Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 129: 3 Dike Tactics

   After completing Yufeng's education, within a moment, the rest of the Emperor Fighting team members also arrived.

   Nine people gathered in front of Teacher Qin, waiting for him to give instructions, whether it was training, fighting each other, or something else.

When Qin Ming looked at Uranus unconsciously, he had already stood at the forefront of the team and completely covered Yu Tianheng's imposing light. He already understood that the strong is respected. Although Yu Tianheng didn't say anything, everyone did. I realized that Uranium is the strongest in the team, standing at the forefront, there is no problem.

With a light cough, Qin Minglang said: "Everyone, you must be familiar with uranium. At present, there are two sets of tactical reserves in the Huangdou team. Starting today, a new set will be added, with uranium as the tip, Zhu Zhuqing and Yu Tianheng are two-edged trident tactics."

   "There are seven members in total, Yanzi and Oslo have entered the ranks of substitutes, and the others have participated in the entry. Do you have any objections?"

Dugu Yan was the first to raise her hand. As the deputy captain and the control system spirit master, she entered the ranks of the substitutes for the first time. This is unbearable. Although Teacher Qin Ming must have her own intentions, she still wants to refute why she Can't get involved?

  Oslo and Yufeng looked at each other, shrugging helplessly, without the slightest complaint. Anyway, a hot man entered the team, so no matter what opponent is facing, it must be a sweeping situation. There is no difference between him or him.

   "Ms. Qin Ming, why can't I participate?" Dugu Yan has always been this temperamental, with a single heart, and speaks out.

"Yanzi, let me ask you, the pure offensive line, the full-scale offensive led by Uranium, apart from the Shi Family brothers and Ye Lingling need to ensure room for maneuver, is there a need to control the Spirit Master? You should know that, at the same level, No one can stop Uranium, right? This will be a devastating impact. It will no longer be a normal team, but an extreme offensive formation." Qin Ming asked, looking at the lone geese.

"This..." For a while, Dugu Yan was speechless, controlling the soul master. As the name suggests, it is the soul master who controls the enemy, the teammates, and the battlefield. But if this extreme offensive formation can overwhelm the opposing team at once, she Does it still need to be controlled?

   She is not Tang San. Tang San has blue silver grass entwined, cage, and hidden weapons with many tricks and tricks. She only has poison. After all, she is the Jade Snake Martial Spirit, and she is also an expert at playing poison, and her spirit power level is the second highest in the entire Emperor Dou, except for Kai Yu Tianheng. It is reasonable and should not be the case. what.

"Okay, Yanzi, this is just a formation, you don't have to be too entangled, you know, this has not been tested yet, it is just a hasty decision, and subsequent adjustments will be made according to the actual situation." Qin Ming laughed After speaking, after calming down the frizzy goose, he cast his eyes on the nine people standing in place.

"This trident tactical formation is just a rudimentary form at the moment. At least for now, everyone's first task is to improve their fighting ability and martial arts proficiency. Regarding the activation of the trident tactic, at least Zhu Zhuqing needs to reach level 30. , And Tian Heng, who is in charge of cover, will only consider it after reaching level 40." Qin Ming said with a calm face.

"Are you all at leisure now? Don't go to training? Tian Heng, your task today is to break through the graphite in a frontal battle within ten minutes. The defense of the stone mill is to attack Ye Lingling behind them, and all spirit abilities are lifted. Similarly, Ye Lingling, stone grinding, graphite, your task today is to completely defend against Yu Tianheng's attack." Qin Ming turned to look at Yu Tianheng, Ye Lingling and the Shi family brothers said calmly.

Then, he looked at the two people who had just discussed with him, as well as the deputy captain Dugu Yan, and said, "Yanzi, as a control type spirit master, in the future, there will be a situation where you will be approached by a sensitive attack type spirit master. Today is your opponent. It's Yufeng and Oslo. Make sure you don't lose for ten minutes. Oslo, Yufeng, the goal of the two of you is the unprotected goose, you know what I mean?"

"Uran, you and Zhu Zhuqing will conduct competitive training to understand her shortcomings. After the training is completed, go to the fourth teaching building and the sixth classroom. Teacher Zhilin from the Academic Affairs Office is waiting for you and waiting for you to pass. After graduating from the martial arts theory course for a while, you can participate in the team run-in, go."

Finally, Teacher Qin clapped his palms and said loudly: "After the first stage of today is completed, rest for ten minutes and enter the second stage, seven-person hexapod walking, stage three, anti-stress training, stage four, endurance training, In the fifth stage, actual combat training with Uranium, followed by weight-bearing training in the afternoon, environmental training, and repeating the sequence in the morning. The interval between the above-mentioned rest periods is only ten minutes, so you can grasp your breathing rhythm and prepare to start."


  The seven members of the Huangdou team suddenly changed their expressions, and even Yu Tianheng's complexion, who used to be mature and stable, couldn't help but twitch, completely without the usual calm and indifferent posture.

At this time, Yufeng couldn’t help asking: "Ms. Qin, why did it use one group per day in the past, but today it has become two groups per day, and the fifth stage and weekly load-bearing, environmental training, is this? Too discount..."

   Yufeng hasn't said the following words, but his thoughts also represent the thoughts of the entire Huangdou team. If they follow this high-intensity and unreasonable training method, their bodies will collapse at most a week.

Qin Ming sneered, his eyes were like a hungry wolf, staring at the ignorant emperor fighting team members in front of him, he said viciously: "I just saw the power of uranium, so I can I feel sad for your weakness, do you know that Uranium can defeat the soul sect of the same level in ten seconds without using soul power in the Great Fighting Soul Arena. Looking at you again, I am so disappointed."

   "Today is just an appetizer. In the future, you will eat one after another. Don't be afraid of your body breaking down. Now there is no limit to the supply of soul beast meat. At least five healing soul masters are in place. Please enjoy it."

   After finishing, Qin Ming clapped his hands, and immediately, the auxiliary door on the side of the training ground opened. Five healing soul masters with different looks, different temperaments, and almost the same age came to the training ground.

   The five elders lay down on the lounge chairs nearby, waiting to relax, waiting for the time when they needed treatment or replenish their physical fitness.

   Seeing this scene, Yufeng Oslo's face turned green in an instant.

   In the same way, the other members of the Huangdou team couldn't help sighing when they saw Teacher Qin Ming's come true.

   It seems that the arrival of Uranium really stimulated him.

Indeed, the existence of Uranium greatly stimulated Qin Ming’s brain. He always thought that the Emperor Fighting team he was in charge of training must be the strongest team in the entire Tian Dou Empire. He even pulled out for the Soul Master Competition, at least. The first three exist, but right now, with the arrival of Uranium, why didn't he give him a pawn?

   Only after discussing with the three senior teachers of the Academic Affairs Office for a period of time, after receiving the support of the three Contras, he decided to start this training that touches the limits of the human body.

   Its name is Life to Death.

   Time is turning the gears of historical behavior, and the two destined teams are about to usher in their first battle in the near future.


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