Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 213: I am not a puppet of power! ! (Four k)

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Forest early in the morning.

The sunlight shines through the tall cedar leaves and falls on the ground full of dead leaves and wood branches. The forest is full of moisture, the mist is lingering, and the birds and beasts sing from time to time, like a dreamland.

The light shone on Uran's face, and the dazzling white light instantly made him lift his palm to block him.

"Uh...Where is this?"

With the return of thinking, the silver-haired boy slowly supported the ground with his other hand, and half straightened up with a confused face, looking at the harmonious forest environment around him, and the leftovers that were not eaten yesterday.

It's safe around.

For no reason, such an idea popped out of Uran's mind.

After tidying up a bit, Uran stood upright and took a look at his figure.

With his palms outstretched, he looked white and tender, very much like him when he was a child.

"My hair?"

The ponytail near the ear disappeared, and what is left now is a smooth silver silk like a shawl.

"this is......."

"Me in the past."

Seeing this, Uranium was silent.

What exactly does Bloody Slaughter Fairy want to do?

Suddenly, he was stunned, staring blankly at the other ‘him’.

The other "he" didn't seem to notice the presence of uranium, but started to clean up the mess around after getting up during the day, messy broken bones, wrinkled cushions, and, placed on the ground, gently swaying blood. Big red flower.

"This is!" Uran's eyes widened in an instant, and a certain force seemed to emerge from all over his body, driving him to rush toward the opponent!

The next moment, he bumped his head on the ground, overlapping and staggering with the big flower, like a phantom.

"Is this fake?" Uran immediately got up, and such a thought flashed through his mind.

But then, he overturned this guess.

"No, I'm fake."

Uran glanced at his hands and suddenly realized that he was an illusory existence, like a phantom, unpredictable.

He laughed at himself, Uran looked at him once, packed everything up, and then set off again with the big flower, heading in an unknown direction.

Seeing everything in front of him looked like natural, there was no reason why Uranus had a special emotion in his heart.

It is a memory, but it is not like a memory.

"this is........"

There was the sound of birds singing all around, it was a scene that only appeared in his dreams, longing and out of reach.

After looking back, the silver-haired boy had already gone far.

Uran followed closely in the footsteps of the other party, and the memories in his heart became deeper and deeper.

When alone, it seems that this is the only way to bring life to oneself.

"It seems that I used to be like this. I move around in various places every day. Only at night will I rest." Seeing the once he used to cross rivers and boulders, over hills and complex trees, at this moment, it seemed that he would Everything I did was overlapped.

"Yes, I used to be like this."

A lonely shadow followed the young man.

He looked at himself with future thoughts and vision.

It seems that at this moment, he has forgotten the **** slaughter of immortals, and also forgotten that he is in the fantasy world.

He just wants to look at himself, look at him, look at him...

"Since the twentieth level, I have been moving forward every day, never stopping, because staying in one place for too long will increase the pollution of nuclear radiation."

"And if it just passes through, although the radiation range is expanded, the concentration will be very low, and it will not cause any damage to the human body, soul beast, and plants. I have adhered to this concept, so I can't stop."

Complicated mood breeds in Uran's heart.

At noon, the break time came.

Uranus watched as Uchiha Uranus picked up the big **** flower, the **** slaughter fairy held in the wooden box.

As if the memories of the past reappear.

Uranus instantly felt something in his mind that he wanted to come out, the kind of breaking his brain, the kind of faint feeling as if he had forgotten something...

"It seems that only you can accompany me. I always feel that I call you Bloody Killing Spirit Grass. The name is too long. Why don't I call you Xiaoxue?"

Uchiha Uranus held a large flower in front of his eyes, and there was a hint of hope in his eyes.

He knows that it has its own thoughts, although it is probably similar to children, but it also means that it is life.

Looking at this scene, Uran suddenly felt a little pain in his heart!


The nose is a bit sore, and an inexplicable feeling is flowing in my heart.

"If you don't speak, I will take it as your default, hehe. You may not know it, I like your plant the most. No, it's all plants. I like them."

Uchiha seemed to have opened the chatterbox, Uchiha Uranus, who was unable to find someone to communicate, began to speak softly about everything about him.

It seemed that I wanted to vent my fears, and it was like sharing my thoughts with others. Uranium just heard a tear in his eyes when he heard it!

He also thought of his own past!

"I am actually a gardening professional. I have seen a forest fire, countless lives are lost, countless greens are replaced by burnt yellow."

"I witnessed those scenes, and also saw the firefighters' desperation. That encounter is deeply etched in my heart, so I have no hesitation in choosing the road completely opposite to my home and planting greenery."

"It's funny to say, I applied for the fire alarm, but I was brushed off. Later, with the help of my family, I applied for the forest ranger career, but I came here..."

As he talked, Uchiha Uran’s eyes flashed red, "I like plants the most. I have thought about leaving here many times and looking for a desert, or a place where I can die without worrying about the forest. To bear my evil again, but I can't do it...I can't die yet."

"The forest should not bear someone like me."

"I used to..." recalled the scene in front of him, Uranium murmured slightly.

"I once saw a flower that withered quickly in front of my eyes..." Uchiha wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes and said softly.

Uranium seemed to be caught in his heart!

"That was a pink wild flower, it died right before my eyes, just when I leaned down and looked at it...whoop...withered." Uchiha suddenly heard the sound of sobs, Uchiha Uranus couldn't help it anymore, and tears flowed down.

"Why should I bear this kind of power? I am not the source of all destruction. I don't want this uncontrollable power. All life will die because of me! Whether it is a human or a soul beast, whether it is a plant or the earth, it will be I kill...I don't want this power."

Uranium stared at Uchiha Uranus who was pouring his emotions towards the blood, his nose was sour, as if blocked, and he couldn't breathe at all.

"The soul beast dies before my eyes, and the plants wither before my eyes. I will only bring destruction."

"What should I do? What can I do? What should I do to make up for these sins!"

The ten-year-old boy knelt down beside the tree, his forehead stuck to the trunk, tears falling like peas, gently hitting the ground.

The next moment, Uchiha Uranus felt something was wrong, and immediately raised his head to look at the dying tree in front of him.

He was stunned.

The immature face was instantly distorted!

"Ah ah ah!!!"

Uranu turned his head distressedly, no longer looking at Uchiha Uranus who made a desperate and stern voice, silently lowered his head, fingers tightly inserted in his hair, and clenched tightly!

The stern voice stopped abruptly, as if being pinched by the throat.

The scene that I didn't want to remember once again resurfaced before my eyes.

Forest, water source, crazy soul beast, dying, everything destroyed, dead forest, everything...

"Get out of me! Get out of me!"

Uranium started shaking his head frantically!

Let these memories get out!

He does not want to recall the past!

The sweat instantly wetted the back of Uranium.

"Huh." With a light breath, Uranus got rid of the cruel memories in his mind, turned his head, and looked at Uchiha Uchiha who was silent but fell into deathly silence.

"I don't want to see this scene anymore~"

This is where his first mental breakdown occurred.

Even if he keeps saying that his favorite is plants, but in front of him, a big tree quickly died.

Uranus remembered it clearly, and he would recall it every night.

never forget.

"Okay, we have a good rest, let's continue to set off."

After resting for a while, Uchiha Uranu got up his mind, stood up slowly, and smiled at the **** killing fairy.

Keep going.

Uranium's look became more complicated.

The past, like a knife, severely tore the wound he had healed, making his hot emotion tremble again.

Although it was only a few years ago, when recalled at this moment, it seemed that it was still yesterday.

"Uchiha Uranium...Uranium...Who am I?" Looking at his palm, the white palm of his hand did not become dimmed or even contaminated by the life in the forest. There is no dust, like a body without dirt.

The faint special feeling in his mind grew stronger.

"What did I forget?"

The journey continues.

As if history repeats itself.

The first sneak attack of the radiating soul beast came.

The attack of a three-headed wolf instantly broke the bonfire of the night.

Rotten, festering, tarnished eyes, and abnormal limbs, all of this made Uchiha Uranus deeply shocked!

"This is...Radiant Soul Beast?"

Seeing the existence in front of him, Uchiha Uranus felt like he was going crazy!

Not only to kill the soul beast, but also to torture it madly!

"Did I do this......" A trembling voice sounded, Uchiha Uranu clutched his heart in disbelief, unable to raise any desire to fight!

The violent stench almost made him faint, but the attack of the three-headed wolf had arrived, and the smelly wind roared, mixed with fluctuations of spirit power, under Uchiha's horrified gaze, he rushed down!

Uranus watched Uchiha Uranus, who was once, watching the change on his face, and couldn't help sighing.

"You will adapt later, Radiation Soul Beast or something, I am planning to take the initiative to create Radiation Soul..."

Suddenly, Uranium froze.

As if touching the blind spot in my mind for a moment.

Everything that seemed to be forgotten began to emerge in my mind!

"Why do I...will actively create a radiating soul beast?" Uran muttered, even the **** killing fairy took the initiative to protect Uchiha Uranium.

"Why? I'm not... even if I see the soul beast being tortured by the radiation energy, I will be worried about it!"

"Why would I do this?"

Uranus lowered his head weakly, and his eyes were full of panic!

"What happened to me?"

He remembered what he did in the sunset forest!

Take the initiative to let Dimie Bloodspine cats be infected with radiation!

Take the initiative to catalyze this land with the field of radiation!

"I'm... killing the forest!"

Uran slowly said this cruel fact, and his body began to tremble slightly.

"Don't I like plants the most? Don't I like the forest the most? I remember I said that I am not the destroyer of the world, I just want to be a passerby!"

"What the **** am I doing?!"

Suddenly, Uran raised his head, and everything he didn't want to recall in his mind poured into his head.

The painful encounter, the worrying reality, the test of death, everything is so illusory and real!

The past was unfolding before his eyes, scenes of the most painful memories, forcing him, memories!

"Uchiha Uranus, do you remember your original intention?"

Suddenly, a childish female voice came from the void.

"Do you remember your attitude towards the forest?"

The sound fell into his ears, causing his body to tremble slightly.

"Do you remember that you used to cry when a flower withered?"

A whimper sounded, Uran gritted his teeth, and a little bit of starlight flashed in his eyes.

"say no more........"

"Look again, what you did to the sunset forest, the destruction of the forest, is here."

"Don't tell me..." Uran firmly grasped his face, and his low voice kept echoing in the dark forest.

"You are only a puppet of power. Even if you see your past again, you will never be able to change back to who you were before."

"The radiation field has led to a brand new you, that is your true face, destruction!"

"No..." Uranus responded quietly, shaking.

"This is nothing to be ashamed of. In order to test their abilities, people with power will naturally want to destroy others and dominate others." The voice in the void gradually solidified, as if speaking in Uran's ear.

"However, it seems to you, whether it is your favorite plants, your dreams, or your family and companions, the more important things you want to destroy!"

"Take the sunset forest for example! It is covered by the radiation field and has gone to destruction! The first is the forest, and the second...what is it?"

"You will destroy the things you value most over and over again!"

In an instant, Uran raised his head with a ferocious look!

"I am not, I am not a puppet of power! I am not! Ah ah ah!!!"

The Radiant Eye Martial Spirit opened instantly, and the fourth spirit ring was shining...

Bloody Slaughter Fairy, where are you...I want to tear you apart!

"Look at what you look like now, Uchiha Uranus, you can't bear the desire to destroy everything. How powerful is to kill all lives!" A faint irony sounded in the ear, like a splash of cold water, suddenly giving He cooled down!

The aura of destruction is constantly fluctuating on his body, the nuclear explosion is ready to go, the majestic energy is waiting for the moment of explosion, all life will end under the scope of the nuclear explosion.

Uran suddenly stopped his movements and looked at his hands in amazement.

The power to destroy the world is gathered in his body, but he has forgotten how he used to be.

A thunder blasted in his ears!

"how so......"

"I...have I been affected so deeply?" Looking at my attitude and what I did, Uran's knees softened and fell to the ground!

"Is this me?" Shaking his hands, Uran raised his arm and pressed his face tightly.

Everything in my mind emerged.

Hidden deep in his heart is the kindness and kindness covered by power and desire!

Inside the pupils, three fan-shaped icons began to rotate...

"I was actually dazzled by the powerful force of the nuclear explosion in the radiation field..."

"What the **** did I do...!"

Silent tears shed.

Suddenly, a red shadow flashed before his eyes.

The next moment, a soft fragrance entered my arms, making Uran a daze.

"Uchiha Uranus! The real Wake up soon!" The soft, gentle voice sounded in his arms with tears.


The last py during this period, we will return to 4k tomorrow

"Conan's Always Someone Wants to Murder Me"

The following are recommended words:

A black technology house with a mildly victimized phantasy travels to the self-help strategy of the second generation of the rich.

The book is also called "I was Almost Hatcheted at the Beginning" and "The Evil Thoughts of Conan World Are Against Me"

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