Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 218: Short-range soul guidance system! Come back home? Come back home......…

Uranium has been thinking about it.

What type of spirit abilities should I need?

Missiles are naturally beyond visual range strikes, so what is better?

Short-range missiles?

Medium-range missile?

Long-range missiles?

Or Dongfeng-41 intercontinental ballistic missile?

"Forget it, the Dongfeng-41 intercontinental ballistic missile passed. With my current soul power, I am afraid that I cannot support this terrible soul power consumption. In my previous life, this thing has a range of more than 8,000 kilometers, more than 10,000 kilometers. The earth’s radius is only 6,400 kilometers. This thing is already at a strategic level. I, the little soul king, don’t think about it." Uran shook his head, not thinking about it. The actual illusion and distractions were thrown away.

Xiaoxue tilted his head and looked at Uranium to the side. From time to time, he scratched his head to think, and from time to time he shook his head and muttered, and suddenly he had an idea.

Isn't he stupid?

Soon, one day passed.........

The sunset forest is not small, but with Uranium's feet, it is estimated that tomorrow noon, you can officially leave here.

But it is only temporary. After he sees Zhu Zhuqing, he will introduce Xiaoxue to her. He can stay in Tiandou City for a while, but after that, he will return to the Sunset Forest again.

Complete the fifth spirit ring and verify the power of the radiation domain in the true sense.

That's right, he decided to define the fifth spirit ability this time as a type of medium-range missile.

But this is only his preliminary consideration, and he has to decide on more practical issues according to the situation.

First, why choose this medium-range missile of 1000~3000 km? Rather than the closer range of short-range missiles within 1,000 kilometers, after all, most of the entire Douluo Continent may be within the tactical strike of short-range missiles.

Because a thousand kilometers, for him, is a radius.........

And the range of the medium-range missile has even exceeded the range of the Douluo Continent, and it can completely cross the continent and directly hit the ocean.

Including Poseidon Island........

Second, how to accurately determine the range of tactical strikes? This is an over-the-horizon attack. With the vision of his radiating eyes, he can't see the distant scene at all, and how should the guidance system solve it?

It's just the inertial guidance system, this program that can control missiles, and remote satellite positioning, or terrain matching guidance, he can't solve it.

The inertial guidance system usually consists of an inertial measurement device, a computer, a control or display, etc., where the computer calculates the speed, heading, attitude and precise positioning of the missile........

Thinking like this, Uranium suddenly woke up.

"No, why should I stick to the inertial guidance of the previous life? The Douluo Continent has no computer, no gyroscope, and no autopilot. This is the Douluo Continent. Why don't I consider using spirit power to solve it? "

"And I don't need to be in exactly the same posture as a missile. I directly use my soul power to condense an explosive energy group, and after positioning the coordinates, I just have it delivered to my door..."

"Universal spirit power, it solves all problems, then maybe I have to give up the medium-range missiles. After all, spirit power may not be enough to support me. It also needs ultra-high explosive strength, and it needs ultra-long-distance flight consumption. It can be positioned automatically, it's better to use a short-range missile." After a while, Uranium abandoned the plan for a medium-range missile and chose a type that was more in line with the actual situation.

After all, he has a close number. Obviously, this kind of ultra-long-range, beyond-visual-range strike is not something that little soul king like him can play. After all, the nuclear kick is just the huge energy that explodes instantly, and the missile... .

The distance is so far, it needs positioning, power, range, and everything. It's not realistic to rely on the soul power of the soul king.

Rather, when he waited for Contra and Titled Douluo, he might already be qualified to try long-range missiles, intercontinental missiles.

"Forget it, let's not consider this kind of problem. At any rate, it is a spirit beast of seven to eighty thousand years, extremely close to one hundred thousand years. I should always be able to successfully obtain this spirit ability... Ten thousand years of spirit beasts can give him a strategic level of spirit ability like nuclear explosion kick."

After thinking about it for a while, Uranium gave up thinking and decided to put his goal first in the immediate things.

For example... how to ensure the communication between Zhu Zhuqing and Xiaoxue, and how to explain Xiaoxue's identity.

It's impossible to really talk about one hundred thousand year soul beasts...

After thinking about Xiaoxue's red and silver hair color and the age of at most six or seven years old in the future, Uranium felt that she might be able to participate as a family member.

After all, the hair color is the same, and it’s nice to say that it’s my sister...

But when I think of Xiaoxue’s body composition, there are important components of his essence and blood, and that she can actually awaken through the blood only his exclusive radiation domain, just thinking about it, it is somewhat similar to the existence of offspring... .

After all, blood inheritance........

"Fuck it? Is it possible that Xiaoxue is still my daughter..." Uran held his chin and frowned in thought.

"No, right, she has also absorbed a lot of soul beast blood, is it possible, she!" He continued to think about it, and Uranium just wanted to say his guess, and suddenly felt a sharp pain in the waist!

The muscles are twisted!

"Keep talking... Don't stop, I'm not just your daughter, or something?" Xiaoxue said with a smile, and a red flame flashed across Qiu Shui's eyes.

Before you know it, a deep sense of uneasiness envelops Uranium all over!

In the next moment, the cold little hand that was twisting the meat continued to twist under Uran's horrified perception!

"Stop! Stop!"

The big beads of sweat are densely covered on Uran's smooth forehead, and he regrets it now.

Deeply regret it.

Why do you want to say these things that stimulate the blood!

The waist seems to be completely numb...

"It's over, I'm broken by a thousand percent.........oh, my old waist..." Uranium turned towards Xiaoxue when his waist was numb. He stretched out his hand in an attempt to stop this behavior, but it suddenly failed.

Caught a cloud of air.

At this time, Uranium suddenly remembered.

"No, you are a phantom, how can you cause this degree of damage to me?" Looking at the black waist, Uran was deeply puzzled.

The phantom of Xiaoxue began to appear in front of Uranium.

"Huh~ I think of you as my brother, but you want to be my father. It's too much, **** Uchiha Uranus..." Looking at him with a smile, he is very cute, but his eyes are full of angry blood. Uran's heart jumped suddenly, recalling what he had just unintentionally said, his cheeks couldn't help but become hot, and with some guilty conscience, he turned his eyes to the sky, pretending to be contemplative.

"I was wrong, I will dare next time... No, I will not dare next time." Seeing that Xiaoxue didn't give up, Uran immediately raised his hands up and surrendered, showing that he deeply understood his mistake. Place.

Hearing that, Xiaoxue's eyes were slightly curved, like a pair of beautiful crescents, stretched out her white and delicate little hands, as usual, carefully straightening out the slightly wrinkled clothes for Uranium.

He had been treated like this by Xiaoxue in the past, Uranium didn't have any thoughts, but after he said something wrong, his heart suddenly trembled.

"Little blood is terrible...I'm so panic."

Near the forest, occasionally low-level spirit beasts passed by here, seeing the little blood that dressed Uran's clothes like a father's little padded jacket, they couldn't help but step back a few steps, and then fled.

What a scary breath~

Run fast~

Looking down at the small face that was so delicate and flawless, a strand of blue silk fell on the smooth forehead, occasionally blown by the breeze, revealing a pair of large water spirit eyes, and the waves of the eyes are very moving.

Looking at Xiao Xue in a daze, he was occupied by a sense of guilt for no reason. He shouldn't be making such a joke.

"It won't be allowed next time, otherwise..." Xiaoxue said in a slightly delicate tone, and gently stretched his hand back.

The next moment, the big tree behind the uranium began to shatter silently, as if an invisible net had penetrated it.

"I know, I know..." Uran's face changed slightly as he sensed the spirit power fluctuations coming from behind, and nodded like garlic.

But the next moment, his eyes were once again on Xiao Xue's body.

Seeing her serious look.

"Uchiha, what are you looking at." After straightening out Uran's clothes, Xiaoxue also noticed Uran's gaze, his little cheek flushed, and he whispered softly.

After a dry cough, Uran said nonchalantly: "It's nothing, I just think your girl is getting more and more cute. Alas, I really want to rub your hair. It's very comfortable. It gives me the ultimate silky smoothness."

Hearing Uran's words, Xiaoxue snorted noncommitantly, but his ruddy mouth pulled up a pleasant arc.

Although she is almost the same as the entity at present, in the final analysis, she is just a phantom and will dissipate at any time.

According to her words, this is a talent called Mirror Projection, which is equally offensive, can interfere with reality and carry her consciousness, but it can be terminated at any time, just like...

Players can clear the daily life when they are online, and feel like they can go offline without playing.

"Oh, by the way..." As if thinking of something, Xiaoxue suddenly set his gaze on Uran's face again, and said softly: "I remember you said that you came out of the family, but you couldn't find home. Way, right?"

His face froze, Uran nodded in a serene manner.

With slender fingers pressed against the snow-white chin, Xiaoxue said with a smile, "I may have a clue~"

"Oh...can't find the's normal, after all, I have been out for so many years, said there is a clue?" Ugan laughed, but after hearing Xiaoxue's words clearly, his voice was unnaturally high Up!

Seeing Uranium, Xiaoxue's eyes slowly narrowed in a dangerous arc, but the soft voice was still gentle and moving: "Yes, in the eyes of a soul beast, I saw you who used to be..."

"What? No, I remember that I only met you years after I came out. How could a soul beast see me and be seen by you..." Uran's face changed again and again. , Go home, this is the news he has been longing for, and the most important news to him!

If he can go home by himself, then he still cares about the Soul Master Competition?

He just couldn't find the way home, so he wanted to be famous first and let the family notice him!

Whether it's Shrek, the Emperor Fighting Team, or what Tang San, Xue Qinghe Qian Renxue doesn't matter!

He wants to confess his father and mother so that they know that he is still alive.

He needs to figure out where the family's bloodline defects are and determine how to go in the future.

The fighting skills of the Uchiha clan are also in the family, with unique pupil skills, body skills and weapons, too many important things can greatly increase their strength...

Looking at Uran's impatient expression, Xiao Xue had to silently nod his head and stretched out his hand. After a while, a meager yellow light surged.

"look by youself."

"Hurry up and look, the time I can extract is limited." Looking at the pale yellow light that seemed to be extinguished at any time, Xiaoxue's little face was slightly ugly, and the ruddy little mouth that he pressed tightly showed the complexity in his heart at this time.

Uran nodded silently, and immediately moved his eyes to the slight yellow light.

A touch of illusory and ethereal color, with a sense of old age, a forest scene like the setting sun, slowly appeared in Uran's eyes.........

The light in front of him was like the world in his palm, and Uranium stared at the gradually bleak forest in it, hoping to find a trace of definite traces.

The next moment, in the forest at dusk, a void like a spatial vortex suddenly appeared. After a breath, the twisted vortex merged and disappeared. In it was revealed a silver hair wearing blue and white clothing, carrying a big bag, and empty hands. boy.

Uranium pupils shrank instantly!

It's me!

Six-year-old self! Absolutely!

But immediately, Uran's body trembled violently!

He actually moved into the forest through space! And the scene in the surrounding forest is exactly the same as what I saw on the road!

"What's going on........ When did I travel through the space? How did I get to the forest? Isn't the family living in the forest? Why do I walk away by the twisted space? Now?" Uranum murmured, his eyes widened, and he didn't want to miss the picture.

The young man in the picture didn't notice anything wrong. He even looked back, his face was full of determination, as if what was in front of him was not an empty forest, but a secluded place where the people lived. .

Seeing this scene now, Uranium was immediately stunned.

He remembered this scene. When he turned his head, he could indeed see the small town surrounded by fences. There were even clansmen playing outside. He clearly remembered that he had seen it.

That's why he thinks that the family lives in the forest, as long as they find the forest, they can go home...

But at this moment, Uran's face was uncertain.

From an outsider's perspective, what he saw when he was young was not his family.

It is a normal forest.

"This is an illusion... Is it possible that this is because I am afraid that I will go back again? Or is it to prevent the family address from leaking, and it was specially shown to me. If it were not for this scene, I might not be able to return home for the rest of my life." ......." Seeing himself being played around, if Uranium had no anger in his heart at this moment, it would be impossible.

He is also the young patriarch anyhow!

How can you treat him this way!

"It shouldn't be my father... Is this someone targeting or is it a family practice..."

While Uranus was still thinking about it, suddenly, the light yellow light in Xiaoxue's hand fluctuated.

"It's running out of time." Xiaoxue reminded.

Just as Xiaoxue's voice fell, and immediately afterwards, the light yellow light instantly disappeared.

There was silence all around...

Uranium was silent, his face gloomy as water.

At this moment, he was thinking about that strange spatial distortion.

He seemed to have seen that thing somewhere.

He is like teleporting it be! "It seems that he has noticed something, Uran's face suddenly changed!


As if emptied of all his strength, Uran instantly felt his eyes turn black, his knees softened, and he fell to the ground!

Spouting blood!

Limped on the ground.

"How is this possible, the family is in the divine mighty space? How do I go home......" Uran's head pressed against the cold ground, whispered.

All the time, the belief in going home has supported him and inspired him to move on, but at this moment, he has watched all this happen with his own eyes. All he has done is useless... ..

He can't go back at all.

Unless it is discovered and taken back by family members, it is difficult for Uranium to imagine how information should flow in two different worlds! He even suspected that the so-called family agents in Douluo Continent were fake!

Does it mean that every time a spy sends a message, he has to go through the magic pupil technique! Then the owner of this kaleidoscope should have been blind long ago!

"Xiao Xue, you know it, it's no wonder it looks like that....... It's better not to show it to me and let me hold false beliefs......"

In the confusion, Uran suddenly recalled Xiao Xue's ugly face and complicated eyes.

The next moment, in front of Uran's eyes, there was only darkness...

Vaguely, he seemed to hear a word.

There was a slightly naive voice in his mind, but he could not understand Japanese, nor could he understand the meaning...


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