Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 364: Are soul beasts worthy of becoming gods?

"Evil beast!"

The deep voice that only the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King could hear seemed to sound from outside the sky.

Following this sound, the sea surface and clouds that had just been ravaged by the catastrophe seemed to be brushed by an invisible hand, becoming clean and bright in an instant.

Even the sea dragon on the sea, which had just reached the god level and was constantly releasing terrifying pressure, was directly pushed into the sea and could only twist and struggle with all its strength.

The dark blue divine realm that had just been spread by its instinct also dissipated in an instant.

At this moment, the boundless blue waves are as smooth as a mirror, the clear sky is as clear as a wash, and the brilliant skylight covers every inch of the sea.

Such a quiet and peaceful magnificent landscape makes people feel inexplicably depressed.

The next moment, a faint blue light covered it.


The Poseidon Dragon let out a deep roar as it felt the tremendous pressure brought by the invisible realm.

The surrounding seawater that was originally under his control suddenly turned into a terrifying cage, tightly locking its transformed body.

Soon, the blue light in the sky gradually became stronger, and then quickly amplified.

In just the blink of an eye, it turned into a human-shaped shadow a hundred meters high.

The single eye of the dark blue sea dragon emitted light of hatred and resentment, but also contained a hint of cowardice.

The upper and lower jaws of the dragon's mouth were opened, and at this moment, it was spitting out human words, and let out a roar full of hatred, "Sea! God!"

"Why, do you think that you can challenge the majesty of the true god by being lucky enough to survive the catastrophe of becoming a god?"

A deep voice resounded through the blue sky, and a huge blue shadow descended on the sea.

At this moment, it seemed that the entire boundless sea was cheering and boiling with the arrival of this person.

In the center of the shadow is a man wearing a white robe with gold patterns.

He just raised his hand gently, and the entire sea area was instantly calm, with no more waves.

"Originally, you could still survive for a while, but unfortunately you didn't know yourself and dared to attack the god level. In this case, I can't keep you."


Poseidon stared hard at the man in front of him, the enemy of life and death ten thousand years ago, and loudly asked unwillingly.

During the more than 300,000 years of cultivation, in order to reach where it is now and possess this level of cultivation, it has put in so much effort and experienced so many crises.

Thousands of years ago, it was just a matter of being overtaken by a human who had only practiced for a thousand years. Today, after hard work and hard work, he finally achieved something. He passed the last threshold of his dreams and became a real sea dragon. As a result, the old enemy came to visit again, how could it be willing to accept it?

Under its loud shouts, the originally calm sea surface became rippled again, and faint clouds appeared in the sky.

Two realms of gods with similar attributes began to compete with each other.

"Is a soul beast worthy of becoming a god?"

Poseidon just said something lightly, and then he lost his intention to continue talking and took a step forward in the direction of Poseidon.

Even the turbulent blue waves and clouds in the sky seemed to have turned into sculptures made of gold.

Golden mist of light filled the surroundings, and the shadow of the trident was raised in Poseidon's hand, and then swung out lightly, bringing with it a dazzling golden halo that enveloped Poseidon's nearly 100-meter-long body.

Seeing this scene, Poseidon Dragon was filled with fright and anger in his one eye, but he had no intention of resisting.

It seemed to recognize this move and retreated in vain, but the speed was far less than it could.

As the two came into contact, the surface of the huge mountain-like dragon body was suddenly covered with a layer of golden halo. All movements froze instantly, and the breath was completely suppressed, making it difficult to even struggle. There was only a look of shock and anger in his eyes, and he stared fiercely at the man opposite him.

Poseidon was indifferent to its reaction, his expression as indifferent as before, and he raised the sharp and huge golden trident in his right arm and stabbed straight towards the sea dragon...

At this time, Su Cheng and others had already retreated a great distance away.

From the moment the Poseidon's aura appeared from outside the sky, he had already begun to evacuate.

Whether it was the previous Deep Sea Demonic Whale King or the Poseidon after becoming a god, they were all Su Cheng's bait, fishing for visitors from the God Realm, and according to calculations, there was a high probability that this person would be the Poseidon.

After all, Douluo Planet is the hometown of Poseidon, and there is a deep connection between him and Poseidon Dragon's predecessor, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King.

It is impossible for the God Realm to ignore a soul beast that has become a god, let alone a soul beast that has transformed into a dragon.

Who knows whether an existence of this level will cause some trouble in the lower realm, or whether it will affect the soul beast group and cause other changes. With the past style of the God Realm, there is really no reason to let it go.

Of course, even if you can't catch the gods from the lower realm, it won't be a loss. Having one more soul beast with excellent qualifications and becoming a god almost by himself is definitely not a bad thing for your camp.

On the other hand, killing the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King directly would undoubtedly be the most cost-effective option.

Even today's Su Cheng would have to spend a lot of effort to kill a powerful soul beast close to the million-year-old level.

It's not that he lacks combat power, but that this guy's vitality is too tenacious and he will definitely make some noise before he dies.

Su Cheng's real power attribute is not extreme, unlike Shura's divine power that can kill with one strike, but focuses on balance. The power of the earth that was fused some time ago is also mainly tough and long-lasting.

Moreover, he is still at the level of a third-level god, and his ability to kill is limited. If he really entangles with the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King for too long, he might alarm the God Realm.

As the reserve soul ring of the heir, Poseidon should be quite concerned about this soul beast.

What's more, even if you kill the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, what other benefits will there be except that Tang San will lose his ninth spirit ring in the future? The risks taken are simply not proportional to the benefits afterwards.

To Su Cheng, Tang San's threat was extremely limited and was not taken seriously by him at all. The divine realm was the big problem.

Instead of doing this, it is better to use it in a different way. He can't use those immortal grasses anyway, and he can afford the cost of a drop of Dragon God's blood.

He had already had some ideas about this fishing plan since he first reunited with Ah Yin.

The first thing that can be determined is that gods can descend to the next world.

It is true that gods are in danger when they leave the divine realm.

But this danger is only because their power system will be continuously suppressed by the rules of the universe outside the divine realm, and it does not mean immediate death.

Su Cheng guessed that this was probably the fundamental reason for the initial emergence of the God Realm - to resist the pressure of the rules of the universe.

However, the ability of gods to enjoy the protection of the divine world is not without cost, and the price is the respective god positions corresponding to the gods in the divine world.

Su Cheng has already done research on the so-called divine power.

Although different divine powers have completely different attributes and different spiritual cores, they have one very distinct thing in common, the power of faith.

Be it the Poseidon, the Angel God, the Rakshasa God, or even the God-King-level Shura God, they all came together with the help of the different beliefs of the creatures in the world.

It's just that some are relatively peaceful and easy to control, while others are violent, extreme and more powerful. It can be said that most of the gods have the possibility of ascending to the top of the God King. Unfortunately, the space in the God Realm is limited, and the top floor cannot accommodate too many seats.

Therefore, the existences of the God Realm actually believe in becoming gods, and the God Realm itself is a place where faith gathers.

It is the massive power of faith that protects the gods of the divine world from the weakening of the rules of the universe.

But it is also the existence of the divine position that firmly binds these gods to the divine realm. Once they leave the divine realm, they will suffer even more serious suppression of the rules of the universe.

Of course, in addition to the constraints of the rules of the universe, there is another restriction for ordinary gods who want to go to the lower realm, and that is that they must obtain permission from the God Realm Committee.

Wherever there are people, there will be disputes, and the five great kings of the gods also have different positions.

So even a god cannot be too unscrupulous.

Perhaps only the red line with a clear consensus on "no spirit beasts are allowed to become gods" can be opened up.

In fact, Su Cheng had planned earlier, and he had to explore the bottom of the divine world, otherwise there would be no chance of completing the final chapter's mission in the future.

But in the past, he had not even touched the god level. If he dared to use this kind of strength to plot against the gods, he was simply seeking death.

Not to mention fighting with it, even if you want to hide in the dark, you can't do it.

Ah Yin's appearance advanced his plan, and the unsealing of the Locus Magic Eye was an unexpected surprise for him.

In fact, Su Cheng could have guessed a little about this innate ability before. After all, the Eye of True Sight is already extremely powerful. Going one step further on this basis will definitely give him the ability to peek into the rules at a deeper level.

But even so, Su Cheng did not expect that this ability could be exaggerated to such an extent that it would be difficult for him to maintain full power for too long with his current background.

"...That's God?"

The three-eyed golden beast hanging in the air looked at the scene in the distance with a dazed expression, and the originally clear voice became much dryer.

"So, if any soul beast wants to become a god, it will not only be checked and balanced by the heavenly tribulation, but also be targeted by the gods outside the sky?"

"That's right." Su Cheng drank the last sip of the mental recovery potion and responded casually, "Unless he transforms and rebuilds his body and fundamentally changes his race, the road will be rough and disasters will continue. This is the helplessness of the vulnerable groups. "

"Transformation and reconstruction?" The three-eyed golden beast murmured in a low voice, "Is it because of this that the Lord chose to become a human?"

"Of course not. She has her pride and will not give in to pressure and difficulties. It's just that her situation is different. If she retakes the course, the upper limit is higher. In fact, making this choice is not easy for her, and it means giving up a lot of things she once had. The accumulation of time is actually a more difficult path, and even if you really become a human being, you don’t necessarily have to betray your original race.”

"Then what if I don't want to transform? I just want to continue practicing as a soul beast like I am now, is that okay?"

"Of course. Being able to stick to yourself is something to be proud of." Su Cheng glanced at the golden-haired soul beast at hand and said seriously.

At this time, the three-eyed golden tiger no longer had the previous sternness and activity.

First, it was shocked by the majesty of the sea, and then by the power of the Heavenly Tribulation. Finally, when the powerful Poseidon Dragon was easily wiped out by the combination of Heavenly Tribulation and Poseidon, its heart was filled with fear and its emotions were abnormal. Depressed and confused.

Seeing this, Su Cheng shook his head and did not say any more words of comfort.

There is no point in comforting this kind of thing. After a while, it will naturally calm down.

After all, it is an auspicious beast that condenses the luck of the soul beast clan. If it is so easy to show off, it would be too much of a waste.

In fact, his focus at this time was always on the figure in the distance wearing a white gold-rimmed robe.

He did not look directly at the other party, but there was a faint glazed light between his eyebrows. Using the vision of the track magic eye, he carefully detected the changes in the other party's state, and constantly collected information for deduction.

It doesn't matter to Three-Eyed Jin Ni and Ah Yin, they are still too weak and hardly pose any threat.

In front of the Poseidon, they are no different from ordinary fish and shrimps.

Therefore, their gazes, whether fearful or hateful, cannot attract attention.

But Su Cheng is different.

Even if he conceals his existence with a god-level realm of true power, if he meets his eyes, it's hard to say whether he will be discovered by the opponent's powerful intuition.

After all, Poseidon was once a powerful being who had been invincible across the sea for thousands of years and achieved the status of god in a mortal body. He did not dare to underestimate him at all.

Moreover, with his current strength as a third-level god, it is impossible to keep the other party. Instead, his own existence will be exposed, causing endless troubles.

After getting rid of the Poseidon, Poseidon took away its soul bone, looked around again, and finally looked back in the direction of Poseidon Island, where a figure in red was approaching quickly.

But he didn't wait for the other party's thoughts, he just sighed and disappeared immediately.

"Have you fallen to the level of a second-level god so quickly..." After the Sea God left, Su Cheng's expression remained unchanged and he turned around and flew away from the sea.

"Do you see anything?"

After landing on the shore, when Su Cheng put down the three-eyed golden tiger in his hand, Ah Yin looked at him and asked softly.

"There are too many things to see."

Su Cheng exhaled softly, feeling a twinge of pain in his mind.

Observing such a god-level existence, even if it does not involve the long-term destiny direction, just collecting information is very consumption for him. Not to mention the Dragon God's blood and two fairy grasses that he had paid in order to attract the Poseidon.

But compared to the effort, the harvest this time is also extremely high.

Relying on Su Cheng's own understanding and knowledge, and with the help of the Locus Demonic Eye, he finally clearly calculated the lower realm of the gods in the God Realm, the magnitude of the suppression, and the performance of their combat power.

When the levels of both parties are similar or the gap is not large, the intelligence gap brings extraordinary significance.

After today's peek, it at least gave him a 30% chance of winning in his future plans.

"Poseidon, a majestic first-level god, only used three moves with all his strength to consume so much, and it is almost impossible to replenish it. If Poseidon can persist for a while, it is estimated that it may not be able to maintain the power level of a second-level god. It's a pity. If he really falls to the third level of god, maybe we can try to keep him here. "

This is no exaggeration.

After all, the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King transformed into a dragon and became a god. His strength was extraordinary, and he had just become a god in his own territory and was not suppressed.

Even if Poseidon comes in person, if he wants to kill him quickly while being continuously suppressed by the rules of the universe, he has to use his unique skill, the Thirteen Golden Halberds, to do so.

"I just don't know what will happen to the God King-level existence after leaving the God Realm. I will use the further improved trajectory magic eye to figure it out in the future."

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