Yue glanced at Tang San and others and asked Su Cheng.

Except for the majestic middle-aged man who took the lead just now, the others all looked like teenagers in their early teens.

There were several people among them, whose age was almost the same as Su Cheng's today, but a few years older than him now.

But she didn't feel there was anything special about these people, and she couldn't help but feel a little confused.


Su Cheng nodded, not paying attention to the other person's random thoughts at this time.

He was indeed waiting for Tang San and others.

Judging from the time, these genius soul masters from Shrek Academy should rush to the Star Dou Forest to hunt soul beasts around this time to advance.

And the town where he is currently located is the most convenient place to stay between Shrek Academy and Star Dou Forest.

Of course, all this assumes that there are no other changes in this simulation before we can wait for them.

Su Cheng wasn't sure about this either, so he just said to try and wait.

Anyway, Su Yue has just entered human society, and it still takes some time to observe and adapt. A year and a half can be fully afforded.

"Pay more attention to Tang San and Xiao Wu."

Su Cheng looked at several Shrek students and whispered to the girl next to him.

The voices of those people talking could not be concealed from the perception of the two of them, and their identities were quickly identified by Su Yue.

"Oh." She nodded and shifted her gaze to the two people mentioned by Su Cheng.

"Huh?" Su Yue's eyes moved slightly, and she instantly realized Xiao Wu's special identity, "One Hundred Thousand Years Skeleton Rabbit..."

She immediately turned to look at Su Cheng, "That Xiao Wu is a 100,000-year-old soul beast in its form."

"Oh, really, then you should pay more attention to her."

Su Cheng responded absently.

His eyes were now fixed on the girl with a beautiful face and an extremely hot body, and huge waves arose in his heart.

Netherworld White Tiger!

The martial spirit in Zhu Zhuqing's body is not the original Nether Civet Cat, but the Netherworld White Tiger Martial Spirit fused with the White Tiger Martial Spirit!

And it’s not an ordinary Netherworld White Tiger, it’s a Netherworld White Tiger martial spirit with pure and perfect bloodline, potential comparable to the god level, and almost identical to Zhu Zhuqing in reality!

"How can it be?"

Su Cheng was shocked and confused.

He carefully examined the expression, expression, words and deeds of the girl in black, and felt more and more confused, "No, it's not Zhuqing in reality..."

He knew Zhu Zhuqing's character and style very well.

The girl not far away was obviously not as sophisticated as the Zhu Zhuqing she knew. She could almost tell traces of her thoughts from the subtle changes in her eyes.

If it were her in reality, it would be almost difficult for Su Cheng to figure it out.

Not only that, her character is not quite right, she is not so quiet and indifferent.

Although his expression is still cold, it is more of an introversion in nature rather than a cold protective shell formed by being in a repressive environment for a long time and instinctively avoiding all outsiders.

This is normal.

After all, if she and Zhu Zhuyun did not form a life-and-death competitive relationship, then Zhu Zhuyun's character and the close blood relationship between the two sisters would not have accumulated such deep conflicts.

"However, since she has awakened the Netherworld White Tiger Martial Spirit, why did she still appear in the Tiandou Empire? Is it because the Zhu family is afraid? But is joining Shrek Academy also a coincidence?"

Su Cheng's mind was filled with thoughts, and even the matter of the Silver Dragon King was temporarily put aside.

He originally came to see Tang San and Xiao Wu, but he didn't expect that there would be other unexpected gains.

"With this change in Zhuqing, does it mean that she has obtained the 'spiritual seed' described in the simulation opening? She is one of the children of destiny with life? But in any case, now that Zhuqing has awakened Netherworld White Tiger Martial Spirit, then we can’t turn a blind eye to her. At least, we can’t let her get too close to those people.”

If we talk about ordinary simulations, Su Cheng can also treat most irrelevant characters as virtual characters that have nothing to do with reality.

But with Zhu Zhuqing like this, it's hard for him not to regard the other person as the incarnation of his partner in reality.

The most important thing is that if the other party's identity is really the Son of Destiny, he may also obtain relevant memories after the mission is over and returns to reality, so he must be on guard against it.

After roughly clarifying his thoughts, Su Cheng calmed down and gradually calmed down.

At this time, he suddenly smelled a faint fragrance coming from his nose.

Turning around, he found that Su Yue was not observing Tang San and Xiao Wu as he said, but was staring directly at him from close range.

A pair of dark eyes, as deep as a well, startled him.

Su Cheng leaned back subconsciously, "Why are you looking at me like that?"


Su Yue didn't speak, but lowered her eyes slightly and looked at him quietly with half-lidded eyes.

After a while, he turned around and looked at the young men who were about the same age as Su Cheng sitting at the table.

"You know them."

"I said, these people are very extraordinary. They are all the pride of heaven and the people favored by the fate of the world. In the future, they may become existences that can influence the future direction of mankind."

Su Cheng knew that his reaction just now was indeed a bit suspicious.

Although there were only slight fluctuations on the surface, it was difficult to hide from the keen intuition of the former Silver Dragon King.

Su Yue's eyes moved slightly and she glanced at the people at another table.

Among these people, only Tang San, Zhu Zhuqing and Oscar's talents were tolerable.

Among them, Oscar is still blessed with an extremely special food-type martial spirit. In terms of talent alone, he is far inferior to Tang San, who has twin martial arts, and Zhu Zhuqing, who has a god-level martial spirit.

As for the others, she didn't think there was anything special.

However, Su Yue did not delve into it, but carefully examined the girl in black with a beautiful face, extraordinary temperament, and an exaggerated figure.

"who is she."

"I'm not very sure either. I need to observe further."

Su Cheng frowned, his voice slightly confused.

What Su Yue asked was obviously not Zhu Zhuqing's name. The names of these people had all been revealed in their respective conversations.

What she wanted to ask was what was special about the other party.

After all, almost all of his previous attention was focused on Zhu Zhuqing, which was obviously noticed by Su Yue.

But Su Cheng really didn't know Zhu Zhuqing's specific situation.

This is also his question.

"Is she your friend too?"

"I've already told you that I don't know her situation. How can I tell you from a friend? What's more, even if I want to make friends with her, she doesn't know me."


Su Yue nodded and turned her eyes to Tang San and Xiao Wu again.

After a long while, she suddenly asked: "Do you humans all make friends so casually?"

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