Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 233: Departure, Drei Knok City (four k)

After Uran's words covering the essence of the soul beast sounded, Xiao Wu's expression suddenly became gloomy.

A dangerous breath began to radiate from Xiao Wu's body.

The swaying bushes around, instantly stopped swaying under the pressure of Xiao Wu.

In her eyes, there was a glare of cold light.

But she did not run away because Uranium peeped into her inner secrets, nor did she commit suicide, because it was just a stress response to her being insecure about herself.

Although she was scared, she tried to maintain that dangerous look.

"Oh~ I said, you need this very much." Uran watched Xiao Wu forcefully showing a look of fear. It was obvious that her calves were shaking, but she still refused to give in on the surface, like a scary little rabbit. Generally, showing sharp teeth.

In response, he couldn't help sighing.

"Xiao Wu, do you remember the first time we met? Where was we meeting? It was in the depths of the Star Dou Great Forest, and there was not even a person around you. This is enough to prove what. Xiao Wu, If I were a bad person, I'm afraid you would be in danger long ago."

Uranus grabbed his hair at will, let it spread out, and said in a condensed voice.

He saw Xiao Wu as his younger sister.

However, he was not a talkative person, just a few short sentences made Xiao Wu's expression suddenly stunned and thoughtful.

It seems Uranium is right?

When she went back to the forest, no one saw her, so she went back to the forest with peace of mind.

However, at that time, she and Uran met. Although the two only looked at each other, in the environment deep in the Star Dou Great Forest, the two unaccompanied children had trouble thinking about it.

Uranium is compelled to be exposed to nuclear energy radiation. If you do not leave, you will be forced to annihilate the race.

Where is Xiao Wu?

Thinking about it this way, Xiao Wu's strong and dangerous aura spread out a lot.

As Xiao Wu calmed down, she immediately thought of another question.

Even if you are angry, angry, and want to kill your mouth, can you beat Uranium?

You know, Daming Erming is not here!

Moreover, Uranium also said that Title Douluo can detect the aura of his soul beast

When she thought of walking around in the dangerous human world, Xiao Wu couldn't help shaking.

The human world is really dangerous~

Uranium watched Xiao Wu wake up from a thoughtful state, and his heart suddenly relaxed.

She is still that gentle little dance.

There should be no problem.

The two looked at each other, different from Uran's plain eyes, Xiao Wu's eyes were full of gratitude.

She already understands.

"Uran, thank you very much!" The next moment, Xiao Wu suddenly bent down, her black scorpion braid suddenly slipped from her back to the side, echoing her white neck, Shi Shi landed on the ground and bowed to Uran in thanks.

It's just like

Uranus once bowed to her like that.

It was in Soto City where the two met for the second time.

The wind blows again.

Everything is back to its original state.

But, visible to the naked eye, Xiao Wu got closer to Uranium.

Because between the two, Uranium is willing to help Xiao Wu keep this secret.

For the first time, Xiao Wu felt the concern from others outside Tang San.

Soon, Uranium and Xiao Wu reached a consensus.

Because the effect of the Acacia Broken Heart Red Immortal product is to conceal the spirit of the beast, even if you don't eat it, it is also very important to Xiao Wu.

Originally in the original book, Acacia Heartbroken Red had three functions. The first one was to cover up the breath.

The second type helped her withstand the attack of a 6,000-year-old human face demon spider.

The third and most important one, it gave Xiao Wu hope of resurrection.

But Uranium would not let Xiao Wu's death happen again.

So let Xiao Wu eat this fairy grass as soon as possible, and accumulate her strength in advance.

With him, Xiao Wu guessed that he would not even be able to go to the Spirit City. The Soul Master Competition would be eliminated by him ahead of time, let alone being discovered by Bibi Dong and the others.

It might be cruel, but according to Uran's judgment on the original work, because of his arrival, even if the Shrek Seven Devils arrived in Wuhun City, the prize for the championship would not be three soul bones, but something else.


These three spirit bones were given by Bibi Dong to the Golden Generation in the name of orthodoxy. With the strength of uranium, I am afraid that his information would have been packed and taken away by Qian Renxue and sent to Bibi Dong's desk.

With Bibi Dong’s temperament, how could it be possible to fight an uncertain battle, and these three soul bones may have been secretly digested by the Golden Generation, so as not to be given three soul bones by uranium.

But as a soul master competition held every ten years, at least a 50,000-year-old soul bone should be available, otherwise, I'm sorry for such a big name. Uranium is very much looking forward to what it will receive in the future.

"No thanks, I suggest you eat the fairy grass before the Soul Master Competition, because eating it is equally effective." Uran shook his head, avoiding Xiao Wu's bow, and replied calmly.

Acacia Heartbroken Red, although it is also suitable for Zhu Zhuqing or him at the moment, Zhu Zhuqing has a moonlight looking at Chunlan that is not inferior to Acacia Heartbroken Red, and even changes the characteristics of Wuhun. The cultivation efficiency at night is almost doubled. This is Acacia Heartbroken. Red cannot bring.

So whether it is suitable or not, it depends on who uses it.

"Okay, what I want to do is already done, let's go now." Looking at the swaying lovesick heartbroken red on the ground, Uran smiled slightly and was about to turn and leave.

Xiao Wu has Lovesick Heartbroken Red, presumably the safety factor will be higher, right?

As for what the Shrek Seven Devils and the group will do afterwards, he doesn't care.

"No, I don’t have to eliminate them in the first round. I just play the last game and let Xiao Wu show her face in Douluo Continent. Although this is cheaper for Tang San and Shrek, it doesn’t matter. Let them be too early. A round trip, it still feels too cruel." Uran thought for a while, and made a secret decision in his heart.

Play for a while, the Shrek Seven Monsters are more famous, and they will be better known by defeating them in front of the Heaven Dou Empire nationwide.

Otherwise, I would send them away in the first round, and I would have no sense of accomplishment.

As Uran was talking to herself, Xiao Wu hesitated to stay, "Would you not stay longer? Dai Mubai is also here, I just saw Zhu Zhuqing also come."

Apparently she hadn't figured out that Zhu Zhu had already spotted someone early in the morning

After hearing Xiao Wu mentioned Dai Mubai, Uran was slightly taken aback.

What followed was a headache.

Zhu Zhuqing can be nearby. If Dai Mubai sees her and he wraps Zhu Zhuqing on his face, wouldn't Uranium send Zhu Zhuqing home?

When thinking of this situation, Uran's expression changed.

"You're right, I want to take Zhu Zhuqing away quickly. Ciao~" Xiao Wu's words urged Uranium to move. The original slow movement speed suddenly increased, even Xiao Wu didn't see what happened. Feel a flower in front of me.

In the next moment, Uranium disappeared before her eyes.

"What happened? How did you run so fast?" Xiao Wu tilted her head in doubt as she watched the wind that was generated by the fast action rolled up the fallen leaves.

"Well, forget it, I didn't expect Uranium to detect my identity as a soul beast, oh! I forgot to tell him that I can't reveal this!" Xiao Wu didn't turn the corner for a while, but As Uranium left, she suddenly felt bad.

Originally she wanted to chase it out, but Xiao Wu suddenly found out.

The Wu Jue Stone tied under the Lovesick Heartbroken Red was unexpectedly heavy.

She wasted a lot of energy even lifting it up!

"Can I only eat it? Or pick it off first?" Seeing that there is no hope of chasing Uranium, Xiao Wu could only stop, and looked sadly at the palm-sized white flower in front of him. There are a few patches on the white flower. The amazing red, bright red like blood, looks a bit thrilling.

Xiao Wu was silent.

To pluck this flower requires sincere feelings.

But in terms of feelings, are she and Tang San really that kind of love between men and women?

For a time, the previous images appeared in her mind one after another, and Xiao Wu couldn't help but be stunned.

Tang San has been away for three months, and every night, her mind is full of Tang San's figure.

The departed Uranium naturally did not understand Xiao Wu's hesitation at the moment.

Because he is full of Zhu Zhuqing now.

For Xiao Wu, he has no idea of ​​love between men and women at all, he can only take care of his cute sister or stupid daughter.

There is not only love in the world, but more family affection, friendship, nostalgia, etc. The combination of seven emotions and six desires is a complete person.

Soon, Uranium came to the main campus area.

Since arriving at the Blue Blaster Advanced Soul Master Academy, Uranium hasn't observed this place carefully.

Although the main campus area is not as gorgeous as the Tiandou Royal Academy, it is also extremely practical. At this time, many students on the playground are there to communicate with each other.

These students are the foundation of the Blue Ba Advanced Soul Master Academy.

Ordinary soul master.

People like Uranium, Zhu Zhuqing, or Xiao Wu Tang San have already closed in the mimicry training area and are ready to attack the Soul Master Competition. Naturally, it is impossible for them to laugh like the students in front of them.

But Uranium has a dream of returning to university for all this.

These people in front of him inadvertently touched his memories.

"In the future, should I open a university? Since I have come here, then, I always have to change something, universities, libraries, western restaurants, snack streets, computer malls, I miss them so much." Looking at these all kinds of things People, Uranium could not help but have an idea.

A bold idea.

After all, the university’s operating model is different from the Soul Master Academy. Although they are divided into one class, there are many tutors, and they are all adult education, but the different class system and free time management are very important for Douluo mainland. That seems to be a new attempt.

"I just saw that she was walking in this direction. Why didn't I see anyone?" Scratching his head, Uran casually flung her silver hair.

Very strange.

At this moment, he stood quietly on the periphery of the playground.

Soon, the eyes of some female students stayed on Uran.

So handsome~

This is their first impression.

Indeed, with Uran's appearance at the moment, even if his martial spirit was sublimated, Tang San, who was promoted to the Blue Silver Emperor, would not be as handsome as him.

A long silver hair was neatly scattered behind him, hanging down to his waist, and the red pupils were as magnificent as rubies, shining brightly, like intoxicating premium red wine, exuding a different kind of charm.

And his figure is even more upright, close to the standard height of 1.8 meters, and a silver-blue mixed-and-matched style of British clothing, which highlights Uran's graceful temperament.

As the female students focused on Uranium, the other male students did the same, but the difference was that they could feel things that the female students could not.

For example, powerful

A strong force facing the edge.

No male student dared to stare at the uranium for more than five seconds, as if the sharpness that would be torn apart in the next moment, could not help changing their eyes.

"It seems that there is no her here." Seeing these students' attention seemed to have a tendency to lean on him, Uran curled his lips, turned his head and walked in the other direction.

But before he took a few steps, he was stunned.

A figure suddenly flashed in front of, it was flying away


The figure crashed to the ground and hit the ground, lifting a thick dust.

Vaguely, one could see that it was a rather majestic figure.


The small figure of the woman landed lightly, without making a sound, like a ghost of a ghost.

"What's the matter?" He saw Zhu Zhuqing who was standing in front of him clearly, and Dai Mubai who was lying on the ground with a shocked expression, Uran was puzzled.

Wouldn't it be true that Xiao Wu was right in such a short time?

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, have they met now?

But right now, lying on the ground, struggling to stand up, it was the thirty-ninth-level Power Attack Element Battle Soul Venerable, the evil eye white tiger Dai Mubai.

And the one who knocked him to the ground was the thirty-seventh-level agile attack type soul sovereign, Zhu Zhuqing.

The difference in spirit power between the two could be described as negligible.

Zhu Zhuqing has a soul bone, and the difference between the two levels is not that big.

Zhu Zhuqing was right, if she encountered Dai Mubai's harassment again, she could clean up Dai Mubai herself.

"Um, let's go!" Uranu's expression changed immediately when he sensed that the people here were about to gather.

Run quickly. People are under the eaves. If they hit someone and don't run away, they will be held accountable. They are foreigners.

Just do as he said, Uran immediately rushed to Zhu Zhuqing's body, grabbed her little hand, and rushed towards the door of the Lanba Senior Soul Master Academy.

The speed is so fast that a faint afterimage has been set off!


Before Zhu Zhuqing could react, he saw Uran picking her up and slipping towards the distance.

But Dai Mubai sat there blankly, his face full of loneliness.

Dai Mubai was dumbfounded.

The cause of the matter is just now

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