Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 112: Uranium vs. Emperor Dou 5-player combination

   "Uranium, are you ready?" Qin Ming asked, looking at the boy from sitting cross-legged to standing.

   Qin Mingguang could feel from a distance, the five people who closed their eyes and meditated at this moment had a high fighting spirit. Seeing this, Teacher Qin couldn't help but smile.

   Although the opponent they faced was a soul sect, they still believed that they could win, but they were a team, how could they think they would lose.

   "I'm fine, you can start."

   The boy moved his hands and feet, and looked at Qin Ming, indicating that he was ready and could leave at any time.

   "Well, Tianheng, Yanzi, come here." Qin Ming nodded, and then greeted the five members of the Huangdou team to gather. Then, the seven came to the center of the training ground and stopped.

"There is nothing to say about the battle test, Uranium, your mission is to defeat them before the incense burns out." Qin Ming smiled and said to Uranium, then turned to look at the Huangdou team, his face suddenly darkened. , The tone was harsh, whispering like a devil.

   "Within a stick of incense, withstand Uranium's attack, even if it passes, if the mission fails, the training this week will be doubled."

   "Teacher, what if the boss and Yanzi win?" Suddenly, Yufeng who was standing beside him interrupted and said with a smile.

Yu Tianheng and the lone geese behind him raised their heads at the same time, their eyes flashed with the will to fight and the belief in victory. Yufeng was right. The probability of them winning is not small because they can trust each other. The Emperor Fighting Team.

   Qin Ming turned his head, glared at Yu Feng, and said: "The mission fails, you double with them."

"Ah? Teacher, no." Yufeng suddenly became anxious, ignoring the crazy hint in Oslo's eyes, hurriedly ran to Qin Ming, scratched his head with one hand, his handsome face showed embarrassment, and smiled:" Teacher, I'm talking and laughing, don't let me participate together."

   "Three times."

   After finishing speaking, Qin Ming turned and left, no matter his face collapsed, he was dumbfounded.

   A touch of Qin Ming's hand, a faint light ignited from the incense, and then his wrist shook and stuck it on the ground.

   "Hey, even Teacher Qin dared to refute. Teacher Qin said Uuqiang, it must be Uuqiang. Now it's okay, do you want to die? Haha"

   Oslo walked up, patted Yu Feng on the shoulder, with an exaggerated face, smiling, and continued to say to Yu Feng, "How? Isn't it exciting? Haha."

   "Ahhh! Leopard!"

   Yufeng couldn't help it suddenly, with his arm force, he directly stuck Oslo's neck in his arm, with a smirk on his face, stretched out one hand, and poke at the waist of this beautiful blond boy.

   "Uh hahahaha~"

   Zhu Zhuqing watched the intimate fight between the two in front of him. After feeling a little dazzling, he cast his gaze on Uran, who was holding his hands on his chest and looking calm.

   After a long absence, she seemed to be able to feel that Uranium's attitude was different from before, but she couldn't tell what it was.

The six people stood on the spot, as Qin Ming went away, the formation of the five Emperors began to change slightly. It was not the team leader Lan Dian Tyrant Dragon Soul Master Yu Tianheng who stood at the forefront, but the two basalts. Brother Shijia, soul master turtle.

The two of them left and right. When Qin Ming inserted the incense stick on the ground, they burst into a loud shout, and the earth-yellow light rose from under their feet. The sound from their bodies instantly shook the entire training field, the sound of riots It spread violently.

Before releasing the martial spirit, the Shi family brothers first shook off their shirts, revealing the solid muscles like granite. With the release of the martial spirit, the two shoulders slowly moved forward, the entire back half arched, and all the spirit power was condensed into The earthy yellow rays of light condensed towards their back, forming a huge dark yellow tortoise shell.

  The lines on the tortoise shell are light yellow, and the whole body bones of the graphite and stone mill brothers seem to have undergone some changes with the appearance of the tortoise shell.

   Not only did the tortoise appear behind them, they also appeared in front of them, and their limbs became shorter as the tortoise appeared. In the middle of the plastron in the tortoise shell, there is a huge symbol.

   "Transformation shield." The two brothers roared very tacitly, and the tortoise shells on the chest and the back were strangely separated, and they were separated into their hands, becoming two huge tortoise shields with a diameter of one meter. However, they lost the tortoise shell, not only were they much shorter than their previous body before using the martial spirit, but also their sturdy bodies became thinner.

   At this moment, Yu Tianheng, who was standing behind the two Xuanwu Tortoise Soul Masters, looked at each other with Uran, who stood proudly without any thought of moving, and he immediately felt a strong pressure on his face.

Yu Tianheng's heart was awe-inspiring, and he stared at the evil turning eyes, and he immediately understood that this soul sect, who is younger than himself, is definitely not easy to deal with. It can even be said that even his elder brother stands. In front of him, the pressure on him would not be so great!

Flashing a faint blue light, two yellow and one purple, three spirit rings coiled around their bodies from bottom to top, because after their martial spirits produced tortoise shells, their bodies had swelled a lot, and the spirit rings coiled around their bodies. Some variants.

As Uran stood still, his deterrent aura grew stronger, and after the Shi Family brothers released his martial spirit, they were actually blocked a little from the front. Suddenly, Yu Tianheng's pressure was relieved. Some sweat came out on his head, somehow, he didn't dare to look at Uranium.


   Take a deep breath, take back the distracting thoughts in my heart, and the belief in winning slowly rises from my eyes are gradually shining, and the color of determination flashes on his face.

   He is one of the twin stars of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. He is the captain of the Royal Fighting team. He cannot lose.

Then, a group of dazzling blue light suddenly lit up from the center of Yutianheng's eyebrows, and then, the blue light spread instantly, descending from the center of his eyebrows into his whole body, and blue-violet lasers burst out like small snakes, surrounding his body. Wander around.

   On the surface, Yu Tianheng's changes were not very big, except for a blue lightning symbol on his forehead, only one part of his entire body had changed due to the possession of Wuhun.

   It was his right arm that changed.

"Is this Longhua?" Uranium watched Yu Tianheng's right arm bursting with clothing, revealing a blue-violet arm, which was more than half a foot longer. The entire arm was extremely thick and covered with blue-violet scales. The hands became claws, covered with the same scales.

Every joint in his hand became extremely thick, and the blue-violet snake electricity circling around him continued to condense or flow on his arm. The two yellow and one purple spirit rings did not hover around him like other spirit masters. Instead, it hovered over this special and abnormal arm.

   Then the lone geese, Ye Lingling's martial soul possessed, Uran did not see, because his sight was all blocked by the three people in front of him, but the problem is not big, he will win!

   "Eye of Destruction, possessed."

   "I'm here." Uran smiled, four spirit rings appeared, and the second spirit ring was bright.

   The next moment, a shocking sound suddenly came!

   The sound of tearing the air blew instantly!

   Like a train crashing into a cave, the Xuanwu Tortoise Soul Master Stone Mill standing in the front row was suddenly defeated!

  'S figure flew back, crashing to the ground, smoke and dust rose, life and death unknown.


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