Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 301: Zhu Zhuqing

Kai Ying panted heavily on the stage, silently regaining her spirit power.

But the second game began immediately, leaving him too little time to rest.

As soon as Shrek Academy’s Jingling came on the field, he flew towards Kaiying with the speed of the agile attack system, flashing constantly to avoid being hit head-on.

However, Kai Ying's speed is also top-notch at the level of Soul Venerable. Although he is a power attack system, he is not inferior to Jing Ling. He also directly made a movement, constantly approaching Jing Ling's direction.

Soon, Kai Ying caught Jing Ling, the magic sickle was held upside down, and a faint soul power lingered on it. Kai Ying sighed deeply and stepped on the ground with the soles of her feet. go with.

Once the battle begins, there is no dazzling feeling, everything is the simplest confrontation.

"The giant sickle swept!"

"Bone Claws!"

Jing Ling's figure swiftly deceived into Kai Ying's side. On his right palm, his soul power was condensed like bones. With a wave of his right palm, three stern bone claws slashed away at Kai Ying's chest. .

Kaiying's defense is very simple. The frontal sickle is used to slash, and the hand-held sickle handle is used for the defense. His spirit is very tough and can be used as an offensive and defensive combat weapon.

The spirit ability and the Darkborn Demon Sickle instantly touched, and the tyrannical spirit power fluctuations suddenly dispersed, making a dull collision sound.

In the next moment, a swift figure quickly rushed out, continuously surrounding the competition arena, and began to gallop. It was Jingling.

"Damn, his defensive power is amazing. He obviously doesn't have a defensive spirit ability, but he gives me a sense of weight like Tyrone. I can't fight hard, or even if his spirit power is not enough, it will be enough before the spirit power disappears. Beat me."

Jing Ling realized that even if Kai Ying had insufficient spirit power, it still had full combat effectiveness before the spirit power disappeared, and immediately gave up the idea of ​​head-on hard work and began to wander continuously.

In fact, this is the battle mentality of agile attack type spirit masters, relying on speed to avoid key spirit skills, and then wait for the opportunity to eliminate the opponent's auxiliary type soul masters, control type soul masters, and heal type soul masters, paving the way for the team to win , Rather than head-on with a strong offensive spirit master unwisely like just now.

However, Zhu Zhuqing is really a very small number of agile attack type spirit masters who destroy a team by himself.

As Kaiying's spirit power was in danger, he could only guarantee that he could barely hang behind Jingling, but could not continue to attack him. At this moment, he couldn't help but regret it.

"Damn, my spirit power is no longer enough to use Glancing Shadow Walk, otherwise I can easily catch up with him, I would have known that I won't be procrastinated when I hit Tyrone."

In the end, Kay Ying stopped and raised his hand to signal that he would admit defeat.

His soul power has been exhausted.

"Hiccup hahaha, Kaiying, I didn't expect you to have today. Didn't you say that I am invincible below level 40? This is your invincibility. I really have a long experience." In Kaiying's mind, a hoarse laughter suddenly sounded. .

"Raast, I don't think you can contribute at all, otherwise how could I lose!" Kai Ying said angrily when he stepped down.

"Idiot, I'm just a sickle, the force is what you want!"

Soon, Zhu Zhuqing played.

Facing Zhu Zhuqing, who was also a sensitive attacker, Jingling's expression suddenly became serious. Without hesitation, he directly copied the previous tricks against Kaiying and tried to delay.

His martial spirit is not too sophisticated, but as a sensitive attack type spirit master, Jing Ling's speed is beyond doubt, and the master gave him only one word, hide.

However, Zhu Zhuqing is not only a Soul Master of the Mind Attack System, but also a Soul Sect!

Moreover, it is still a forty-five level soul sect!

Undoubtedly, when Jingling had just acted, Zhu Zhuqing's lightning-fast figure suddenly appeared in front of him, a simple nether stab, and landed firmly on Jingling's throat.

There was no one minute faster or one second slower, as if he had predicted Jingling's path of action, and the sharp cat's claws stopped Jingling just right.

"I surrender!"

Facing Zhu Zhuqing's terrifying speed, Jing Ling raised his hands almost instantly and said with a pale face.

As soon as Zhu Zhuqing appeared on stage in the early days, it put great pressure on everyone in Shrek Academy.

"She is so strong..." Xiao Wu said solemnly.

"Well, even me, I can only guarantee that speed will not be easily defeated, but I heard that her most powerful is still the spirit bone ability, and she has a state of emptiness similar to Kaiying's third spirit ability." Anna shook her fingers and said with a bit of frustration.

"Nana, don't be like this. Didn't you just make a bold statement that you can defeat Uranium? Why now you say you can't beat Zhu Zhuqing, hehe." Ning Rongrong smiled and shook Diana's arm. .

"I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense!" Diana shook her head again and again in fright, shivering like a frightened white rabbit.

"Hahaha~" Tang San, Oscar and others all smiled.

After Diana's interruption, their solemn expressions were wiped out. At this moment, they were not as serious as they were just now.

"But, in the third scene, are you going to Xiao Wu, or Ma Hongjun?" Tang San looked at Xiao Wu with a slightly condensed face, then looked at Ma Hongjun who was also like this, and couldn't help feeling a headache.

Their order has actually been set. One or two games are Tailong Jingling, and three or four are Xiao Wu and Ma Hongjun. But now, Tang San is a little bit confused about the order of the two.

"Ma Hongjun went to suddenly, the master interrupted.

"Little San, if we guessed it before, even if it's not very accurate, it's still enough to consume most of Zhu Zhuqing's soul power. You have to trust your companion just like I believe you." The master patted Tang San on the shoulder. , Said in a deep tone.

"Well, I understand, teacher." Tang San nodded, then looked at Ma Hongjun.

"Leave it to me." Ma Hongjun gave a thumbs up, indicating that he could do it.

When Ma Hongjun stepped onto the court, there was a faint laughter from the surrounding viewing platform.

Almost all the academy teams are here to watch Shrek Academy vs. Tiandou Royal Academy, but at this moment, they are the first time they see Shrek Academy actually has such a player, compared to the mighty Tyrone before, the cold Jingling , Lovely Xiao Wu, tyrannical Dai Mubai, terrifying Diana, steady Tang San and others, Ma Hongjun in front of them seemed to give people the feeling of a small ball of meat.

Although Ma Hongjun is not as fat as two years ago, he still has a spherical body, especially the flesh on his face is extremely swollen. Although he is not the youngest member of Shrek Academy in the middle grade, he is obviously the youngest from the outside.

What's more, in previous games, Ma Hongjun has never played.

Even the local Elemental Academy and the Principality Soul Master Academy in other places have never paid attention to Ma Hongjun. They will pay attention to Tang San, Diana, Dai Mubai and Xiao Wu, but they will never pay attention to a little one. Fat man.

"It's Ma Hongjun... Zhuqing is a bit difficult." Uran looked at the upcoming game, frowning involuntarily.

Flying is something most spirit masters can't do, and similarly, there is no corresponding means for flying spirit masters.

And Ma Hongjun's Fire Phoenix Martial Spirit, among all the flying martial spirits, happens to be at the top of the food chain!

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