Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 243: The surrendered Darkborn, the requirements of uranium (4k)

Latest website: Along with Raast’s surrender, a scene of horror appeared.

The earth trembled suddenly, and it seemed that even the entire mental space was trembling along with it, and a crack on the ground quickly extended, reaching Uran's feet in the blink of an eye.

Wherever the crack passed, the rubble soared into the sky under the action of the violent air current, and flew straight to an altitude of several hundred meters.

The red magma, along the cracked ground, showed a shuddering crimson in the deepest part.

The sky is getting darker.

The hot breath swept the whole land.

But uranium was not moved by it.

"Since you said surrender, then show your posture. Raast."

The strength of the mysterious man immediately made Raast choked.

The next moment, a dark red figure suddenly emerged from Kai Ying's body.

It was a terrifying existence composed entirely of red and black.

The shoulders with the obsidian color are constantly outlined, from the back, from the lumbar spine to the side waist, revealing the rugged structural edges, as well as the chest, waist and abdomen, which are completely shaped textures composed of red energy.

Like boiling magma, it exudes a palpitating sense of fear.

And its hands, only on the forearms, are there obsidian-like armors, and the upper half of the arms are made up of restrained red awns.

On both sides of its head, there are hard joints that are consistent with other body materials. They are as sharp as a knife, wider than the shoulders, and stretch toward the back, like a weapon of killing!

No, in the perception of uranium, it itself is an extremely **** killing weapon!

At this moment, this final weapon hung its high head on Uranium.

Among all the darkborns, it is the one that has fallen most thoroughly. It has nothing to do with the glory of the **** Shurima, or the calculated anger.

It only surrenders to its own masterpiece of killing!

Like Atox, he cared so much about his own glory that he went mad and fell into madness.

Therefore, it will not feel humiliated for surrendering to a certain existence...

"I am Raast, I am a sickle, I will only cause killings, then, how do you plan to use me? Lord... People...?"

Laast in front of him, lowered his head slightly, and his hoarse voice slowly sounded.

Kai Ying stared blankly at her martial arts soul, and suddenly there was a guy who looked very violent and bloody, and then bowed her head to the mysterious person.

Is this Raast?

Uran waved his hand, dispelling the doubts in Kai Ying's heart, and whispered to Raast, "I know there is a place that suits you well enough to make you kill. That place is called the City of Killing. "

Uranium knew that Raast's surrender was only on the surface.

He has neither signed a contract with it, nor has any binding ability. Now it is so behaving because it is not his opponent.

Once the opponent grows up through **** killing, it is difficult to imagine what will happen later.

However, he is not afraid, the power of a nuclear kick is enough to destroy the world. If Raast is not obedient, then let it taste it...

Moreover, perhaps Raast was once at the 100th level of the full level, but at the moment it is only level ten and needs to grow slowly.

Then the current Uranium is 80th-level combat effectiveness, and he will continue to grow stronger, faster than Raast!

Therefore, Uranium intends to use its true ability in the form of incentives. The current Douluo Continent, he saw very pleasing to the eye, and he didn't want Raast to destroy it now, including the Sun-Moon Continent, the same.

Simply hang a carrot to Raast to make it work.

"Oh? Killing... the capital? It's interesting to hear the name, so what's the price?"

Indeed, if it hadn't had the strongest body yet, it would have gone out to kill wantonly.

"The price? Humph, this is a win-win situation, but for you, you have to do a little bit."

The mysterious man chuckled. Since Kaiying has been loyal to him, she must not be too weak in terms of strength, otherwise it will be meaningless at all!

If it's too rubbish, how to be his spokesperson?

Just rely on a 30th-level soul sovereign?

"Since you are from Valoran, you must be Kayn, do you also know?" Just now, Uranium had already moved from Raast's tone, and what Saidli said was already clear.

It comes from Valoran.

And in Valoran, when it comes to Raast, there must be another person who learns shadow magic and learns from the Lord of Shadow Stream, Jie!

And now, in Douluo Continent, the man possessed by Raast is named Kaiying!

Although it is only a word difference, the pronunciation is the same, and Wuhun is even more like a sickle. It is hard for Uranium to think this is a coincidence.

It must be destiny!

"Me?" Kai Ying couldn't help asking behind him. At this moment, he was still a little confused.

Raast was silent.

Because it knows that this mysterious person is saying that once...

Does it actually know? Raast thought to himself.

Although Raast’s face had no skin, only three holes burning with fiery flames, there was no change in his face, but Uranium was still keenly aware of its surprise.

This also indirectly shows that it has fallen too deeply, and it is not that it does not know the stakes.

Otherwise, he would not immediately admit counsel.

"Kayin is good at shadow magic. Although the energy system of the Douluo Continent does not match, you have been a'good partner' who has stayed with him for many years. You must also understand the power of shadow? Teach Kayin, wait for him to reach the 80th level in ten years. Contra, I will tell you the location of the Slaughter City. When the time comes, you can kill as many people as you want." Uran said lightly.

It just so happened that when Kai Ying reached level 80, the killing capital would have been destroyed long ago. Although nothing could be seen on the surface, Uranium was secretly smiling at this moment.

Don't blame me, Darkborn, this is the world's fault.

The mysterious person in front of Kaiying smiled and said with feeling, "I remember that you can improve your abilities by fighting against different types of opponents, right? Kaiying hunts remote soul masters, you and melee souls Master fights together."

As soon as this remark came out, Laast was a little dazed.

Raast bent his sharp knuckles, scratched his chin, and said with difficulty, "Even if you let me teach him, I don't have the energy. I just stay alive now. Very tired."

The implication is that if I want me to teach shadow magic, I have to add money...

While speaking, Raast watched the mysterious man's reaction secretly.

But what disappointed it was that the armor in front of it could not be pierced at all by itself. This thing seemed to have the ability to cut off all sight. In its perception, there was no mysterious human aura.

This also makes it more vigilant.

As if he was aware of Raast's observation, Uran smiled, not caring about the other party's prying eyes.

Don't mind its temptation.

As long as he is strong, then naturally he can ignore any opponent, and Zhu Zhuqing also uses the bug characteristics of the third spirit ability to show that she will not be her own weakness.

"Want energy? Yes, provided that you have this qualification. I will grant you a certain amount of radiant energy for every level 5 of Kaiying, but whether it can be absorbed depends on you."

If it is energy, then he is not worried.

He is a humanoid reactor!

It's just that the radiant energy is not big or small. Although he can control the external energy through the field of radiation, the endless stream of particles in the body is still a mystery.

I am afraid that it will take Kaleidoscope to fully understand what his martial soul is.

Proof of the movement of all things radiation.

Unless it is absolute zero, the energy called radiation produced by the movement of particles will never stop.

This is also the key to almost unlimited energy in his body.

But with his current Soul King ability, he still couldn't control it.

"Okay, the game time is over. I'm leaving, Kaiying. Within ten days, I will go to the Tiandou Royal Academy to re-enroll and assist my younger generations." It is determined that Raast will help Kaiying to practice, so Uranium There is no reason to be here.

Although the real body cannot be detected after wearing the Cronus Soul Guidance armor, the energy fluctuations in the radiation field are almost the same. Presumably Raast can distinguish it, and simply disguise himself as a real elder, and wait for the little blood. Also appear, it will naturally understand that this energy is a genetic nature.

In this case, other people are a little safer.

However, he still needs to do some precautions...

He himself ran out, but before leaving, he found a good seedling of Kai Ying, a subordinate, although this good seedling was older than himself.

Now, it's time to go back.

As soon as the voice fell, Uranium disappeared into Kai Ying's spiritual space.

Don't talk too much, just have the meaning, and I have talked enough about Raast and Kaiying.

The fission of the earth, the hot sky.

The gray haze, the lava black ground, only an inhuman existence, and a blank look of Kai Ying.

He didn't understand at all, what was going on.

Didn't it mean that Raast was sleeping?

Why, looking at it, it is still very energetic?

It seems that the two people are one body, or because Raast's body is the spirit of Kaiying, just as Kaiying can detect Raast's heart, so does the other party.

Unlike the life-and-death struggle with Kayn ten thousand years ago, what Laast is facing at this moment is how to get along with this eternal host. This is a big problem.

Because, it has the opportunity to appear outside instead of Kay Ying, as long as Kay Ying is willing, then it can fight.

But the subject consciousness is still Kaiying, as long as he has a thought, he will continue to return to the appearance of a weapon, he is the weak side.

However, Laast knew that he had huge potential, and at the same time he could awaken his power through killing, and it was far beyond Kaiying's imagination and cognition, and he was also a strong side.

"This kind of balance is something I never expected before. I originally thought that I would continue to enjoy killing and destruction until the end of time, but I didn't expect that I was actually just a part of human beings, a mere human being~"

"Hey, Kaiying, I said, you are too weak? You are so weak, what qualifications do you have to be my host? Look at others! It seems that I want to make you stronger, kill, bloody, and shattered! Just do it..."

Raast stood up straight and patted Kai Ying on the shoulder, his tone was obviously different from what he used to be.

This is a change of mentality. After being forced and restrained by that mysterious person, he could not help but develop a hatred of iron and steel.

"Hey, Raast, I said, it was because you suddenly disappeared, and you squeezed out the soul power that I had finally cultivated, do you still have a face to say me?" It seems that I can feel Raast's teasing taste. Kai Ying couldn't help but coldly asked.

"Oh? Is there such a thing? Isn't it your spirit power side that missed it? I have been staying in the mental space without doing anything." Laast humanized scratched with obsidian sharp claws. He scratched his head and made a harsh sound of gold and stone.

"..." Kai Ying suddenly felt a fire, but there was no way to get Raast at all.

"However, by the way, Kay Ying, I can feel it, that guy, put something on our body, a blue light spot, and it will soon merge into your body, I can't solve it." Suddenly, between the two of them During the chat, Raast murmured, interrupting Kai Ying's thoughts.

"I have anticipated this. Since he has made us loyal, there must be some measures." Kaiying did not make a fuss about this incident, but continued to focus on Raast.

He was quite curious about the Wuhun consciousness in front of him.

At this moment, Kai Ying and Raast were like the scenes of Douluo Er's Huo Yuhao and Tianmeng Bingcan entering the spiritual space and turning black.

"It's just that you can feel what type it is? Controlling the body, controlling the mind, or poison? At a certain point, you will die if you don't give an antidote?" Kai Ying thinks so. , And then looked at this partner named Raast who was actually a very bloodthirsty existence, suddenly I was a little afraid that the mysterious person would have the means to kill the people.

"Don't worry, Kaiying, you are dead, I will continue to live on your behalf and inherit your will, but I can't guarantee that I will treat your fiancee well." Raast said suddenly heartless After saying this, he smiled a few times.

"Hey, you fellow, you are just my martial soul, I am dead, won't you die?" Kai Ying's face was a little dark, and he was uncomfortable after being told by others that he died, especially The words of his own Martial Soul made him have a fierce impulse.

"Okay, okay, actually I guess, okay, who knows?" Hearing Kaiying seemed to be angry, Laast hurriedly hugged Kaiying's shoulder, like a good buddy. Looks like, but you can't tell apologetic from his expression.

"His, positioning, I guess, it should be positioning, there is no danger, although I can't rule it out, it is also because this thing is too small, let's go out, I really want to kill something."

"Forget it, it's not easy to resume cultivation, I'm going to practice for one night tonight." Kai Ying shook her head, with an indifferent expression of rejecting Raast's invitation to kill.


Soon returned to the hotel and knocked on Zhu Zhuqing's door.

In order to save money, Zhu Zhuqing only booked one room.

There are still six months left before the Soul Master Competition...........


It's the long-lost book push link again

I took a look. It was probably a traditional Douluo type, which was different from what I wrote.

The name is: Douluo uses sword to change life

The following is a brief introduction: stepping through the barriers of space, finally escaping from the heavy siege, and waking up to a special world. There is no cultivation base, all treasures are lost, and everything starts over, the cultivation system here is a bit different, with weird power. At the beginning of the game, I ran into a soft rabbit! ! The little fairy is so cute, will she cry for a long time with a punch? !

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