In the setting sun forest, on the top of the hill outside the Eye of Ice and Fire, the girl was looking down into the valley.

Steam with strong energy fluctuations rose and surged, and Su Yue had a complicated expression.

"It's really them..."

In fact, she had never really seen the Ice Dragon King and the Fire Dragon King. These two dragon kings had died long before the fall of the Dragon God.

The Silver Dragon King was born after the Dragon God was killed by the Shura Divine Sword and split into two.

But even so, as the king of the new generation of dragon clan, Su Yue would never mistake the aura of his own clan, and his mood was inevitably a little depressed.

Each of the nine dragon kings is very powerful, and they all inherit part of the power of the dragon god.

However, the most powerful man who once stood at the pinnacle of all worlds is now sleeping forever in this valley and will never wake up again...

Su Cheng glanced at her and said softly: "Let's go, let's go down first."

In his perception, there was no one in the valley at this time, and Dugu Bo was not here.

Probably because I had to go out temporarily for something, which was a lot more convenient.

Although the Poison Douluo's strength did not pose much of a threat to him, it still saved him a lot of trouble.

Unless necessary, he did not want to have a conflict with Dugu Bo or expose his existence in the eyes of the other party.


Su Yue responded in a low voice, and immediately flew down to the valley where the Ice and Fire Eyes were.

Although she is only at the peak level of a soul master now, with her ability to control multiple elements and her strong physical fitness, it is not difficult for her to enter the valley.

The two quickly arrived at the hot spring.

All kinds of exotic flowers and fairy plants around are shining brilliantly under the sunlight, and the air is filled with rich ice and fire energy, so strong that it can almost corrode the human body.

However, all these beautiful scenery and visions did not seem to touch Su Yue's heart.

She just stood next to the spring, staring blankly at the red and white yet distinct water surface.

Su Cheng looked at Su Yue, his eyes moved slightly, but he did not say any words of comfort. He just turned around silently and walked towards the place where the fairy grass was.

He doesn't want to say something big, it's meaningless.

To the Dragon Clan, he was just an outsider and a bystander after all. It was impossible to empathize with him, and it was impossible for him to be saddened by the fall of the Ice and Fire Dragon King.

In this case, why bother to be pretentious and say something innocuous?

It's better to let the other person calm down for a while.

It didn't take long for Su Cheng to quickly collect many fairy herbs in the valley, such as Qiluo Tulip, Narcissus Jade Muscle and Bone, Acacia Broken Heart Red, etc.

As for the octagonal black ice grass and fierce apricot growing next to the spring, he couldn't take them away.

Although he had real power, Su Cheng was not afraid of the ice and fire poison contained in these two immortal grasses, but he could not preserve them for a long time, so he could only throw them into the ice and fire eyes to destroy them.

Although it is a waste of resources, there is no better way to deal with it.

After all, neither he nor Su Yue has any use for these two things.

Looking at the many opportunities that Tang San may obtain in the future, now only this place and the Blue Silver Grass Forest can give him a chance to operate.

As for the others, whether it is the Vast Sea Universe Cover or the Slaughter City, or even the King of Slaughter Tang Chen and the artifact Shura Divine Sword, they are all related to the gods. Su Cheng doesn't know if it will alarm the gods and cannot touch it easily.

However, these are just details after all.

Such methods of changing qualifications in the mortal world are not very clever in the face of divine power.

Not to mention the divine power of the God King, even if it were Su Cheng himself, as long as he returned to his peak level and wanted to go all out to improve the qualifications of an ordinary soul master, it would be easy.

So if Tang San had been the heir chosen by the gods a long time ago, even if he tried to tamper with this place, it would only be better than nothing.

Rather than taking the fairy grass here to weaken Tang San, his purpose was actually more to influence the other Shrek Seven Monsters.

After everything was dealt with, Su Cheng returned to the girl's side.

Her mood no longer seemed as low as before, she was just in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking.

Su Cheng also took a look at the strange spring water that was constantly boiling and surging with steam in front of him. He did not ask whether the other party was not interested in the ice and fire dragon bones at the bottom of the spring, and whether there was any ice and fire dragon soul in it.

Su Yue knew his strength and would not shy away from being polite if necessary.

Since the other party didn't speak, he must have no idea about the dragon bones and souls at the bottom of the spring. In this case, he didn't need to ask any more questions and just let this treasure place continue to maintain its current environment.

Su Cheng turned his head and looked back to the garden behind the Ice and Fire Eyes. "Su Yue, what do you think of the scenery in this valley?"


After hearing his question, Su Yue came back to her senses, raised her head and looked towards the valley in the direction of his finger.

This place is indeed beautiful.

The sun falls into the valley through the sparse clouds, and the flowers and plants are colorful, like a moving picture...

"To be honest, I have traveled to many places, including mountains, seas, grasslands, and passes...but no matter where I look, I have never seen more beautiful scenery than here."

Su Cheng admired softly, as if his mind had been completely attracted by this magnificent and fantastic scenery.

After a moment of silence, he looked at Su Yue again and said, "I still remember you briefly mentioned the story of the Mountain Dragon King clan to me. Can you tell me more in detail?"

Su Yue glanced back at him after hearing this, and began to speak softly without asking the reason.

"Back then, the Dragon God found a living planet that was completely covered by the sea. Although the dragons were not afraid of water, they could not live in the sea. So, the Dragon God created the Mountain Dragon King and ordered it to transform into mountains and continents with its body. Bringing the dragon clan a place to breed and live...

"Once the mountain dragon kings reach adulthood, they will transform into mountains and continents to provide for other dragon clans to thrive and survive. Therefore, the number of this clan is extremely rare...

"The Dragon God was grateful for their achievements, so he gave the mountain dragon king a lineage and said, "The mountain dragon will always be the king..."

"Every mountain dragon can have a royal title after reaching adulthood. They have lost their freedom, but they have a lofty status. Among the dragon clan, they are respected as the head of the nine dragon kings who do not walk in the world."

"...It is indeed great." After listening to her quietly, Su Cheng couldn't help but sigh, "Even if some people die, they can only be buried in obscurity in the barren mountains and mountains where no one cares. Better ones, probably There is a tombstone as a trace of the past.

"In contrast, the Mountain Dragon King can continue to nourish all things and shine light for eternity. This can probably be regarded as the continuation of life in another sense."

"..." Su Yue pursed her lips and took another look at the breathtakingly beautiful scenery in the flower-filled valley in front of her. The corners of her lips seemed to curl up slightly.

She knew that in fact, Su Cheng's words were just because he was in a bad mood, so he used this roundabout way to comfort him.

In fact, it was Su Cheng who was worrying too much.

When she first realized that the bones of the Ice Dragon King and the Fire Dragon King were buried in this place, her mood was indeed depressed for a while, but she was not that fragile.

Similar emotions are only fleeting.

The dragon clan has gone through great changes over the years. Except for the golden-eyed black dragon king Ditian, the other dragon kings have been dead for an unknown period of time. Some of them were even killed by the dragon god himself.

In this case, it would be really strange to say that she was so troubled that she couldn't let go.

However, when she felt lost, there were people around her who could see it, speak to her, and offer words of comfort.

This feeling seems to be very good.

"Maybe I have changed too..." Su Yue whispered secretly in her heart.

In the past, she would not and could not show any weakness.

She is the king of the dragon clan, the co-master of the soul beasts, and the hope of the clan.

If even she is immersed in a low mood, others will only become less confident about the future.

Su Yue turned her head and pretended to be disdainful: "What you said is quite nice. If you were asked to sacrifice your legacy for ten thousand years, would you be willing?"

"Then I probably won't be willing for the time being." Su Cheng scratched his hair and said calmly, "I can't help it. I'm just a selfish and narrow-minded human being. I can't understand the righteousness of you dragon clan."

"Tch." Su Yue sneered, stretched out her delicate white palm toward him, "Bring it here."


"Those precious herbs you just stole."

"What is stealing?!" Su Cheng opened his eyes and retorted loudly, "Those are all ownerless things... Can it be considered stealing if it is the soul master's business?"

"Anyway, that's not your thing, give it back to me."


"Hmph, thief!"


Su Yue raised her eyebrows and said angrily: "Who do you think is a robber!"

"What I took first is mine. If you insist on it, wouldn't you just rob it?"

"Nonsense, those were originally growing here naturally, but you just picked them out in advance!"

"Anyway, it's mine now. If you want to steal it, wait until your strength exceeds mine."

"I told you, it's not a robbery!"

Su Cheng ignored her, turned around and walked directly out of the valley.

Su Yue gritted her teeth when she saw this, but had no choice but to follow him silently with a gloomy face.

But in fact, she was not really angry, and there was no anger in her eyes.

After a few bickerings, the mood became brighter than before.

The few rare and exotic grasses that originally grew here are indeed quite extraordinary and contain extremely powerful special energy.

For ordinary soul masters, any one of them is enough to reverse their qualifications or even change their destiny, but for Su Cheng, it is obviously not a rare thing.

The real purpose of arguing with myself about the ownership of the grass jelly just now was to arouse my emotions and divert my attention.

"This bastard really treats me like a child..."

A month later, in the southern mountains of the Tiandou Empire, Su Cheng and Su Yue stood by a pool.

The level of sophistication of this place is naturally far inferior to the magnificent beauty of the Ice and Fire Eyes, but its magnificence is far superior.

Surrounded by mountains, a huge waterfall stretching from the sky to the ground continuously poured into the pool below, splashing countless water splashes and making a deafening roar.

Under the sunlight, there is also a colorful rainbow across the pool, which is extremely beautiful.

But facing this magnificent scenery, Su Cheng's eyes were slightly gloomy.

He did not feel the breath of A Yin's body behind the waterfall.

"Wait for me here."

After saying that, without waiting for Su Yue's response, her whole body rose up from the ground, effortlessly passing through the barrier of the waterfall and arriving at the deeply hidden dark cave.

He quickly walked through the narrow cave in the darkness and came directly to the deepest stone chamber.

It feels right.

Directly below the stone hole on the top of the cave, there is nothing on the small earth bag, and there is no shadow of the Blue Silver Emperor grass blades at all.

In the hidden compartment above the cave, as expected, the right leg bone of the Blue Silver Emperor also disappeared.

"..." Su Cheng frowned, his thoughts were racing, and his heart felt a little heavy.

All variables are the situations that those who plan the plot hate to see the most.

If it were just a useless idle chess piece, it would be fine, but A Yin was a very special existence to him.

Regardless of the size of her role, her status in reality determined that Su Cheng could not ignore her.

He could still accept Zhu Zhuqing's special situation.

But a weak and weak Blue Silver Emperor seedling, with its soul sleeping and its consciousness unrecovered, couldn't run away on its own, right?

"Why is this happening..."

There are two most likely reasons for this situation.

Tang Hao moved Ah Yin's position in advance, or someone might have taken the lead.

But no matter which reason it is, it's not good news.

But in comparison, the former is easier to say. You only need to find Tang Hao to figure out the key to the problem. If it is the latter, it will be troublesome.

Of course, Ah Yin in the simulated world is not the real Ah Yin, but to Su Cheng, even if this is a false character, he doesn't want anything unexpected to happen to the other person.

While being irritated, Su Cheng also secretly regretted it.

Too careless!

In his impression, Tang Hao almost stopped coming here since Tang San officially entered the path of spiritual master training.

This cave is located in a remote place. Even with Tang Hao's strength, it would take a lot of time to go back and forth.

And when Tang San joined Shrek Academy, Tang Hao never came here again.

On weekdays, apart from occasionally going to various Wuhun branches to cause havoc, he also acted as a close bodyguard for his son.

Under such circumstances, Su Cheng did not come in a hurry, but carried out step by step in full accordance with the original plan.


At this time, Su Cheng's eyes suddenly moved slightly, and he realized that there seemed to be something wrong with the remaining aura in this place.

The concentration of free soul power in the air is more than 10% higher than elsewhere.

Others might not notice this tiny difference in environmental energy.

But Su Cheng is different.

With his extremely special physical instinct, his sensitivity to the environment he is in is simply exaggerated.

After thinking for a moment, Su Cheng leaned down again and put his hand on the small earth bag.

Immediately, the real power spread out and spread in all directions.

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