Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 328 Zhu Zhuqing: None of my business

While the two were having a conversation, a conflict occurred as expected.

Faced with the provocation of a group of children in their early teens, the people at Canghui Academy would naturally not swallow their anger.

As for Shrek Academy, most of them are not low-key and reserved people. Dai Mubai, in particular, had an even hot temper.

It can even be said that he went to Canghui Academy to stir up trouble from the very beginning.

Ever since he failed at Zhu Zhuqing's place, he had been holding back his anger and was waiting for an outlet.

The two sides had the same idea, but the method was not very harmonious, and they were fighting in the blink of an eye.

However, although the young man from Canghui Academy was already in his twenties, his talent was average and far inferior to that of Dai Mubai. He was severely injured in just one round and vomited blood and fell to the ground.

"I'm so sorry, I missed it." Dai Mubai straightened his body and stretched using the action of using his palm earlier. As he said this, his face was full of contempt and disdain, and he looked extremely arrogant.

Other diners in the hotel were in an uproar when they saw this scene. The diners near the tables at Shrek Academy and Canghui Academy hurriedly stood up and moved aside to avoid being in trouble. But most people did not choose to leave the restaurant immediately, but watched the scene in front of them with excitement.

How could a group of people from Canghui College endure this after this happened? The remaining students instantly stood up and glared at the Shrek Academy table.

The middle-aged team leader stopped his student, helped the seriously injured young man sit on a chair, and then asked Dai Mubai with a stern face: "Which college are you kids from?"

Dai Mubai's eyes flashed with ridicule, "You don't deserve to know."

After saying that, he sat back on his seat.

Ma Hongjun on the other side has even started to use chopsticks now, and he is commenting on the taste of the dishes, looking like he is not paying attention.

The teacher from Canghui College saw that the other party became more and more arrogant despite his repeated forbearance. He suddenly couldn't bear it anymore and his face was livid with anger. "What a bunch of arrogant boys, teach them a lesson."

The students at Canghui Academy were waiting for him to speak.

Upon hearing the order, except for the young man injured by Dai Mubai and the only female student, the other five people immediately rushed towards Tang San's table.

"Want to fight? I like it!" Xiao Wu jumped up from her seat excitedly and rushed forward without hesitation.

Xiao Wu moved, and Tang San followed closely and stood up. As he moved, his eyes were already covered with a faint purple light.

Neither party directly activated their martial spirits.

The five young people from Canghui College saw a delicate and beautiful little girl approaching. Although she had a childish appearance, she seemed to be young. But with a height of about 1.7 meters and a flexible body curve, her figure is still very outstanding.

Especially between those gently blinking eyebrows, there seemed to be a faint sense of charm, which made several people feel a little hesitant.

The progress of the five people from Canghui College has stalled, but that doesn't mean Xiao Wu will do the same.

She blinked her big, soft eyes, and said with a gentle smile: "Hello, brothers."

Several people were stunned when they heard this and couldn't help but look at each other.

Taking this opportunity, Xiao Wu moved suddenly.

Her feet seemed to have slipped, and she fell forward, falling towards a young man.

The man subconsciously raised his arm to help Xiao Wu, but suddenly he saw a shiny black braid pulled out from the air. Before he could react, his neck was already tightly entangled by Xiao Wu's scorpion braid.

Xiao Wu's lunging figure also stopped at that moment, curled up and jumped up, turning her back to the young man, and kicked her feet directly towards the young man's chest.

Flexible skills!

Her movements were extremely fast, and she shuttled between the five people with the first person as the fulcrum.

Sometimes it slipped sideways, sometimes it got under someone's arm, and sometimes it was caught between the neck. In just a few moments, two students from Canghui College were thrown out one after another.

"A very good tactic. A pretty girl should know how to take advantage of her appearance." Su Cheng commented with a smile, a hint of teasing in his eyes.


"By the way, you just said that Xiao Wu is the soul beast in the form of a hundred thousand years old, right?"


Su Yue sneered lightly, knowing that this was Su Cheng's reply to her taunting just now, so she didn't say anything more.

On the other side, when the teacher from Canghui College saw Xiao Wu's attack method, he couldn't help being surprised and hurriedly yelled: "Idiot, use martial arts!"

At this time, Dai Mubai stepped forward again, the light and shadow on his body flickered, three soul rings, two yellow and one purple, appeared at his feet, and the phantom of a white tiger appeared behind him.

As he walked, he said, "Xiao Wu, go back. With us boys here, why do you girls need to take action?"

Xiao Wu heard this and turned to look at Tang San. Seeing him nodding, she stopped attacking and walked back calmly.

However, after seeing Dai Mubai's level of cultivation, the teacher hesitated.

His strength is not very strong, and his mental power has not changed. Before this, he was not aware of the level of these children in Shrek Academy.

Looking at it now, the strength of a senior soul master who is about fifteen years old is enough to explain a lot of problems.

This continent has distinct levels, and the strength of the martial soul's bloodline almost completely determines a soul master's future achievements.

It can even be said that for most soul masters, the external appearance of the other person's age, strength, and martial arts spirit is enough to determine the person's background.

There is a high probability that a young genius cannot come from the civilian class.

"I am Ye Zhiqiu, director of the Foreign Affairs Department of Canghui College. May I ask, which sect are you from?"

Ye Zhiqiu had a bit of fear in his eyes, and he stepped forward and asked in a deep voice.

"We are from Shrek Academy." Before Dai Mubai could say anything, Ma Hongjun took the lead and announced his family status proudly.

As he spoke, his naked eyes were still greedily wandering around the only female student in Canghui Academy.

Ye Zhiqiu was stunned for a moment, "Shrek Academy? I don't think I've heard of it."

Dai Mubai snorted coldly: "That's because you are ignorant."

Ye Zhiqiu secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that these people were not from a huge sect.

But after noticing the hungry look of the little fat man and the arrogant expression on Dai Mubai's face, he felt displeased.

He said coldly: "You kids are not sensible. Don't talk nonsense in the future. Go call the teachers from your college."

As he spoke, a circle of black ripples was released from his body, and five soul rings, one white, two yellow, and two purple, emerged, showing his soul king level cultivation, forcibly suppressing the momentum of Dai Mubai and others. .

"Possessed by a black turtle!"

As he finished speaking, his limbs shrank by one-third at the same time, but his back bulged high and turned into a huge carapace.

When Ma Hongjun saw this, he shouted strangely: "You are an old bastard, and you still want to see our teacher? We are enough to deal with you!"

Because of martial arts, Ye Zhiqiu was most taboo with the word "bastard" in his life. After hearing Ma Hongjun's words, his momentum suddenly surged, and the powerful cultivation pressure made the cheeks of Dai Mubai and the three of them turn pale.

He glanced at the few people with a gloomy face, and said with an angry smile: "Okay, then I will educate you for your teacher, and we will go outside."

Then he looked at Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong, who were sitting still and not moving, as well as Xiao Wu and Oscar on the other side, "You can come together."

After saying that, he walked out of the hotel door.

Dai Mubai and Tang San couldn't help but secretly look at each other with awe, understanding that they had previously underestimated the true strength of the powerful Soul King who had reached over fifty levels of cultivation.

With such a strong sense of oppression, it would be difficult for the three of them alone to win, even if Tang San used hidden weapons.

Thinking of this, several people subconsciously looked in the direction of Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong.

Ning Rongrong aside, they knew Zhu Zhuqing's strength, and he was much stronger than Dai Mubai.

If she is willing to take action, and with Xiao Wu on the side to keep her in check, she may not be afraid of the Soul King of Canghui Academy.

Zhu Zhuqing naturally noticed the hesitant glances and guessed a bit of their thoughts.

But she sat there quietly, eating her food without any intention of paying attention.

Ning Rongrong, on the other hand, looked at Dai Mubai and others first, and then at Zhu Zhuqing beside him, with a slightly troubled expression.

On the one hand, she prefers excitement. What happened at this time made her feel very interesting and wanted to participate.

She has a good background, has a high vision, and knows more about high-level soul masters. He knew in his heart that if Zhu Zhuqing was the main force in this battle, and he was assisted from the side, it should be enough to defeat the ordinary soul king who had a relatively low-level soul ring configuration and did not even have a ten-thousand-year soul ring.

But on the other hand, she had extremely bad feelings about Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun, and she wished those two lustful ghosts could learn a lesson.

As for the cause of this conflict, and what Flanders said about "it's mediocre to dare not cause trouble", she didn't take it to heart, and just smiled and passed it by.

Neither approve nor object.

Flanders was just a little soul saint, and she didn't even notice him.

In comparison, the dean did not touch her as much as the talented young men in the academy who were full of innate soul power.

"What are you doing here watching me? Are you hungry too?"

Zhu Zhuqing finally stopped talking at this time, looked up at a few people, and then glanced at Ning Rongrong next to him.

He said casually: "You are not going to make a fight with someone. Should we fight? If not, then apologize to them and come over for dinner."


When several people saw her words, they immediately understood her attitude and were speechless for a moment.

"What are you looking at!" Ning Rongrong straightened her back and glared at Dai Mubai and the others. She no longer had the previous entanglement. "That old bastard is still at the door waiting for you to go out to fight. What's the ink mark here?"

Zhu Zhuqing: "..."

Dai Mubai: "..."

Ye Zhiqiu at the door: "..."

However, no matter what they thought in their hearts, Dai Mubai and the others could not back down at this moment, and immediately decided to fight.

With Tang San's hidden weapon as a trump card, there might not be no chance.

At this moment, a lazy voice sounded from the direction of the stairs: "Why does it take so much trouble to eat? What are you fooling around about?"

The next moment, a tall figure appeared in everyone's field of vision, and it was their teacher Zhao Wuji.

"You guys, go and eat honestly."

Without even looking at Ye Zhiqiu, who was waiting at the door, he waved his hand and ordered the few students standing to eat quickly.

Then he frowned and turned to look at Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong with heavy eyes, "Why did you choose to stand by and watch when your companions encountered conflicts? Didn't the academy teach you before, companions?" Does it make sense?"

This time, his attitude when speaking was no longer as casual as before, and seemed a bit serious.

Coupled with his slightly ferocious face and strong body like a black bear, his power is very frightening.

Even Ning Rongrong's lawless character felt a little frightened for a moment.

In fact, Zhao Wuji had no intention of appearing in person.

Because there is no need.

On the one hand, letting these kids in the academy face the Soul King alone may help them hone their cooperation under greater pressure.

Moreover, in the fierce battle, it is easy for each other's tacit understanding and feelings to heat up, killing two birds with one stone.

On the other hand, he knew very well how strong Zhu Zhuqing was.

That special beast martial spirit is extremely powerful, possibly even comparable to a super martial spirit.

Therefore, even though Zhu Zhuqing is still young and there is still a gap in level, the soul king of Canghui College does not even have a ten-thousand-year soul ring, so he may not be able to suppress her firmly in a one-on-one situation.

Coupled with the cooperation of Dai Mubai, Tang San and other little monsters, there was no need to worry at all.

However, after Zhao Wuji secretly observed for a long time, he found that this girl had a cold and indifferent attitude, which made him unable to sit still.

Everything else doesn't matter, it doesn't even matter if these students lose to that old bastard.

However, Zhu Zhuqing's behavior was completely inconsistent with the teaching philosophy of Shrek Academy, which made Zhao Wuji very dissatisfied.

Hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing raised his eyebrows and asked doubtfully: "Teacher Zhao, it was obviously Dai Mubai and the others who started this matter. What does it have to do with me and Rongrong?"

It's not that she has any dissatisfaction with the academy's philosophy.

Although I also feel that the proactive style of causing trouble is not very good and a bit boring. But after all, she is still young and her behavioral concepts are not fully formed, so it is not possible to dislike the college teachers because of this.

She really didn't understand Zhao Wuji's thoughts.

In Zhu Zhuqing's view, he should bear the consequences of the trouble he caused. If he couldn't clean up the situation, it didn't matter if he waited for his teachers to wipe his ass.

Because she has been doing this since she was a child.

Even when she left the Xingluo Empire and traveled far away, it was because she had awakened an extremely special and extremely risky special martial spirit. She had no complaints about being forced away from her family.

If it were Ning Rongrong who caused trouble, she might choose to help him out.

As for Dai Mubai?

Please, we are just studying in the same college, and we are not relatives, so why should we stand up for him?

Zhao Wuji became more and more dissatisfied, and said solemnly with a sullen face: "Zhu Zhuqing, you are classmates and partners, you are a team, do you understand? Look at what Tang San and Ma Hongjun did, you are like this , do you think it’s appropriate?”


"Wait a moment."

Before Zhu Zhuqing finished speaking, he was interrupted by another voice. The person who spoke was none other than Soul King Ye Zhiqiu who was standing at the door.

Zhao Wuji was in no mood to pay attention to him at the moment. He turned around impatiently and scolded: "What else do you want?"

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