Douluo’s Nuclear Explosion

Chapter 402: You can continue to trust me

Qian Renxue's question made Uran's movement of rubbing the gilt token pause a bit.

He sighed slightly, Uran raised his head, and his clear eyes looked at Qian Renxue smoothly before speaking slowly.

"At this time today, at this time, I already know that you are him."

Before Qian Renxue could speak, Uranus continued to speak.

"In this world, I don’t know many people. Even in the large Tiandou Royal Academy, I don’t have any so-called brothers or followers. I have always walked in the world with a cold attitude. In the case of yesterday, unless you are a true confidant, there is no one to save."

Speaking of the next few words, Uran's expression was indifferent and indifferent.

It's just that there is no regret in his tone, nor is he uncomfortable because of the lack of friends, on the contrary...

Yes, in fact, apart from the seven people of Oslo, Yufeng, Yu Tianheng, Ye Lingling, Dugu Yan, and Shi Family Brothers, Uranus did not have in-depth communication with any spirit masters, and even the above-mentioned people were very interested in Uranium. In terms of it, it is not a fellow traveler.

Sad? No, Uranium felt that being clean was also a good thing, but he didn't actively make friends for the sake of being clean, but because he didn't need to make friends and he felt clean.

"So? Why can you accurately determine me just from your confidantes and friends?" Qian Renxue asked quietly, her expression unchanged.

Her face changed slightly when the words were finished.

No, no, judging from the information she collects in the weekdays, it seems that...there is a reason and the ability to actively rescue uranium seems...only Prince Xue Qinghe is!

Did she blew herself up without thinking about it?

For a time, Qian Renxue's heart fell into self-blame.

It's careless.

She forgot to consider that Uranium is the kind of orphan who has no friends and no relatives, so the only person who can save him is Xue Qinghe, who has the best relationship and is like the irresistible.

However, she still has a little doubt.

"Why can you judge me? If you say, I am actually the mainland soul master whom Xue Qinghe asked for rescue? My disguise is very clever, and ordinary people can't imagine that a man can become a woman." This is Qian Renxue Reasonably speaking, even if she was saved, it should be doubted whether it was a friend of Xue Qinghe, or something like worship, rather than a bitter claim that she was Xue Qinghe.

Seeing Qian Renxue's seriousness, she must want to know where her flaws were revealed, Uran smiled silently, raised her hand, and a bright blue light suddenly appeared on his right hand!

The tiny blue soul power light spots barely emerged from Uran's hands, floating in the air.

At the same time, a blue light appeared on Qian Renxue's shoulders!

The two flickered as if they were of the same origin, like a firefly, beautiful and fragile.

Just as the wind blows, there is a tendency to escape.

"This is..." Qian Renxue stared blankly at the blue light spots floating on her body, and was stunned for a while.

Isn't this Uranium's fifth spirit ability, the blue spirit power that would suddenly appear before the release?

How could it be on her?

Uranium did not sway Qian Renxue's appetite, and soon understood the truth.

"My fifth soul skill: nuclear missile fist, if it wants to launch, it needs a prerequisite, that is positioning, and then it can conduct guided flight. As you can see, this is the spot of positioning."

As soon as she said this, Qian Renxue's face suddenly turned dark.

Good guy, is this taking her as the target of attack, ready to attack at any time?

Uranium saw Qian Renxue’s dark face, and then added: “But in fact, it is not just this kind of function, it also helps me determine the approximate location of a person and whether they are hurt. This kind of vague thing, all the people who are important to me have this soul power light spot."

Hearing these words, Qian Renxue's dark complexion slowly faded, but it was still unsightly. After all, this was a power that even she hadn't noticed.

Although there is no danger, it will give people a feeling of being watched.

"With this blue soul power light spot, I can be sure that you, that is, him, Xue Qinghe." In the end, Uran said the final judgment.

And Qian Renxue also showed such an expression.

However, there was still a trace of confusion on her face, Qian Renxue and Uran's eyes met, staring closely, "Since you already know the truth, aren't you afraid? Kill you here?"

Uran shook his head slightly, "I am not afraid of death, nor am I afraid of dying here. If you really want to cause me to die, then you will not save me, so I want to take things, all things It's clear that I don't care if you pretend to be Xueqinghe and seek the throne of the Heaven Dou Empire, I just feel confused."


"I have an agreement with Xue Qinghe. I will assist him in completing the great hegemony of the eternal emperor, but when Xueqinghe is no longer Xueqinghe, does this agreement still count? Where is my path? Where should I go? As for Xue Qinghe, for me, is everything in the past real?" A trace of loneliness appeared in Uran's tone for the first time.

These words seemed to hit the weakness of the woman in front of her. Suddenly, Qian Renxue's body trembled insignificantly, and she also lowered her head, her eyes full of complexity and unwillingness.

"Yes...I am Xueqinghe in at that time, was it true?"

Without too much thought, her eyes quickly reappeared. Yes, that’s right, she is indeed Xueqinghe in disguise, but in Qian Renxue’s heart, uranium is her most important, and also The only friend.

The brotherhood of the past is real.

After confirming her heart, Qian Renxue quickly raised her head and looked at Uranium. The right hand that was originally placed outside the window and glowing with soul power also completely dissipated her soul power. She stared at Uranium’s eyes. Word by word he said: "The agreement is still valid, I am Qian Renxue, but I am still Xueqinghe! The two have no distinction between each other, what you see is just another gesture of mine, the real Xueqinghe morning He was dead at the age of ten! As you can see, drinking with you, chatting with you about national events, and walking around the streets with you nothing, have always been me, my emotions with you, and there has never been the slightest pretense and fool!"

"You can still continue to trust me!"

Qian Renxue's words are utterly decisive!

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