Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 386: Opportunity to escape

Everyone in the audience was shocked.

Hearing this voice, the protected Tang Sanmeng raised his head, his eyes filled with surprises, and the face of Pope Bibi Dong on the other side suddenly became dignified, letting go of the pressure on Dugu Bo and staring into the sky. .

And hearing this, everyone at Shrek Academy was a little confused except Tang San.

"Could it be..."

Tang San was full of surprise.

Immediately afterwards, with a low roar, I saw a flash of light and shadow in mid-air. The two titled Douluo who had released their spirits were about to rush to Tang San and the others, but they were suddenly exploded, and the two figures were all together. All fly out.

Bibi Dong's expression suddenly changed drastically, this voice, this aura, that's right, it was Tang Hao!

At the same time, a figure appeared directly in midair.

It was a middle-aged man, he looked like he was in his fifties, he was tall and burly, but his appearance was not flattering.

The torn robe was worn on the body without even a patch on it, exposing the bronzed skin underneath. The original facial features were covered with a waxy yellow, a look of sleepy eyes, and the hair was messy like a bird's nest. The beard on the face has not been sorted out for many days.

At Tang Hao's side, there was a huge hammer, accompanied by nine spirit rings, exuding a breath of terror.

Similarly, Tang Hao's last spirit ring was also scarlet! One hundred thousand year spirit ring!


Tears filled Tang San's eyes, and he suddenly woke up at this moment. It turned out that his father hadn't left him. He could appear at this time, and he must have been protecting himself in secret! Thinking of this, Tang San, who was two lives, was also extremely moved.

"Tang Hao, you really came."

Bibi Dong shouted sharply.

When the words fell, Bibi Dong's scepter slammed the ground!


The invisible air wave spreads towards the surroundings! Hu Liena, who was behind her, was directly shaken out.

The entire square was like a hurricane.

Under this intense coercion, everyone in Shrek could only retreat again and again, but the next moment, Tang Hao's figure appeared in front of everyone, blocking the intimidating gale for them.

For a while, Tang San's surroundings seemed to be suppressed by a hurricane, calm and terrifying.

Uranium and Zhu Zhuqing were close together, and Kai Ying, Yadele and other members of the Emperor Dou 2nd team gathered behind Uran. Shrek had Tang Hao, but the Emperor Dou 2nd team only Uranium could shelter them from the wind and rain.

The heavy pressure surged into my heart, making Uran not know what it was like.

If he wants to escape, the difficulty may not be too great. As long as he is willing to be cruel, someone will block the way with a nuclear kick and kick it directly. With the huge deterrent spirit skills, naturally, those spirit masters, The Templars did not dare to step forward.

And the more powerful Title Douluo, during the process of being involved in Tang Hao, they must have no time to take care of them. Then, after Tang Hao was involved, at his speed, he could quickly escape from the Spirit Hall. Soul City.

At present, he still holds an opportunity to stop time in his hand. After he escapes, when the Titled Douluo of the Spirit Hall chase after him, he will use his last chance today and kill one of them forcefully. Or it could be seriously injured, and then take this opportunity to escape, thinking about Uranium, it is perfect.

But, what about Zhu Zhuqing and the other partners of the Huangdou Second Team?

Perhaps the Spirit Hall will not attack them, but those greedy spirit masters who are eager to take the soul bone from his body have no scruples, whether it is threatening him to surrender the soul bone, or...

They don't even care about killing people and stealing treasures, let alone Zhu Zhuqing, Mei Kong, Ying and other five people with beautiful appearances are rare in the world. Without his umbrella...

Uranium couldn't imagine what they would encounter.

"I can't evacuate too fast. I must kill these greedy soul masters in one fell swoop, otherwise, there will be endless troubles." A thought flashed in Uran's heart.

"Maybe... I need to sell a flaw, such as... I was seriously injured on the surface, then naturally, they will be attracted to me. Hey, the soul master is really disgusting, and there is no legal constraint. , One by one, like wolves, the black hand stumbling, it seems that you can do whatever you want with the strength..." Uran gritted his teeth, and suddenly felt that the Spirit Hall is better to deal with, at least they are willing to guard Rules, for the sake of justice and justice, even if you suffer a loss, you will bite your teeth and swallow it.

And those soul masters who are not in charge, one by one, as long as there are benefits, and if there are soul bones, soul beasts, soul guides, and treasures as the driving force of interest, they dare to risk killing people and stealing treasures. The point is called the road of the soul master, if you don't advance, you will retreat, the natural selection of things, the law of the jungle.

To put it harder, it is a robber at leisure and a robber in war.

Instead of relying on powerful forces to promote productive forces, but instead lie on the people's body to **** blood, it is no wonder that the world of soul masters has not developed towards a higher world of martial arts, and has always been in this deformed era.

"When I become the number one in the world, I must completely transform this deformed and backward world. It's **** disgusting." Even with the quality and quality of uranium, I couldn't help but curse secretly at this time. People, it's really hard.

At this time, even if he had a father come out to protect him, maybe the problem would not be too big. Even as it is now, his little friend can’t escape if he escapes, and if he protects his little partner, he might be arrested. live.

"Oh, I remember that my father should also be a Douluo. I really hope he can run out and shout now. Who dares to hurt my son? Then a star burst into the sky, and a star shook the whole group of people. Scum..." Uran sighed and said so in words, but in his heart, he knew that such a scene was impossible and impossible, so he just imagined it.

After living in the Star Dou Great Forest for so many years, he has long understood that perhaps, he is not the center of a world, the protagonist of the Douluo Continent, otherwise, how could he suffer so much?

His greatest wish was to live.

And now... the same is true!

"I want to live!" Uran strengthened his conviction, turned his head, and looked at the Templar Knights who surrounded them not far away, and suddenly understood.

Uran looked at Zhu Zhuqing. At this time, only Zhu Zhuqing should have the ability to protect the Second Team of Emperor Dou. "Zhuqing, go to Xueqinghe. Only he, the Prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, can protect you from those spirit masters. Peep! Besides, you don't need to hide the third spirit ability's ultimate move. Once someone does something against you, you will kill him directly!"

Uranium instructed Zhu Zhuqing, Zhu Zhuqing’s third spirit ability: Desolation spirit can enter the shadow world for a short time, and at the same time, every attack on her will be accompanied by a terrifying killing ability similar to a space fault. He also wants to avoid the edge temporarily, let alone those ordinary spirit masters.

Since participating in this soul master contest, Zhu Zhuqing has never used this third soul ability's real ultimate move, but has constantly applied the ability of'Entering the Shadow World' to act as invincibility for a short time.

However, no one has ever considered why Zhu Zhuqing can only use a third spirit ability in such a small amount, nor has he considered why the soul power consumption of a small third spirit ability would be so terrifying.

If it’s just invincible, then Xiao Wu’s invincible golden body consumes only so little, and it is still the fourth spirit ability, so why Zhu Zhuqing’s consumption is so high, a battle will only take a few seconds to be empty, even more The fourth spirit ability consumes more spirit power.

Now the answer has been revealed, the greatest ability of this spirit ability is not short-term invincibility, but killing.

"What about you?" Zhu Zhuqing asked calmly, frowning.

"I want to kill, hehe, don't worry, the target of the Wuhun Hall is me, and the target of those scum is also me. I will let them see the horror of the radiant eye Wuhun..." Uran patted Zhu Zhuqing On the shoulders, continued.

"Okay, you pay attention to it. When they start fighting, it's time to retreat!"

He wants to play up the spirit of twelve points, the spirit hall is like a cloud, and he must make all the preparations.

Zhu Zhuqing didn't say any more, just glanced at Uranium with extremely worried eyes, and focused all his attention on Shrek and Wuhun Temple where the battle was about to break out.

She knows very well that once Uran decides something, she will never go back.

"As long as you think it's correct, no matter what setbacks you encounter, I will accompany you down..." Zhu Zhuqing said secretly in his heart.

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