Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 310: Battle in the moonlight

Under the bright moonlight, the spirit power level in Diana's body began to rise rapidly.

   Soon, he broke through the 50th Soul King level, fifty-one, fifty-two, soaring all the way to fifty-five, and then slowly stabilized.

   With such an incredible degree of enhancement, the audience frowned.

When Diana displayed that strange fourth spirit ability, the audience below couldn't help but whispered in surprise, this kind of secret skills that can suddenly increase spirit power, other families said that they can also be obtained. It came out, but the accompanying price was also staggering. Either lifelong soul power would not be stored, or he would die when used up. In short, they were all fighting moves. How could soul power increase soul power like the girl in front of me?

"No, that's not right. A thousand-year-old spirit ability can't achieve this level. There must be other reasons, can it be..." Platinum Bishop Salas frowned slightly and glanced at the scene faintly. The hazy full moon that was isolated and suddenly appeared, there was already a bit of speculation in my heart.

"Such an amazing talent, if it can't be used by the Spirit Hall, it would be a great loss..." While thinking, Salas thought of the leader of Shrek Academy, who was named Master The man can't help but get a headache. With this character, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to get things done.

   Moreover, he can't do anything to the master, otherwise, once the pope is angry, even if he doesn't demote himself, I'm afraid this life will be over.

   "This is just the beginning, Diana is using this level of spirit ability, I am afraid that she wants to fight quickly, right? I don't know if there is any hope of defeating him."

   Ma Hongjun said with a worried tone, and these words also made the other people nod one after another.

At this moment, as Diana's spirit power fluctuations stabilized, she slowly stood up, the Moon Silver Blade pointed directly at Uranium?   What was originally a little nervous?   She swept away with a cheerful expression, leaving only ? Indifferent.

"Is it finally done? Huh?  I can't wait...", Uranium's soles slowly swirled on the ground for a half circle?  Then he stepped heavily on it, and the sound of soul power exploded?  On the soles of the feet?  Storm From there, he pulled the full field of sight.

With the sound of the explosion, Uranium, with the help of the rebound force of the sudden explosion of soul power, suddenly rushed towards Diana, who was standing proudly not far away?  Above the light blade of nuclear energy?  Gray spirit power surged out, silky The light was weirdly entwined with the light blade, but under the cover of the gray spirit power, it would be difficult to detect it without careful inspection.

Glancing at the uranium blasted from the front, Diane's eyebrows frowned slightly?  The Moon Silver Blade in her hand began to move, and the soles of her feet lightly stomped on the ground?  Light silver spirit power gushed out from the soles of the feet, and a large swath formed in front of her body in an instant. The sharp moon blade?   cut away at the uranium fiercely.

Feeling the sound of the moon blade breaking through the air in front of him, Uranium's arm was raised?  Slightly silent?  The huge light blade that overwhelmed the sky burst out?  It continued to extend and cut straight away, and that large piece of the moon blade was not close to the uranium. It was this light blade that slashed away suddenly.

Because of the cross-cutting, Uran’s violent stature slowed down slightly. When Uran again borrowed a trick on the ground to prepare to rush straight to Diana, not far above her head. The cold voice suddenly sounded.

   "Crescent Moon Strike!"

After the shout fell, the Moon Silver Blade in Diana's hand suddenly pointed to the uranium below, and her toes tapped the void, and a faint silver light appeared under her feet. With the help of this silver light, Diana fell rapidly, and the pale light extended the moon. The silver blade, from top to bottom, immediately slashed away at the uranium below.

   The silver blade of energy cuts through the void, as if torn through space, bringing up ripples like water waves, like a meteor falling from the sky.

The brows were slightly frowned, and Uranium's feet exerted force, and suddenly changed from a sudden rush to a sudden retreat from an unscientific angle. When the body retreated, the extended crescent hit just pressed against the surface of the body and cut it away. The sharp wind made Uranium's skin sting.

The Jiao body revolved in the air for half a circle, and immediately fell back to the ground like a white lotus. Diana's jade hand waved horizontally, and with the wave of her palm, the new moon strike that had failed to attack, unexpectedly Turning his head, he once again stabbed at the uranium that had nowhere to focus in the sudden retreat.

   Looking at the new moon strike that pierced again, Uran was slightly startled, and then frowned slightly, locking spirit ability? The corner of his eyes glanced around, unless he used a dagger to break through the air directly, otherwise it would be really difficult to avoid the violent attack of the spirit ability.

   "Since you can't hide, then just stick it..." As the thought fell in his mind, the gray spirit power on the back of Uran's hand suddenly soared, and the huge spirit power that was released suddenly made countless people below face shocked.

   Gray light flashed out, the light blade waved, carrying vigorous vigor fluctuations, and the astonished eyes below slammed Diana's first spirit ability fiercely.


   The two touched, and the fierce energy explosion sounded above the void, and the messy light of silver and gray caused some people to close their eyes.

Diana stood still on the spot, looking up at the center of the explosion. The dazzling silver-gray mixed light did not seem to cause any hindrance to her. Bright eyes, staring at the explosion, in the fourth spirit ability: Inviting the Moon Phantom Array She also knows the power of her first spirit ability under the increase of the moon’s new moon, but she knows best that even the spirit master of the soul king level wants to resist the previous blow It was quite difficult, and if uranium could break this blow, then Diana would be able to roughly analyze where he had not seen him in the past few years.

Her moon-inviting phantom array will form a new moon for a limited time. Under the new moon environment, all her spirit abilities will achieve a 100% extra boost At the same time, the consumption of spirit abilities will be reduced. The control of the spirit ability has increased significantly, so she can control the various turns of the first spirit ability. After all, she also only has such an offensive spirit ability.

When the third spirit ability Moonlight comes, any of her attacks or defenses will have an additional moonlight effect. The moonlight will form a small moon blade after contact with the opponent, which can not only cut the opponent's body, but also to a certain extent. The upper affects the mental power, and this moonlight effect can be superimposed. In other words, the more difficult it is to fight against her, the more difficult it is to fight against her. Not only must you defend against the attack of the spirit ability, but also take care of your body and spirit.

   In the competition stage, the halo gradually diminished, and a silver shadow suddenly shot away at Diana who was standing on the ground. The strong pressure of the wind made the eardrum sore.

   The speed at which the silver shadow violently struck made Diana's pretty face changed slightly, her toes were a little bit on the ground, and her body seemed to be sliding back nearly ten meters in an instant.

"Boom!" The silver shadow landed hard and hit the place where Nalan Yanran had settled before. Suddenly, a violent sound rang from the competition platform. There were cracks and cracks in the flying stone. Spread out from the dust.

   Diana slipped back and stopped slowly, staring at the dusty place lightly, her breathing stagnated for no reason.

   She saw it, a pair of strange pupils that met black and yellow.

   It is spinning slightly.

   "This is Uranium's martial spirit, the eye of destruction!" At this moment, Diana's heart was alarming, and the long-lost sense of fear filled her heart.

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