Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 106: Fetters

   introduced the outside house, and soon the three of them entered the main house.

  According to teacher Lin Zhong's introduction, this courtyard can be regarded as the advanced configuration of the Tiandou Royal Academy. Every day, people clean it, re-arrange food and fruits, and keep the dust away.

   Except for the exclusive courtyards for the senior teachers of the Board of Education and His Royal Highness, this place is the top.

   As soon as they entered the house, Uran and Zhu Zhuqing raised their eyebrows at the same time, staring slightly, and scanned the surroundings.

   And Mr. Lin Zhong, who squinted his eyes to observe the two, couldn't help showing a hint of pride on his face.

   Yes, even though you may come from a top-tier family, the Tiandou Imperial Academy specially built by our Tiandou Empire is not bad.

   What catches your eyes is an extremely grand suite!

   It’s hard to imagine. The outside world seems to be nearly a hundred meters wide and more than fifty meters deep inside the main house. There are actually not houses, but such a huge suite.

Looking around, there is no doubt that a living area is revealed, walk-in shoe closet, living room, dining room, decorative partitions, cabinets filled with decorations, kitchenette, aisle, separate bedroom, screen, fitness room, study room, floor-to-ceiling windows, The reception room, and so on.

   is surrounded by light yellow and milky white background colors, supplemented by fiery red and green solid colors, the set of gray fabric sofas, and a rimmed dining table with a touch of silver gray.

Wall decorations on the walls continue to extend, the fruit on the table exudes a faint fragrance, the vine decoration shelf is not far away, the books on the bookcase are seen by Uran, and each one is about learning. Books on subjects such as soul beasts and noble knowledge.

   The whole piece of marble is laid on the ground, and the ground is constantly reflecting the light under the direct light of the light. For a while, the eyes of the two people are so beautiful.

   This is not like a place of life, it is more like a work of art, and more like a place where immortals live.

"Hehe, then I'll go first. Please take a good rest. There are many rooms. Please choose at will." Lin Zhong's goal has been achieved. First, he will be familiar with his face, so as not to forget himself in a blink of an eye, and then leave at the right time. The information of the two is revealed to those in need, and it is sufficient to show their position.

After   , he turned and left, left the main house, and returned from the original road.

   At this moment, only Uranium and Zhu Zhuqing are left in this courtyard.

   is so quiet around, he can even hear the girl's slight breathing, not rushing or slowing down, calm and relaxed.

   In fact, the girl was completely stunned. Even Uranus, a traverser who is accustomed to the wonders of modern society, marveled at her, let alone Zhu Zhuqing, who has been in the family and rarely goes out.

   After a while, Zhu Zhuqing recovered, his tone a little unnatural.

   "It's good here."

   Then, she emphasized one more sentence.

"I like here."

   "That's good, I'm hungry." Uran smiled. Although it was still a little unnatural, he wanted to adapt to this feeling of joy from the heart as soon as possible.

   The first step to change the destiny of the family is to step out from here.

   He was very sure that he would never be recognized by the soul masters in the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, he belonged to the Uchiha family.

   is very simple. Uchiha's clan are all black hair and black eyes, and he has silver hair and red eyes.

   Uchiha's eye contact lenses are a rotating three-hook jade, and they are still red.

   And in his eyes, there are three miniature fan-shaped icons in yellow and black.

   The two are completely different. If this is still exposed, he can only use a nuclear explosion to open the way and escape all the way.

Anyway, he chose to play the Soul Master Competition in order to attract the attention of the family, but to play in the competition, joining the Heaven Dou Royal Academy is the best choice at present, not to mention that various training treatments are several times better than Shrek. Among them, it is because Tiandou Royal Academy is a seeded team, who is naturally able to participate in the final battle, which can save him a lot of energy to fight and fight team battles.

But if he gave up returning to the clan and instead cultivated himself, then he could not participate in the Soul Master Competition, stagger with Tang San and his party, not communicate with them, walk his own way, go through battles, and wait to become a titled Douluo. When the world is invincible, it will show up in the eyes of the world, and let the family come to him.

   Either way, you can choose, but the difference is that there is a path of loneliness and death accompanied by loneliness.

  The other is to move forward with others, step through the opponents, and enjoy the team road to victory.

  Without hesitation, Uranium chose the latter.

   Compared to the previous road, Uranium has had enough of this torture in the forest. There is no communication and no company, and the deteriorating surrounding environment has almost made him mentally collapsed.

   Uranium still remembers that when he was young, he experienced several dangerous situations and nearly died.

  After he was a few years older and had the ability to protect himself, he had to face countless radiating soul beast attacks, restless day and night, upside down work and rest, and dizzy.

   After he came out of the mountain, he had to bear the fate of his family, fight for the continuation of Uchiha, communicate with the mainland soul master, and the desire to go home, all of his brains flocked to this teenager.

   The signs of juvenile madness have long been revealed, but at this moment, he hopes that there is no one to save because he cannot save himself.

   Under Uran's eyes, the first person to save him was Xiao Wu.

   And the second one may be the girl in front of him, Zhu Zhuqing.

  Because he felt for the first time what cooperating is tacit, he had a clear heart.

   This feeling started at noon on the fifteenth day of departure from Longxing City.

   At that time, the wheels of the wagon suddenly broke apart and burst. Without a spare wheel, he had to get out of the car to repair this, because he rarely used tools, so the repair was a bit slow.

Until, after he needed a claw hammer to hit a certain place, he just reached out his hand casually. When trying to touch it out of the surroundings, he directly touched Zhu Zhuqing’s jade-like hand like mutton jade, and her hand, already The hammer handed over.

   At this moment, this kind of tacit understanding, which seemed to have a clear heart, made the two of them stunned for an instant.

   There was nothing to say later. Zhu Zhuqing was very resistant to this tacit understanding, because she knew that she was a member of the Zhu family and was Dai Mubai's fiancée. How could she have such a heart-to-heart cooperation with a stranger?

   Uranium chose to accept this tacit understanding.

   He doesn't know what this tacit understanding means, but at this moment, before this unexpected cooperation, he has suffered mentally.

   It may be fate or his redemption. During this period of time, Uran has been silently acting with Zhu Zhuqing, even if she resists, even if she doesn't want anything to happen.

   But this kind of gesture can understand the passive senses of the other party, but it is deeply imprinted in the hearts of the two of them.

  Uranus understands that if he wants to get rid of the crazy torture, then he needs Zhu Zhuqing.

   Zhu Zhuqing is his bondage.

is his.



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