Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 383: Riding a Dragon into the Divine Realm

After Su Cheng left, Qian Renxue glanced at Bibi Dong, hesitated for a moment, and was ready to leave directly. She didn't know what to say to him now.

Even after experiencing the true love between life and death, the two people have a little more tenderness for each other, but because of a certain scumbag and the indifference of the past decades, the once solid ice is not so easy to completely dissolve.

And through Su Cheng's adjustment of the energy in her body just now, Qian Renxue felt that her control over the power of the blazing sun had reached a new level.

In the past, although she understood the true meaning of Blazing Sun, she was able to briefly exert a powerful force that could destroy the world. But what kind of existence the Sun Star is, how can it be easily touched by mortals.

The energy and will contained in that terrifying fireball that shines on all the worlds for thousands of years is so amazing that it is even so powerful that even the weakest consciousness cannot be born.

This book was first published on 69 Book Bar to provide you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.

For this level of power, Qian Renxue did not dare to deeply understand it, and could only explore it cautiously and briefly on weekdays.

In reality, for more than a year after leaving Wuhun City, she traveled to the mainland, the far north, and the sea, and saw many scenery, but she did not get much improvement until today.

Suddenly, Qian Renxue seemed to notice something, and her eyes focused on the beautiful woman with silver hair and purple eyes.

She frowned and shouted: "What are you doing!"

Several other people looked sideways when they heard the sound, and saw a huge silver dragon silhouette emerging behind Su Yue.

Different from ordinary people's martial arts, this silver giant dragon is as lifelike as a living thing, even Zhu Zhuqing's Netherworld White Tiger is far behind.

At this time, the unique and powerful martial spirit was turning into strands of silver mist, integrating into Su Yue's body bit by bit.

As the Silver Dragon King's martial spirit gradually became atomized and became lighter, fine scales began to appear and spread on the surface of Su Yue's exposed body, the delicate corners of his eyes, his slender neck, and his white arms...

During this process, her aura began to rise rapidly. From entering the god level for the first time, she quickly approached the peak level of the third-level god, and then went one step further and stepped onto the threshold of the second-level god...

Facing Qian Renxue's question, Su Yue remained silent and devoted herself wholeheartedly to absorbing the powerful power accumulated by the Silver Dragon King's body over the past hundreds of thousands of years.

Her Silver Dragon King martial spirit is different. It is not simply a bloodline manifestation, but a true soul beast incarnation.

After transforming, the main reason why Su Yue had to start her training from scratch was that her power was sealed in her martial soul.

Even now, only one-tenth or two of them have been consumed.

Today, she will absorb all the remaining energy and reach the sky in one step.

But the others all had good eyesight, and even if Su Yue was silent, they all saw her plan.

Qian Renxue turned around and came to her. With a wave of her hand, a blazing white domain light enveloped the surrounding area, trying to interrupt her movement. At the same time, she reprimanded in a deep voice: "Are you crazy? Are you talking in vain? Use up your own potential! Have you forgotten what Su Cheng said just now?

Facing the domineering power of the blazing sun, the pressure on Su Yue suddenly increased, and even with her physique, which was much stronger than that of a soul beast, she felt bursts of burning pain.

However, she just frowned and tried her best to resist the suppression of the field. She had no intention of stopping her movements, and the bright silver light circulated on her body surface.

Qian Renxue gritted her teeth secretly when she saw this.

Whether Su Yue is strong or weak has nothing to do with her. It is the other party's choice to waste her potential and do stupid things.

But since Su Cheng left an explanation before leaving, Qian Renxue didn't want his hard work to go to waste.

"Idiot, this is just a false world, you are doing useless work!"


Su Yue still didn't speak, and even closed her eyes tightly, immersed in the rapid increase in strength.

She is not stupid. Through the conversation between a few people and the series of events that happened over the years, she roughly guessed some hidden truths.

Although many details are not clear yet, a general idea can be seen.

This world should be a place similar to an illusion.

Now that he has the bloodline of the Dragon God and has received guidance from Su Cheng, he should have taken this opportunity to stabilize his realm so that when he returned to reality, he could turn what he gained here into the resources for future cultivation.

But she just couldn't resist the urge at this moment.

Just be stupid!

She just wanted to catch up and ask that guy what he meant and why he did everything!

Since you don't need your own power, since you can venture into the God Realm alone, why bother spending so much effort on yourself in the beginning.

She just needed an answer.

"This idiot..."

Looking at the light and shadow that turned into a silver dragon and disappeared instantly, Qian Renxue's expression was a little ugly.

She turned to look at Ah Yin, and asked with a gloomy face: "Hey, this guy and Su Cheng... could it be..."

Ah Yin blinked when he heard this, with an innocent look on his face, "How do I know this? I think it would be better for you to ask him in person later."


Qian Renxue clenched her fists and prepared to follow after a moment's hesitation.

"Xiaoxue, wait."

Hearing Bibi Dong's voice, Qian Renxue paused, tilted her head slightly and said coldly: "What?"

"I don't understand something." Bibi Dong seemed a little embarrassed and explained in a low voice: "You are more talented than me, can you teach me?"

"..." Qian Renxue was stunned for a moment, and after hesitating for a moment, she sighed and turned to walk towards Bibi Dong.

A figure with a faint glow outside the body stood outside an endless light curtain, examining the "diaphragm" in front of him.

If you stand at a very far distance and look at it, you will find that it is not a straight wall of light, but a slight arc, like a huge bubble covering the vast world.

But in fact, this is not a real material world, but a different space created by people, and its nature is somewhat similar to the Rakshasa Secret Realm or the Road to Hell.

However, compared with those inherited secret realms, the energy level of the God Realm is undoubtedly countless times higher.

"So that's it..."

Su Cheng held his chin with one hand, and had a clearer understanding of the so-called "God Realm".

This place is actually a special space formed by the mind power of each plane.

The plane planet is a physical entity with its own time and space, but the God Realm is not like this. It is not a physical existence. Although its power nature is superior to that of the planet, it does not have a stable time and space.

Even if we don't consider the fighting power of the gods living in it, destroying such a space is much easier than destroying Douluo Star.

The reason why the carrying capacity of the God Realm is stronger than that of the lower plane and can remain stable is that this place has been absorbing the mind power from various planes to create a living environment similar to the plane.

Su Cheng couldn't help but laugh and shook his head, "It's not wrong to say that it's a parasite."

He looked at the thick membrane barrier in front of him. This is actually the extremely condensed heaven and earth elemental force, which is thousands of times purer and richer than the natural energy of the lower world. The concentration is probably not much different from the top treasures in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi.

If the God Realm wants to expand further, even to carry more energy and gods, it needs to cover more lower planes and absorb more mind power.

Doing so is undoubtedly a good thing for the God Realm, and its power will become stronger and stronger, but for the lower world, it is more disadvantageous than beneficial.

First of all, the upper limit of the planets in each plane will be severely blocked. Secondly, the top powerhouses occasionally supported by those planets will eventually return to the God Realm because their planes are unable to bear them.

The only benefit is probably that you can get the "protection" of the God Realm, but the protection fee is a little bit expensive.

"The way of heaven is to reduce the surplus and make up for the deficiency, and the way of man is to reduce the deficiency and serve the surplus..." Su Cheng murmured in a low voice, "No wonder the will of the universe doesn't like this place."

For individuals, or for a certain group, concentrating power is a shortcut to speed up development. If the general direction is correct, the efficiency will undoubtedly be much higher.

However, from the perspective of the stability of the cosmic environment, it is obvious that the richer the ecological chain, the more conducive to balance and stability.

If we only talk about strength, any god is not worth mentioning in front of the power of the universe, but unfortunately, the universe only has a broad will and does not have real consciousness. Rules are the basis of its operation.

It is precisely because of this that the gods have the opportunity to exploit loopholes.

That is to create a space with a very high energy limit that can shelter the gods, and the existence of a nature similar to the "plane".

The rules of the universe suppress the gods, but they will never restrict the plane, let alone the free creatures between heaven and earth, because that is the key link in the cosmic chain.

Therefore, facing the God Realm, the rules of the universe can do very limited things. At most, they can attract some time and space turbulence to attack and destroy, or suppress the gods who have left the God Realm. There is no other way.

"God Shura, it's not me who has taken the wrong path..."

At this time, Su Cheng's expression suddenly changed slightly, and he looked to the side.

Accompanied by a flash of dazzling silver light, a slender and gorgeous huge silver dragon appeared beside him.

But he was only slightly surprised, and he regained his composure in a blink of an eye.

At this moment, his "human" emotions are gradually fading, but the indifferent and lofty divine weight is slowly increasing bit by bit.

Of course, he is also well aware of the changes in his own state of mind.

In addition to the rapid increase in energy levels, the loss of the physical body is also an important reason for this situation.

"You're here." He greeted softly, then looked back at the light curtain in front of him, "The Shura God said that my existence is wrong, violates the order, and will destroy the foundation of the universe... Haha, does the universe really need these so-called "referees" to dispatch and control its operation?"

He stretched out his arm in front of his palm, gently fiddled with the light curtain with extremely strong defense, and opened a huge gap that was enough for the Silver Dragon King to enter, "Maybe this kind of existence was needed at the beginning. After all, the universe was not stable at that time, and most creatures were in danger. However, as the rules of the universe gradually perfected, the big ship of the new era can no longer accommodate these ancient termites..."

Su Cheng sighed in his heart.

Just like the energy changes happening in his body at this moment, when the earth, water, wind and fire first met, the process that occurred was indeed extremely intense and imperfect.

At this time, if he had the ability to make fine adjustments and restrictions, he would avoid the final destruction.

Perhaps the gods in the God Realm at that time played a role similar to that of a "savior"...

"This is probably considered 'smuggling'. I don't know if this has ever happened in the God Realm before." Su Cheng turned to look at the Silver Dragon King and chuckled, "Together?"

The Silver Dragon King looked at him, and under the gaze of those calm eyes, his restless mood seemed to be slowly calmed down.


"Okay." Su Cheng's figure flashed, and the next moment he appeared directly on the smooth and flowing back of the dazzling silver dragon, and his expression suddenly became extremely satisfied, "Finally I have the opportunity to get up, I have long wanted to experience this feeling."

"Su! Cheng!" The Silver Dragon King's figure paused instantly, and then a low roar with strong anger suppressed came out of the dragon's mouth.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, it's really handsome like this."

"Get down!"

"Let me stand for a while... Hey, don't transform first!"

A man and a woman walked on the road of the God Realm where the energy of heaven and earth was extremely rich.

Su Yue's expression was stiff, and he had not yet eliminated the anger in his heart.

"Isn't it just a little ride, so why are you so angry?" Su Cheng couldn't help complaining.

"Or you can let me ride it too?" Su Yue glanced at him and sneered.

"Sure, ride as you like, I don't mind, I'm not as stingy as you."


Su Yue's expression froze, and then he snorted coldly: "I didn't follow you here to listen to these things."

"Okay, then what do you want to hear?"

"Tell me about you first."

"My situation is more complicated. To put it simply, I'm probably the spokesperson chosen by the rules of the universe." Su Cheng pondered.

"The existence of the God Realm is no longer suitable for the current environment and needs to be changed or even abolished. But if it is forcibly destroyed, it is obviously contrary to the rules of the universe. It is best to find someone to complete this task. Don't look at the endless power of the universe, it is actually not easy to achieve this step."

"What do you mean?"

Su Yue's eyes moved slightly, thinking of the Dragon God's tribulation of becoming a god.

The terrifying Dragon God Tribulation, but only a little power in a corner of the universe, almost killed the Dragon God standing at the top of all living beings.

If you really can't stand the existence of the God Realm, wouldn't it be easy to destroy it?

"You can't treat the will of the universe as a real person. Its operation has its own rules and laws. If it is destroyed, the universe will not be far from destruction. In short, there are many difficulties, and it is estimated that similar situations will hardly appear in the future."

"In other words, you can't be sure whether it will appear again? Then... maybe I will be pulled into a similar illusion again?"

"No." Su Cheng asserted.

He seemed very sure about this point.

"In fact, for beings above the god level, this heavy illusion can no longer pull them. Xiaoxue and Dong'er's situation is an example.

"They have all surpassed the god level in reality. The reason why they can enter it is that when this world was created, this world used a very high level of original power to build the spiritual core, which engulfed their consciousness energy in reality.

"But the presence of those spiritual cores is far stronger than the consciousness structure they projected in this world, which will give them extremely strong instincts. Otherwise, why do you think Bibi Dong showed an extraordinary closeness to me when she first met me.

"I only figured this out later. If the person who approached them in this world was not me, they would not be able to move their minds at all."

Speaking of this, Su Cheng glanced at Su Yue beside him again, "As for you... Although your power is very strong, as a silver dragon king, it is better than ordinary gods, but your rank has actually fallen below the god level, and even your consciousness has been broken into spiritual consciousness. After this experience, I believe it is only a matter of time before you return to the throne of god."

"Oh. "Su Yue nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

The past ten years were just a blink of an eye compared to the length of her life.

But what she saw and gained in this blink of an eye seemed to be more profound and wonderful than the long years before.

But if it happens again...

Thinking of this, Su Yue subconsciously glanced at the man beside her and pursed her lips.

"Is Douluo Star special? Why are so many outstanding people born in this plane?"

"You also discovered it?" Su Cheng was a little surprised.

"In fact, Douluo Star itself is not strong. Among the many planes in this universe, no matter the energy level it can carry or the upper limit of the cultivation of intelligent creatures, it can only be called mediocre.

"But the energy carrying capacity is only one of the criteria for judging the plane, and it cannot judge the potential of this world. The potential of the plane ultimately depends on the performance of the intelligent creatures living in it.

"I think the state of Douluo Star is extremely rare even among thousands of planes.

"Regardless of other things, this plane can produce two beings who rely on their own abilities to cultivate to the first-level god, and it has also bred a large number of powerful soul beasts with amazing qualifications. You live here, which is obviously extraordinary. What's more, there are characters such as Tang Chen, Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue, and Tang San who were born one after another..."

Tang San's situation is still questionable. After all, before awakening his martial soul, he practiced the Xuantian Gong obtained from the Tang Sect in his previous life to consolidate his foundation. It is hard to say what level his real qualifications are.

But Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue, Tang Chen and others are real talents to become gods. Even if they don't have the inheritance of the godhood, they still have a great chance to ascend to the godhood.

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