Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 231: Lanba Advanced Soul Master Academy, Huangdou Team 2 (4k)


Soon, the two were ready.

They first went to Teacher Qin, but didn't find it.

According to the words of the chief Mengshenji, as early as two months ago, Teacher Qin left with Shrek and his party. As for why he left, the chief Mengshenji did not hesitate to conceal, but said it generously. .

It was Prince Xue Xing who had previously had a conflict with Uranium, and one of the two sons of Emperor Xue Ye, Xue Beng.

For Teacher Qin's departure, the chief of Mengshenji was itch with hatred. Of course, this was not aimed at Teacher Qin, but the troublesome Avalanche and Prince Xuexing.

If it weren't for him to do things, with Teacher Qin's talent, he would definitely be able to embark on the road of Title Douluo in the future, but right now, he was actually forced to leave!

After Zhu Zhuqing also understood the ins and outs, his eyes became cold.

It's the old man doing things again.

As if feeling Zhu Zhuqing's look at this moment, Uran gently shook her greasy palm. Although there was no expression in his mouth, his attitude at the moment made her feel a little relieved.

"Then, Meng Lao, now that Teacher Qin is gone, what should the leader of the team do?" Uran asked suddenly.

After all, after the Soul Master Competition, there is still one year away from now, so you must always pick a prestigious team leader, right? Anyway, it is also the largest Soul Master Academy in the country, even if the youngest Soul Emperor is gone, it doesn't matter if you arrange an older one.

"Teacher of the team, Uranium, do you have any idea of ​​being the teacher of the team? I think you have broken through the Soul King. From your breath, I can feel it, fifteen-year-old Soul King, tut, you really are Surprise me." After a moment of deep indulgence, Mengshen Ji looked at the tall Uranium and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"Ehaha, I'm sorry, I forgot, the team leader can't play as a player, haha, I'm getting older~" Dream Machine laughed, and the shrill but non-piercing voice gradually sounded. At this moment, there is no Dream Machine at all. In order to gain the majesty of the chief, but like a kind old man, talking with Uran in a normal mind.

The current state of Dream Machine and Uranium's achievements are inseparable.

"Okay, the team leader, I will arrange someone, you don't have to worry about that." After talking for a while, Mengshenji suddenly changed the subject.

"Uranium, you should have more than this, right?"

Anyhow, Uranium has also lived in Tiandou Royal Academy for a long time, and Mengshenji naturally understands Uranium's character, and miscellaneous things like the team leader and teacher will not make him qualified to go there in person.

"Well, Meng Lao, I do have a little idea, I want to form a second team, I will personally lead it, and now I need some players." Hearing the words of Mengshen Ji, Uran nodded immediately, and said without hesitation. .

"Oh? I remember, didn't you say that you were too lazy to play a game? The second team can give it to you, so can you all disband the original players?" As an elderly elder, Mengshenji naturally understands Uranium's thoughts at the moment. , It is nothing more than to show yourself well in this Soul Master Competition.

Young people love to show off.

"Yes, I don't need any assault system, the control system players, I only need... auxiliary system." Uranium pondered for a moment, and nodded with certainty.

"Moreover, if I lead the second team, I will definitely be able to win this domestic knockout. Then in the finals, it will be the first team of Huangdou, the second team of Xingluo, and the hall of Wuhun. In the mainland's soul master finals, our Heaven Dou Empire occupies half of the team. Presumably this can inspire all soul masters in the country to a large extent, right?"

Uranium's routines to persuade the Dreams Machine were one set after another, from international prestige to domestic soul masters to the reputation of the academy. It can be said that all of them have been pricked in the cool points that the chairman of the Dreams Machine got.

"In addition, Huangdou's team is from the Tiandou Royal Academy. Naturally, the reputation of the academy will wipe out those gilded academies, waste academies and the like, leaving only the title of cradle for training the strong. The second team is enough to defeat all spirit masters in the country, what a glory this is."

As Uran continued to speak, he could obviously hear the breath of the chairman of the Dream Machine, and he couldn't help but become a little heavy.

His words are over.

Afterwards, he waited for the answer from Mengshenji.

Mengshenji calmed down a bit, raised his drooping eyes and looked at the plain-faced Uranium, and a flash of admiration could not help flashing under his eyes.

Uranium, even if he didn't have such terrifying talents, with his present display of character and talent, he would definitely be a figure in the Douluo Continent in the future.

"Okay, I will let the teacher prepare, so you can be the captain of the Emperor Dou 2nd team with peace of mind. After the players have been screened, you will come to see it." After considering the pros and cons, Meng Shen Ji is very good. He readily agreed to the uranium request.

It's just a captain's position.

"Then, I'll go first, Meng Lao." Seeing that the matter has been settled, Uran immediately bowed to Mengshen Ji and led Zhu Zhuqing out.

Don't be muddled, just leave after talking.

Pushing the door open, Uran glanced at the girl whose face was as plain as his, and the corners of her mouth raised.

"If we use the second team, we will use our strength to fight through, and the six auxiliary spirit masters will be handed over to you. Surely you can easily defeat a group of people, right?" Uran did not let go of the hand connected to her, and even gave it a hand. Gently squeezed her delicate palm with interest.

But in return, it was Zhu Zhuqing's backhand that scratched the back of his hand neither lightly nor heavily.


"Outside, converge." Zhu Zhuqing gave him a slanted look, and couldn't help but feel a little headache for his rough behavior just now.

How do you feel that he has become a little stupid...

It was obviously cold before...

Zhu Zhuqing didn’t know that after he untied the clinging family knot and clarified his own inner heart, Uranium at this moment is equivalent to a combination of two Uchiha and Erha earth people. Uranium will only be revealed here. Show your truest and most primitive character.

In the outside world, he is still him, he is cold.

The feelings of the two naturally moved closer as Zhu Zhuqing confided in his heart.

The two quickly left the teaching building and walked slowly in the direction of Tiandou City, leaving only the inside of the house, who was observing the close relationship between the two.

At this moment, the old man's eyes were filled with unclear thoughts.

"It was so close to the royal family of Xingluo and the young lady of the Zhu family. I see them, there are already signs of feelings. This is not good..." In the eyes of Meng Shenji The human figure walked further and further, and he could not help but sighed secretly.

"No matter what, Uranium, the Tiandou Empire is in Baoding. No matter what he did, even if he robbed the prince's fiancee, we have to protect it. You must quickly notify His Highness Xue Qinghe and let him make his decision. "

Soon, the old man walked into the tea room and slowly made a cup of tea for himself.

For a time, the fragrance of tea overflowed and the aroma filled the house.

Along the way, Uran did not dare to offend Zhu Zhuqing again, Zhu Zhuqing ignored him, and the two returned to Heaven Dou City in a silent atmosphere.

He feels a little guilty. He always feels that he takes Zhu Zhuqing to see another girl, and it is the kind that he cares about. Although it is not a relationship between a man and a woman, it is not a kind of affection like a father and daughter like a little blood. , He couldn't help being very careful.

Yes, he only raised Xiao Xue as a daughter.

Just kidding, he is fifteen years old, Xiaoxue is only a few years old, six years old, and there is his blood in his body, and his hair color is half transformed. If you really want to have this kind of ambiguous love, wouldn't it be copper smelting? ?

In Uran's heart, there is only one place for his lover.

If his life is a book, then there will always be only one heroine.

Zhu Zhuqing.

Because of Uran's handsome appearance, handsome and elegant appearance, and the almost extreme contrast between Zhu Zhuqing's cold face and hot body, the two walking in Heaven Dou City immediately attracted the attention of most people.

For a moment, everyone's gaze swept over the two of them, and the wise man immediately sensed Uran's unfathomable spirit power fluctuations, and for a while, he dared not look at Zhu Zhuqing again.

And some mindless people couldn't help seeing Zhu Zhuqing's innocent face, which could be called a crime, but they were also held back by acquaintances to avoid blood splattering the streets and increasing annoyance.

Uran leaned to Zhu Zhuqing's side and laughed in a low voice, "I told you, don't wear such exposed tights outside. Look, the group of dudes on the street, after seeing you, their eyes are green. "

Zhu Zhuqing glared at him, but didn't say much. Instead, he took out a piece of one-piece black robe from the Space Soul Guidance Device. After putting it on his body at random, he turned out his face from under his hood. such?"

Uran hurriedly nodded and agreed, but his eyes glanced at the few dudes who were still standing in place and sweeping away at Zhu Zhu, deeply remembering this group of people.

It's like this in another world. He doesn't have the ability to fart, but he likes to do things better than Teddy.

Seeing Zhu Zhuqing's figure hidden by the black robe, Uran's heart was slightly certain. Somehow, he didn't like other people looking at Zhu Zhuqing with pornographic eyes. He would definitely give them brains when he saw Zhu Zhuqing in the future. Wash and wash, so as not to harm civilian women.

The two walked towards the former Blue Bull Academy and now Shrek Academy.

As he walked, Uran couldn't help but said to Zhu Zhuqing, "When I meet Dai Mubai in the future, I will hide. If he dares to harass you, you can tell me and I will clean him up."

He was afraid that Dai Mubai would take advantage of her.

"You don't need to hide. If he dares to move his hands and feet, I will be able to clean him up." Zhu Zhu gave him a clear look, his tone was rather plain, and there was no question that Dai Mubai had higher spirit power than her. Keep it in the eye.

Before she knew it, she also learned some of Uran's personality.

Confidence in your own strength.

And, the broadening of horizons.

Uranium can easily slap Dai Mubai, and he can beat Uranium in a short period of time when the soul bone and shadow are leaping. Then, isn't it the same as that, he can easily beat Dai Mubai in a short time?

Uranium seemed to have thought of something, the cold and condensed expression on his face suddenly softened, as he looked up and down Zhu Zhuqing, a smile gradually appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"I can't tell. You would actually say this. I remember that even if you can beat others, you would not say it." Uran suddenly recalled the first time they met. Scenario, at that time, several spirit masters traveling the mainland challenged Zhu Zhuqing, but Zhu Zhuqing at that time had the strength to push them, but he didn't say anything.

Compared with the current pair, Dai Mubai's domineering appearance as long as she dared to come has changed greatly.

As if he felt that he had said something wrong, Zhu Zhuqing's face turned red, and he gave him a fierce look, "It's not all to blame you." It was obviously angrily, but at this moment Zhu Zhuqing's soft voice sounded, but Uranium felt a kind of tenderness. a feeling of.

"Um, my fault, my fault." Uran hurriedly raised his hands and surrendered, his face showing repentance, but he couldn't see the slightest remorse in his eyes. On the contrary, the tenderness of pampering was already overflowing. Come.

"Humph~" Zhu Zhuqing could clearly detect Uran's tender look, and the roots of his ears could not help being flushed, so he hummed softly, turned his head, and ignored him.

Seeing Zhu Zhuqing's appearance, Uran's heart couldn't help but smirk for a while. At this time, the two had also arrived in front of the academy.

The blue tyrant academy's plaque has disappeared, replaced by a huge golden plaque with five brilliant golden characters in Shrek Academy. The signature is Flanders.

"Already here." Uran raised his head and glanced at the plaque above his head, and immediately looked in the direction of the concierge.

Uran ran forward and said something to the guard at the concierge. The guard hurried into the academy.

"Let's wait a while, I'm using the name of Teacher Qin, and I must have results soon."

Naturally, Zhu Zhuqing is not an ignorant person, so he nodded lightly and began to observe around.

Is this the place that Teacher Qin chose? Although the place is not big, it has a temperament that Tiandou Royal Academy does not have at all.

That kind of temperament, called practical.........

If she were to choose between the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy and the Blue Bull Advanced Soul Master Academy, I am afraid she would choose the Blue Bull Advanced Soul Master Academy without hesitation?

I always feel that Tiandou Royal Academy is too impetuous, and the few noble children are aiming at her when she is training all day, even she can see faint people inquiring where she lives, as if planning to knock on the door in the middle of the night of.

It's terrible.........It's almost no different from a boar in Is this the quality of the students at the largest college in the Heaven Dou Empire?

Not as good as her previous experience at the Junior Soul Master Academy of the Star Luo Empire.

After a while, the movement in the academy attracted the attention of the master, Teacher Qin.

A total of two people, Master and Teacher Qin, came from the academy quickly towards the gate.

When the college guard reported that a young soul master and a beautiful black-haired girl were visiting. Qin Ming and the others knew that Uranium must have come, and in order to make up for the shame in his heart, he had to do this.

After all, he left without informing the students. For Uranium, no matter what, it is impossible.

"Teacher." Uran saw Qin Ming and waved to him with a smile.

"Hello." After seeing Qin Ming's staid middle-aged man, Uran nodded to him immediately.

It doesn't matter whether the opponent's spirit power is high or low, it's just a basic respect for the elderly.........

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