Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 102: Tiandou Royal Academy

   Three days are fleeting.

After three days, the two of them retained half of their soul power, and the rest were moving forward at full speed, because the journey was far away, and if there was not enough time, I am afraid they would have trouble enrolling in school, but Uran was not worried. He was a genius casually. , What admission rules are not a sentence?

   For example, this is a transfer student of XX, who is a transfer student or something. His spirit power level corresponds to a future honor. Can his face be eaten?

   "According to the map, we are going to Tiandou City. Where is the Tiandou Royal Academy outside the city?" Uran asked Zhu Zhuqing while looking at the map.

   There is no specific location of Tiandou Royal Academy on the map.

   Zhu Zhuqing glanced at Uranium, "I belong to the Star Luo Empire, how do I know?"

   "Uh, that's right."

  Uran looked at the map and then at the scene in front of him. He couldn't help being a little stunned, and then frowned, feeling a little troublesome for a while.

   "What garbage map is this? Huh?"

   Seeing that he was approaching Tiandou City, but the Royal Academy didn't know where it was, Uran's mind began to recall how he walked in the Douluo Continent he had seen before. If there is a way, maybe he can go directly.

   after a moment.


  Uran's mind suddenly flashed, it was Ning Rongrong who led the team.

   "Let's go to Tiandou City first, and then go to the Royal Academy when we say hello." The boy turned to look at Zhu Zhuqing, and said.

   Zhu Zhu counted and nodded, and then her face became weird. She couldn't help but ask: "Uranium, what's the matter with you lately? There are so many words."

   She is a little uncomfortable, she used to make eye contact all the time, she didn't need to speak, but Uranium has changed a bit in the past few days.

First of all, I have become more talkative. I used to have the same facial paralysis face as her, but now I will smile from time to time. I want to learn the sunshine and cheerful smile, but I don’t have the essence and agility. I do all the movements. When they came out, they all looked like a sneer without a smile, which was daunting.


   "It's nothing, I just want to talk recently." Then, in Zhu Zhuqing's incredulous eyes, Uranium actually smiled stiffly, and then touched the back of his head with his hand. This embarrassing appearance directly caused the girl's indifferent face to break.


   The girl smirked, covering her mouth, the next moment, she recovered again, but with the original gaffe, the girl's expression became colder.

   Seeing this, Uran's heart couldn't help sighing.

   He didn't feel happy because he talked a lot.

   Instead, Zhu Zhuqing felt that there was a problem because of strange words and deeds.

"Let's go, let's go, it's nothing funny, Zhu Zhuqing, I have had a problem recently. If something happens to me, please take care of it. Thank you." The boy waved his hand, then turned his head and looked into the distance. City, ready to set off.

   It's just that as he moved forward, he once again returned to his previously indifferent face.

   He wants to save himself, but he really doesn't know what to do.

   The panic, hairy, and nervous anger in my heart, mixed with the anger that wants to crush people, keeps circling in my heart, is it the anger of fear, or...

   From afar, Uranium was able to see the city head with the banner spread through the eyes of Wuhun through the radiating eyes. As the continent's largest and most prosperous city, Uranium is one of the two cities.

The walls of Tiandou City are as high as 100 meters, and they are all repaired by the hardest granite. Under his watch, the soldiers patrolling and standing guard are full of armor and holding spears, showing from them. The murderous air can be seen in its brilliance.

The two gradually approached, and one could see from a distance that the tall city gate was about ten meters long and ten meters wide, enough for six rides in parallel. There were two auxiliary gates beside it, five meters high and wide, and pedestrians passing by. You can only enter from the second door, the door in the middle is closed tightly.

   The two came outside the city gate. Just as they were about to enter the city, they saw a huge announcement on the bulletin board next to the city gate.

"Enrollment. Lanba Advanced Soul Master Academy is a college that only accepts civilian students, rigorous teaching, and abundant teachers. Now it is the annual enrollment time. If you want to become a senior soul master, what are you waiting for? Don’t hurry up and sign up for the Blue Ba Advanced Soul Master Academy."

   "We are not aristocrats after all. If Tiandou doesn't accept us, maybe we can go here and have a look." The boy pointed to the enrollment announcement above and said to the girl.


   Zhu Zhuqing just nodded faintly, and no longer said too much.

   After paying the entrance tax, the two walked into Tiandou City. Uran looked around and found his goal. Then he walked up, prepared to buy something, and asked about the location of Tiandou Royal Academy by the way.

   Tiandou City is extremely prosperous. All streets are paved with blue bricks. Any street is as wide as the main road of Soto City that he had visited before. The scale of the entire city can only be described as magnificent.

   After hearing the news, Uran bought two masks and handed them one to Zhu Zhuqing, motioning her to continue.

The girl took it and looked down at the black cat-shaped bust mask, only covering the upper part of the face. The dark mask has silver edges on the edge. The workmanship is simple but not crude. The delicate lines and black background are quite nighttime Female hero, or civet-like visual experience.


Zhu Zhuqing looked at the white base, black corrugated mask in Uran's It is very large, covering all the face, hair, and leaving only two black holes, which has a rather single feeling. But somehow, the girl could indeed feel a strange sense of horror.

"I need to cover it up. The Soul Guidance Device is inconvenient after all, and I don’t know what button I pressed. Every time it turns into shape, it will have sound effects and will be exposed. So I bought this and bought it for you. One." Uran shook the mask in his hand, looked at the girl, and continued to ask.

   "Don't you like it? I can change one."

   "No need, just this one."

   Zhu Zhuqing shook his head slightly, and then the two went out of the city again from the small gate. This time, the two went straight to the Tiandou Royal Academy outside.

   The sun goes down.

   Led by Uran while looking at the map while walking, as the sun sinks, they finally arrived at the destination of this trip, Tiandou Royal Academy.

   "It's near here."

The scenery around    is beautiful, especially at this time when the sun sets and the sky is full of clouds. As the two of them move forward, there are constantly leaves blowing around them.

   Against the backdrop of the red glow of the West, whether it is the shiny lake at the foot of the mountain, or the thousand-meter-high mountain covered with vegetation, it gives people a sense of paradise.

   Such a dazzling sunset completely rendered the surroundings into a paradise on earth.

   "It seems not bad."

  Uran stretched out his hand to catch a fallen leaf, looked up again at the surrounding leaves flying with the wind, and slowly said to the **** the side.


   The girl also nodded, looking at the surrounding scenery, the cold in her eyes gradually softened, so beautiful, who doesn't love it?

   But the two did not take a few steps, and a shout came.


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