Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 195: Breakthrough feelings

Early the next morning.

Uran woke up early, but found that he did not have his own breakfast, while Zhu Zhuqing had already eaten it.


Looking at the still gloomy girl in front of her, Uran could only scratch her head and smile awkwardly. She was hungry, and looked at Zhu Zhuqing, who raised her eyebrows and glared at him as if to please.

Uranium did have the idea of ​​teasing Zhu Zhuqing last night.

"I have already arranged it. When the time is right, we will go to the eyes of the Binghuo Liangyi." Uran looked at Zhu Zhuqing and took out another breakfast without knowing somewhere, put his heart down slightly, and said with a smile at Zhu Zhuqing.

"I don't yet know what we are going to do."

The girl frowned slightly as she watched the uranium devouring her breakfast.

Uranium may have been preparing for this for so long, but why didn't you tell her?

Hearing Zhu Zhuqing's words like this, Uran was stunned immediately, and even the cooking of food stopped.

"What? Didn't I tell you?"

As soon as the voice fell, the young man immediately patted his forehead.

"Oh yes! Yes, I forgot to tell you. I thought about the scenes that I told you in my mind, but I didn’t tell you the truth. As a result, I thought I had talked to you. My fault, I 'S fault."

"In order to apologize, I will punish myself."

As he said, Uran picked up the spoon, dug a large spoonful of the rice in front of him, and then put it into his own mouth, chewing contentedly.


Seeing Uran's words like this, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help feeling like a fist hitting the cotton.

And when she compared it a little bit, she was a little surprised.

The uranium in front of us is very different from the uranium half a year ago.

Uranium once did not talk to her like yesterday, nor would he have the hippie smiley face he did now.

The Uranium used to be very cold, and I wouldn’t say a few words. When I look at passers-by, my eyes will unconsciously show a frightening glow. I can’t talk, even my face. His smile is also fake, which makes her quite uncomfortable.

But she could feel Uran's closed heart.

And now he is more like a living, complete person, who can make jokes, care about her, and care about others. For example, Huang Dou’s friends, although they don’t say it, actually care more than anyone, just like It's the same as feeling awakened.

Or maybe, let go of yourself.

Zhu Zhuqing actually doesn't know much about uranium.

Uchiha is a kind of sensibility, but also a kind of people who are very persistent in love.

Uranium once had the idea of ​​destroying the entire Douluo Continent, and it was preparing to execute it, and it was about to face blackened existence.

As more and more people came into contact, he understood until now.

Only by cherishing the present can we look to the future.

He will change the fate of the family!

"Well, let me think about how I should tell you about the ice and fire."

After eating breakfast, Uran groaned and began to prepare his words.

After a while, the well-considered Uranium began to speak slowly to Zhu Zhuqing in front of him.

"The place I went to yesterday is called the Eye of the Ice and Fire. It is a special geographical environment that is most cherished in the world. It has unique conditions. It is the show of Zhong Ling's world and the place where the aura of heaven and earth gathers. In short, there are all inside. It’s the fairy grass baby, I went to prepare it, and what kind of fairy grass you can eat."

While speaking, Uranium began to talk about the dangerous situation in this place.

"But this kind of place is extremely dangerous. I also risked my life yesterday. Binghuoliangyiyan is the reclusive place of Biphos Douluo Dugubo. He is the grandfather of Yanzi, the legendary titled Douluo. And Binghuoliang Yiyan is even his medicine garden, which contains countless large tonics and highly poisonous herbs, but the most treasured thing is the fairy product."

"Xianpin is the name of the immortal grass. Once you take an immortal grass, it can greatly improve your spirit power, ranging from level 5 to level 7, and even the best immortal grass has enhanced martial spirit. The terrifying effect of bringing back the dead!"

But while speaking, Uranium stopped and looked a little strange looking at Zhu Zhuqing's appearance at this moment.

The girl stunnedly listened to Uran's words about Immortal Grass, which was a little hard to digest for a while.

Fairy grass?

Boosting level five or six spirit power?

Strengthen Wuhun?


Is this really Douluo Mainland? Why am I confused?

"Hello, Zhuqing? Zhuqing? Wake up."

In a daze, Zhu Zhuqing felt that someone was shaking his shoulders, and at the same time there was a voice of calling, feeling a little at a loss.

Suddenly, the girl woke up.

Looking around, Zhu Zhuqing's expression was quite nervous, his pretty face stared at Uranium, and his mouth trembled slightly and said, "Uranium, let's go. This is the medicine garden of Title Douluo. If you are caught, you are stealing. With herbs, you will die."

Zhu Zhuqing's superb effects of any fairy grass were instantly forgotten, and she only cared a little.

The safety of uranium.

Seeing that Zhu Zhuqing refused to mention what immortal grass was suitable for him, nor did he say what benefits would be gained after eating immortal grass, Uran was stunned that the first sentence was to let him leave for his safety.

The two looked at each other.

Uranus could see that Zhu Zhuqing's eyes were full of worries, and there was even a hint of water mist shining brightly. He burst into laughter instantly, feeling humiliated for his thoughts.

In the next moment, Uran directly stretched out his palm and embraced Zhu Zhuqing in front of him, and the warm palm lightly patted her back.

He hugged the soft body in his arms as if hitting the tip of Uran's heart, causing his heart to tremble fiercely.

The girl's figure suddenly stiffened, a little at a loss, a pair of pink arms swayed weakly, she couldn't lift the slightest strength all over her body, let alone how to resist Uranium's embrace.

Or maybe, will not resist.

After a while, " let go..." Zhu Zhuqing wanted to step back a few steps, but was hugged tightly, his pretty face flushed with shame.

Taking a deep breath, suppressing some of the evil fire that was about to move, Uran stretched out his arm to embrace the slender willow waist that he once praised as the best.

"Not loose."

With his arms around the soft and slender waist tightly, Uranium was momentarily absent.

As Uran recalled the softness in his arms, Zhu Zhu's shy and angry voice rang in his ears.

" Title Douluo is so strong, why are you doing this?"

Uranium was silent for a while, then replied slowly.

"I know, if the situation in your family is not strong, you may not be able to beat your sister." Uran's voice was very low, but in Zhu Zhuqing's ears, there was a huge power that touched his mind!

"You..." Unconsciously, tears burst into Zhu Zhuqing's eyes.

Uranus did not reply, but pulled the girl's body in his direction, and immediately, the two bodies joined together.

The two were silent together.

Only Zhu Zhuqing, who was leaning on Uranium's shoulders, was filled with a sense of death crisis at that moment.


And in Zhu Zhuqing's heart, the sense of peace of mind that is protected by the mountains is gradually rising.

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